HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015.06.09_Worksession AgendaPUBLIC NOTICE OF THE JOINT MEETING OF THE RECEIVED OWASSO CITY COUNCIL, OPWA & OPGA JUN 0 5 7015 Aw Council Chambers, Old Central Building City Et C8 109 N Birch, Owasso, OK 74055 Regular Meeting Tuesday, June 9, 2015 - 6:00 pm 1. Call to Order Mayor Moberly 2. Presentation and discussion relating to Transportation Master Plan Roger Stevens 3. Briefing and discussion relating to regular, recurring, or consent items (expected to be brief and may not require discussion) Sherry Bishop A. Red Flag Policy Annual Report - Identity Theft Prevention B. Amend ordinances relating to completive bidding, public improvements C. Amend Sewer Use Ordinance (Fats, Oils and Greases Program) D. City Hall bid openings 4. Discussion relating to Public Works items Roger Stevens /Dwayne Henderson A. Engineering Services Agreement - Water Model Update B. Engineering Services Agreement - E 76th St N & Main Street Intersection Improvements (Vision Project) 5. Discussion relating to Community Development items Bronce Stephenson A. Annexation & Rezoning - Fire Station #4 to OM (Office Medium) located at 11933 E 116th St N 6. Discussion relating to amendment to the Solicitors License Ordinance Julie Lombardi 7. Discussion relating to the FY 2016 Budget Warren Lehr /Linda Jones 8. Discussion of boards and committee appointments Mayor Moberly 9. Discussion relating to City Manager items • Monthly Sales Tax Report • City Manager Report 10. City Council /Trustee comments and inquiries Owasso City Council June 9, 2015 Page 2 11. Adjournment Notice of Public Meeting filed in the office of the City Clerk and Agenda posted at City Hall bulletin board at 6:00 pm on Friday, June 5, 2015. Sherry Bisho , City Clerk The Coy Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and Council City Of Owasso FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E. City Engineer SUBJECT: Transportation Master Plan - Presentation of Final Draft DATE: June 5, 2015 BACKGROUND: In September 2013, the City of Owasso contracted with Guernsey Engineers to prepare a Transportation Master Plan for the City of Owasso. The Transportation Master Plan (TMP) was prepared to analyze the growth of Owasso for the next 20 years and to project transportation needs and goals for years 2020 through 2035. PROJECT LIMITS: The purpose of the plan was to study and document existing traffic conditions in Owasso, and to prepare 5 -, 10- and 20 -year plans for improving the transportation system to keep up with projected growth. The boundaries of the study are Memorial Drive to N 1771h E Ave (west to east) and E 661h St N to E 126th St N to the north. Also, a corridor running east along E 76th St N to N 177th E Ave, which will include the impacts of Stone Canyon. (See Attachment A) The roads studied are primary arterials (i.e. North Garnett from E 86th St N, E 116th St N, Garnett Road), secondary arterials (e.g. E 76th St N, N 161st E Ave) and collectors (e.g, N 123rd E Ave from E 761h St N to E 86th St N). (See Attachment B) PROCESS: Initial work on the study included data collection. A public questionnaire was sent out through the internet to gather comments from the citizenry. A public meeting was held on January 30, 2014, to gather face -to -face comments. Staff provided traffic counts that have been taken annually by the City of Owasso. Tulsa County and ODOT also provided counts for the study. The INCOG Regional Traffic Model data was used as a base -line for population densities, employee figures and transportation patterns in the area. The engineer developed the Owasso Travel Demand Model by developing Traffic Analysis Zones, which are geographical areas defined by census tracts. (See Attachment C) The travel demand model, calibrated /validated with new traffic data, enabled staff to provide accurate information regarding new and proposed developments, as well as, new and proposed street projects. Engineers also identified anticipated traffic volumes and travel patterns, evaluated effectiveness of alternative improvements, projected populations and traffic flows for the years 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035. TMP Committee: The design team met with the TMP Committee, which was comprised of a City Council member, representatives from the Owasso Police Department, Community Development Department, Owasso Public Schools, Tulsa County Engineers Office, Rogers County Commissioners Office, at -large citizens from the community and the Public Works Department. The committee met three (3) times to discuss elements of the plan, which included results of the questionnaires received from the citizenry and discussion of data brought to the meeting by the committee members. Meeting #2 discussed the results found from review of the INCOG Regional Model and the additional detail needed to be added to make the model useful; discussed Owasso projected employment and population figures for accuracy before inputting the data into the model. Meeting #3 discussed the results of the model, the recommendations that the model provided for the various intersections, interchanges and street segments in the City of Owasso, as well as the recommended years in which the recommended improvements need to be made in order to keep up with the growth. PROPOSED TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN IMPROVEMENTS: The recommendations of the TMP were based on the needs by years 2020, 2025, 2030 and 2035. Street and intersection improvements, which include additional lanes, traffic signals and configurations, were addressed. County roads and intersections