HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969.01.06_City Council Minutes_, ..
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January 6, 1969
The Owasso Town Council met in regular session on January 6, 1969
at 7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall.
PRESENT: John troth
Dean Large
Gary Evans
Bill Henson
Donate Huggins
Josephine Downey
ABSENT: Joe Ross
Chairman of Board
Acting Town Clerk
Deputy Clerk
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read except
that portion relating to fire hydrants. Specifications list hydrant
to be eventually changed to 4" with adaptors to be used in the meantime.
The following Treasurer's Report was read by Mr. troth in the absense
of the Treasurer.
General Fund 1,471.27
Refuse Fund 2,$05.3$
Firemen's Pesion Fd. 5,24$,20
Sales Tax Reserve Fd. 1,912.50
Street & Alley Fund 10,111.$1
Sinking Fund 1,056.12 4,000.00 Feb. 26,1969 5,000.00
5,000.00 Mar. 11,1969
5,000.00 May 6,1969
2,000.00 June 4,1969
10,000.00 Aug. 26,1969
Water Fund 2,030.19
Sewer Fund 3,536.61 1,000.00
Sewer Improv. Fd. 2,1$5.7$ 23,000.00 Jan. 27,1969
Meter Deposit Fd. 1,270.05 2,000.00 Apr. 23,1969 2,000.00 4,000.00
2,000.00 July 29,1969
3,500.00 Aug. 26,1969
Park Fund 244.3 9
Cemetery Fund 2,$57.67
OUA Fund 3,252.23
32,734.00 56,500.00 7,24$.20 10,000.01
Balance of Funds
General Fund Personal Services 13,052.45
Maint. & 0 erations 4, 00.00
Capital Outlay 66.50 1$,419.91
Street & Alley Perso al Services 4,~0~.00 •
faint . & (~ erations I, 0
Capital Ou~lay 2,000.00 7,$0$•77
January 6, 1969--minutes continued--
The Treasurer's Report was approved as read.
There is one vacancy on the City Planning Commission, there were no
suggestions at the preset time. Matter is still under consideration.
Mr. Erickson is willing to lease the building at $50 a month beginning
February 1. The building will be used as a jail; the present jail will
be converted to a court room at a cost of approximately $500 - $600.
City employees are doing labor to cut costs.
Mr. Henson moved that work be started on the new court room; seconded by
Mr. Evans. Ayes: troth, Large, Evans, Henson.
Police officers have been using their own cars since the accident in which
the police car was involved. The City is now leasing a car from the
Atlas Automobile Co.
Opening of bids for the new police car was started at 7:30, as scheduled.
The following five bids were received by the City:
Bid #1: Denton Easterling Motor Co. 215 S. Main Sapulpa.
Bid was $2724.54 submitted by Mr. Vic Hughs. Ford.
Bid #2: Wilkerson 7th & Boulder Tulsa.
Bid was $2767.65 submitted by Mr. R.A. Sward.
Bid #3: Fred Jones Ford 13th Boston Tulsa
Bid was $2$77.1$ submitted by Mr. H.M. Stevenson.
Bid #4: Bradley Chevrolet Broken Arrow.
Bid was $2559.59
Bid #5: Howard Chevrolet Collinsville/
Bid was $2443.45 submitted by Mr. Howard Sossamon.
The Board reviewed the bids and decided that Bid #4 didn't meet the
specifications for the police car. Bids 2 and 3 were eliminated due
to high ..prices. It was finally decided to accept the low bid from
Howard Chevrolet on Mr. troth's recommendation, due to price only.
Mr. Large moved that the bid from Howard Chevrolet for $2443.45 be
accepted for the new police car; seconded by Mr. Henson. Ayes: troth,
Large, Henson, Evans.
Mr. Large moved that power steering be added to the car making the total
price $2515.55; seconded by Mr. Henson. Ayes: troth, Large, Henson,
Mr. troth recommedded that the car be paid for by taking $1500. from the
Street & Alley Capital Outlay, $500. from the Sewer Fund, and $515. from
the Cemetery Fund. So moved by Mr. Large; seconded by Mr. Henson.
Ayes: troth, Large, Henson, Evans.
The Board then discussed the Bond issue for streets and sewer.
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January 6, 1969--minutes continued--
The Board reviewed the letter dated December 19 from Mansur Steele
regarding pavement, drainage, and sidewalks. Cost estimate summary
showed paving and grading would be approximately $56,000. Mr.
Atkinson will provide machinery for the paving, which will save
approximately ~; the town will supply materials. There will be
$2,000 set aside in reserve each month for the read paving project.
The new Health Center was discussed by the Board. It would take $20,000
for a lot for the Health Center. $100,000 would procure land for a
municipal complex. $200,000, together with the Federal Grant we would
be entitled, would build a $650,000 complex. Taxes would be raised
only $7.75 per $1,000. The decision is still under consideration,
but will be made at the next regular meeting.
Board discussed the Town's present police coverage. Policemen are
averaging 70 hours per week. The possibility of hiring a third full.-
time officer was considered. The matter is under consideration.
The following claims were signed and approved by the Board:
General Fund:
Fed. Reserve Bank 201.40
Dept. Public Welfare 49$.09
Okla. Tax Comm. 35.10
Woodrow Waters 60.09
Bernard Williams $$.21
Floyd Simons 195.43
Bruce Davis 116.2$
Victor Koenning 1.5.00
Owasso Vet Hospital 2$.00
Std. Auto Sup 2$.50
Greer 2 Wav Radio $.50
Public Service Co. 27.$0
Ronald Leach 40.00
Woodrow Waters 1$2.23
Bernard Williams 1$4.59
Street ~: Alley Fund:
Crager GMC 641.50
Water Fund:
Fed Reserve Bank 39$•25
Dept. Public Welfare $74.57
Okla. Tax Comm 6.1.10
Gene Hardin 60.10
Gerald Swanson 37.50
Sherrill &, Sherrill 150.00
DX Sunray Oil .59
Kerr-McGee 64.91
Apco Oil 1.75
S/W Meter & Sup 300.37
Okla. Army Surplus 17.9$
McKesson Chemical 162.35
Eagle Products 200.00
Kelly Tractor 12.00
Public Service Co. 222.53
Owasso Auto Repair 23,0$
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January 6, 1969--minutes continued--
Warrants con't
Dorothy Allsup 134.35
Josephine Downey 157.05
Gene Hardin 65.01
J.H. Tyler 237•$0
Buddy Hilburn 193.37
Leonard Thompson 16$•36
E.T. Templeton 15$•$1
Paul McBride 170.4
Sewer Fund:
Fed. Reserve Bank 39•$0
Dept. Public Welfare 1.07.69
Okla. Tax Comm 5•$0
First Natl Bank Owasso 250.00
Owass o Lumber 32.51
H.C. Bradley 171.22
Refuse Fund:
Earl Rippetoe 1,417.$6
OUA Fund
OUA OP, a/c 3,252.23
Meter Deposit Fund:
Vander Reeves 15.00
~obert Trahan 15.00
Leo Berkenbile 15.00
Raymond North 15.00
Cecil Jones 15.00
Cowan Apco 15.00
John Ford 15.00
T.W. Epperson 15.00
Mr. Large moved that we adjourn at 9:45 p•m.; seconded by Mr. Henson.
Ayes: Groth, Large, Henson, Evans.
Joh roth, Chairman of Board
Donate-June gins, Actin erk