HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967.05.15_City Council MinutesP•~.y 15, 1.9F,^ The Board of Trustees of the To~~,-r, of G4aasso met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. cn P~`sy 1.K, 1967 in the To,,m Hall. Fresent: John troth Joe Ross Dean Large Gary Evans P~;ike Chandler Inez H. Odom Josephine Downey President of the Board Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Town Clerk Deputy Clerk The minutes of the 1a~t meeting were read and approved as read. ~~r. troth suggested the foi.Iowing claims charged to the water department be changed to .the following?_ accounts in order to get the water fund out of the "red ": TO Salaries ~l,lll.'~6 Sewer Fund Pue~r P-deters 1.,666.56 Sewer Improvement Fund T~Tater Purchases 1,O2.1~ Cemetery Fund The Hoard agreed to the change. Nx. Large moved we accept and sign a water 1_ines contract with Starlane Addition for ~11,2a5.9O of which we will repay ?5°~ 08,464.43) by using ape-third of the water receipts from the addition. P!r. Chandler seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Ross, Large, Evans, Chandler. Per. troth read a letter from A. B. Jetaell, S~aperintendent of ?°Taterworks ar~d Sewerage of Tulsa explaining a new method of charf;ing for tti~ater to our Town, but the charges saili be practically the same. P~~. Chandler suggested that l,th and Atlanta needs a 4-way stop sign instead of a 3-way sign. The Board agreed and they also agreed that we need a change in the "P1o Parking1t sign near the fire station to "Do Not Block The Drlve~~. AST. Sokolosky appeared with a proof of publica.ti ors and an application asking for commercial zoning of: The North 75 Feet of Lot 1, Block 2.3, Original ToUm of Ot~rasso. The City Planning Commission had written a letter recommending the zoning after an amendment is made to Chapter 15, Section. 112, which would contradict the zoning for selling food . ~u . troth suggested ~~re let our attorney decide ~•rhether we amend or delete the Ordinance. P~~. E~,rans sc m,oved. ?`.r. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Charsller, Ross, Large, Evans. P~'r. Large moved we approve the zoning. P:r. Chandler seconded the motion. Ayes: Greth, Chandler, Ross, Large, E~.*ans. ~'.~^. Soko1 osky presented application and proof of publication asking for annexation of A tract of land, beginning at the Southeast Corner of the Norte-:,~~est Cuarter (I~"r'',)) of the Southeast Quarter (SE') of Section Pvineteen (19), Townshr Twenty-One (21) IvTorth, Range Fourteen (1_l+) East of_ the Indian Base and Meridian, in Tulsa County, Oklahoma, Thence North 686 feet, Thence a~,'est 1320 feet, Thence South 686, Thence East 1.320 feet, to the Point of Beginning in the County of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma, accordinz; to the United States Government Survey Thereof. ~;~~ P~"av 15, 19b? irinutes Conti rn~ed--- P~Tr. Chandler moved we grant the request for annexation with Ordinar>ce ho. 92. fir. Ross seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Chandler, Boss, Large, .vans. P~'x. Chandler moved that ~Ir. tranAlstine continue as Folice Chief at the same salary. lr. