HomeMy WebLinkAbout1968.06.17_City Council Minutes~. June 1", Tile Board of ii°USteeS O°tthe cwll Of OWaSSC• i"ot in regular SeSSlori at the `T'o`Jn i-ia~i at '':^0 p.m.. Cra June i,•, 1%E~• ~'re6ent: Jorin l'rrott"1 Gary Evans Dear. Lame n l ~ H°nSO,n b1.~i JOe ROSS riez H. Odom Josephine DoU zey Presi;ent of t?~e Bcard Trustee ?'r?16tPe 'S'ri I S+,E e Trustee "i'cl~,.~ Clerk Deputy Clerk AttorrlAv i'he IT1nut8S Of ti^.e ~'_aSt rieeting, WF:r< read anT ariprO~red aS reads John troth and Joe Ross had attended a Chat~ber of Co^~merce meeting last Thursday, the 1.?th. 'T'ile Charmer is securing a r.,etition asking for a vote of sales tav frr the City Tr. troth said we ila'.-e been '.avin~ ref~ISe ',:ro~~ol.es, esreciaily the ;^ast three .reeks, ?~rith ^:an~,~ ^omr~laints. He said we probabl;,r reed to raise service charges . rG¢ ,:er residence in order to get ^ood serv~_ce. :fie are no?~r ol;arging ~1.>0 per rionth and this ~frould bring the rate t0 ,!~~0,•.Jif wll~h 15 .i_I'1 ~_irP 'v,*'t~" Other CO:~~.?;I:it1eS fGr rE-'S1.!~P.n~S. Apartments would L-~e a,greel ur~on by corLtractcr of refuse er~.ri ^,e and o~:vler of arart~r.er_t:; to be appro~,~ed by c^,urc~-l. T~rr. C~rotrl had already- contacted Nir. t_ppet.,ce and he ti.ad agreed tc take over on :,e~ne:;da,;;r, June 19th and ~Tet ;`?C`;'' of ;:-roceeds the remainder of June, +,her. ''~°' thereafter, -~:~iti: tree City recelVin`" the customary 2cr. :'%e~.Ol.Utlon Tvo• ~ (attached} •.ras ^resen+.,~d ,.,,?, T'"r. troth to ct;arge refuse rates as Su~:''eSted• T'°'ir• :BOSS iIOVS~ ;ti'e aC)OT)t tT"ie Y°ecG~U.t1.On. rF?^. HPnSOn SC'.COn~?e~ ti"iP_ II'Oton• Ayes: Grotti., T.ensor:, Lame, os~,, .,-raps. T~1. Large r.,oved and T;r. Evans seconded T•re accept T~~r. 'faft's a•ssi`n~7:ent to T~r. r~arl_ Rii~retoe for the relr.ainder o.f T?is contract per od to ±•ne first of July, 19(x?. Ayes troth, L~.rge, Henson, Ros, Evans. T~~„. troth real a c^ntract betJ,oer~ ti:e 'own of 0•~rasso ar~~ T•s. Earl ~ippetoe for one year be~-i^nirl~ Ju'y 1, 196~*. T•ir. iarme move.:: we award the contract to T"1T. RAppetoe. ~`_r. E"raris SeCOn~?ed the mOtl_On• Ayes: Gr~Oti^:, Lar"P., Henson, ROSS, EVanS. T°'.rs. Hcrr~~eak oom^,1_aired a~out t•he suggested that since the cemetery we lock t'rIe Fates at sundown to be ms~rping. ~~ . Large :;o moved. Tau . ienson, Ross, E--ans. removal of flo,aers frc.~ the cemetery. F`s. Troth gas been miss-used, 'stir beer cans, etc being founts then-o, cnened ,.., the r:olieeman :when he comes er. duty in the Tier.son secord.ed the motiol~I. A~Tes: troth, Lar~*e, 1'he Chambor of Com*rerce asked to dismay .fire~aorks again this year cn July ~':, ir: the :Jarit. T`r• '~OS,S *"OVe~ t>"ie reC~11ASt ~''E ^ra'.'lt!°a. T~T'• ~ZranS SeCOp`~ea t11P. MOt1-On• Aye^;: 1rotP., Large, nensor, ROSS, ~VaY1S. No '';ids Were received for the City's oil arLd .^as :,usiness so T~r. troth. s~l~~ested checking into i.nstai~_irg; our cwr. pumps. ?. letter and contract etas rresented fro*n the Cit~r cf 'uisa for raUt water a±, 11¢ per 1000 Gal. fcr 19F,~-69, ..~rh; ch is a .Q1~ ra~.se over last year. ~~ir. Lar:~e ma.* ed we accept the cona:,ract. Tau . Ross secor_ded the rroti on. Ayes: troth, Large, Henson, :loss, E-rars . ~~ ..r £ a . June 1?, 1968 -- T~`_inutes contnued --- A petition for annexation fror:~ O~~aassc Lt_~~.~oer Co., through J. Ray Smith, President way r~resented The Plcrthtrest G?uarter of the Southeast ~taarter of the Southeast Quarter (Tv ~,1';)-(SEA;}-(SEA` ), less the ;Test 330.00 feet of the South lb5 feet thereof, in Section 3O, `fownsrip 21 Tvorth, Range l!+ East of the Indian Base and T~~.