within the study area were also addressed. In addition, the interchanges on U.S. Hwy 169 were analyzed and recommendations made for ODOT to use for their planning The recommendations, included in the Draft TMP, are tabulated and in Attachments D and E. A full copy of the Draft TMP will be presented at the work session. PROPOSED ACTION: Staff intends to hold a public meeting for comments at the July 7, 2015, Council meeting. Once comments are addressed, staff intends to recommend approval and adoption of the Transportation Master Plan at the July 21, 2015. ATTACHMENTS: A. Study Area B. Existing Functional Classification of Roads C. Traffic Analysis Zones (TAZ) D. Recommended Roadway Improvements E. Recommended Intersection Improvements / I xl llt I i 1* STUDYAREA OWASSO TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN N L IAN C guernsey .111SIOM1101 "Dip E a a r- � OWASSO TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN 4;�ALLIANCE uaauoruuoa Mop guernsey W w etmxeTN • E116TN 8TH 106TH ST H E9ETH STN E 99TH ET H ne — I �a I 5 I - - - -- -- -- TRAFFIC ANALYSIS ZONES(TAZS) 0". cHr wf cul um0 OWASSO TRANSPORTATION MASTER PLAN 9 q'�ALLIIAINCoE guernsey Table 5 -1: Recommended Roadway Improvements Street From To Description Year Current Jurisdiction 76th Street N US 169 Interchange 129th E Avenue 4 Lane 2015 City of Owasso 76th Street N 129th E Avenue 145th E Avenue 3 Lane 2020 City of Owasso/Tulsa County 76th Street N 145th E Avenue 161st E Avenue 3 Lane 2025 Rogers County 76th Street N 161 st E Avenue 177th E Avenue 3 Lane 2030 Rogers County 86th Street N 145th E Avenue 161st E Avenue 4 Lane 2020 City of Owasso /Rogers County 86th Street N 161 st E Avenue 177th E Avenue 3 Lane 2025 Rogers County 96th Street N Mingo Road Garnett Road 3 Lane 2025 City of Owasso/Tulsa County 96th Street N 135th E Avenue 145th E Avenue 4 Lane 2020 City of Owasso 96th Street N 145th E Avenue 161 st E Avenue 3 Lane 2025 Rogers County 106th Street N Garnett Road 129th E Avenue 4 Lane 2020 City of Owasso/Tulsa County 106th Street N 129th E Avenue US -169 4 Lane 2020 City of Owasso 106th Street N US -169 Interchange 145th E Avenue 4 Lane 2020 City of Owasso 106th Street N 145th E Avenue 161 st E Avenue 4 Lane 2025 City of Owasso /Rogers County 116th Street N Memorial Road Mingo Road 4 Lane 2030 Tulsa County 116th Street N Mingo Road Garnett Road 4 -5 Lane 2025 City of Owasso/ Tulsa County 116th Street N Garnett Road 129th E Avenue 5 Lane 2020 City of Owasso/Tulsa County 116th Street N 129th E Avenue US -169 Interchange 5 Lane 2025 City of Owasso Mingo Road 86th Street N 96th Street N 3 Lane 2025 City of Owasso/fulsa County Garnett Road 96th Street N 106th Street N 5 Lane 2025 City of Owasso/Tulsa County Garnett Road 106tj Street N 116th Street N 5 Lane 2025 City of Owasso/rulsa County 129th E Avenue 96th Street N 106th Street N 4 Lane 2025 City of Owasso/Tulsa County 129th E Avenue 106th Street N 116th Street N 3 Lane 2025 City of Owasso/Tulsa County 145th E Avenue 86th Street N 96th Street N 4 Lane 2025 City of Owasso /Rogers County 145th E Avenue 96th Street N 106th Street N 3 Lane 2030 City of Owasso /Rogers County 145th E Avenue 106th Street N 116th Street N 3 Lane 2035 City of Owasso /Rogers County Table 5 -2: Recommended Intersection Improvements Intersection Description Year Current Jurisdiction 76th Street N and Memorial Road Signalize, Add Turn Lanes, 3 Lane 2025 Tulsa County 76th Street N and Mingo Road Signalize, Add Turn Lane 2025 City of Owasso 76th Street N and Main Street Add Turn Lanes, Add Protective - Permissive Signal 2025 City of Owasso 76th Street N and US -169 Interchange Add Additional Lanes and Turn Lanes 2020 ODOT/City of Owasso 76th Street N and 129th E Avenue Extend Turn Lane Widening 2020 Tulsa County 76th Street N and 145th E Avenue 3 Lane 2020 City of Owasso /Rogers County/Tulsa County 76th Street N and 161st EAvenue 3 Lane 2025 Rogers County 76th Street N and 177th E Avenue 3 Lane 2030 Rogers County 86th Street N and Memorial Road Add Turn Lanes 2020 Tulsa County 86th Street N and US -169 Interchange Realign, Add Additional Lanes and Turn Lanes 2020 ODOT /City of Owasso 86th Street N and 145th E Avenue Transition Intersection from 5 Lane to 4 Lane 2025 City of Owasso 86th Street N and 161st E Avenue 4 Lane, 3 Lane 2020 Rogers County 86th Street N and 177th E Avenue 3 Lane 2025 Rogers County 96th Street N and Mingo Road 3 Lane 2025 City of Owasso/Tulsa County 96th Street N and Garnett Road Timing 2020 City of Owasso 96th Street N and US -169 Interchange Add Lanes and Turn Lanes 2020 ODOT /City of Owasso 96th Street N and 145th E Avenue 4 Lane, 3 Lane 2020 City of Owasso /Rogers County 106th Street N and 129th E Avenue 4 Lane, 5 Lane 2020 City of Owasso/Tulsa County 106th Street N and US 169 Interchange Realign, Add Lanes and Turn Lanes 2025 ODOT /City of Owasso 106th Street N and 145th E Avenue 5 Lane, 3 Lane 2020 City of Owasso /Rogers County 106th Street N and 161st E Avenue 4 Lane, 3 Lane 2025 City of Owasso/Tulsa County 116th Street N and Memorial Road 5 Lane, 3 Lane 2025 Tulsa County 116th Street N and Mingo Road 5 Lane, 3 Lane 2025 City of Owasso/Tulsa County 116th Street N and Garnett Road 5 Lane 2025 City of Owasso/Tulsa County 116th Street N and 129th E Avenue 5 Lane, 3 Lane 2020 City of Owasso/Tulsa County 116th Street N and US 169 Interchange Add Turn Lanes 2025 ODOT /City of Owasso 116th Street N and 145th E Avenue 3 Lane 2035 City of Owasso /Rogers County/Tulsa County 116th & East of 145th E Avenue Signalize 2020 Rogers County 126th Street N and US -169 Interchange Add Lanes 12030 ODOT /City of Owasso/Tulsa County Garnett Road and Smith