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1966.05.02_City Council Minutes
~ 4. Z, a May 2, 1966 The Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso met in regular session at the Town Hall on A".onday evening, May 2, 1966, at 7:00 p.m. Present; John troth Ernie Foster Joe Ross Dean Large V. D. Duncan Inez Odom Josephine Downey Martha Boyd President of the Board Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Town Clerk Deputy Clerk Treasurer The minutes of the last meeting were read and Mr. troth made a correction that he was not the he~ud of the Health Committee but was only a member of it. Martha Boyd read the following treasurer's Report as of May 1, 1966: FUND CASH IPu BA"yK C~RT.DEPOSIT I~~_ATURITY DATE SAVINGS A/C H-BORTDS General Fund 1,828.11 Refuse Fund 3,100.77 Street & Alley 4,927.63 Sinking Fund 464.75 4,000.00 June 18,1966 5,000.00 10,000.00 Aug. 2,1966 10,000.00 Feb. 2,1967 5,000.00 Feb. 15,1967 5,000.00 Apr. 25,1967 Water Fund 8,715.70 5,000.00 Jure 18,1966 Waterworks Fund 1,000.00 1,000.00 Sewer Fund 1,880.31 Sewer Imp.Fund 4,528.58 Meter Deposit Fund 1,000.05 2,500.00 Aug. 2,1966 1,000.00 4,000.00 Park Fund 385.39 Cemetery Fund 1,430.02 2,000.00 TOTALS 28,261.31 4-1,500.00 3,000.00 10,000.00 Mrs. Boyd suggested upon recommendation of accountant, Gene Hardin that $900'. be transferred from M. & 0. in General to Personal Services. Mr. Duncan moved the transfer be made. Mr. Foster seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, boss, Large, Duncan. C1.iff Edgar asked about an ordinance for dogs running loose. Mr. troth agreed that stricter enforcement was needed and said rae will make a drive soon. Mr. Edgar asked about a permit to enclose a breezeway and was told that no permit was necessary if the work amounted to no more than $100. Mr. J. E. Feland said there wa.s confusion at the crossing where the school guard works and asked who employed Mr. Swindell. He also said there was a traffic hazzard at 8th and Birch from the growth on the old Harrington property. Mr. troth said the property is in the process of foreclosure and we cannot get authority to cut vines at this time. Mr. troth read an application for a building permit at 607 North Birch to add two bedrooms above a gas~age for approximately $1500. Mr. Large moved the permit be granted. Mr. foster seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, noss, Large, Duncan. The following refuse bids were opened; ~. ~. Page 2 May 2, 1966 Minutes continued --- Preston L. Payne, Collinsville, Oklahoma Proposed to move to Owasso and the City keep: 25~ of the first $1,500. 27% of the next 500. 30~ of collections in excess of $2,000.00 Earl Rippetoe, Tulsa, Okla>oma offered the City 15~ for collections. Thomas R. Sesl~~r, 5600 E. 36th Street N., offered the City 25~ for collections but proposed the City charge X2.00 per month per residence instead of the present $1.50. All bids were based or. present policy of pick-up including a $1,000. performance bond. Mr. Duncan moved we give Mr. Payne the contract. Mr. Foster seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Dungan. Mr. Large reported that his committee had made up a list of purposes for a community building and figured it trould cost approximately $6.00 per sq.ft. on a 60' x 120' building or $43,200. Mr. Kornegay is checking on land for the building then a letter of ax;plica.tion will be submitted to HliD before the formal application is sent. Mr. troth reported that he had met with Tulsa Uti7.ity Board again. and asked for Rural dti'ater System. Thee- suggested we might work jointly with them to set up a water systeri with representatives from both towns on the water