HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969.07.26_City Council Minutes
July 21, 1969
The Owasso Town Council met in regular session on July 21, 1969, at 7:00 p.m. in
the Town Hall.
Present: Joe Ross
Gary Evans
Donah Huggins
Josephine Downey
M. S. Sawyer
Acting President of the Board
Act?_ng Clerk
De~ZUtiy Clerk
The meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m. due to lack of quorum and was scheduled to re-
convene at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 26, 1969
July 26, 1969
The Owasso Town Council reconvened at 11:09 a.m. on July 26, 1969, in the Town Hall.
Present: John Groth
Joe Ross
Gary Evans
Howard Stamper
Inez Odom
Josephine Downey
M. S. Sawyer
Absent: Bill Henson
Mr. Stamper moved that Mr. Groth be reinstated as President of the Board after re-
turning frown vacation. Mr. Evans seconded the motion. Ayes: Groth, Ross, Stamper,
The minutes of the last abeeting were read and approved as read.
Mr. Rippetoe appeared before the Board to sign a 2-year contract for trash hauling.
David White voiced a complaint about trash service, and Mr. Groth said we have had
a rash of complaints in the office about the service. It was agreed that future
complaints would be referred to Mr. Rippetoe's home phone.
It was noted that paragraph 9 in the contract calls for a borxi which we have never
required. Mr. Groth suggested we withhold $S0. per month from Mr. Rippetoe's warrant
until an amount of $200. is in escrow. Any unusual amount of complaints will be
taken care of by City employees and expenses will be paid to the City from the escrow
fund at the rate of $1.00 per call. Mr. Ross so moved. Mr. Stamper seconded the
motion. Ayes: Groth, Ross, Stamper, Ea!ans.
Mr. Ross moved and Mr. Stamper secorxied that we accept the contract with Mr. Rippetoe.
Wyes: Groth, Ross, Stamper, Evans.
The proposed zoning and planning recommended by the Community Planning Associates
was discussed and it was decided the plan was ready to be presented to the Public.
The City had stopped using the local wrecker service because of exorbitant prices.
Mr. Leach offered to Mr. Waters, police chief, through his attorney, Mr. Charney,
service to City calls for $6.00 day calls and $7.00 night calls plus $1.00 per
mile after the first mile. The Board agreed to consider such a contract upon Mr.
Leach's presentation.
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July 26, 1969 --- Minutes continued ---
KELI asked permission to rent the north half of the police building for an admission-
paid dance. The Council had no objections and agreed to charge KEIS $20.00 rent and
require that they provide a policeman to patrol the dance and a janitor to clean the
building after the dance.
Ordinance No. 17..4 regarding teen-age curfew, was presented by Mr. Sawyer. Mr. Evans
moved and Mr. Stamper seconded that the Ordinance be accepted. Ayes: Groth, Ross,
Stamper, Evans.
Mr. Evans moved that an emergency exists and that the Ordinance be effective immediately.
Ayes: Groth, Ross, Stamper, Evans.
Mr. Evans moved we change the water charges to O.U.A. from .25 to.40 cents. Mr. Stamper
seconded the motion. Ayes: Groth, Ross, Stamper, Evans.
The following claims were approved:
General Fund :
Colonial Life & Acc.Ins.Co. 11.00
Apco Oil Corp. 18.85
Harry Worley 25.00
Maude Johnson 25.00
Houston Ericksten 50.00
Charles C. Liebler 70.00
William Henson 10.00
Inez Odom 20.00
Martha Boyd 10.00
John R. Groth 25.00
M. S. Sawyer 25.00
M. S. Sawyer 67.76
Tom Schick 9.00
Charles L. Sallee 131.61
Woodrow Waters 46.95
Bernard Williams 45.22
Floyd Simons 122.43
0. J. Acker 42.84
Bruce A. Davis 168.81
Bernard Williams 181.27
Woodrow Waters 177.91
Sew®r Fund:
Colonial Life & Acc.]ns.Co. 3.00
First Natal Bank,Owasso 250.00
Cooper Supply Co. 443.75
H. C. Bradley 1b7.90
Meter Deposit Fund:
Michael S. Sale 15.00
Hubert Gregory 15.00
Delton Flessner 20.00
Street & A11ey Fund:
Joe Ross 10.00
Gary Evans 10.00
Amulco Asphalt Co. 108.23
Sinking Fund:
First National Bank,Tulsa 135.30
Water Fund:
Colonial Life & Acc.Ins.Co. 11.00
Pioneer Supply Co.,Inc. 42.40
Tulsa County News 6.70
City Utility Service 1,318.56
Okla. Natural Gas 3.89
Sam'1 Dodsworth Co. 87.05
Public Service Co. 238.59
W.S. & W.Dev.Co.,7nc. 84.28
Owasso Bui7.ders Supply 40.91
Star]ane Corp. 131.87
Howard Stamper 10.00
Wells Food Market 11.87
Paul McBride 36.69
Kenneth Car7:kon 167.26
Dorothy Allsup 134.03
Josephine Downey 156.93
Glenna Anderson 61.69
Marjorie Helm 49.22
J. H. Tyler 237.48
Buddy Hilburn 164.04
Leonard Thompson 164.04
E. T. Templeton 158.49
Paul McBride ].44.01
Mr. Evans moved we adjourn at 1:15 p.m. Mr. Stamper seconded the motion. Ayes: Groth,
Ross, Stamper, Evans.
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