Farm Market Add Turn Lane 12025 1 City of Owasso The CitAyW, out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and Council City Of Owasso FROM: Linda Jones Finance Director SUBJECT: Annual Report - Red Flag Rules Identity Theft Prevention DATE: June 5, 2015 BACKGROUND: On January 1, 2008, congressional legislation regarding The Red Flag Rule went into effect requiring all public utilities and all governmental agencies to have an identity theft plan in place by May 1, 2009. In compliance with the new legislation, the City of Owasso, the Owasso Public Works Authority, and the Owasso Public Golf Authority adopted Resolution No. 2009 -03 outlining the identity theft prevention program which includes the following: • Procedures to identify patterns, practices, and specific forms of activity that indicate the possible existence of identity theft. • Semi - annual performance of a risk assessment of all internal operations where identity theft is possible. • Periodic revision of the program to reflect changes in risk. Program administration requires: • Governing Body to approve the written identity theft prevention program. • Governing Body to designate a senior manager to oversee the implementation and administration of the program. • Staff to receive formal training on the implementation of the program. Ongoing Requirements: • Complete a periodic review of the Program's operations. • Conduct an Incident Review of all Red Flag events that occurred during the last 6 months to include actions taken to limit customer exposure and any preventive measures put in place. • Write an Annual Report to the Governing Body to report findings and actions taken during the year. This is the annual report and no action is needed. ATTACHMENT: Red Flag Semi - Annual Review dated June 5, 2015 Red Flag Policy Semi - Annual Review June 5, 2015 BACKGROUND: Identity theft is a serious problem in the United States. To combat the problem, as part of the Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003 (the FACT Act), the Federal Trade Commission and several other federal agencies have issued rules requiring creditors (including municipalities under certain circumstances) to develop, adopt and implement written Identity Theft Prevention Programs. The Programs were required to be in place by May 1, 2009. The rules are often referred to as RED FLAG requirements and apply to financial institutions and municipalities that provide utility services and /or other services for which payment is made in arrears. It is the provision of services on a deferred payment basis that makes a municipality a "creditor" as defined under Red Flags, ACTION TAKEN: The City of Owasso adopted Resolution No. 2009 -03 to help protect identity theft and fight theft of customer account information, and provide procedures that identify, detect, and respond to possible signals of identity theft known as Red Flags. As a result, the following list of security enhancements are enforced to ensure the security of customer information: 1) Only allow for applications for service to be made in person; 2) Verify the identification of existing customers if they request information in person, via telephone, via facsimile, or via e -mail. 3) Verify identification of existing customers when requesting to transfer service, change account status, change mailing address, or to terminate service; 4) Verify proof of ownership /lease agreement; 5) Require proper identification when a customer presents a Credit or Debit Card for payment if the name is on the card is different from the name on the utility account. ANNUAL REPORT: Red Flag procedures were reviewed in May 2015. No breach of confidential customer personal identifying information or suspected identity theft was detected over the past year. The City Wit out Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Sherry Bishop Assistant City Manager SUBJECT: Amending Code of Ordinances Section 7 -104, Competitive Bidding DATE: June 5, 2015 BACKGROUND: The Owasso Code of Ordinances authorizes, restricts and defines requirements for bidding and purchasing as provided for by the city charter. On March 3, 2015, Owasso citizens voted to approve several Charter amendments. Among the changes was the removal of language that required competitive bidding for a contract for public improvements of more than $2,000 and replaced it with language that requires compliance with the Oklahoma Public Competitive Bidding Act of 1974 which requires sealed bids on public improvements projects of more than $50,000. The expectation was to repeal the section of code specific to public improvements between $2,000 and $25,000 if the Charter change was approved by voters. BIDDING REQUIREMENTS: The Owasso Code of Ordinances, Section 7 -104 defines the process for competitive bidding. Section 7 -105 defines when competitive bidding is not required. (See attachment.) Currently, a verbal quote bid process is defined for public improvement contracts between $2,000 and $25,000, For all other types of purchases of more than $25,000, the code defines a sealed bid process. If the Code was amended to remove language requiring bids for public improvements between $2,000 and $25,000, those contracts would be authorized through the normal purchasing processes. As is currently required, public improvement contracts between $25,000 and $50,000 would be bid as defined in Section 7 -104 (F) of the Code. Public improvement contracts for more than $50,000 would be bid as defined in the Oklahoma Public Competitive Bidding Act. PROPOSED ACTION: The proposed action is to consider an ordinance repealing Section 7 -104 (E): A contract