HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968.05.06_City Council Minutes~`a
::ay 6, 19°
the JrV?Gso `T'own 'votznCil met .... re,~wula2' sess3un Jri ;.ay 6, 19t>r; at ~:OC p.ir.
~.n the Town hall.
1'I{,f ~~}1'~t'al • ti Jl!r. - • ~"srati'
ill Herison
Lean Lar~~~e
Lor_ah t~lnett
~o~'.er~I~i.ne i•oivr:e~-
.:'.arth~~. ~ ^~rd
-. vJ
1,::.:~iIT : Gar~~ ~vaiis
Fre, _.Fnt of r~otirCi
T T"a 3 t% E
iiCtln~ TaVdr; ~~lc;i=
-,- i
.iaiJ,.A ~~. ~v ll: r
. ril't;eS oi' tf'~e la:~t re~Yuar il:eetlnf, 'sere I'e3%i dr:C a~3~'rUVed ciS reacts
n Frl•or iracle in tr,E; iu~.~-:'' ;,e6 of ,:arch lr,, 1;'tB, was read to the hoard and
correc~ced and that part of said minutes pertGinin~; to sei~~ice of notice of
'~esoluti.an tea. ~, shottld :.e corrected and .>de tc rear a" follows:
"tc serve r~tices of F~esol.utiar; 'o. b, pertaining to
sidewalk ins ~a114tian, upa tI'ie ~ropeI't;~ owners Gl~2eoted
b;y- sazd rtesalution."
6~lso should read aherrill F;'sta.tes instead of Qr:errill Iei~Iits.
Ttie follati^:i.n`~ `~'rea::•urer't~ TleNort vas reap b,y- tY:c Treasurer.
General r~iznd
Rei'use Fund
'r'i.ren:en's ren~ion rd.
tree t ::; Alle;~ Fund
Sinkin~~ j'und
~'~ a ter Fund
~ev:er Fund
Sewer IiLYrav. ~'~und
I:::eter Deposit l~'und
B ~~tK
q ~~7 19
j,~-i i • ~c
1 v~0•~ 7
CEIt`i` `"~~?OS ITS .~~T'U .L`i.TE S~.VIIGS :~-~JPdDS
5, 000.00 :iay 2 19~`?
2, C~UO . ~~G Jun Ij, lyu8
10,0~0•a0 :tt~ 2,19<L~
r~..i', 001 • vU ta) LU, 1.9079
„000.0 .:_ar 11,1 b9
„000. C)0
2, 0010.00 Jul 1C,1y6~
3,500.00 Auk 22,196.?
2,GC0.00 Apr 22,1969
1,000.00 ~,000.J`~
P.= rk fund 509.39
Cemetery r'und 3,636.91
37,61~:.7~ 33,5o~.oG 3,635.31 lo,ooo•oo
L{AL~i"~. ~i;E Oi'' FJ'dD
General Fund 'erson-=1 ::erva~es 2 0 or
3 9~ ..
Capital Jutla.~~ 6,1t?3•~0 8,v31.05
Street ~: hlley Funk, ~'ersonal Serf. ~,~,~g:~Y ~ ~ •9
, J , ~_.: ~ ~..
r.W '~ ~
•~'aY 6, 196' -- minutes continued --
the Trey=.~rer's jleport Was approved as read.
The followinn recommendations were Trade r.;',' she treasurer:
1,>00 transferred to ~'ersonal. Sr:rvicer> i~und arc t_at :":~u0 be trans~'ereu to
:':~81ni,<riCF and Jperatlt3n from tie u'Gtlel'81 N'uzid. ~~cplt%ii..
:'ha-t the June lb, 1~'6~ b~.lance of i.efuse ,e trzrsfered 1,o PErrson~.l ~ervi.~:;es.