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Chandler, Ross, Large, vans. r~'Fx. troth nreserted a petition signed by 274 voters out of approximately 1vC0 registered voters in th~rasso asking that we assess each water tap in Owasso $1.00 per month for the purpose of building a neighborhood Facilities Building and swimming pool. Mr. troth recommended trre allow the voters to vote on the issue on July 11 along with the Judicial Reform Lrote, as this wozzld save the cost of a special election. I~r. Ross moved and ''r. Chandler seconded the motion to dratir up an Ordinance which the people ~~ril1. be giver. a right to ratifZT fcr the purpose of the Building and Pool Ayes: troth, Chandler, Ross, Large, Evans. The rt~1.00 would be automaticall~* lifted as soon as the facilities are raid for or before if the peop7~ so desixec? and voted in favor. Herbert Hale appeared *~rith several residents from his apartments asking the Board to review the mul~.inle meter water charges for their benefit. Pax. Evans moved we advertise for. bids on the Ator Heights Addition water Lines for the purpose of establi shirg an amount for our ''S`~ nay-back. i~Fr. Ross seconded the motion. Ares: troth, Chandler, BOSS, Large, E~Tans. I~~. I. ,~d. Bill said a hedge on the Town. right-of-z~ra~r at ~?th and P~;ain ~.s obscuring the view of motorists. 'r~x'. j~'anAlstine ?•ri11 ask the o~rner to cut the hedge. Prx. PY~cCracken and P!'r. Hogeland appeared asking if they could be allowed to help the police Department control the rewd~mess in their neighborhood. After discussion, P!r. Ross suggested we ask the oVyner to close the house at 1~5 ?°Test 5th Street to the teen-age rang. Psx. Chandler moved we dernz+..ize I~"r. t•?cCracken and R°x. Hogeland. N'x. Rcss seconded the motion. Ayes: C~roth, Chanr{Ler, Ross, Large, Evans. i~r. troth admonished P~`r. P~icCracken and P-'r. I?crel.and to a'~ide by the ToVm Ordinances _in any action taken. The Board approved Ed ?~rell's request to move two houses from back of his store to ?Test 2nd Street. The follos~ing claims Vrere approved Meter Deposit Fund: Kenneth Gastineau Brandon Allen Sewer Improvement Fund: Neptune Meter Co. Cemeterv Fund: Citzr Iiti.1_ities Serv. Sewer Fund: Colonial Life Leonard Thomason Buddy Hilburn. J. H. Tyler gene Hardin 1.5.00 15.00 30.00 1.,666.5E 1.,666.56 1,025.15 1,025.15 ~ ~;..7ti 11+5.27 11~5.2ry 219.?5 5T?.04 ,~ %. T~Iay 1.5, 196? T~irn~tes continued --- Dorothy Allsup 121.t~5 Josex~hine Do;mey 143.85 H. C. Bradt-ey 151.8 T~1at1. Chemsearch 1''6.31,. Iiarol_d. D. Ixa.rge 1:.,^,.00 ~Fartha Boyd 10.00 0. A. Gray, Jr. 1.07.0'' Alley. J. Bradlesr 1.39.96 H. C. Bradley 1511.88 1, 597.86 9UA; OUA Operating Fund 1.'~., 570.76 ~+, 5'?0.76 General Fund: Colonial Life 11.30 ~Ioodrow ?raters 1..52.10 F~dw. VanAlstine, Jr. 166.E 5 ?de1_ls Food TFarket 1ry.10 Ed . S . Sund ati*, Jr . 1.6.00 Apco Oil 254.':'3 Public Service 6.65 Okla. Natl.. Gas 3.?0 Harry ~~~lorl.ey 25.00 T~Faude Johnson ?_5.00 TF. S. Sa.ayer 25.00 T.F. S . SaUr~ler 50.00 Ravmon B. `"homas 25.00 John 't. troth 10.00 Inez Crl om 20.00 ~I. D. Duncan 1.0.0~~ Talcol.*r. Chandler 1.00 ?°;ri1-liam Ii. Fa in 1.01.. "6~ ~ A. S. Mozingo h6.40 9x6.49 Street & A1lev Fund: Bob Fe11es 30.00 Joe Ross 10.00 Gar~T ~~.vans 10.00 50.00 ?•Jater Fund M. J. Agin 30.00 S/?~1 Meter & Supply 97_.48 All Electric Co. 82.50 Owasso Lumber Co. 44.09 Josephine Downey 41.15 Gkla.. Janitor Supply 16.15 Ira Leach 20.00 ~?. A. Shanks Agency 25.00 Gerald Swanscn 12.50 S.?'I Bell 1'elec~hone 58.6`? Okla. IV'atl. Gas 4.98 Fublic Service Co. 157.'?1 Star lane Corp. 46.12 J. B. & Bertha, Largent 122.21 Comrlercia.i Lu.~ber Co. 19' .62 951.19 20,888.01 ,~ .~ ~~ P•ay 15, i-967 h`inutes continued --- i~Pr. Large moved and t~s. Evans seconded we adjourn at 9:OOp.m. Ayes: troth, Ross, Chandler, Large, Evans. ~. J R. troth, President of the Board 1L C~ ~ y Inez H. Odom, Tot~rn Clerk