HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966.03.21_City Council Minutes,~ ~~ r •~ ~ T'arc?~ 2l, 10OG ~i,he T'oard of ~~~rustees of the To~^rn of Os~,asso met in re~ula:r session at ~~'ot~rn T-Tall on T~onc~ay evening, T.iarc'_n 27, 1~?00, at 7:00 ~'T,~~. Present: John troth President o.f r.oard rrnie Foster Trustee Joe Ross Trustee V . ;' . '~anc an r!~ru s +~ e e Zobl~i e Fickle To~.~n C_,1.erk ~TOSeal,ine Do;vney Deouty Olerk Do r.othy _'~llsup Assistant ';lark '~lenn Ftosecrans ~l~'O;°rn 're^surer I'~%:. ~ . c atryer i~oT~vn 1# ttarney TJIr. Iean I.-=~r~~•e tires absent. The minutes of the orevious m~etinr~ t•re~re read and a~,proved tirith the notation of correct balance of ~~'later:ti~orks rand ~~ein~' corrected on P:~Tarch 1 ~i'reasurpr's reaort. nTr. Hale, after. di sconti.nui nfT city refuse ~iclr up for his apartrnents and ;game, c r ll~~~d and r. ec~ue s'.,ed that c'. t,q service coni,.inue until April 1. r:Tr. fto,ecrans reported that x'4,000.00 had been ta'~en from the ;~inkin Fund and plac^d on "ertifica`e of eposit. !~ letter ['tom i he ~`mplayers' r_,-roue of 4nsurance Comoansr ~°aas read in ~~e~_,:~rd t o Oontra.ct ~~T,iOll-2 ('''aterT~~orl~s ~'x+ ens i_on ?~ Tmr~rovements l re- gtaesti..nr~• that the remainder of the ~~'~1,000.00 lie paid to the con±.ractor ~~~d tti:~at a deta;.led outline o.f , :rte amounts and i~;ems city employees dial to finish th~i_s ioi~ be aubrni--.tad. The R.oard agreed to s ubnrit balance as s^,on as al.l items are completed. stir. cativyer presented Or:?finance '73 relatinr~ to `-,he throt~in~ and de- i~OSitinf" ~-r~~ti] and r~'ftl° ~a'11tT17_n tI'le ':1~O;Vn. irlr. Duncan mOVed and r+'`~r• roster sec::~~~ded t~~zat C~rdi.nance `7S be adopted. P:?r. ~~'oster moved and T~:"r. Duncan seconded that the emergency clause I~~e -invoked. ?eyes, troth, ros ter Ross, and Dune an. Ord:~nance 74 relati_n~ to ~~~ater service, rates anc char?Tes esta}~lish'n the minimum grater rates and amending section 9 of Ordinance ~~ cras presented. Trlr. roster moved and T,~ir. Duncan secanded that Ordinance 74 be adox~t:ed. Ayes, troth, roster, Ross, ;~uncan. P~7r. Duncan moved and P~Ir. l~~oster seconded shat the emer~•ency clause be invoked. Ayes, troth, Foster. , Ross, ~?uncan. T~?r. r~avvyer reported that ho~.~as i_nvesti~atin~• the legal aspects of ob- tai.nin~ federal assistance for a community recrest.on center. T,,,Tr. Joe steed, Develop:'r, presented a plat of steed's Foust addition, located three miles north of O~arasso. FIe reported ghat the se~:rer system had been a~~proved by the state. A discussion of :problems of 'TIsland" annexation ti~,~ere discussed. T;~Ir. 'teed requested a letter from the poard stati.n~ that 0~^rasso would furnish grater to the addition so that he (Steed) could het l~ti~. approval of. the addition. :':fir. tester moved that T4"_r. steed be liven a 1Qt~ er stating that the 1 z r~i.nutes Continued-' a, e2-;r~arch `~l, 1966 Town of Ot~~tasso will su~~ply this sub-division with ~,~ater, s~_zbject to anne:~a.t:_on of the lands connecting sub-division to the present city limits, annexation of the sub-divis'~on and n~~motiatin~ contracts for purchase of eater lines. T~~~r. