HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970.06.01_City Council MinutesrF~ .' June 1, 197C The Owasso Town Council met in regular session on .Monday, June 1, 1970, at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall. PRESENT: John Groth Joe Ross Bill -ienson Howard Stamper Gary Evans i~'I.S. Sawyer Donate Huggins Josephine Downey President of Board Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Attorney for Town Acting Town Clerk Deputy Clerk Minutes of the last regular meeting wEre read and approved as read with noted corrections: Portion regarding General Fund being in the red in the Police Department--Police Department should be stricken. Portion regarding property purchased from Dr. and Pars. Deed-- property is clear with exception of a past tax debt. Following Treasurer's Report read by sir. troth in absence of Treasurer. FUND BAPvK CERT. DEPOSIT NIATUR. DATE SAVII~TGS General Fund 1,$79.04 Sales Tax reserve 14,379.$3 Firemen's Pension Fd. Ref use Fund Street x alley Fd. Sinking rand 5,$29.51 $,369.97 1,.$93.04 ?,later Fund Sewer Fund Sewer Imp. Fund I~•'Ieter Deposit Fund Park Fund Cemetery Fund Cemetery Perp. Care 0'JA Fund 5,344.54 4,337.95 2,420.77 4,645.05 4,000.00 Aug. 15,1970 4,000.00 Aug. 15,1970 4,000.00 June 29,1970 4,000.00 oct. 15,1970 6,000.00 Aug. 19,1970 6,aoo.oo P~~Iar. 1$,1972 S,000.GO Tyiar. 1$,1971 5,000.00 ivIar. 1$,1971 2,000.00 i~~ar. 1$,1971 5,000.00 Pear. 1$,1971 7,000.00 P~iar. 1$,1971 3,000.00 P~Zar. 1$,1971 5,000.00 April 9,1972 1,000.00 April 9,1971 3,500.00 Pear. k$,1972 2,000.00 R'Iar. 1$,1972 2,000.00 Pflar. 1$,1972 4,000.00 April 9,1972 197$.5$ 2,000.00 245.39 1,47$.77 134.73 4,000.00 April 9,1972 2 911.05 53, 9. 4 7 ,500.00 3,97 .5 BALANCE OF FUNDS General Fund ~7e~sgnal Services ~,~~~.~~ Capital Outlay 1;4 7,$37.31 Street & ALLEN ~e~sonal Services 1 ~~~: Capital Outlay '-0- ~ 1,4$2.29 June 1, 1970--minutes continued-- Continuation of the previous meeting began with completion of Attorney's Report. Tyr. Sawyer presented a ~,Tarranty Deed prepared and executed by the i~~ingo Valley Shopping Center, Inc. to the Council for review. P~4r. Sawyer recommended that the deed be approved with the listed restrictions on said property, with only the unpaid tax debt to be settled. I~Ir. Henson moved that the V~arranty Deed from Mingo Valley Shopping Center, Inc. be accepted as presented; seconded by i'~r. Stamper. Ayes: Groth, Ross, Henson, Evans, Stamper. i~ir. Sawyer further advised that the matter of taxes will have to be worked out before the Town of Owasso delivers the moneys for the property, but that our check should be in full amount 25,000 less initial X100 already paid as earnest money. The Town received a request for publication from the U.S. Department of Housing regarding the Town Charter, Public Officials, and Terms with. dates of Office. The Council reviewed i~~~r. Sawyer's answer to the request and will direct i`U,r. Sawyer to transmit the letter in a Town Envelope. OLD BUSINESS: The Board reviewed the final submission of papers and draft for the Sewage Project. The letter of transmittal from ~Iansuer Steele to the Town Of Owasso regarding the Improvement and Enlargement of the T~later Sewer System Project was discussed by the Board. I~~r. Ross moved that T~ir. Groth be authorized to sign the agreement; seconded by I'~Ir. Stamper. Ayes: Groth, Ross, Evans, Stamper, Henson. The Council reviewed applications and necessary forms for application of Federal Grants. The Board discussed Resolution TuTo. 19: I~r. Henson moved that I~~r. Groth be authorized and directed to make application and sign for Federal Fur:ds for the Sewer Improvement and Enlargement Project; seconded by i~ir. Stamper. Ayes: Groth, Ross, Henson, Evans, Stamper (Copy of Resolution ~ 19 is attached) Resolution Tdo. 20 regarding application to State r~^later Pollution Control Agency and Federal 6~later Pollution Control Administration. i~r. Henson moved that I~ir. troth be authorized to sign application to State ~,'Tater Pollution Control Agency and Federal ~s~ater Pollution Control Administration for Funds; seconded by I~Ir. Evans. Ayes: troth, Ross, Stamper, Henson, Evans.