HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970.05.04_City Council Minutes~~ ~ ~ -~ May 4, 1970 The Owasso Town Council met in regular session on Monday, T~iay 4, 1970, at 7:00 p.m. PRESEI'1T: John troth Chairman of Board Bill Henson Trustee Howard Stamper Trustee Gary Evans Trustee Joe Ross (7:45) Trustee Donah Huggins Acting Clerk PfI. S. Sawyer Attorney for Town Josephine Downey Deputy Clerk The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved as read. Nir. Sawyer presented a letter dated May 4, 1970 to the Board of Trustees of Owasso, signed by himself. Letter contained comments, opinion, and requirements for the property and easements in the Mingo Valley Shopping Center. There was a map of the described property attached. A copy of the letter has been sent to Dr. Reed's attorney. There is no further action we should take until we hear from the attorney. I~f1r. Sawyer reported that the Town's method of partolling and inspecting various taverns in the Town was proper according to the law. T~.r. troth read Section 11, ~~.$1 from Oklahoma Statutes regarding annexation~fcetain properties that we discussed at the last regular meeting. The matter is under consideration. The Board discussed the feasibility of Cwasso becoming a City rather than a Town. It was agreed that a peoples' project should be done by the people. I~~~Ir. Evans moved that each Trustee select two appointees to a Citizeen's Committee to study the feasibility of becoming a City rather than a Town, with the charter for the Town of Owasso as the basis of the study; seconded by I~~~r. Henson. Ayes: troth, Stamper, Ross, Evans., Henson PAST BUSIPvESS The Board reviewed recent complaints regarding Police Reports. T~ir. troth stated tl~ he could find no grounds to substair~Ciate a complaint of that nature. Statements of facts of certa~... N~:ople concerned were reviewed. It was agreed that no further action was necessary. ~rir. troth suggested that in the future Council meetings, a formal agenda should be prepared with meetings conducted according to schedule. i~Ir. Henson moved that in the future anyone wishing to express a complaint before the Board, must have presented that complaint, in writing and signed, at City Hall before the close of the last business day preceeding each regular meeting.ltiToBusiness that has not beer: .listed: on the agenda will be conducted. PtRotion seconded by 11r. Stamper. Ayes: troth, Evans, Stamper, Henson, Ross. I~~Ir. Fred Nuckleson, Representative from Santa Fe Railroad, came before the Board regarding relocation of our water line immediately West of the sewage disposal pond in line with the railroad. Mr. Nuckleson / ~ ,k i~~iay 4, 1970--minutes continued-- reported that if the Town would do the labor on the project, Santa Fe would pay for all necessary material. He requested that the work be done as soon as possible. Ivir. Ross moved that we proceed with the relocation of the water line as soon as possible; seconded by Iu~r. Stamper. Ayes: troth, Stamper, Henson, Ross., evans. Santa Fe will send us a letter stating that they will supply material; we will return a letter agreeing to supply labor. The Board reviewed several of the past due water bills. Ivlr. Stamper m owed that we change the 'turn on fee' for past due water bills from ~l to •~5; seconded by Mr. Evans. Ayes: troth, Ross, Henson, Evans., Stamper. Letter was reviewed from the Church of the Later Day Saints requesting permissiona and necessary requirements for the sale of wreaths for i~femorial Day in the Town Limits. :%lr. Evans moved that the Church be permitted to sell wreaths and be charged for a liscense fee to sell in the Town Limits; seconded by ivir. Ross. Ayes: troth, Ross, Stamper, Henson, Evans. Letter dated April 2$, 1970, signed 'oy i~irs. Yola Charney, requesting the Council to appoint 5 more members to the Library Board. ivir. Ross moved that Tvirs. Fickle, ivirs. Sockolosky, %.rs. Kolb, Dirs. Hessing, and Father Lang be appointed to the Library Hoard; seconded by I~ir. Stamper. Ayes: troth, Staper, Ross, Evans, Henson. Letter signed by I~~iR. N?artin Auterburn, 603 N. Atlanta, was read to the Council. ivs. Auterburn stated that gravel was being washed down from the Free ~o~Till Baptist Church parking area and lodging in front of his house creating lots of dust from passing cars. ivir. troth will compose a letter to all churches concerned requesting them to have an oil base covering on their gravel parking lots to prevent gravel from washing away. P•~ir. troth reviewed the T.i`i.A.P.C. Report, dated April 17, 1970, with the Council. An operating schedule had been presented for the coming year and the budget had been approved. The Board discussed the letter