HomeMy WebLinkAbout1967.07.17_City Council Minutes~~
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July 17, 1967
The Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on
July 17, 1967, in the Town Hall.
Present: John R. troth
Mike Chandler
Joe Ross
Dean Large
Gary Evans
Inez H. Odom
Josephine Downey
M. S. Sawyer
President of the Board
Town Clerk
Deputy Clerk
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read.
The following Treasurerts Report was read by Mr. troth in the absence of the Treasurer.
See Page 39
Mr. Gordon Lambert representing Sinclair Refining Companp offered a coupon program to
induce the Town to do business with hip company. Mr. troth stated that we would accept
bids at the next regular meeting August 7, at 7:30 after our present contract expires,
and Mr. Lambert's company could submit a bid at that time. Mr. Evans moved that we
advertise for bids on the gasoline and Mr. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: troth,
Chandler, Ross, Large, Evans.
Mr. troth read a letter from Clyde Winterringer announcing a Tulsa County Excise Board
meeting on July 20 for the purpose of dividing milage for Cities and Towns and asked
for a representative if we wished to be heard at the meeting. Mr. troth plans to go.
Mr. troth read a letter from Farmers Insurance Group regarding the suit of Viola
May Craig against the Town which is in excess of our policy. The letter also acknowledged
complaints of Eveylene Sappington and Aubrey LeRoy Stains.
A zoning application with proff of publication was presented by Mr. troth on property
owned by Houston Ericksten for the purpose of Youth Meetings. Mr. troth read a letter
recommending the zoning from the Owasso Planning Commission. Mr. Ross moved and Mr.
Chandler seconded the rezoning be granted. Ayes: troth, Chandler, Ross, Large, Evans.
Tom Rikkola expressed an interest in Firemens' allocation for next year. Mr. troth said
the audit should be in next week with the information.
Mr. troth presented a proposed agreement creating the Indian Nations Council of Governments
with a representation of all Towns and Cities in the District and costs to be shared ac-
cording to population for the purpose of Government planning. There would be one representat
ive for the several Towns with population under 5,000. Mr. troth read a resolution which
Mr. Chandler moved and Mr. Evans seconded we accept for the purpose of the use of facilities
only with the decision of becoming a member to be made later. Ayes: troth, Chand ler, Ross,
Large, Evans.
A 'TThank-You" letter was read from Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Arterburn for the work done by Mr.
Ross and Boy Scouts in cleaning Atlanta Street.
Mr. troth read a letter from State of Oklahoma Highways Dept. rejecting our request for
resurfacing North Main Street in Owasso.
Mr. Chandler moved and Mr. Large seconded we execute and send a protest prepared by Mr.
Sawyer on Cause No. 23678 in regard to Water Transportation. Ayes: troth, Chandler, Ross,
Large, Evans.
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July 17, 1967 Minutes continued ---
Treasurers' Report
July 1, 1967
General Fund 6,127.25
Refuse Fund 3,088.24
Firemen's Pension Fd. 1,139.04
Street & Alley Fund 9,309.48
Sinking Fund 4,941.25 10,000.00 Aug.22,1967 5,000.00
10,000.00 Feb .3,1968
4,000.00 Feb.25,1968
5,000.00 May 2,1968
Water Fund 210.0'7
Sewer Fund 2,916.64
Sewer Improvement 4,044.15
Meter Deposit Fund 2,505.05
Park Fund 503.39
Cemetery Fund 3,355.66
Owasso Util.Auth. 153.4
O.U.A. Operating Fund 15,516.45
3,500.00 Aug.22,1967
l,ooo.o0 4,000.00
, , , . ,
Balance of Funds
General Fund Personal Services 1,555.91
M & 0 1,978.52
Capital Outlay 645.00 4,179.43
Street & Alley Fund Personal Services 1,485.14
M & 0 462.87 1,948.01
Mr. Groth read a copy of a letter written by Mr. Frank M. Rowell, Jr., Attorney,to Mr.