for public improvements of $2,000 or more, but less than $25,000, shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder after three verbal quotes have been obtained, and the contract has been advertised on the City of Owasso's website for seven (7) consecutive days. It shall not be necessary to obtain written bids for public improvement contracts between $2,000 and $25,000, or to publish them in a newspaper of general circulation. ATTACHMENT: Owasso Code of Ordinances Sections 7 -104 & 105 OWASSO CODE OF ORDINANCES PART 7 - FINANCE AND TAXATION CHAPTER 1 - FINANCE AND BUDGET ADMINISTRATION SECTION 7 -104 COMPETITIVE BIDDING A. The City shall adhere to the provisions of Oklahoma Statues (1991), Title 61, Sections 101 et seq. when determining when competitive bidding is required and the manner in which competitive bids are obtained. B. If the City Charter provides for additional competitive bidding requirements, such additional requirements shall be met. C. In addition to the requirements of (A) above, public trusts created pursuant to O.S. Title 60, Section 176, of which the City is beneficiary, shall also follow the competitive bidding provisions of Section 176(g) of Title 60. D. The City is authorized to employ, implement and utilize auction electronic bidding in accordance with the provisions of 11 O.S. § 17 -115. The Administration of the City is hereby authorized to promulgate policies and procedures for implementation of the auction electronic bidding as authorized by state law to the fullest extent thereof. E. A contract for public improvements of $2,000 or more, but less than $25,000, shall be awarded to the lowest and best bidder after three verbal quotes have been obtained, and the contract has been advertised on the City of Owasso's website for seven (7) consecutive days. It shall not be necessary to obtain written bids for public improvement contracts between $2,000 and $25,000, or to publish them in a newspaper of general circulation. (Ord. No. 893, 5/15/07) F. Before any purchase, or contract for, supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services are made, as otherwise provided below, including lease contracts with options to purchase, the City purchasing authority shall give written notice for sealed bids to at least three (3) persons, firms or corporations dealing in and able to supply the same, a request for quotation, or invitation to bid, and specifications, to give the opportunity to bid; or publish notice of the proposed purchase in a newspaper of general circulation within the city. He shall favor a person, fine or corporation in the city when this can be done without additional cost to the City; but he shall submit requests for quotation to those outside the city when this may be necessary to secure bids or to create competitive conditions, or when he thinks that by so doing he can make a saving for the city and shall purchase from them when he can make a saving for the city. All bids shall be sealed and shall be opened in public at a designated time and place. He may repeatedly reject all bids, and again may submit to the some or other persons, firms or corporations the request for quotation, or incitation to bid, or again publish notice of the proposed purchase. He may purchase only from the bidder whose bid is most advantageous to the City, considering price, quality, date of delivery and so on, and in case of a tie, may purchase from one of those tying, or may divide the purchase among those tying, always accepting the bid or bids most advantageous to the city. SECTION 7 -105 WHEN COMPETITIVE BIDDING IS NOT REQUIRED The following may be purchased without giving an opportunity for competitive bidding: 1. Supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services whose cost does not exceed Twenty Five Thousand Dollars ($25,000.00) in a single transaction; (Ord. No. 712, 06/18/2002, Ord. No. 819, 7/05/05) 2. Supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services which can be furnished only by a single dealer, or which have a uniform price wherever bought; 3. Supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services purchased from another unit of government at a price deemed below that obtainable from private dealers, including war surplus; 4. Equipment to replace existing equipment which has become inoperable when the council declares the purchase an emergency; 5. Contractual services, including but not limited to gas, electricity, telephone service, purchased from a public utility at a price or rate determined by the State Corporation Commission or other government authority; 6. Supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services when purchased at a price not exceeding a price set therefore by the State purchasing agency or another state agency hereafter authorized to regulate prices for things purchased by the State, or any county purchasing agency or city purchasing agency wherein such county or city has a population equal to or in excess of 50,000 persons, and; (Ord. No. 455, 01/05/93: Ord. No. 520, 03/05/96; Ord. No.789, 6/15/04; Ord. No. 819, 7/05/05) 7. Contractual services of a professional nature, such as engineering, architectural and medical services. The City Witiout Limits. TO: The Honorable Chair and Trustees Owasso Public Works Authority FROM: Roger Stevens Public Works Director SUBJECT: Agreement for Engineering Services Water Model Update DATE: June 5, 2015 BACKGROUND: In 2010, the City of Owasso engaged TBR Engineering, LLC, of Broken Arrow, Oklahoma to perform a water analysis of the City's water distribution system. Unlike a master plan, which evaluates the system