( Copy of Resolution X20 is attached) ~7r. Ross moved that I~r. Grot:~ be authorized and directed to sign all necessary papers and forms to comply with the State Health Regulations; seconded by i'r. -Ienson. ayes: Grvth, Tlenson, Ross, Evans, Stamper. Claim far the personal car used on Town Business by T~~Ir. Herb Tyler presented to the Council. I~~r. Ross suggested that i~ir. Tyler be paid 10~ a mile for use of his personal car on Town Business. The Board discussed and submitted appointees to the Citizeen's Committee for the study of the Town Charter. Gary Evans appointed I~xx. Tom Schick and i~Ir. Floyd SimIIns, John troth appointed i~ir. Jerry Shuck and fir. Allan Anderson, Joe i~.oss appointed I~Zr. Boyd Spencer and ;fir. ~1.C. Carver, Howard Stamper appoirl;ed i'~ir. David Collier and i~:r. John Scott, Bill Henson appointed i~~7r. John O'Dell. Further confirmation will have to be made before I~•Zr. Henson's second appointee is named. P~;r. Henson moved that names submitted be accepted as appointees on the Citizeen's Committee; seconded by ivir. Stamper. Ayes: troth, Ross, Stamper, Evans, Henson. June 1, 170, minutes continued-- It was reported that I'~Irs. iiessing had turned down her appointment to the Library Board. :sir. troth notified I'~irs. Yola Charney of her decision. r~Irs. Charney advised i~Ir. troth that he was the fifth appointee. The Council reviewed replies from local churches regarding our request to put oil base material on their gravel drive ways to keep dirt and gravel from washing down. St. Henry replied that the matter would be placed before their advisory board, which would meet on T~~Iay 17, 1970. Free ;^lill Baptist Church reported that they planned to blacktop the drive as soon as possible. Central 3aptist did not state they would comply with our request but mentioned some of the other problem areas of the town instead. Letter dated I~~Iay 13, 1970~from Santa Fe Railroad Company, with confirmation that Santa Fe would pay all material, App. ~1~,000. if we would supply the labor necessary for the relocation of the water line near the sewage disposal pond and the railroad. After some discussion, Mr. Evans moved that we notify Santa Fe Railroad that we would not be able to do labor on relocation of the water line in a reasonable amount of time because of the soil and ditch in that area, but that we would be interested in paying the difference for a 12" water line rather than having an g" line installed. T~Zotion was seconded by Lyr. Stamper. Ayes: troth, Ross, Denson, Evans, Stamper. It was reported that both Sinclair Gil Co. and i~r. Ira Leach, Lessee, had been contacted regarding the screening fence required for the parking of wrecked cars in that particular area. If the fence is not installed, Sinclair will have to cease using the property for junk cars. ~Ir. Ross moved that X3,000. worth of Certificates of Deposit be purchased from the h~leter Deposit Fund; seconded by P~~Ir. Stamper. Ayes: troth, Ross, Evans, Stamper, Henson. NEtiti' BUSIrdESS hZr. Denson moved and r~Ir. Ross seconded that a building permit be issued for the new Safeway Store about to be constructed. Ayes: troth, Ross, Henson, Evans, Stamper. A letter of resignation from P~Ir. Paul ~~cBride, 1003 N. Cedar, was read before the Council. T~ir. Stamper moved that the