`eridian, according tc the Government surve~T thereof, i r. the Gourty of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma. :ir. Henson T;IOVP,d and Ts. Larne secended that since ad~rertising has been done, ~s. San=er ^~ake an Ordinance for the anrlexaticn. Ayes: troth, Large, Henson, Ross, Evans. Crdinance Ne. 101 for annexation of O;aasso Lumber Co. property was presented -by I~`r. Sawyer. T!s. Large ~.~ved and r. Henson seconded +..he Ordinance be accepted. Ts'. Large ~.~c-red and Per. Ross seconded ar_ emergency ~e declared. Ayes: troth, Larne, Ross, Henson, L~vans. A. -petition for annexation rJasnNesentoa from Ha~~rk Interprises, Ir~c: The T~ortheast guar. ter (TdE') cf the Southeast ~hzarter (SE' } of Section Thirty (30}, To~,~mship Ttrenty-one (21} TJorth, Range fourteen (11+) East of Indian Base and. i~'eridian, Tulsa county, Oklahoma, according to the Government Survey thereof, Less the South 21O feet and the ?~TOrth 25 feet of the '':Test X03 feet cf the East F°0 feet thereof, and less U. S. Highway P1o. 75, said 'nighway being all that part of said Northeast C?t.zarter (A~.',) of t:~e Southeast Quarter (SE') lying East of aline beninnir. at a mint ?_5 feet South and 1?"' feet °lest of th.e northeast SCrner thereof, l'herce ~, 0°n1tC9r' :, along the ~1est 'ine of said Hi~rtraz= riF-r;t-of-tray a distance of "10.76 feet.; thence `' ~?_°1r ~0?_'f E a distance of 2..KK feet, thence v, Oo~,, t5~s> ?.,r aiorQ tea;-' uiFhr*atT r~_rht-cf-way a distance of 125.12 feet tc a mint 21.0 feet T.ortr and 132.0! feet 5^iest of the ;southeast corner of sa.i~l Portheast (?ua.rter. (NE's) of the Souti~east quarter (S~:;:) of said Section 30, Township 21 North, Range il~ East. T~`r. Evans TMtoved and T~~Y°. Henson secor~~ed P=mar. Satryer drat; up ar. Ordinance for the annexation. i-s. Sawyer rresented Ordinance ^'o. 1~2 far the annexation:. I~`.~. Evans Moved and T~Lr. i-.enson seconded we accept the Ordinance. Ayes: troth, Henson, ia.rt~e, Bess, Evans. I~r. Large moved and As. Evans seconded an emermenc-= he declared. Ayes: troth, Henson, Large, Evans, poss. ~r. Sherri?_1 wi:Il be notified. thiat trarni nos ~~ri~ l_ be given tris tiieek and t~.clCet s will bP miven thereafter for fain Street narking at his .4Partments. David Reeder, A Tttl.sa University student, ar~d r~ewsparer .reporter, asked rermissi.or. to ride ir. the police car for. ±~e »uspose df t~mit_nr, a rewsnaper story trhich might create a better attitude bet~reen ~olicer~en and the ^tzb~.ic. He is also interested in rolice :vorlC and i s studzr::~n~ »olice science at the iiniTrersity. The ~'oard vo~_ced aPrP_e*.^,ent. O. A. Gra~r, pity err»l.cyee, is resiar.~.ng ~?~tl~= 1, to accept a position frith Bro'cen Arrrr• tr.t~? better papa. I'he Hoard i_s a~eeable. The fol:!?-Tc1::~' C a:L!;;$ ?,lc'r e ar.,r,;ti.r~.~e.~ ... ~j.;r~+ ~_''~ ~ J~~ ~~ 1:`~_n•Itoc CGntlnLln,~i~~~ General I~U31'1 P~~'~Ii c ~ervi ce ~' ~', Okla.. Nall. Gas 1,.. F ^ Co~.or..~_a1 Life ^ ~~.~.v K.. I. DeLong L~ . ~? ~.~ a,rk ie Lee ?'~`acon % ''. °O F'l.rSt i'at~-• ~ar.Ii, Okla.Clty ~;.~;._,.In wrater Fend ~'t1~Sa COtlnttT IVetiS ~~K.~J rTB± 1. ~'_:er~search K0. °0 i%?-~ a.. Janitor Su~^. 5.'_G Iic11~i 'Tract^r l4.?^ Tosephine Dc,,rne~r K! .fib Ut,aSCG ~ ~.~'~ /; ~e11 "'e1_eprone Co. ~~ .^ Public Service Co. I_~a.~l,. Okla. Natl. Gas ~.?? ~o:~.on_a~ Life ~`,^^ :' e~~-er ~ un~ . ~o~_Gnia~ Life ?.00 eT r 1`•.. . ~a.'retT ~ ~ ~ ~n Gray*elt- Tractors ~~'.F 5 ~`eter T)e~rci {; ~;,An'd Harvey ~ ~ra.r'.;urt on ~ c . OG ?o'~;ert J. Ga; arski c.~,O ^rs. ~~,~rerett ~Ia,rrs LL`."~ ~~ "har?e^ ;ears _:~;.Or ?^b^V ~.hinTMa.r. , K~r~n, T?-e meetin_^ ad ;ourt~ed at 9:1.5 ~y a ~?o~-e froTM. ''.r. Tar^e and a secana by P~`_r. Henson. ~~res: r~rot]^, Her~;;on, Lar^~e, Foss, __~~-an~. ~ n ~~ ~ I ~~ GrGth ~ j'rec~ir~iP'•:t Of' 3Gard c Inez ?~'_. Odo^~, Tc;:~n ;,lerk