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1966.03.07_City Council Minutes
i~g( ?~Tarch '7, 1966 The Board of Trustees of the Tovan of Owasso met in reg~l.~r session at the Town II€~ll Monday evening, P;Zarch '7, 1966 at 7:05 I'.I~I. Present: John Groth Joe Ross Ernie Fos+~er V. D. Duncan Robbie tickle Josephine Downey "lenn Rosecrans P~~r. Dean Lame arrived at '7:35 '~' .~'~I. President of Board Trustee Trustee Trustee Town Clerk Deputy Clerk shown Tre a sure r The minutes of the previous meetinr* were read and approved as read. '.VIr. Rosecrans presented the financial statement as of r~areh, 1, 1966. PJ~r. Croth reported that the ti"(a erworks rund reported at ~1F37.4'7 was incorrect and that the fund should have ~t1,000.00 in it. Vernon Lewis, representative of J. Ray smith, was present to discuss the utilities service in Starlane °ddition. IIe reported that the `eater and setaor sysi,ems are completely installed accordi n~~ to the city specifications with a few minor e~,ceptions. A letter teas (from Owasso Lumber Company) requesting approval of all water utili- ties in St~rl~ne ~~vi th Oc,~a.;so Lumber being responsible fo.r zny dis- crepancies. :~ letter addressed to 0~::~asso Lumb©r Com;~any from the City was read which approved A. ~~Tater lines s©rvin~; all of Starlane addition,B.'Sewers servin~* all of Starlane addition except Block One (1} and, C. streets- Third Street west on ~,ourth Street to Rayola Addition. This serves Lots 1-~'-3, Block 5, all of Lots in Block 4, Lots 1 thru 14, Block 3 and Lots 1-`~-3 in Block One (1). Mr. Duncan moved that the I?oard accept the above mention approvals on Starlane Addition. Per. Foster seconded ;he motion. Ayes, troth, Ross, Oster, Dunc an. Mr. Levris presented the am~nended plat of Park View !!d~ition with the re-subdivis ons of and inclusive of hots 7 t:o 11, Block One (1) of Park View. Mr. Foster moved and Mr. Ross seconded that the Ammended park View Flat be accepted. Ayes, Groth, roster, Ross Duman. P.Ir. L@wis ~;-as informed that when the en;^~ineer's lay-out far the water system is completed, Herb 'Eyler should be contacted for approval. A thank-you not® from the Be ~ny Coe family was read in re~~ards to the dedication by the City of the Be~~ny Coe gave plot. letter and sample ordinance from the "Keep- Ol~lahoma Beautiful" organization was read. Mr. Sawyer will be given the sample ordin- ance for adoptation to fit the town's particular needs. A letter from the Tulsa County J~neville Court Center Headquarters in regards to the T~Iay 3, 1366 bond election was read, A letter from the State Department of He,~lth in regards to the State health requirements for au'olic water suoplies records was .read. Mr. troth suggested that these records be brought up-to-date beginning Ja?~uary 1, 1966 and that monthly reports be sent in as required by the State lIealth Department . D7inutes Continued-page 2-PJtarch 7, 1960 P~7r. Ross explained that the 1~Rethodist Church is pla~~ning a building program and plans to construct nevr edifice adjoining the present structure :which would delete the ells J' way. It cvas suggested that t'ne Methodist Church, when plans are completed, contact the local Planning Commission for approval and suggestions. r~rr. VanAlstine roves instructed, that under no conditions, tivas he to allow the remain:er of the Dr. ~~:vans r~roperty, 209 N. T~~°a~ n to be burned. l; A totter addressed to j~~r. ~"Iilbur C. Sidner, peal estate Officer, Oklahoma City ~~tatins~ that the r© tv.