for a 10- to 20 -year future growth period, the goal of the water model is to build and evaluate the existing water system piping network in a computer, determine deficiencies in the system and provide direction in operations to assist in efficiency. The Owasso piping network information was entered into WaterCad, a water system modeling software, and the distribution system was flow monitored using data loggers that recorded flow and pressure in the system. Initial flow monitoring was minimal with the intent to perform more tests in the peak usage period in 2013. The water model informed our consultant of several deficient areas, even before the model was complete. Needed items are summarized below: • Connect two dead -end water lines on each side of Classic Chevrolet to complete the needed loop and improve pressure; • Add a 12 -inch water line on 106th Street North from Bailey Medical Drive to Mingo to improve pressure in the northwest side of town; • Add pressure reducing valves between the low and high pressure zones within the City of Owasso, which is best defined as north and south of 861h Street North; • Replace the 10 -inch asbestos cement water line running from 96th Street North to 1 16th Street North along Garnett Road with a 12 -inch PVC line; • Add a 12 -inch water line from 106th to 116th Streets North either on Mingo Road or through the sports park; • Add a 12 -inch water line from 96th Street North and Garnett to 96th Street North and 1291h East Avenue. During the analysis of the model, SAM's announced their intent to construct not only a new store, but develop a commercial development northeast of the 96th Street North /129th East Avenue intersection. This area had pre- existing water pressure problems, so focus was redirected toward this project. Completion of the model was delayed until the water needs of the commercial area could be determined, as well as the undeveloped area in the water model. A 16 -inch water line was run to the SAM's site as a result of the fire and domestic water needs for the development. Completing the calibration of the model and analyzing those results is the next step in the future of the Owasso water system. ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT: The Engineering Services Agreement to update the existing model includes calibration of the model, updating fire flows, tank levels, operation of the pressure zones and operations of the new improvements made since 2012. The purpose of the update will be to determine improvement needs to the existing system to accommodate the rapid growth Owasso has seen since 2012 and determine the next area of upgrade needs. The total cost for these engineering services is $34,945.92. FUNDING: Funding in the amount of $35,000 is included in the FY 2014 -15 OPWA Budget for the engineering services for the Water Model Update. PROPOSED ACTION: The item will be placed on the June 9, 2015, Worksession Agenda for discussion. Unless concerns are expressed, staff intends to recommend approval of the engineering agreement between OPWA and TBR Engineering LLC, at the June 16, 2015, regular scheduled OPWA Meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Engineering Services Agreement - Scope of Project Engineering Services Agreement - Scope of Services Engineering Services Agreement - Estimated Fees Engineering Services Agreement - Project Schedule AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO, OK OWASSO WATER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC MODEL UPDATE PROJECT Scope of Project Attachment A SCOPE OF PROTECT. The PROJECT shall consist of civil engineering SERVICES described as follows: A. Update CITY WaterCAD hydraulic model via CITY AutoCAD Water Atlas. A.1 Update generally includes CITY- owned pipes six(6)inch diameter and larger and fire hydrant locations necessary to facilitate flow tests required for calibration of the model. A.2 Elevations, piping alignments, tank locations, control valve locations, etc. will be determined as shown in the CITY Water Atlas without the need for survey. Field verification will be conducted by CITY staff as needed. A.3 Piping connections will be modeled based on the City Water Atlas and guidance from CITY staff. AA Operational set points will be provided by CITY staff. A.5 Update shall include current max day (6.0 MGD) scenario ONLY. B. Model Calibration. B.1 Develop appropriate diurnal patterns based on billing records and engineering judgment. B.2 CITY staff will deploy and retrieve data loggers as directed by ENGINEER. B.3 CITY staff will perform flow tests as directed by ENGINEER. B.4 CITY will furnish tank levels in Excel format. B.4 CITY will furnish billing records and meter reads in Excel format. B.5 Calibration will be appropriate for planning purposes and will include the current max day demand scenario ONLY. C. Legacy Report Finalization. CA ENGINEER will finalize legacy report in response to minimal CITY comments. C.2 ENGINEER will meet and provide a summary presentation with CITY Staff. D. As needed hydraulic analysis. DA ENGINEER will perform hydraulic analysis as needed. D.2 ENGINEER will meet and provide a summary with CITY Staff as needed. AGREEMENT FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF OWASSO, OK OWASSO WATER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC MODELING PROJECT Scope of Services Attachment B The services to be performed by the ENGINEER under this AGREEMENT will consist of providing civil engineering services for the SERVICES presented in Attachment A, as directed by the City by a notice to proceed or in a work order. Further, it is understood and agreed that the