HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969.05.19_City Council Minutes
^a~T ~ 9, 19E;9
T're Owasso mown Council rr_et in reg,iiar sessi on on T~?av l9, 169, at ?:00 p.m. in the
mown. T~Tall.
Present: JoY~r. troth
Jae Ta J.CJ
}i~_l reason
~:~arv Evans
Inez Cdom
Josephine Downey
T . S . Sawyer
President of tee '3oard
Town Clerk
Deputy Clerk
The mirnites of the last reeting were read and approved as read except: T'r. Sawyer
~,aished it stayed tY:at though the traffic tickets were not right, we coup make them
work. Also the ~,iinutes of February 1" were dated ~~ebruar.y 1.G and sho~.zl~? be changed.
T~~r. Evans nominated :~r. Evans for Health Officer. ":~r. Henson seconded the motion.
Ayes: troth, Evans, Ross, -~ensor..
TAT.:. troth sa_d the last treasury rer~ort tiad some errors and should be carrected as
follows: 1'he water Fund should` be ~?535.~?~> instead of -$538.9; the general Fund should
be ~2,,^91."6. The rer>ort also failed to list a ~2,"~00. Certificate of Deposit.
Tyr. Henson moved .~re purchase a ~h3,00G. certificate cf deposit from the sinking fund since
it contains an aT~ount of X6,620.1,.2. ?"r. Evans seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Fvans,
Ross, Henson.
T`r. troth read a letter in regard to T'ederal Assistance for T~~cCarty Park., stating our
rn~rncer wc~~ld be Okla. OSA-25.
T'.'r. Evans moved and A'fr. Henson seconded that we set June ?for do,a da~r and that a charge
cf `'~2. `0 would be r;ade for ~raccinat ions ; 51.00 fo?• male ~.icense ar~d $2.00 for female
~icens°. Ayes: Toth, :vans, Ross, Henson.
~~; ! R~-
TheT'oard agreed to continue using the T~icGee Service Sta+.,ion for ser~rice because it is
the only one in T'o~ti-n that will repair tr?zck_ tires.
Yx. troth asked for ar. expense account in connection with his position in the Cit~r. HF
Teas made many tries into Tulsa and other places which 'r:e has paid for himself. i~r. Ronson
moved T-s. Grot'r: be given ~~25.OC per month. instead cf < l0.OC, beginning T'a?T 7_, ~_q~G. Ts.
Ross seconded the oration. A~Tes: Evans, Ross, Her,.san.
Tr. Sallee, T,~rest cf town has agreed to take care cf catcriing, fee~in~ and care for stra~r
do?s for a fee of `100.00 per ~"onth, and the 'Town Jril~. furnish a ease for his truck.
Josephine will fi g~are ra,st expenses to determine if 'it is feasible.
~~^ ':Jr ?~ .7 z o .~ r as r ~ f ~' l ~
r. .;enscn gloved and a _~oss seconde., ~r„ a:;ve_ti,... fo. yids or reluse cc_~lect:_on as
*.•re have in the east, to be opened or. June 2_, -96q, at ?:30 i:,.r:.. AT.*es: troth, Evans, Toss,
?:ensor:. ~
i~r. Evans moved that a tree adjacent tc a utility pole on 12th Street, and. about .00 feet
>dest cf Dogr~aad Street 'oe rP,mOVP.d. P'r. T:eriSOn SeCOnded the r1.Ot.Cn. AzreS: Grath, F~vanS,
`'Vass, TiP,I7SQn•
T:r. erson moved and Tyr. Evans seconded that the new accountant, Glenna Anderson., be
',~oraed for ,:10,000., and. Court C1.erk, Inez Odor-, be bonded for `x'1,000. A`TP.S: troth,
:;vans, Ross, Henson.
;'av lq, 19F ~ -- i `imates conti.mYed ---
':~'r. '?oss moved that ti~rhen one of the po.iice cars is not being; ~zsed, it be made available
for I`r. 'i'-T1.er, Superi_nterdent to drive since '.^e ?~~.as been ~isir~~ nis own car cart of t'.:e
time. ,'r.~-raris S2C!?nded tl-.e mOtlon. A?TP,S: CI'Oth, Evans, ~OSS, F~e;'1SOn.
