HomeMy WebLinkAbout1969.12.01_City Council MinutesDecember 1, 1969
The Owasso Town Council met in regular session on Monday, December 1, 1969, at
7:00 p.m. in the Town Hall.
PRESENT: John Groth
Joe Ross
William Henson
Howard Stamper
Donah Huggins
Josephine Downey
Mr. Sawyer
2, 620.77
ABSENT: Gary Evans
The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved as read.
N.r. Ross suggested that the salaries of all City employees be reviewed. Mr. Groth
agreed that salaries should be reviewed, and that this would be done after the
first of the year. Increases will be based on cost of living. Our salary ranges
are consistent with other labor prices.
Mr. Groth read the following Treasurer's Report in the absence of the Treasurer.
General Fund 3,538.59
Sales Tax Res. 296.71 4,000.00 Feb. 15, 1970
4,000.00 Feb. 21, 1970
4,000.00 Dec. 29, 1969
4,OOa.oo Oct. 15, 1970
b, 000.00 Feb. 19, 1970
Firemen's Pension Fd.
Refuse Fund 2,622.07
Street & Alley 4,270.26
Sinking Fund 2,673.99
Water Fund
Sewer Fund
Sewer Imp. Fd.
Meter Dep. Fd.
Park Fund
Cemetery Fund
OUA Fund
Chairman of Board
Acting Town Clerk
Deputy Clerk
Attorney for Town
5,000.00 Oct. 26, 1970
5,000.00 Aug. 26, 1970
2,000.00 June 17, 1970
5,000.00 N.ay 15, 1970
7,000.00 March29,1970
3,000.00 May 21, 1970
3,500.00 Aug. 26, 1970
2,000.00 July 30, 1970
2,000.00 May 15, 1970
2,000.00 4,000.00
38,297.97 56,500.00 9,978.58 10,000,00
The Treasurer's Report was approved as read .
A Certificate of Deposit has already been purchased so that it can draw an additional
two;-week's interest.
December 1, 1969--mutes continued--
Mr. Groth reported to the Board that the water line permit on Jonesville Water
Line had been received and was dated November 21, 1969.
A letter to•;The Owasso Planning Commission, dated November 10, 1969, accompanied
by a $25 check was reviewed by the Board. The letter was requesting zoning to the
following property:for a Duplex:
A tract of ground situated in the NE 4f of the SEw, of the Section 19, Township 21
North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, bein~ more particularly described as:
Beginning at a point on the West line of the NE,,, of the SE~, a distance of
78.0 feet North of the Southwest corner of the NE~ of the SE~, thence continuing
North 88 feet to a point on the South line of 89th Street North, thence East a
distance of 140 feet; thence South a distance of 88 feet; thence West a distance
of 140 feet to the point of beginnin Containing in all 0.28 acres.
A tract of ground situated in the NE of the SE~, of Section 19 Township 21
North, Range 14 East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, being more particulary described
Beginning at the Southwest corner of the NEw of the SE~, thence North altsng the
tVest like: of saki NE~ of .,tie SE~, a distance of 78 feet; thence East a distance
of 140 feet; thence South a distance of 78 feet; thence West 140 feet to t he point
of beginning. Containing in all 0.25 acres.
The letter also requested zoning for a Grocery Supermarket for the following:
A tract of land in the East Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Nineteen (19 ),
Township Twenty-One (21) North, Range Fourteen (14) East more particulary
described as follows, to Wit:
Beginning at a point 380 feet East and 250 feet North of the Southwest Corner
of the E/2 SE/4, Section 19, Township 21 North, Range 14 East; Thence North and
parallel with the West line of said E/2 Se/4 a distance of 266.45 feet of a
point; thence along a curve to the left with a radius of 125 feet and a central
angle of 50~ 51' 08" a distance of 110.94 feet to a point; thence North 39° 08~ 52"
East a distance of 73 feet to a point, said point being 670 feet North and 380 feet
East of the Southwest corner of said E/2 SE/4; thence East and parallel with the
South line of said Section 19 a distance of 28C feet to a point; thence South
and parallel with the West line of said E/2 SE.4 a distance of 420 feet to a point;
thence West and parallel with the South line of said Section 19 a distance of
280 feet of the point of beginning, and containing 2.761 acres, more or less,
(120,262.976 square feet).