board. Mr. Smitl- of Audsley Company, Oklahoma City, exp=lained Trust in regard to our water system. He advised we Pdot work jointly with Tulsa because we stand to gain nothing and lose much by their getting part of profit after t rust is paid off. They could also block an;~ decisions by having ecual number on the board. Mr. Smith suggested that we could work with them but make no binding contracts. Mr. Smith will have a report: on May 12 on Feasibility Study on Trust T~aater Fund. Herbert Hale asked that a hole in the street at 700 N. Main, street be repaired. He stated his attorne;r would meet with Mr. Saw;,rer on May 4, at 1C:00 a.m. to discuss Owasso water billing. Mr. troth passed a letter and site plan from the post office Dept. asking for suggostians on the now building at lst Street and Main. Several Suggestions were offered. Mr. troth presented Ordinance PTO. 75 relating to charge on cemetery lots, and repealing Ordinance I~To. 4. Mr. Large moved we accept the ordinance. Mr. Foster seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, DU21can. Mr. r~cster moved that an emergency be declared and the ordinance go into affect im= mediately. Mr. Large seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. Mr. Grcth recommended that Ordinance R?o. 74 which w~.s an amendment of Ordinance No. 29 be furtr,er amended in relation to water taps and deposits required and mimimi;;m rates. He recommended we increase cost of ~::a.ter taps inside pity limits to $g5. and outside City limits to X150. Oor:amercia.l users deposits to increase to $50. Air. Large moved we ask Mr. ;da.w;,. er to draw up the recommended ordira.nce. Mr. Dunc~:ns seconded the motion. Ayes: Grcth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. ,~ Page 3 May 2, 1966 I~~inutes continued --- Mr. troth recommended we change Ordinance No. 50 to cl:axge for building permits or. valu~:tion of fair market value at time of construction insteGd of cost of construction. Mr. Duncan moved and Mr. roster seconded we ask Mr. Sawyer to rewrite the ordinance. The Tulsa Utility Board gave permission to extend the water line to Ray Bailey's new tavern from his home which is outside the pity liz:~its. Any nei~r owners on the Bailey acreage muti.t apply for their own. service. r~r. troth showed a layout for a proposed 351 trailer court southeast of towr. between Cedar, Mingo Expressway and 2nd Avenue or. 45 acres. The Board expressed favor for the court . The following claims were approved: General Fund: Bankers Life 17.12 Woodrow Waters 70.55 Victor Koenring 15.00 A. S. Mozingo 43.11 Owasso Public Schools 200.00 Phillips Petroleum 103.25 Apco Oil Co. 53.02 Guy Reed D.O. 175.13 W. S. Darley & Co. 130.40 Edw. VanAlstine, Jr. 151.05 Konr,~d Kcch 136.47 1,095.43 Street ~. Alley Fund: Floyd Fisher 24.00 24.00 Water Furd; Bankers Life 27.90 W. A. Shanks Agency 25.00 Sherrill `~ Sherrill 140.00 Josephine Downey 63.21 Public Service Co. 14.00 Cooperative Publishing Co. 51.75 Chandler Materials Cc. 15.00 Utility Supply Co. 359.77 Jir:,r.~.ie Jones Co. 150.57 Cooper supply ~o. 35.25 Neptune Meter Co. 634.40 Owasso Lumber Co. 95.50 Josephine Downey 134.42 Dorothy Allsup 55,54 Gene A. Hardin 55.17 d. H. Tyler 150.62 Buddy D. Hilburn 149.60 Leonard Tharrpsor. 149.6C 2,436.60 Sewer Fund Bankers Life 20.67 h. C. Bradley 155.24 175.91 a~ ~' ~ l' Page 4 May 2, 1966 Minutes continued --- Cemetery Fund: J. B. Tyler 10.00 10.00 P~efuse Fund t~v~esley Justice 7©4.55 704..55 TOTr9L 4, 446.49 Mr. Foster moved we adjourn at 10:20. Mr. Cancan seconded the motion. dyes; troth, foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. ~ ~ ~ r. J hn R. troth, President of the Board Inez H. Odom, 't'own Clerk