letter of resignation be accepted; seconded by I~ir. Henson. Ayes: troth, Ross, Evans, Stamper, Hensors. A letter of resignation from hr. Jerry Douglas, x~art time police officer, was presented to the Board. Since h~Ir. Douglas vras only a part time employee, it was not necessary for the letter to be presented to the !council. "Tr. troth advised that the City Fire Truck was to used in the City Limits .: only. The truck is not equipped for rural operation, and is to be used in the City Limits only. Letter from the Commercial Lumber Co. was reviewed by the Board. It is reported that FHA requires a letter of approval from the Town and ~,Vilawood Addition in order for the Lumber Co. to secure further loans from FHA. The Board agreed that we could send a letter of approval on the ti^later and Sanitary Sewer Systems, but that we would have to secure a 5 yr. &laintance Bond on Streets before streets could be approved. Mr. Evans moved, tiir. Stamper seconded that a ~~etter be sentas stated. June 1, 1970--minutes contined-- The Council reviewed the recommendation from Ir~r. Herb Tyler that i~Tr. Jerry Hewitt be hired to replace P~'Ir. Paul T~JTcBride on May 15, 1970 at a starting salary of X410 per month. Iv7r. Evans moved that y;r. Jerry Hewitt be hired to replace ~Ir. Paul A~TcBride at a starting salary of X410 per month ; seconded by hZr. Henson. Ayes: troth, Ross, Henson, Stamper, Evans. Letter was reviewed from the Business Service Co. regarding electric lighting facilities for T~TcCarty Park. I~~r. Stamper moved that the necessary facilities be purchased; seconded by itiIr. -ienson. Ayes: troth, Henson, Evans, Stamper, Ross. :^de will have to make application in person for a water tap, which will be X250. and X7.50 month minimum. 1~•~Tr. Ross moved that we purchase a water tap for the park; seconded by IfTr. Stamper. Ayes: troth, Ross, Henson, Evans, Stamper. It was reported that a State Representative will be present at the Chamber of Commerce meeting June 4, 1970, at the Town House Cafe. The intersection at $6th Street North and I~JTingo `Jalley Expressway will be discussed. Letter dated P~,ay 21, 1970, from i~f.~-~. Arterburn and eight signatures from residents, complaining about the unpaved portion on North Atlanta between 7th and $t h. It is reported that the church will pave their drive way, which should solve 90~ of the problem. Speed limits are posted on the street, so police officers will just have to enforce them. IvTr. troth recommended for approval that employees with 10 years or more with the City be given an extended vacation of three weeks rather than two they are now getting. hir. Ross so moved; seconded by I~Zr. Stamper. Ayes: troth, Ross, Stamper, Henson, Evans. Dog `Jaccination Jay will held at City Hall on June 20, 1970, from $:00 a.m. until 12:OC noon. Charge at City Hall will be 3.OOd or X4.00 if the dog is taken to the office for vaccination. It was announced that the Auditor is scheduled to be here on July 13, 1970. ~Tr. Stamper moved that i~7r. SaHyer's contract be renewed as Town Attorney; seconded by :sir. Henson. Ayes: troth, Ross, Henson, Evans, Stamper. I~Tr. Henson presented memo X12 dated June 12, 1970, to replace an original memo regarding nonauthorized persons riding in the police car. UTr. Stamper moved that we accept vemo X12; seconded by I~~~x. Evans. Ayes: troth, Ross, Stamper, Henson, Evans. It was reported that two of the 1st aid kits that had been ordered in connection with the rederal runds, had been omitted from the list, apparantly in error, as the price had not been changed. ~rJe will get their check within one week or 12 days.