HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967.03.06_City Council Minutes~~~~
March 6, 1967
The Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso met in regular session at t:CO p.m.
March 6, 1967, in the Torm Hall.
Present: John troth Mayor
Joe Ross Trustee
V. D. Duncan Trustee
Inez Odom City Clerk
Absent: Harold D. Large
Ernie Foster
Martha Boyd
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read.
The treasurer's report was read. and approved:
Bank Cert.Deposit Matur. Date Savings H-Bonds
General Fund 2,390.53
Refuse Fund 2,023.30
Firemen's Pension Fund 1,139.04
Street & Alley Fund 7,120.87
Sinking Fund 17,635.64 5,000.00 Apr. 25, 1967 5,000.00
10,000.00 Aug. 22, 1967
10,000.00 Feb. 3, 1968
4,000.00 Feb. 25, 1968
Water Fund
Sewer Fund
Sewer Improvement Fund
Meter Deposit Fund
Park Fund
Cemetery Fund
Owasso Utilities Auth.
3,134.62 1,000.00
945.05 3,500.00 Aug. 22, 1967 1,000.00 4,000.00
53,378.64 32,500.00 2,139.04 10,000.00
Mr. Tom Rikkoli asked for approximately X1100 for supplies needed for the Fire
Department for the next year. Mr. troth estimated that X600 to X800 would be the
maximum available,-but the request would be taken under advisement with current prices
and the budget being considered.
Ordinance 87, correcting the school petition for annexation as to description of
location of the property being annexed was offered by motion of V. D. Duncan,
seconded by Joe Ross. Ayes: troth, Duncan, Ross. Passed.
An emergency declaration for Ordina~tce 87 was moved by Mr. Duncan, seconded by
Mr. Ross. Ayes: troth, Duncan, Ross. Passed.
Mr. troth. reported that the planning commission is being delayed by Government
regulation changes. Anew area council planning meeting will. be held March 23rd,
with all Tulsa are communities - Coweta, ?,lagoner, Bristow, Cleveland, Claremore, etc.,
participating. A government representative will be present. The Owasso grant probably
will not be approved under the old system, and under the new priority system our
placement is very low, which will probably mean another year's delay. The meeting
is being held at 1:30 p.m. at the auditorium of the City-County library in Tulsa.
Mr. troth will attend.
A letter from the State Department of Health enclosing the permit for construction
of sanitary sewers far Ator Heights Addition was read into the record by Mr. troth.
Page 2, Minutes continued March 6, 1967
A general discussion took place concerning ordinances covering safety valves on hot
water tanks and fire walls on apartment complexes.
Mr. John Mowrey, representing the Chamber of Commerce, appeared before the board to
present a petition signed by 30 members of the chamber asking that the radar
installation of the police department be removed, its it is detrimental to the business
of the tgwn. Mr. troth pointed out that the month prior to installation of the radar
there were 12 citations for speeding, and the next month with radar there were 13
citations for speeding, indicating that it is not being used as a means of obtaining
revenue. After general discussion Mr. troth said the board would take the matter
under advisement and check with the police cr~ief on any possible abuses of the use
of the radar. Mr. troth asked that the council members be invited to appear before
the Chamber of Commerce and that Chamber members be present at City Council meetings
in order to exchange views on the subject.
Mr. Harry Crowe presented Ordinance g~, approving a bond indenture and agreeing
that the trust creating Owasso Utilities Authority is subject to provisions of
said bond indenture executed in connection therewith. Motion made to pass by ?qtr.
Ross, seconded by Mr. Duncan. Ayes: troth, Ross, Duncan. Passed.
Emergency clause for Ordinance ~8 moved by Mr. Duncan, seconded by Mr. Ross. Ayes:
troth, Duncan, Rossi Passed.
Thy ordinance is to be published and prof of publication furnished to NIr. Crowe.
The following claims
General Fund:
Woodrow Waters
Edw. Van Alstine, Jr.
John t~J. Hager
Estelle Clinkscales
Waldo Jones, Sr.
Virginia Hodges
Glenna Mae Beane
Judy Tumlison
Maxine Evans
Maxine Smithers
Wanda White
P.onald McLaury
A . S . Mozinao
Victor Koenning
Tulsa Printing Co.
Dominator Corp.
Public Service Co.
Ridgeway ~ s
Meter Deposit Fund:
Homer Kauffman
td. R. Feil
Frank Lane
Herman Tnlood
Trlater Fund
LPOnard Thompson
Buddy Hilburn
J. I-t. Tyler
Gene Hardin
were approved for payment:
7 :00
7~ .07
51. ~0
5 5.00
Page 3, Minutes continued March ~, 1967
Josephine Downey 143.95
Dorothy A1lsup 121..45
Dawson Hardware 3.65
Beacon Stamp & Seal 5.00
Essman & Gainey 10.00
Public Service Co. 149.56
Owasso Lumber 36.25
Josephine Downey 39.40
Okla. Army Surplus 17.96
~Jtility Supply 924.15
Commercial Publishers 50.50
S/Tfi Meter & ",upply 205.80
Chas . T. Clark Co. 15.63
John F . I~1cDaniel , P. M. 120.00
Gerald Swanson 37.50
Sherrill & Sherrill 140.00
Allen J. Bradley 135.47 2,747.66
5inkir_g Fund :
Nat'1. Bank ~f Tulsa 15,705.35 15,705.35
Sewer Improvement Fund:
Independent Mat'l. Co. 45.00 45.00
Sewer Fund:
Pate Engineering 75.00
Owasso Feed & Supply 25.10
H. C . Bradley 151.53 254.63
Refuse Fund:
A. H. Taft 755.25 755.25
Cemetery Fund:
R. A. Young & Son 22.55
J. H. Tyler 30.00 52.55
Stredt & Alley Fund:
Ancror Store Co. 61.74 61.74 23,460,7!+
Motion to adjourn was made at 5:10 plm. by Mr. Duncan, seconded by Mr. Ross.
Ayes: Groth, Duncan, Ross. Passed.
Gene A. Hardin, Actin; City Clerk