~;r. Evans moved any'. ? r. Henson seconded rr. joss be actinG President of the Counc:i ~.
Ar'fiii.e i`r. Groth is on vacation. Ages: '=roth, Evans, doss, f=.enscn.
A,°r. Groth exx~ressed a need to fi11 the vacancy on the council.
`~~e fcllowi r.~; claims were apr:rove~
General Fund :
;oloniai Life & Acc.Ins.Co.
JOhri R. Grot}~
I''arttYa 3oyd
Ire z Od o,,.
'~iil]_iam.~ Henson
:'harlAs 'L~ebler
T`_. .ci. SafrYnr
:. S. Saw~rer
i;arrv ~,tiorley
P~aYide Johnson
Houston E,ricks+„en
Gkla. Natural Gas
~ubie-;dolls ~^ ssociates
~f,i. ~`,. Shanks Agency
J. F. Cooke Co.
Ow~a.sso ~Ieterinarv :iospital
v'~,~assr ~epor per
T'ola ~'"ipps
~3ruce Da~t~is
b-vocdrw u~fatr.rs
Hernard ;ii _cliams
~,la~Td J7_"IOIiS
VOO,~rCW '.`da~erS
3ernard usiill.iams
Lee ~~arnes
Street A l le,,r rund:
Joe '?oss
Garr Evans
S irking :'und
rust i~atl_.3ank Owasso
eater Fund:
11.00 Col.crial hife °~ Acc.
25,~~J TiiT.J~. k' rni. Pev.CO.,InC.
lO.OO Star. a..arYe i'orp .
2C.~?C Cwasso Huilaers Supplzr
1^,;;;~~ Harold ~?. Lame
1!,i~.00 :err x'`cree "orp.
25,OQ .~~Jtlt~l~rrP.Stern ''=e11.
Fr',r)i l.'•tlil.ti°$ .°~er'tr1Ce"~1v.
25,0 F~Yl:,li.c Ser~rice Co.
25.oC L~kla.'i;~at~zra1 ras "o.
'"O.CO puller . o./Infilro Prod.
L~'',r4_ Ch~rasso Lum'~er Cc.
6.1~ '~`k?_a. Mate ~ept.1'ealth
i.O.OO ~;erald ". Swanscr.
?_5.00 =art ~'smp~:etor.
,~~,^'.r1~ JOSer'^1ne i~'CTJ1neV
t~~'.6~ ~'"le-Yna Anderson.
lJ s 2,i ~ a?:7~iP S Fi • .'•r~.er
ry5.22 -3u~:.Ld j' J• I~: 1. ~.Q~..'irri
11''..'~ F'aul~ i^c3ride
~ !',', 2? LeOnar _j it:O:;~t;SOn
~~_. 59 :~. ~'. ~'emnletor.
12' " ~, ~
Sewer _~und °
'::rJ1CY11al. L?fe G° Acc•
1':~.~JO ~nc,cr Stone Co.
Fau~_ h~"c3ri de
j. C. Bradley
transfer failowin~ ~~;eter ;e~asi-~~s to
water fund to close accau°~t.
Phillip Connel"~ ~ 15.n-~;
James Fistale 1.5.00
R. ~. Corder 15.00
Rcbert L. StedYran 1~.OG
Jimm~`r Gulley
. i ~,n;~
Elzie v~,n:ite ~ c.C;n
~iarcld Ta~-1or ~ ~ _ nn
?""eter ~~epesit Furry:
Oscar ,,"ummir.s
T''3ri. '1'a~rlor
:~a,.me FIar-gard
--ar« Umith
~ngo ~~a17.ev B7dg.Supp1T~
121. n9
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1 S.~Ot/
i'r. Henson mop-ed we adjourn at r:2'~ p.Yr:. P•?x. '?vax.s
secor~~?ed the :~~otien. All i.n fa~ror.
h Groth, FreSldent of the Board~~
Inez ri. vOdor~., mown Clerk