HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969.11.03_City Council Minutes7 ~daven;t-ter 3, lg6c 2'};e Gw~~.sso City Council ncet in re~firlur session on ~~oven~l.;er 3, 1869, ~,t 7:05 p .n~ , in t1Ee Town 1u11 1'i::SE2dT : John i Cmotli Ci-;airr.,an of I'.oard Gary 1-;vans Tr.astee :toward Stamper `T'rustee Don~kl~ lu~:~ins t~.ctin~ Z'own Clerk Josephine Downey Deputy Clerk A1r, Sawyer ~'.ttorney for Town ~~F~SEItiZ' : Joe i.oss, :Jilliani Benson. T1-~e minutes of tl,e last red:ulur n~eetin~ were read. and approved as read except for tle n:easurertients listed on I)r, heed's property, w1;ic1~ should lave reed 581_ ft, not 5.81 ft,, etc, T'lre following Treasurer's report was reed her Tr • (;rots; in t1~,e u~sence of t~,e Treasr,rrer. Fi1IvTD Et~2Jls CE1:T.iL~;PGSI'T'S t:~LTliI.Ir.T~ Sr.VI1tiCS 1-:-I'Uil C.ener~tl Fund 5, 283.90 S4tles Tux i~eserve 3, E-33.72 Q , OOO.OG ~aov, 15,1968 4,000.00 Ivov. 21,1969 4 , 000 , 00 I}ec . 29,19E59 4,000,00 Gct, 1.5, 1870 1 iren~en's Pension :refuse Fund 2,153.61 Street ~~ t.lley Fd , 5,14 7.72 Sinlzin{~ F,and 2, 528.29 5, OOCk.00 r:u~~ . 26~,1_g70 5,oc~c.o~ l,tii~ , 26,1970 2,OOC~,OC6 J;_~ne 17,1970 S,c~oo,oc ~,:Uy 15, 1970 7, OCO, 00 1;~,rc].29,1970 3,oc0,oc 2~~ov, 21,1.969 I~,ter Fz.,.nd 5,175.96; Sewer F,.and 3,899.07 Sewer In~p, Fd, 2, 500.77 ~,eter Deposit Fd. 2,375.05 3,500.00 2,000.00 2,000,00 Park Fund 245.39 7,978.58 1,000,00 r~u~-. 26, lg7o 2, 000. ~ , o0 J~~ly 30,1970 l~.ay 15,1970 Cemetery I't,rnd 3, 958.25 GU1''~. Ft,.nd 12 S'~ . 97 49,715.70 50,500.00 9,978.58 10,00 Tle Tre:~surer's I:eport was Gpproved as read, ,~ lvovena er 3, 19E9--rriniztes contin?ed-- tr r, C.rotlr reported tlsat tl-:e balance in tl~e L~t~ I'~~nc':~ reflected ~,r. I~orne~ay's check for Isis expense on tl;e water line and was in tl:e process of being channeled to proper firn.ds. The Conncil reviewed ~, researcl on. tle T'own's C#;art.er, which. was obtained frorrr a Tulsa newspaper, Tl~e Cl,~,rter disclosed.. tl.at the Town was incorporated in 190$ , T'1ae research is interesting-, and. f ~.artlrer work will be dine on it . ~. petition of annexation was presented before the Board. of 'T'rustees of the Town of Gwasso, The regraest for annexation was si~:ned by Ienneth ~~Jaods, President, and I,i~~. Sokolasky, Secretary, of tlse ,J S ~,~ `.J ~evelapment Cc , , Inc , Tl-~e property is the NE 4 of tide I`~'~J of the SEA of Section 19, Township 21 dortlr, Psan~e 14 Last of tlve I ndian Base «nd A,eridian, Tr.ilsa County, State of Gklalroma, LESS tl~e So~ztlr 26 feet thereof , accorclin~~ to the U . S . S~zrvey thereof , 1:ii I) T'l~e East half of tl-~e SE 4 of Section 19, T'ownsl~ip 21 North, Itan~e 1Q East of the Indian Base and A;eric#ian, T'~.lsa Cc~.rnty, State of 0klulioraa, «ccard ink to tlse EJ , S , Survey t#sereof , 1:; CEPT tyre SoutlE 516 , Q $ feet of the '.Jest 330 feet and E~.CEi"1` tyre East 330 feet of the South 330 feet and EXCEPT all that part deeded to tlfe State of Gklalroma in Isedicatian Ueed recorded in Boob 29E:6, pale 510 (Ain~-o Valley Expressway) and E CI:;YT' S0 foot ro«dw«~= deeded. to County of Tulsa in Iedication lleed recorded in Fool: 3'798, p«~;e 307, Air. Stamper "rr~oved that we set « d«te for tl.e l.earin~, far the ordinance for tl-!e annexation on Novemk~er 1~, 19f,9 at 7:30 p,n:, and tl-rat Air. Sawyer be instructed to draw iAp proper p«pers , `l'ire rr~otian was seconded by ~~r . Evans , rives : C~rotl:, Evans, Stan;per , The Board «~;reed that upon completion of A,r. Ralph I~okrertson slsould Y~~e «rlvised tlr surrozznded by property within the City's requested to include Isis property within f~_rrtlrer advise tli«t unless Ar, I:obertson tl~e Town would take steps to include leis Air , Evans so moved ; A r , Stan;per seconded Evans, Stamper. tyre pending, annexation, at l.is property was completely limits, and that lae was being the limits. The letter should complied witlc the request, property within the City limits. the rr,otion. .yes : Crotls, Tlse Board discussed the n:eetin~ with tlae Police 1Uep«rtment and various complaints from the Town. Air. ~rotlr described the complaints as petty, everyday compl«ints voiced by the people because trrey dislike super- vision, Air. Grotl~ said our police force was amount tyre best and was operatin~~ very effeciently, The Board expressed a~.::reen~ent and. reviewed various memorandums. r oven>k,er 3, 196 9--minutes ccnt.i_n ec'-- Zse fol.lotivin~ cl~xims were sib*neck unc~ C,ener~l. Fund 1,eder~l. ~.eserve Funk 32(`,69 F.'.1_ue Cross Lisle Sd~ield Q 5.20 P ;d-;lic Service Co. 12,42 Yliil lips 1'etrole~:rz; Co , 281, Q S ~'icotr ttioenni.n~~ 15 , 00 Steve Lewis 20,00 City T;Gp Service 150,00 l~ow~rc? C4;evrolet, Inc. 1f~6 , 20 Sautdiern Fild~ , Cccde 33.00 r.pccr U 1.1 Corp • 4 Q • 00 P~o1.u Pd<i.pps 12 ,15 Steve Lewis Q8.76 `~uvid L . Iteedy 4 8 , 76 I'1cLcd Simons 58.02 `l'am Scd-,icd~ 1Q , 09 ~~coc'row .'T~ters 3 2 , 58 I~ernard ',till i~n,s 31 , 23 I:r ;.ce l~~vis 28 , 39 ~cocdrow ~~uters 1.81 , 91 E:ernarci 'Will iart~s 18q , 27 l~r~lce ~.. 11~~vis 1.72.81. St::reet ~~ t':11ey F~,:.nd Gw~ssa Lidnl- er Cc. , 2 5 ~.ncd.or S~one Co . 4.62 .00 Caoper S :ppl.y Ca , 61 , 08 approved }~y td~e P.o~rd tiJdter T'und Cont' d , rJ .1' . `te;~xy pl et;an 12 , 26 Doratd~ty Floyd 1.1 ~ , 26 l.or~ty y r;1.ls:.xp 134 , 03 Josepd~ine I~owne,>> 1.5E.: , 93 ~'lenn~ ~y,nderson 61.6.9 It:Gr~arie dAelnx Q9,22 3arres d~, `T'yler 238,59 L ~clc;}r I itilt~urn 168.OQ Leonard '1`4 or7 pson 1 58 , ~ 9 g; , T . Ten~pl eton 158 , Q 9 I'~;,.~1 i~:cPride ~ L.Q 7.01 Sewer F~._xnd I:l., e Crass F~ Ll , e Sr:ieldl9 ,10 d~'eder~.l. Deserve 1:~;nd; ~; C~ , 20 First T~ ation' 1 Lank 250 , (`(~ i;:.C. F~~r~dc~ley 170,90 ~:ef~ase I':.nd ~::~;rl ippetoe 1, q 69 , 24 l~:eter d~epasit d'ci _clert N , r~nderlik 15.00 C wry I'ixnc:; (~lirs Cper~tin~_d'd,` 12,139.01 ti'uter Ff.cnd I'eder~al. deserve Fink ?37.00 L1~xe Cross Elxxe Sd~ielc; 1.19.10 Y~.k>^lic Service Co. 6Q ,63 Sd.errill F~ Sl.errill 1Q2.00 Pioneer S~xpply Co , 300 , G; 3 i~tilityr St.xpply Ca. 7, (4q , 00 c•~elly ~'r«ctar & Irtapl. 9.26 Ct~sca J.8 , 35 LE~c:narc' T:orrpsan __. -_-- ]-5.1G -~ r; . Pr. Stir,~,per i~:ovec: t4~ut we ad~~~rn ~t 7:55 d~,rr,..; secandecl } yr i~Er,, L,vans. `.yes : Crc t~: , Star per, 1Jvuns . n , J{~d:~a".?. C',rut.A , I'resir_derit I:o~.rd , ~I I c.n~,s d. ~~~ .ins, t.ctinC Town CI erd,: