HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968.05.20_City Council Minutes~_ ~.° ';fat, 20, ~ oF, The Hoard of Trustees of the Totim of O~rrassc met in regular session at the Tcwn Hall at 7:00 p.m. on Play 20, l~h~'. Present: .?ohn '?. `froth Gary Evans Dean Large Bi7.1 Henson Inez H. Odom. Josephine Downey T~l . S . Sawyer Absent: Joe 3oss Fresident cf the Board Trustee Trustee Trustee To•~rr. Clerk Deputy C1_erk At t orney Tl:e mirnates of the last meeting were read and approved as read except the police officer's name Bill. ~~lilliams was corrected to Renard 'r^lilliams. Hollis Bro.•rn, representing Pss. ?^Tard, as'_.ced for a duplex building permit for Lot 15, H1ock 8, and the west 30 feet of the vacated street in Green7_ee's Addition. He showed plans but a permit could not be issued unti_1 the street is officially vacated. Pr. Fel7_inger made a statement on the Youth Palace: They have about $300. in savings after havin~* paid al.l expenses including ~'K0. for each performing band, and al'cwi.ng several groups to use the building free of charge. The building contract will expire February, 1969. ~Ie asked tre council for ideas on continuation of tre program. Grdi_nance P?o. 100 ~,~ras read by the trustees regarding the vacati.rg of the street between Lot 9 in Block.'' and Lot 15 in Block ~, in Greenlee's Addition. F`.r. L~~r~e moved we aban~:Aon the Street. ?Ir. Evans seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Henson, Evans, Lame. P`r. Cline L. PTansur, President of P'ansur, Steele, '~:rz_1liams, Inc. presented a preliminary contract to be considered by the 3oard, for representing the CittT as ~Ylgireer. He said there wculd be a base char. Qe of `~2~. per month ~ti~i_t.h ot4ier charges according to services performed. _A representative would attend one Cit4r meeting per month. I"r.. TZ*7er sai~' 4,re often have a need for Engineer advi.c_e. P°r. troth suggested we might hire ""r. I"ansur's firm for pre7_iminary survey of Pain Stre.At ,•rhich is necessar~T before i<re can hay*e a vote on a City Sales Tax_, for the purpose of regarring Pain Street. His charge for thiG surjTe~* ~ao~z~d be ~?00. which *ae would oVre whether the tax_ paS6P,d. or not, then if the tax vote gassed, he ti,roul_d charge an addl.±ioral ~~7K00. for a comp]_ete Sllrve'T for drair..afie and sidewalks which zhTould ~.rclude an area of a',proximate7~r 1000 acres. I~r. Lame moved we table the decision until we are a little more sure of a vote or_ sales tax. Plr. Henson seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Henson, Evans, Lame. "-r. ;°l. A, Cox, from the T'ity ?'fay: t Grocery asked rermission for a mobile home !~ehind hi,s store. He wishes to 7i~e there and ward his store from bur~lers. The Board could not; dive the permit as several. others had made simular requests, and the dec,isicn had been made for. mobi7_e homes only i.n courts for that r~zrpose. Herbert Hale showed plans for a nark, s ~rimm~.n~? roo7 , and apartment hui7dint-. , ~_n which he wished to charfie a plan already aggroTred fcr quadruplexes cf ~2 units to an apartment 1~Ullc?~ng Of ~a !?n1tS 7_n Order t,G make rOOm for tI"Ie pOOi a'_1d park. The C'r?.""'~° •,•^",a irvo7-re lots 1-2-3-1;.-7'' l.~-l~?-?^ in Bl.eck 2. The Board nxnressed agpro~~.=~._ ,.~ ~.~ ",fad, 20, 1.aF8 --- Tinutes continued T>'r. Hale also asked permission to ad~a 1.7 apartment units to the '711 Nort'r~ Atlanta comb lev. lie ~.howed a r7an +orrovide 85 rarkin~' sraces. t"r. Grote said nJ_»mhin~' fees of X110. on ?'?"'eSP.nt hUl_ldl_nf'' shoU.ld h2 ra1C'l. I''~r. 'Male raid T°riSS. DO!~ll1e~;* ~~]~. CaSI': and received a receirt marked, 1tra_d ;n f,~l_7_ for r=iZZTMhinr .nsrection at ry1.1 North Atlanta.'' I~'r. Ca?•,~ror said some reorle ~^ not sho,,, ,_,r in co,zrt for a traffic ticked ,•.rl''ic}l has 'peen iss,_zed, frhen there is ro hone. I`A s~~~'~ested rassint a serarate ordinance cha?^~:ins' a seven: offense for not S~"'.O?~*l.nk?' 'z''` 121 C0,2rt. ?:'^. Larne 80 mO~Ted. Mfr. Evana seconded the PfOt,.on. A?'eS: rt^pth, ile?^.SOn, EVanS, Large. i'~r. Lard=e mOVe~ and T?T". Evans S?COn~e!~ ±r~,t P'_~". JB.I~IVer~S contract be reneLdP,~. ~~*E3G: Groth, ,vans, uenson, Lame. i•"r. troth stated t.ha.t the fast ra?rmer_± arras made on the Sherrill. ',later T_~nes t~iis month. r, . ne sup bested ra s~n~- all full. time emrloT~ees ex_cert the r.olice chief and 0. A. Graff*, X25. per month • Gray to he 9_ncrea~ed X32.00 to come ,zr ~rrith other employees ( `~hoTMpson and u;l_burn)~ Gere Hardin, Pookkee*-,or to ~-,e i_ncr.eased x,1.0. per month, and ~',:. Sa?~rer tc he increased `',%10. per montl}• Part time emrlnyeeG .~ho t~'^rl' '^~~ the hour to he raid X2.00 r~er hour except ^ffice t~rorkers and dc,- ^~+,cher^ ,rho tia*ill ?~e paid a mini_r:um wage scale. '"he,se .raises to he affective ~?U1v l , 1Q~~8. P°r. Evans so moved and ': r. I-?ersor: secor~ae~3 the motion. Aires: Gr.ot,h, Henscr., :vans, I~arr_,e. 1 ".e f ol1 oy ink claims ?r~er. e a~,proved C=eneral Fund C;O~-C2R1a1 L1fe C,.1.0 K. I~i. De~,on~ 13.38 Nola Phipps µ7.8l+ Jol.r_ ~. troth 10.00 P~`arthe, Boyd 10.00 Tnez. Odom 2.0.00 •im. Henson i.0.>>0 Chas. C. Liehler 2.5.00 ri ~~. ~ . ~ aw;yer 2 5.00 A''aude Johnson ^S.OC Ilarry 5lorley 25.0~~ 0'_~1a. PTatl. Gas 18.9 'sdestern A,~tc ".9~ ~COtt :~1Ce ?.~,~ ,,. A. UI78.nFCS At'?ency ?~;.OO '~foodrew eaters 172.00 .Bernard t^~illiams 1.<:1; .!.? :°"eter. T)eros'.t Flznd : Pers. T"v. ~"`~. Shlze 5•,7(1 John V. Allen 15.00 Richard Galloway 15.00 Bvrle Kells 1,5.0 0 Jon klahr ` r•JO Gary Rust 15.00 Nancy I~:i:~r.t 15.00 ,n, r~~; 1m. ,d~lsor. C nn 1,.~~~ Street. c Alley Fun.3 . Joe Ross 10.C0 GaryL~rans 10.00 Gdater ~ and C;alonial Life 8.00 Harold D. Lard e ~ 0.00 J. B. ~ Bertha LarF.ent `~i7.C6 Commercial Lumber 192.59 Starla.ne Corp. ','0.20 Owasso B1-Trs. ,Cu,,p1y ~a.~0 y.. /~ i-ay 20, la ~8 -- tsnutes continued--- City utility :,'ervice "~'~..?_v Fublic Service Co. 22.2? `'/T-:r Bell ielephore ~1.;'c Okla. Natl. Ga.s 12.6' Apco Oi~ moo. _ - o.~~v Tulsa La?; 3S; .^0 Collinsville Nears ~ ^.3 5 Cooper Supp;~_y 21.6? Jtility Supp1-y ',.~C Locke Fiar.::bin~. Supply ~0. "? Dorothy Allsup 12~.b'~ Josephine Downey 1.5.48 Gene Hardin 5'r .1.~2 J. H. Tyler 220.0' ~u::dy h~luurn 14-J.GO Leonard ihornpson 145.00 O. :4. Gray, Jr. 1y~.4~ Se:•~er ~und: Colania,l Life ?.00 :-I. ~. Bradley 1,8.46 H. C. Bradley i51.G l 'the I~ieetinC ad ~ourned at 9 : r0 p.m. Inez ti. Odom, i'o?~m Clerk ~o F. troth, F,^esident of the Board