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes, troth, i os ter, Ross, Dun~:,an. The~oard aF,reed to the contacting; of 1?nd-o.*~mers between town limits and sub-division for a one hundred foot eorrdcr annexation strip. In regards to this, Tarr. Foster moved that one (1) 3/,j4" (resi'ential) ~^:~ater tap be s°iven to landowner-free of charge for the cne hundred foot stria. •T~~r. Ross seconded the motion. Ayes, troth, Ross, '~uncan, "'7°tPr. r,h~ ?'~o?rd agreed that ot•~ners must pay for havi.n~ water lines installed from main 1"ne to their homes and that cit~l water rates would be applicatale . T,~r. Sa~,vyer Bras requested to ,heck the ?'l-ambin~ Coda (`~'itle 11, Chapi_,er 1, Section 4) ~'or 1e~al inter.~reta~;ion of the Ordinance to see if the bill for .'`;1~~.00, t^~hich was submi~rted to ~?i17_ i~ichards for inspection fees at 711 '`forth Atlanta (7I^1e 'partmentsl vas correct. In the past, the ins:~ection fees on dual structures have be®n shared in a haphazard manner. ilrr. VanAlstine reported an accident ~ah~..ch occured at 8th St. and i~?orth '~~irci~, ~:elari_nr~ that shurbery was obstructj.n~ vision -`here. Owners of aroperty at this corner are to be contacted and asked totr.im the shrubery to alleviate the traf sic hazard. The follotvin~ claims were approved: Parch 21, 1960 Cencral Funs' : ~~.. ~ . A~ozin~o 43.11 Gila. 1at~.zra1 Gas 63.68 Collinsville Nec~~s 1'7.40 Sinclair Oil company 53.83 John R. troth 10.00 V . ;) . Duncan 10.00 Ra:~mon ??. `T'homas 2,5.00 Robbie Fic':~1e 1 ~0.0~ P~aude Johnson 2'5.00 Fd Vanl!.lstine, Jr. 127.64 Tv~. ". S awyor 60.03 ~';oodrotiv Z'1. `:~,'atens 135.93 Bankers Life 1'7.12. ~'treet-A11ey Fund ; Anchor `>' one Company 16.50 Joe Ross 10.00 Ernie Foster 10.00 Sinking rund : first ~~~ational "3ank ~° Crust 4,0^^.00 P.~eter Deposit ''und: ~. B. c.herril7_ 15.00 George Hansen 15.00 A. C . ',"~alk_er 10.00 Cemetery Fund: Gravely Tractor 10'7.95 Se.,,~er rund ~ Allied Bearing Sucply 10.18 Roto Rooter. re<ver Service 21.50 It. C . Bradley 133.18 Bankers Life 20.67 'Water Fand : Paul Ford 13.85 989.74 36.00 4,000.00 40.00 107.95 185.53 itlinutes ~- Claims Cont'd-''^~e3-?wlarch 21, 196E . 7 '~ ~~ ?~'Jater rund (ContTd) Olivetti-Underwood 13.85 City Utility Service 858.05 O~~lahoma l~atural Gas 43.2'7 rj;"I ??e 11 Te 1e phone 53.30 p"cKesson Pa Robbins 64.05 Texas Pr Iron supply 2'7.57 Gerald D. Stivanson 12.50 CoopAr Supply 533.16 tTtility Supply 2.69.40 Garrett P~Iunicioal ::ales 5.00 Cherman P,~achine R Iron 674.30 Ot~aa~ so Lumber 10.23 Scott-Rice 428.09 Comme rc i a 1 Lumber 94.53 ~'Tm. I%ellan 8:~ David Cordell 138.87 J. B . Lament 159.78 Glenn Rosecrans 10.00 Josephine Uoyvney 12.7.98 Dorothy ~'.llsup 85.15 Gene ". Hardin 56.81 J. H. Tyler 160.20 Buddy D. Hilburn 138.59 Leonard Thom;~son 138.59 Bankers Life 27.90 4, 167.07 Total Claims Paid 9,526.79 P;Ir. roster moved, P.~Ir. Duncan seconded tire ad,;ourn at 9:35 p.m. dyes, Groth, roster, Ross, Duncan. a - ~~~~ Rob}~ie D. rick_ e, Town C er I, n R. Gro h, Pres dent o Board rf