date of beginning, rate of progress, and the time of completion of the work to be done hereunder for each assignment are essential provisions of this AGREEMENT; and it is further understood and agreed that the work embraced in this AGREEMENT shall commence upon execution of this AGREEMENT and receipt of Notice to Proceed. It is further understood that all reviews and conceptual designs will be prepared in accordance with the City of Owasso design criteria and specifications for construction. B. Basic Services of ENGINEER. The basic services of the ENGINEER may consist of four (4) phases are stated below and shall include, but are not limited to the following tasks: B.1 Phase 1. Mobilization, Update Existing 6.0 MGD Model. B.1.1 Attend and conduct a pre - project conference at the City of Owasso Public Works Department. B.1.2 Perform the update of the CITY WaterCAD model from CITY AutoCAD water atlas. B.1.3 Study the CITY water system and conduct sufficient reconnaissance and meetings with staff to fully understand the system layout and operation. B.1.4 Identify locations for data recording and fire flow testing. Two (2) deployments of (6) data loggers are anticipated. Three (3) fire flow test days are anticipated. B.1.5 Attend and conduct a progress meeting at completion of Phase 1 and provide five (5) copies of Phase 1 report. B.2 Phase 2. Update Existing 6.0 MGD Model Calibration. B.2.1 Perform calibration of the 6.0 MGD model. B.2.2 Attend and conduct a progress meeting at completion of Phase 2 and provide five (5) copies of Phase 2 report. B.3 Phase 3. Legacy Report Update. B.3.1 Finalize legacy report in response to minimal CITY comments. B.3.2 Conduct a post - project conference at the City of Owasso Public Works Department and provide a summary presentation of legacy report to CITY staff. B.3.3 Provide functional WaterCAD model of CITY water distribution system on CD. B.4 Phase 4. As Needed Hydraulic Modeling B.4.1 Preform hydraulic modeling as needed. B.4.2 Provide memos or reports as needed. CITY OF OWASSO WATER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC MODEL UPDATE PROJECT Attachment D OWASSO WATER SYSTEM HYDRAULIC MODEL UPDATE PROJECT ESTIMATED FEES DESIGN SENIOR WEE ITEM ENGR TECH CLERICAL Hourly Ratel $44.00 1 $28.00 $20.00 PHASE - Mobilization, Update Existing 6.0 MGD Model PROJECT MANAGEMENT 8 8 DATA RESEARCH 8 8 MODEL DATA INPUT 16 8 24 DETERMINE FLOW I PRESSURE TEST LOCATIONS 8 8 SITE VISIT FLOW TEST WITNESS 3 24 24 MEETING (2) 8 8 REPORTS 14 8 8 30 QUALITY CONTROL 8 8 Man -hour Subtotal, Phase 1 94 16 8 118 DIRECT LABOR $4,136.00 $448.00 $160.00 $ 4,744.00 INDIRECT LABOR (160%) $6,617.60 $716.80 $256.00 $ 7,590.40 PROFIT ON LABOR (10 %) $1,075.36 $116.48 $41.60 $ 1,233.44 $ 150.00 TRAVEL $ 100.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES $ 150.00 PRINTING & REPRODUCTION $ 100.00 (5) PHASE 1 REPORTS Phase 1 - FEE SUBTOTAL $11,828.951 $1,281.28 $457.60 $ 14,067.84 PHASE 2 - Update 6.0 MGD Model Calibration 8 8 24 24 MEETING 2 8 8 24 MODEL / FIELD DATACOMPARISON 24 REPORTS 21 8 8 37 e 8 Man -hour Subtotal, Phase 2 93 8 8 109 DIRECT LABOR $4,092.00 $224.00 $160.00 $ 4,476.00 INDIRECT LABOR (160%) $6,547.20 $358.40 $255.00 $ 7,161.60 PROFIT ON LABOR (10 %) $1,063.92 $5824 $41.60 $ 1,163.76 $ 100.00 TRAVEL $ 100.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES $ 150.00 PRINTING & REPRODUCTION $ 100.00 (5) PHASE 2 REPORTS Phase 2 •FEE SUBTOTALI $11,703.12 $640.64 $457.60 $ 13,251.36 PHASE 3 - Update Legacy Report PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2 2 MEETING (2) 4 4 REPORTS 4 8 12 4 4 Man -hour Subtotal, Phase 3 14 0 8 22 DIRECT LABOR $616.00 $0.00 $160.00 $ 776.00 INDIRECT LABOR (160%) $985.60 $0.00 $256.00 $ 1,241.60 PROFIT ON LABOR (10 %) $160.16 $0.00 $41.60 $ 201.76 $ 100.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES $ 150.00 PRINTING & REPRODUCTION $ 200.00 (5) PHASE 3 REPORTS Phase 3 -FEE SUBTOTAL $1,761.76 $0.00 $457.60 $ 2,669.36 PHASE 4 - As Needed Hydraulic Analysis PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4 4 MEETING (2) 8 8 MODELING 8 8 REPORTS 8 2 10 6 2 8 Man -hour Subtotal, Phase-4 34 0 4 38 21RECTLABOR $1,496.00 $0.00 '-80"0 $ 1,576.00 INDIRECT LABOR (160 %) $2,393.60 $0.00 $128.00 $ 2,521.60 PROFIT ON LABOR (10 %) $388.96 $0.00 $20.80 $ 409.76 $ 100.00 TRAVEL $ 100.00 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES $ 150.00 PRINTING & REPRODUCTION $ 100.00 (5) PHASE 4 REPORTS Phase 4 -FFFaUBTOTALI $4,278.56 1 $0.00 $228.80 $ 4,957.36 TOTAL PROPOSED FEE $ 34,945.92 Prepared by: TBR ENGINEERING, LLC TtAXW, ouf Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E. City Engineer SUBJECT: East 76th Street North /Main Street Intersection Improvements Vision 2025 Funding - Engineering Agreement DATE: June 5, 2015 BACKGROUND: The E 7611, St North is a heavily used secondary arterial in the Owasso city limits that conveys residential and commercial traffic through the area, as well as commuter traffic to and from Tulsa. The intersection with Main Street is extremely busy during the business hours and important to the businesses and consumers in the area. Main Street has and will continue to be a focus area in Owasso. The original First Bank of Owasso is located at the southwest corner of the intersection. With the building being converted to the new City Hall, this area will become even busier. The southeastern corner of the intersection has recently been purchased by a developer with new building construction on the horizon. The Gathering on Main, which is a monthly, one - evening festival held for the citizens of Owasso, is celebrating its second birthday. The