` ~°le then have 90 days to send remittance. The following warrants were signed and approved by the Board: General Fund: R. C. Hinton Ni. S. Sawyer Bruce A. Davis Bernard ;~~illiams sNoodrow ~'Jaters J . P.. Douglas Bernard uUilliams 57.12 6b .41 58.71 44.96 36.£x3 94.42 12.59 Bruce A. Davis 187.07 '~Joodrow uVaters 190.01 Okla. Blue Cross & Blue Shield 61.20 Colonial Life & Acc. Ins. Eo. 7.Ou First hank of Owasso 272.95 Public Service ~o. 3U.8b June 1, 1970--minutes continued-- General Fund (cont'd): Okla. Natural Gas Co. 2.46 Houston Ericksten 50.00 Maude Johnson 25.00 Harry b"doyley 25.00 John R. troth 25.00 Martha Boyd 10.00 Inez Odom 20.00 :`lilliam Henson 10.00 S . Sawyer >j .00 Victor Koenning 15.00 Charles C. Leibler 70.00 Bill Story Fire & Safety Co. 7.~~5 A,~co Oil Coro. 28.28 Leach's Service Station 12_.14 Bill Story Fire r' Safety Co. 620.00 Earl Rippetoe 10.00 J. A. Douglas 10.00 P~erle F. Allison 42_.75 Joe :Ross, Jr. 27.00 Neil H . S tat~lper 6.00 R. C. Linton 22.85 Don F. Allison 106.35 ~Noodrow i~:!aters 54.12 Bernard L. 'villiams 52.08 Bruce A. Davis 83.42 ~;!oodrow 'PJ . .'daters 191.01 Bruce A. Davis 1~7.0~ Bernard L. Nilliams 182.59 Street & Alley Fund: Amulco Asphalt Co. 319.68 Joe Ross 10.00 Gary Evans 10.00 David Lynn Barer 195.05 '.~Jater Fund: E. T. Templeton Dorothy Floyd Buddy Hilburn Leonard Thompson Jerry Hewitt Darl L. Brown Paul E . NicF3ride Paul E . NcBride Dorothy Allsup Jose~~hine Downey Glenna Anderson Niar jorie C . Helm James H. Tyler Buddy ll. Hilburn Leonard Thompson E. T. Templeton 25.62 36.64 26 .21 33.09 146.99 163.96 199.49 199.49 141.12 164.43 ~l .04 53.72 254.62 17 7.14 173.14 166.64 Water Fund (cont'd): Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. Pyramid Development Corp. Owasso Builders au_~ply JJS~YV Develop!r:ent Co. Starlane Corp. Howard Stamper Okla. .State Dept. of Health Stanaard Auto Sur~f~ly Skelly Oil Co. Utility Supply Co. Henry N1. Timbrook Cooper Supply Co . O~.vasso Vol. Fire Debt. Aux. Tulsa Sand Cam. Nestern Auto Deupree Distributing Co. Dibble Oil Co. Jirn'~ ~;Jheel Ali~nin Kelly Tractor & Impl. Co. Anchor Stone Co. J. H. Tyler Smith Culvert Co. E. T. Templeton B. D. Hilburn Dorothy Floyd Jerry W . Hetivitt Darl L. Brown Dorothy Allsup Glenna Anderson Josephine Downey Marjorie C. Helrn James H. Tyler Buddy D. Hilburn E. T. Templeton Leonard Thomason Sewer Fund: H. C. Bradley Blue Cross ~; Blue Shield Colonial Life & Acc. lns. Co. First Bank of Owasso First Bank 0f OwaSSo H. C. Bradley Refuse Fund: Earl Rippetoe Cemetery Fund: E. `P. Templeton R. A. Young & Son, Inc. Kelly- Tractor & hni~l. Co. Gravely Tractors J. H. Tyler Blue Cross & Blue Shield 139.5@ Colonial Life & Acc. 1ns.Co. 4.00 First ank of Owasso Okla. Natural Gas Co. Public Service Co. City Utility Service Public Service Co. 440.88 OUA Fund: 14.10 OUA Operating Account 42.20 1, 265.04 27.39 f !J ~ . 77.23 150.00 49.64 62.10 10~ .5U 10 .OU 50.00 X5.70 326.15 24.77 '~ .UO 929.12 46 . o0 74.34 3.17 26 . j6 59.96 11.00 110.24 2b .17 61.00 64.29 34.96 163.y1 76.93 181.02 13t~..59 141.12 61.04 162.53 53.`/2 254.b2 174.17 103.64 177.14 160.06 1.05 3.u0 47.20 250.00 13.06 1,572.94 15.65 2'/ .OU 128.62 122.74 34 , o0 2,911.05 June 1, 1970--minutes continued-- Meter Deposit Fund: Floyd Guiing 20.00 Ben R. S witzner 15.00 Owasso Realty Co. 15.00 Low U illines, deceased 5.00 Billy Monroe 20.00 Jim ~~rman 15.00 I. ,U. Hill 15.00 pearl Shouse 15.00 Jerry Jost 15.00 Guy Culwell 20.00 Darrell Clark 15.00 Ronald G. Frazier 15.00 Gary Ludwig 15.00 Larry J. Nhite 15.00 Sales Tax Reserve: :lingo Valley Shopping tenter, Inc. 24,900.00 rSr. :tam~;er moved we adjourn at 9:27 p.m.; seconded by hrr. Henson. Ayes: Croth, Ross, Evans, stamper, ienson. ~~ ~ ' __ 1 ~- ----~=--~ r~-------- ~ -- ~----=~- - ~==---------- ~ohn R. troth, Chairman of t3oard 1 ~~ ` / J ~' Don h i~uggins, Acting n erk