:,,r. I:Fr,rE: Ii:UVCC, that the i'Oc.r ?.i:%~l;y tG tr:G :~i;Cl:~i: %:Car•d for tr~ne.fex' G1
funds. 5°':'.Orlded by .:;r• r_enson. s.feE: girt%'`url, ~~i)SS, ~1en:'Jr;, 1.:;ir<TE=•
P:~"r. Smith crurie :~efcre the ::oard ir: rem~.rds to tre Nrorerty or. :e:t 2nd StrE_et
~~:~ the 3C0~lcck. The Board J~iil hGve nG ob,jection or• the rmatter if ..r. SnritYi
handles the matter the game as the old por+.ion was 'randled.
i,r. Floss zmGVE:d that ':ir. :::~,wyer '-.e d3_reGt~d to start aUondrrent Gf Town's ~:ubl~c
propertyr, y,rY.iGh wa:, known' as i~'orth -~^.d_i^:nU ;tY°eet and nGV, lcnovrn a :forth
Carlsbad, abu t~ n^ lot ';, :dock 7 and L ~t 1~, :lock ~ in Greenlees ~:d~:3itior..
'odor: Seccn;E,u b;,r ..ir L~x',:;e. 1".yeS: irotri, i,USS, er'.t Ori, L~'ir s*e.
:sir. i,rvt:'' ::vx t;c :. • ri~i th that he .gad no legal ri;Y:t to do aryt;'Yin~; to che~
Z;Ot.E;rt;,V l:rit'1.1 It VvaS it hiJ ::.c`:• a'~:E'- ~O;ir'" t~~.:ii..e..:Jf'.l: n;. ob,je:ctioz~ for
C`•~u ~ l':.l.r'.i'; i'Ei".-i:l. ~ 1 Ux' du~'1~::~.. 1r~. t~t ::Ai' v'c..
C:,_w~', aild~:TI~J~iS: Lector fru:.r ;,hE Stato of Jkl.ahorar, dated r,px°il 29, 196 n
re.nards to the i'larnin~ ~as~istance funds. Tie letter has been answEred with
roper claims er.:Glo ed.
Letter frori the `~ulsa Jounty Legal 1..d ~oGitty advisirYr; that their service:
k'J01.11d be disc~r,tinued in J'arasso du:;• to tYE luck ~f business. T're~.~ will be
loci i;ed in their otivn offiGe~: n;nv and many bi: reaci~.ec~. tY:ere.
Letter frc:m Vari ~,;i,uve, rOlTiaS, Lieller i,. isr~el-;arm ::s~eC nprl r3, 1.9f:`; CUn::crrling
d.£+Gi~ir_e 7r_ the 1GYWri'S i14i1. .iCtion 13 ueyn€; takE'n E;jr tie ~%CarC..
.:r• CirOti: re C'>r~'riE;rized GG the-' LiGarLi tl:a.t ~;i,~UV f1'Grrr tr>e 5c1NF.Y' i'Und, ;l,~UV frOim
±.he Cemetery rund, ar,d ~°SUGC from: the ~~a.iEr i''urd be transferrer; to the uEneral
1'ur1C~. ::.I". Larf;'e SO rilOVed; :;dCOr1dE'G bj% .:x'• i.enSO_"?. ~;'es: `,rCit.:, :GSS, t:en:c:n,
and Lar.~e.
1~':e Gard d]_BLLiSSeC. tti2 ??; ,~tcr COnCt;rn7.:i~, mill ..7.11i8:r::~ GOir:~ Ori I.:ermaneiit StdtllS
a~ police Gf~'~cer.
i':i.Y'. ~1en5Gn mi0'J8d ttla't =ill +l1.li7Fi.iiS ~.~E'. On peT'ri18,:1ei."G ,F tUN' a: ti017CE', 'Jfficer Vdit.:
U c`:laY"y di ~3Uj. pe.r m.onthj SeC JnGBd b~ .:r• L,Z=;E. ia~ye.~." :~rCtii, Fi055, _:er;: Jn, Lar~-e.