event is held on Main Street, North of 76th Street North from spring through fall. The Farmers Market, which will also be funded by Vision 2025 and be constructed in the area, will increase traffic demand. With this increase in activity, the proposed improvements to the intersection at E 761h St North and Main are needed. The focus of the project is continuing the spirit of the Main Street Revitalization project constructed several years ago, with stamped brick crosswalks and landscaping, an additional lane to allow for a center -turn lane, relocating water lines under 76th Street North, updating the storm sewer under the intersection and repaving the entire intersection. However, the first order of business is getting a design engineer procured for the design. ENGINEER SELECTION PROCESS /ENGINEERING AGREEMENT: On May 27, 2015, staff notified three (3) engineering firms that had previously worked with the City of Owasso on transportation projects. These three (3) had previously designed projects within budget and in a timely manner. Based on these criteria, staff issued them an invitation to submit Letters of Interest (LOI). The three (3) firms submitting LOls were as follows Poe & Associates, Inc., Tulsa, Oklahoma McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc., Sand Springs, Oklahoma Tri -State Engineering, Inc., Claremore, Oklahoma Owasso Public Works staff reviewed the submitted LOls and selected McClelland Consulting Engineers, Inc., to commence engineering negotiations. SCOPE OF WORK: Following is the scope of work for this project: • Topographical and Property Surveying; • Conceptual Plan and Design Report, including estimate; • 30 %, 60 %, 90% and Final Design plans; • Utility Relocation Coordination; • Assistance during Bidding; • Construction Administration Services Inspection by the City of Owasso, this item is to be available for questions on intent and the review and approval of submittals during construction); • As -built Plan Preparation. ENGINEERING AGREEMENT /FUNDING: Costs of engineering services are anticipated to be between 7 -8% of the construction cost. The City estimated $1 million construction cost for this project. Funding for the engineering services is included in the Vision 2025 Funds. PROPOSED ACTION: Staff anticipates having an engineering services agreement for consideration and appropriate action at the June 16, 2015, City Council Meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map Engineering Solicitation /Exhibits rill I CITY OF OWASSO P.O. 180 Owasso, OK 74055 918.272.4959 wm-w.city0fowasso.com iLL- - uj ------------- T, E 76th STREET N/ MAIN STREET INTERSECTION 96M."AMOMM ►"MM i� er „ ,�� r �� �k. ...removing May 27, 2015 Notice to Interested Engineering Firms obstacles Re: Letters of Interest (LOI) Professional Engineering Services standing 76`h Street North /Main Street intersection widening and beautification project The City of Owasso is inviting three (3) qualified firms to submit a Letters of Interest (LOI) to in the way provide Professional Engineering Services related to the design of the 76`h Street North (aka 2 "d Ave) & Main Street intersection widening and beautification project in Owasso, Oklahoma. The proposed intersection will use Vision 2025 funds to construct the widening and beautification of of people two through lanes in each direction to adding a left turn lane on 76`h Street North by widening to the south. The possible widening of the north -south lanes one lane to accommodate right -turns may occur if funds allow. celebrating Project will include relocating 2 -3 water lines, coordinating private utility relocations, reconstructing the storm sewer at the intersection, extending the traffic signal lights /poles, their lives. upgrading signal controller and equipment. Also included will be curb and guttering, sidewalk improvements, street lighting, landscaping and installing decorative pavement to match the main street concept (as shown in the exhibit — exhibit is referencing landscaping only). The Design Services may include, but are not limited to, the following: • Topographical and Property Surveying; • Conceptual Plan and Design Report, in including estimate; • 30 %, 60 %, 90% and Final Design plans • Utility Relocation Coordination • Assistance during Bidding • Construction Administration Services (Inspection by the City of Owasso, this item is to be available for questions on intent and the review and approval of submittals during construction) • As -built Plan Preparation Emphasis will be placed on the design being completed on time and within budget. At a minimum, initial and monthly design workshops and review meetings will be held to ensure concepts and designs are as required by the City of Owasso. The design agreement will require o w the use of a scheduling program to monitor and track the progress. Schedule versus actual progress will be reviewed on no less than a monthly basis. Further, the design agreement will 4�4` j include the requirement for an in -house Quality Assurance and Quality Control review and fl1 certification statement by the firm. There is no DBA goal on this project. 