dated April 2~, 19'70 from the Community Planning Associates regarding our municipal complex building. ivir. Roy Chandler was in Owasso Saturday :Morning concerning the Public Drunk charge that had been filed on him previously. T~ir. troth advised the man to seek proper council and then file charges if he still wanted to. It was reported that the General Fund was X575• in the red on the Police Department. The Board questioned the hours worked by Mr. Douglas which were unauthorized by Chief ~~Iaters. After some discussion, Chief T~Vaters recommended that the Board authorize payment for the work. %•ir. troth suggested that X1,000 be transfered from the Sewer Fund and that ~5C0 be taken from the Sewer Improvement Fund to take care of the inadequaC~.es of the General Fund. i`~lr. Henson so moved; seconded by irr. Evans. Ayes: troth, Ross, Henson, Evans, Stamper. P~Ir. :-Tenson moved that payment be authorized for ivir. Douglas's hours in question; seconded by Ivir. Evans. Ayes: troth, Ross, Henson, Stamper,Evans. P~Zay 4, 1970--minutes continued-- ~~ .. 1. The following Treasurer's Report was presented at this time by ~~r. Groth in absence of the Treasurer. FUND BANK CERT.DEPOSIT ~•ZATUR.DATE SAVINGS General Fund 630.76 Sales Tax Reserve 12,234•$5 4,000.00 P~Tay 15, 1970 4,000.00 May 15, 1970 4,000.00 June 29,1970 4,000.00 Oct. 15,1970 6,000.00 Nlay 19, 1970 Firemen's Pension Fd. Refuse Fund 5,273•$$ Street & Alley Fd. 7,27b.01 Sinking Fund 973.73 '~'Vater Fund Sewer Fund Sewer Imp. Fd. P•Zeter Deposit Fd. Park Fund Cemetery Fund Cemetery Perp. Care Fund OUA Fund 6,000.00 Mar. 1$,1972 5,000.00 T~riar. 1$,1971 5,000.00 Pflar. 1$,1971 2,000.00 ~~Zar. 1$,1971 5,000.00 Mar. 1$,1971 7,000.00 Mar. 1$,1971 3,000.00 Mar. 1$,1971 5,000.00 Apr. 9,1971 1,97$.5$ 7,130.61 5,441.55 1,000.00 Apr. 9,1971 2,$00.77 3,945.05 3,500.00 Tfar. 1$,1972 2,000.00 2,000.00 Mar. 1$,1972 2,000.00 Mar. 1$,1972 4,000.00 Apr. 9,1972 10,495.39 1,34$.92 91.39 4,000.00 Apr. 9,1972 4,279.$3 1,9 2.74 7 ,5oC.00 3,97 .5 BALANCE OF FUPdDS General Fund Personal Services 6,201.12 r2 & 0 2, $35.67 Capital Outlay 1,419.03 Street & Alley Personal Services 466.12 ~t & 0 1,104.7$ Capital Outlay - 0 - 10,456.42 1,570.90 The Treasurer's Report was approved as read. ±S 'f`,.. d`. ~Y;ay 4, 1970--minutes continued-- i~%ir. Henson moved that iv1r. Jerry Douglas be put on full time duty as a police officer at a salary of X430 per month. After some discussion, i~ir. Henson withdrew the motion as no second was heard. The Town is now in receipt of the Bond for Treasurer. The following claims were signed and approved by the Board: General Fund: Okla. Blue Cross, Shied 61.20 First Bank of Owasso 330.95 Victor Koenning 15.00 Charles Liebler 70.00 Public Service 1$.06 Owasso Veternary Hosp. $9.00 American Family Life 6.00 Apco Oil Corp. 104.07 Hillcrest medical Center 24.00 Leach's Service Station $.00 Jansco 5.41 5.41 Sun Oil Co. 1.~0 Dubie ~^~ells & ASSOCIATES 10..00 Earl Rippetoe 2d.00 Owasso T tf 9.00 R.C. Hinton 57.12 ~'Joodrow ~^daters 36. $3 Bernard ~~^dilliams 47.2$ Bruce Davis 43.55 Tom Schick 15.93 J.A. Douglas 15$.92 ^~oodrow ~~^daters 191.01 Bernard ~^Jilliams 1$2.59 Bruce Davis 1$7.07 Street & Alley Fund: David Lynn Barter $$.bl ^later Fund: Okla. Blue Cross, Shield 166.b0 First Bank Owasso 400.45 Pyramid Development Corp. 150.00 Public Service 33.12 Skelly Oil 226.26 American Family Life 7.90 ~~icKesson Chemical 250.25 Curtin Scientific 32.1b Gerald Swanson 25.00 Cooper Supply 33.15 R.A. Young ~: Son 51.10 Owasso Lumber $$.29 Kelly Tractor ~ Impl. 2,000.00 ~~°r'. A. Shanks Agency $5.00 Owasso Volunteer Fire Aux. 93.00 Standard Auto Supply 371.$7 Josephine Downey 72.$1 Dorothy Floyd 3.96 E.T. Templeton 34.95 I4iay 4, 1970--minutes continued-- ~vater Fd. Continued-- Buddy Hilburn Paul I~'1cBride Darl Brown Dorothy Allsup Glenna Anderson Josephine Downey h~:arjorie Helm James Tyler Leonard Thompson E.T. Templeton $uddy Hilburn Paul I~~cBride 12.64 35.13 14$.99 141.12 61.04 162.53 53.72 254.62 177.14 163.$4 174.14 162.0$ Sewer Fund: Okla. Blue Cross, Shield First Bank, Owasso P~~ansur Steele-Williams, Inc. First Bank of Owasso Kelly Tractor & Impl. Co. H.C. Bradley Refuse Fund: Earl Rippetoe P~~Ieter Deposit Fund: Chas. Phillips Fred Corley Richard Littlefield Peter Inda Raymond Tillman Leroy Brown OUA Fund: OUA Operating Account Park Fund: Ruth ~1~,cCarty Frank ~~1a11ace 16.05 47.20 25.00 250.00 1,437.73 1$3.06 1,541.62 X5/00 15.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 4,279.$3 10,000.00 250.00 ivTr. Stamper moved we adjourn at 10:30 p.m. seconded by I~lr. Evans. Ayes: Groth, Stamper, Evans, Ross, Henson. ~--~" 4 rJ`ohn R. Groth, Chariman of Board ,i tt f ,.~!, '`ati Huggins, Cle