The Board reviewed the approval of the zoning of the lots from the Owasso Planning
Commission dated November 27, 1969.
Mr. Ross moved that we set the date for the public hearing for December 15, 1969,
to be held at 7:30 p.m.; seconded by Mr. Stamper. Ayes: Groth, Stamper, Henson,
The Board agreed that actually there had been two zoning applications and that
they should be accompainied by two fees of $25 each. W S ~ W Development Co.
will billed for the additional $25 check.
It was reported that gradually these public hearings would be moved to the
Planning Commission rather than at the City Council, and the first would be on
the 11th of December.
Mr. A.J. Hopkins is seeking permission to build an extension to his building on
101 E. Second Ave. to be used as a Peal Estate Office. He will make further
application on the matter regarding specifications and requirements.
December 1, 1969--minutes continued--
Mr. Ross moved that we continue using the 591 foot elevation for engineering
purposes pertaining to flood control until we heard~`of an official change; ".,
seconded by Mr. Stamper. Ayes: Groth, Stamper, Henson, Ross.
Mr. Groth reported that the Governor had requested that all cities enforce more
rigidily the moving violations; especially speeding, drunk driving, and open
containers in vehicals. He further advised that drunk drivers should be
prosecuted under state penality.
The Board agreed that our present stop sign on 8bth Street 3ust off the express-
way should be moved to about 50 feet of the stop sign.
Mr. Herb Tyler will be our representative at the Indian Nations Council of
Governments regarding the Sewer System on December 9, 1969.
Mr. Groth suggested that we purchase necessary equipment, then utilize City
labor to alstall the system.
As soon as Mr. Tyler is able to find a qualified man, we will be able to
fill the vacancy in City Employees.
Mr. Sawyer is going to draw up an ordinance regarding grass, weeds, and the
dumping of clippings on vacant lots.
The following claims were
General Fund:
Owasso Vet Hospital
Fred Freeman
Bruce Davis
Tom Schick
Charles Sallee
Woodrow Waters
Bernard 'rJilliams
Steven Lewis
Nola Phipps
Federal Reserve Bank
Blue Cross & Blue Shield
Public Service Co.
Victor Koennin~
Greer's 2-Way Radio
Wayfran Printing Co.
Owasso Reporter
Woodrow Waters
Bernard WilLiarns
Bruce Davis
Street ~ Alley Fund:
Anchor Stone Co.
Water Fund:
Federal Reserve Bank
Blue Cross &. Blue Shield
Public Service Co.
Nita Peck
Utility Supply Co,
McKesson Chemical Co.
Fry & Tumleson Trenching
signed and approved by the Board:
261. ~5
Universal Auto & Truck
Dorothy Floyd
Leonard Thompson
E.T. Templeton
B.C. Hilburn
Dorothy Allsup
Josephine Downey
Glenna Anderson
Hlar3orie Helm
J.H. Tyler
Buddy Hilburn
Leonard Thompson
Paul McBride
Sewer Fund:
Federal Reserve Bank
Blue Cross & Blue Shield
First Nat'l Bank, Owasso
H.C. Bradley
P.efuse Fund:
Earl Rippetoe
1, 453.28
Cemetery Fund:
J.H. Tyler
1b. 14
Meter Deposit Fund:
IIohn Hanoch 15.00
Howard Provinsal 15.00
Robert Sampson 15.00
i t
~: `
Josephine Downe 61.85
December 1, 1969--mi:utes continued--
OUA Fund:
OUA Operating Account 2,837.04
Mr. Henson moved that we adjourn at 8:20 p.m.; seconded by I~Sr. Stamper.
Ayes: troth, Benson, Ross, Stamper.
y n/v~
- oh R. troth; Ch rman of Board
Don Huggins, ct' own Clerk