recat?se i:.r. _':d Uan t-lstine left pri.cr to t~.E= ti.:te of stipulation, .;1;•• ~~ai.ers
beEran uu tie~~ as i'alice 'grief' the lst of tiYe ~~ont'r~ sub~~:ct to the approval of
the ward. :.:r. enscr, ri:ovE:d -hat ...r. .~ateY•s ~,e uirected as r~ev~ i'oL`.Ge Ji-iief
at salary of `:!~70. per rrG:.tr:; :;e:,~naed a~- i::r. yr::rre. ~:~r. Ross mentioned the
fact that t hl:; vr'7yS ,r1GrE' th~r, ~n ~: h"llr jvC• i:GFirC. af~l'E't_d 1i~:aL the 1-Gwve Oi:1.t=i~
rfSt e ^v<:i1r-,..:le ~.n t1:mP of nose t~C the u'.zb1iG a.n or. G21i ~:nrT ti,.,e aS POiiCe
'.`.hicf ~~1`,.r: n0 F.:;1.T"..+ pray. ~yP,S: ~,r'i)ti:, ~~-G.",`'>, 1-'cir.E-~ : cnSvri.
`f]E: Z%Ga'G reV7.eY'ved uj:•p17GaL".OnS fGr ~;Glice Oi'fiCei'fi ;.'Or r°.L ].E:f OffiCG:r5. It
:"i;?S r".',CDIlil21e::dEi'1 t~:~_.~. t6 iiiatt~r JE. .ELI}~ t.. t,~lt' ??Si;r8;1U ui tY:e iG.1.~.CE vv,t;t;.1S5~_C:iE:r
a.r'U relief Gfficel'S ~°'JOrk1'~ tu:;~etiler. ThE'. ~Gcx°:i ~r•: ed to c:i;i;k Into ~i,he transfer
cf bunEs for. relief off~.GE;rs ar_.d dr~cided ~o G:;":,rln a land for .,,r. ':`Jiilia.;;s.
The ~;oard revie-vved and approved t}ie pl~;ns for the new 12" sey~ar lines.
p-~ ,,.~
;; -~ ;~ .}
P::ay 6, 1968 -- miirutes .;ontinued --
:•:r. i'erb Hale appeared before. the Loarc~ at aporoximatei~• 7:u5 p.rr.
~Zesolutior. #7 vas reviewed by the ward wvhicr: related to siEZev~alks in
Sherrill liei~hts. it Vas decided that t:ie ftesoluticn vrould bE tat;}led until
the next meeting wit'r. tyre sti~ulatior, that -~.r. Hale begin. :ris sidevr~lks witi:ir.
t~U dugs ire the area. .:r. ii-,le rE::qucsted that tt:e o parkin~,~ sigr:s across 1'ror<
JiiS residcr'Ce be Cr"rl~e'd t0 1 - 3`v r'il.nu~tf parlor.{; i' or loaCilr~:~? jJ'ar~:OSeS at tree
apart•urer.ts. ~.r. !!ir Gtr! 5a1Q S1~~nS VtiUl:cl::l UE :ibtalrieC 1 OY' tre area.. .~.r. dale
W~iS adv~SE:d that It 'Ju021i~u UE' o Vlola'l;lon of OrG'1nanCE?S f'or a ~lOiiSe ~r<;]ler to
.JC pr.ri:ed behind the :.~-t;~ y.art ~'or the n;ana ter there. •~:r. Uroth ar_~reed to lrrt
;.:r. Thy let put sever lines -i n at .:r. r:~ le' ~ residence i ~ r_r. Hale furnished the
piUe and •.r. 'i.yler hac t~_rae for thE, ~>roject.
r,:e acoeNtar_ce of bias for refuse and gasolirre was arui ;unced. r~;r. :wroth
sur~;estec~ that the first rr:eeting iri June be set aside for tree accE:t;ting and
opcring of bids for trash ~.aulin~:, at (:3G p.ur. ar!d for ;asol~ne, supyliE;s,
oil, rrrir:or repaiY•s, "na hats J'or autu truck and tractor ti c•
> > ' re s a ~ 7 ~ ~r> p . rn.
~, he seale~a bids ~•.•ill o.:~ened and avcurded a ~ the regular r.:eetinh of uu.ne ~, 190.
.~r. L~r~~E; riOVeCI trial ~-~ii,L1I'iu~~jr' AiOr'n11~~, vl;tie .L, i;7U(, fi'or:r ~-12 3.Ilr. OE'. Set aSli:b
aS tOfT; i;a;y` +`1tr:r! C1C?' ,~"aOliG JE 1nr;DC.:la ~C:, ~tl:d i=-3CE;nie~.i i.:jr ';hG ~~E?taner'1or. at
.lt,yr Dail. ':tCOI;Clcd iJy :c=Y". heniJor!. i:~i~ Vi':1,~'i, ,',L~.".."., .:enS~)ri, d ~ %e.
^he .' ollowin<^ ~:vurr•ants ~E?re approved r:na si<ned b;yr te~c Board:
i~enE=rat. and
~`ed. ~ceser•ve ,_.sn'.•c
-~Iue .:toss 2~~.5u
"'c:Y'rJr ~la~~:.f'ord l~r:;~.';1~
,:,yrt,le Van ..__sti.r_e 1u.7~
_-.~ . `~ Gn ~lstire 2EJ. r3
... ;._ . :J E11: v:
' ,~ 2i~.t'c)
.!liia iJtl.i~)S ~~~.UG
;orriir:atur t:orp. j.."4J
.:YiU::~:; ii ~ V
+. Ul~
1/u... v'~ rr r~l~tine 4v.
~laa. :gat! . daS i::.l
Public aervice :;~. 3~.3v
yi{:tor ..Of~lrii.r: 1J.UiJ
'Loodrow 'v"paters 52.3
:rQOtir':W ',~i,^.tE:r" 1(t;.lU
_;E'rl:cirl~ .~i111izuiS 1v;.j.r~~
~•treet .. n:ilE~yr I'z?nd:
.`1r!cY:or Store ~,.'(
v1~-.ter Fund:
~'lur: (;toss .,~; ~ .
Sl,:errill ._ Sherrill I.~~.~J
erald Svaans~r. 12.x:
NCO;,,. ~
,';" ~,~e ter ~ :;up ~,
p.T~.t.~., i~'E~ L.._'~,
:;tar ~i.~~ctric 1~. jp
i1!i!Ir~lE; cJOne3 ~.0. 11:.C;~
r?pN g
A~+L yT L~~ .1 fVr, •~•~• LilinateJ C~tl1.:t 1:~~w li C.l ~•~'
'ilUrrants Contirraed:
Tulsa ~r~:e:tor ?? .';
,'-'n~lair iief~ni.°1F* ~.?>
Josep~^inc 'o~^rne;,~ 5r.2;
"n:r, r
;~r~ a s o ~, e
.;OT'~l~lj .111sup ~ 2;;•f J
',.7 t:.~~~ :i~riry..l.a 7 t . ~.2
J.r.'~ler 22~.U
_ ~ add,5 ~ ilburn lµ9 . JJ
Leonrurd ~'r.ompsan 14p.GC
~..~.. «ray-, Jr. 1pµ.32
Se~;•er Fund:
ii. ~~. c~. r~,~iley ~ x!1.01
~,er i~:f?. yl0.vl
'"i.',~. Grainger 11.9
Flue Cross 17.x'0
'~i. lB:i~I'Vt =%c 11.1 3>•'J it
vP_;'ieLi~I;j% t' 11:10
t`el.Lj' : racLOr Gi.~9
2icE i Cn(;e. l.j~.~l~
~.N. :'Jler 2'?.F~B
i. 1. 1.
J:~ii . t.iCra ~..Ln~ 2 is .. ^ :-.
G~ ~ L.7v .12
r::etc:r Deposit ~~'und:
Cr ~ s . :~:c~"-rew l~ . ~U
i'orman Collins 15.00
Reid Stewart 1.00
C.='. '.'arrlett 1(~.~0
~?obert .~li!1-th ~ `~.'liJ
.•'•~i . ;~ Of.'L'1,sTlt~ ~ .'.JU
Herbert Stfers lU.CO
a.llas riearlu r
1> .0u
tC1 US? ~'~lln(a :
!~.~±. Taft p1i3.~J~
i:ir. La2•~e moved to adjourn at 9:~5 p.m. Seconded u..J .,:z•. Foss. :;yes: ::11.
Jc~~ 1>. Groth, ?resider.,'' of rsod~
Do iah i~lrett, Acting ~ ovrn ::jerk