301 West 2nd Avenue (918) 272-4959 P.O. Box 180 City of Owasso FAX (918) 272 -4996 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 A Cityof Character w 'Cityofowasso.com y III 11 � a� .removing obstacles standing in Pile way of people celebrating their lives The LOI submittal will be evaluated on the following criteria: — Design Team Organization and Experience related (20 points) to Roadway Design — Verifiable References for similar Projects in (20 points) Oklahoma — Firm Experience in Design of Similar Roadway (20 points) Projects, particularly intersection and work with — Project Schedule - Provide Proposed Schedule of (20 points) Completion in Work Days to complete the tasks from Notice to Proceed to submittal of 100% PS &E). — Familiarity with City of Owasso Design Standards (20 points) Construction Methods and Procedures The response shall be limited to fifty (50) single -sided pages. Format may be prepared using the DSC /CAP — FORM 255 utilized by ODOT and other state agencies. Five (5) copies of the SOQ shall be received by City of Owasso, 301 W. 2nd Street, Owasso, Oklahoma 74055, until 4:00 p.m. (CDST) June 3, 2015. The projects will be scored immediately and the firm with the highest score shall be selected to submit a fee proposal for the project. We will begin fee negotiations with the highest scoring firm and will continue until an agreement can be negotiated. We anticipate the process will be completed and an agreement taken to Council on June 21, 2015. The City of Owasso reserves the sole right to evaluate the submittal, waive any irregularities therein, select candidates for submittal of proposals or reject any and all firms that submitted should it be deemed for its best interest. The City wishes to thank you in advance for your interest and submittal of LOI. Please direct comments, questions, and any request for information to H. Dwayne Henderson, City Engineer, City of Owasso at (918) 272 -4959 or via email at denderson@cityofowasso.com. Sincerely, CITY OF OWASSO T' H. Dwayne Henderson, P.E. City Engineer 301 West 2ntl Avenue P.O. Box 180 Owasso, Oklahoma 74055 City of Owasso A City of Character (918) 272 -4959 FAX (918) 272 -4996 www.61yofowasso.com The City Wir2-- t Limits. TO: The Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Owasso FROM: Bronce L. Stephenson Director of Community Development SUBJECT: Annexation (OA- 15 -04) & Rezoning (OZ- 15 -03) of Property at 11933 E 116th St N- Future Fire Station #4 DATE: May 15, 2015 BACKGROUND: The City of Owasso is processing application for review and approval of an annexation and rezoning request for a property to be used as the future Fire Station #4. The subject property is located at 11933 E 1 16th St N. The property is requested to be assigned an Office Medium (OM) Zoning upon annexation. SURROUNDING ZONING: Direction Zoning Use Land Use Plan Jurisdiction North AG (Agriculture) Residential Residential Tulsa County Within PUD? RE Within Overlav District? N/A Water Provider South (Residential Residential Residential City of Estate ) Owasso East AG (Agriculture) Residential Transitional Tulsa County West AG A ric, siti ire l Residential Transitional Tulsa County SUBJECT PROPERTY /PROJECT DATA: Property Size'- 10 acres Current Zoning AG Tulsa Count Proposed Use OM - Office Medium - Fire Station Lots/Blocks N/A Number of Reserve Areas N/A Within PUD? N/A Within Overlav District? N/A Water Provider Washington County Rural Water #3 Applicable Pa backs N/A Streets (public —r private) N/A ANALYSIS The City of Owasso recently purchased the property at 11933 E 116th St N for use as the future Fire Station #4. The northwest quadrant of the City of Owasso has been studied for years as the area of town that is most in need of a fourth fire station. Locating the property along an arterial that allows easy access to the coverage area is essential and this property met all the criteria of the Owasso Fire Department. The property is currently zoned AG (Agriculture) in Tulsa County and the first step to developing the property is to annex the property into Owasso's corporate limits. The applicant is also requesting the rezoning of the subject property. Typically, when a property is annexed into City Limits it is assigned an AG (Agriculture) zoning designation, but as a part of this application the property is requested to be zoned OM (Office Medium). Assigning this zoning designation will allow for the planned development of Fire Station #4. Any development that occurs on the subject property must adhere to all subdivision, zoning, and engineering requirements including but not limited to paved streets, landscaping, and sidewalks. The City of Owasso will provide sanitary sewer service. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN CONSISTENCY: The Owasso 2025 Land Use Master Plan identifies the subject property and its surroundings as having a future land use of Transitional. The proposed rezoning to Office Medium will be in conformance with the Land Use Master Plan, as office uses are allowed in transitional areas. ANNEXATION COMMITTEE: The Owasso Annexation Committee met on May 27, 2015 and voted unanimously to recommend approval of the annexation request. PLANNING COMMISSION: The Planning Commission will review this item at their regular meeting on June 8, 2015. ATTACHMENTS: Area Map Aerial Map Zoning Map Annexation & Rezoning 11��III�IR = iILO� u1L1 - 11 iLFII 11� •a 04 06 This map represents - visual display . related geographic ..provided -. ..guarantee . field conditions. .L- - . . .- please . . , L the most up-to-date Annexation & Rezoning OA 15 -04/ 1" OZ15 -03 = 752 ft 06/02/2015, ° � - -� This map represents a visual display of related geographic Information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy, I please contact Owasso staff for the most up -to -date information. Annexation &Rezoning OA 15 -04/ V = 752 ft OZ 15 -03 06102/2015 \ _ This map represents a visual display of related geographic information. Data provided hereon is not a guarantee of actual field conditions. To be sure of complete accuracy, please contact Owasso staff for the most up4o -date information.