^.s no restriction or confli__ggt on zoning or planning of the property located a~: South 50 feet;y~~.ock 10, original to~~n, and Lot 10, Block 1~', original town was read. This property is presently zoned for residental use, however, the Board could see no problems in the re-zoning of this property should it be chosen as a site fora new Posi; Office Building. I~Fr. Foster moved that an application be submitted to the County Excise Board for the transfer of funds from the un-incumbered bal- ance of the Street and Alley P~Zaintenance~nd Operations fund to be transfered to the street and ^11ey personnel Services E}und. Mr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes, Groth, Faster, Ross, Duncan Large . ~t4r. Herb Hale was present in regards to the method of computing his water bills for his apartments. He stated that he was still against the billing method and schould this ~e worked out to Hales advant- age, he would expect a reba~e. 0. Y ~ ~~ ~ lt~r. Hale also requested that he or his employees be permitted to tat~e care of the refuse service at his apartments and his home. He ;vas given permission to ~~ o so. The City will continue service until March 9, 1966. ~Tr. dale will begin his own service on Monday, March 11, 1966. Mr. Hale was advised that he or his employees would have to take care of the refuse sin''e no outside refuse man could be em- ployeed for this matter. r,"r. ;Foster moved that the5,000.00 which is on Certificate of De- posit and vai_11 expire Jun© 18, 1966, (?"1=ter Fund) be used to make two (2) payments on fire truck when the July, 1966 pay~tent is due. Mr. Duncan seconded the moti on. ~.y~us , Crroth, Fos ter, Ross, Large, Dunc an . The following claims mere approved: Pdtarch 7, 1966 -general rund DX~unray Oil Co. 15.56 rred Jones Ford 10.55 ?a!, S , barley Co. 5.00 Fd. ~ . VanAlstine, Jr. 6.00 Fd. J. VanAlstine, Jr. 144.'76 Woodrotiv A. tVaters 135.93 A , S . Moz ingo 38.80 Victor F. Koenning 15.00 Street & Alley Sargent So~ve11 Co. 49.36 Anchor Starve ~'o. 37.68 t"later Fund Sherrill & Sherrill 140.00 Vickers Refining 128.26 Utilities Service Div. 937.25 ~H~. A. Shanks Agency 19.00 371.60 8'7.04 P 3 '.. '? r .. ~ ~~ Claims Continued-T'a~e 3-Pllarch 7, 1966 y~Tater Fund Cont~d Secret r and Refuse Fund Meter Deposit Fund Cooper ='upply Trian~?le Blueprint Public Service Co. Dorothy Allsup Josephine Downey Gene A. ilardin J. H. Tgler Buddy D. Hi 1 ~~urn Leonard Thompson Okla. Tire & Supply National C~~rta~e Co. ?I . C . Brad ley ~~Tesley Justice E . tip/. D an ley Jerrald Zwahlen TJ(. '.~! . 'J~loo d s 212.18 7.80 174.04 85.15 135.93 56.81 180.15 138.59 138.59 2,353.75 2.39 4.50 153.85 160.74 700.42 700.42 15.00 10.00 15.00 40.00 3,'73.55 TREA`"TrR ~'R ~ S REPORT, R~arch 1, 1966 Fund Cash in Bank "ert. Deoosit PJiaturity Date Savi.n~?s H-Bonds General Fund 564.48 Refuse Fund 2,627.63 Street~,Alley 2,821.03 Sinking Fund 4,074.08 5,~'~:00.00 '~-15-67 10,000.00 2-2-6'7 5,000.00 10,000.00 8-2-66 !dater Fund 9,482.50 5,000.00 6-18-66 Ulater~rrorks F . 1,000.00 Sewer Fund 1,795.00 1,000.00 Sewwer Imp. F. 4,078.58 P~Zeter Deposit 870.05 2,500.00 8-2-66 1,000.00 4,000.00 Park Fund 381.39 Cemetery Fund 1,272.97 2,000.00 28,967.79 32,500.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 pd~r. Large moved vre ad ~ourn at 8:45 P.M. Mr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes, Groth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. r Robbie D Fickle , Tow Clerk J rot , res ent off` o~ arc rf