Hale in regard to inspection fees owed on his apartments for plumbing work done by Mr.
Richardson and others. Another letter was read to the Town from Mr. Rowell. Mr. Hale
had promised to appear at the meeting in regard to the matter but did not. Mr. Hale had
acknowledged to Mr. Rowell that he owed the $165.00 but the Town owed him $420.00 for
curbing which the Trustees denied.
A Water Polution Control School was held at the School on July 11, 12, 13, which was
well attended including all our employees. Mr. T,pler is now a Grade "A" Operator.
There was a discussion of a need for another pick-up for the Town. We now have a pick-
up for Tyler, one for Bradley, and a flatbed for the other three employees in addition
to a dog pick-up truck, which brought a discussion of the dog-catcher not keeping the
dog pen clean. The Board agreed that if the catcher does not wish to maintain the dog
pen that he be discharged by the police chief and another man hired. An application
was presented by a man who would act as dog catcher and part-time policeman.
Mr. Groth stated that he doubted the need for ar,~ther pick-up but if the Councilmen be-
lieved in the need, we could probab lp pool our ~undss to buy one. Mr. Large moved and
Mr. Chandler seconded we advertise for bids on a new pick-up. Ayes: Groth, Chandler,
Ross, Large, Evans. Mr. Tyler will give Miss Downey specifications to be advertised for
acceptance at the next regular meeting on August '7, at 7:15 p.m.
Mr. Sawyer said the Town is liable for vehicles when driven home by employees. He stated
the Gordon Clay case had been closed.
The following claims were approved:
July 17, 1967 Minutes continued ---
Sewer Fund:
H. C. Bradley 154.88
Okla. Dept. Health 35.00
0. A. Gray 10.00
J. H. T,gler 10.00
Natl. Chemsearch 176.34
J. H. Tyler 11,..67
Jimmi e Jones Co. 45.00
First Natl.Bank,Owasso 1,000.00
Colon ial Life 3.00
Sinking Fund:
First Natl. Bank,Tulsa 202.95
Water Fund:
0. A. Gray 160.17
Leonard Thompson 149.27
Buddy Hilburn 149.27
J. H. Tyler 219. 75
Gene Hardin 5£3.04
Josephine Downey 11,,3.95
Dorothy Allsup 121.45
Public Service Co. 200.30
Okla. Natl. Gas 1.84
S/W Bell Telephone 51.45
City Utility Serv. 1,125.25
Owasso Fd & Sup. 11.21
Owasso Builders Supply 5.34
International Labs. 219.50
W. A. Shanks Agency 17.50
Josephine Downey 50.04
Owasso Lumber Co. 12.83
Mid Century Ins. 57.20
McKesson & Robbins 216.68
Starlane Corp. 56.25
Commercial Lumber Co. 216.53
J. B. and Bertha Ls,rgent 11+3.47
Harold Large 5.00
Colonial Life 8.00
0. A. Gray 160.17
Street & Alley Fund:
Public Service 1,449.29
Gary Evans 10.00
Joe Ross 10.00
General Fund:
Woodrow Waters 156.20
Edw. Van Alstine 169.75
Wells Food Mkt. 10.05
Public Service 52.37
Okla. Natl. Gas 5.91
Harry Worley 25.00
M. S. Sawyer 50.00
July 17, 1967 Minutes continued ---
Claims approved:
M. S. Sawyer 25.00
Raymon Thomas 25.00
Inez Odom 20.00
Mike Chandler 10.00
Maude Johnson 25.00
First National Bank,Owasso 1,000.00
V~tn. H. Fain 131.96
Colonial Life 11.30
Cemetery Fund:
Eastside Mowers 2.02
First Natl. Bank,Owasso 690.06
Meter Deposit Fund:
A. R. Little 15.00
F.,eonard Rtlcinski 15.00
Mr. Large moved and Mr. Evans seconded we adjourn at 9:04 p.m. Ayes: Groth, Chandler,
Ross, Large, Evans.
R. Groth, President'of the Board
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Inez H. Odom., Town Clerk