HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966.05.16_City Council Minutes~, May 16, 1966 The Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso met in regular session at the Town Hall on Monday evening, May 16, 1966 at 7:00 p.m. Present: John troth Ernie Foster Joe Ross Dean Large V. D. Duncan Inez H Odom Josephine Downey Martha Boyd M. S. Sawyer President of the Board Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Town Clerk Deputy Clerk Treasurer Attorney The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. Mr. troth reported that two Councilmen had volunteered their services and rounded up some stray dogs which helped the situation in town somewhat. Mr. troth presented a new site plan for the new post office in which they included most of the changes suggested at last board meeting of the City. A letter was also read asking for commercial zoning on the property. The Board agreed to have a hearing on the zoning at the next regular meeting on June 6, at 7:30 p.m. after being properly advertised. Mr. Hale, troth and Sawyer met with Hale's attorney in Mr. Sawyers office on May 4, as scheduled to discuss water billing. No decision was made. Mr. Hale said he would not sue for 60 to 90 days to give time for the City to come up with a feasible method of billing for him. Bell Telephone Company drilled a hole in a main water line in setting a pole. Mr. troth suggested we present them with a bill for the loss of approximately 100,000 gallons of water and the expense of repairing the line which would amount to about $200. or $225• Mr. Duncan moved the bill be presented. Mir. Foster seconded the motion. Ayes: Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan, troth. Mr. troth suggested we pass the labor charges in the amount of $25. each, collected, on to the four employees who worked overtime on the repairs. Mfg. Large so moved, Mr. Foster seconded. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. Herb Tyler reported that he had got a job at Douglas which payed more than the City was paying him. Mr. troth said he had discussed Mr. T,yler's low salary with him many times and he suggested that the City raise his salary $100. per month, bringing it up to X525. as of June 1, 1966, if he would stay. Tyler agreed to stay. Foster moved the raise be given, Large seconded. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. An application was received for a building permit from Benjamin i~~T. ?,destfall, 407 North Birch, for the addition of a 11'7 " x 12' room and 14t x 24' carport at a material cost of $681.00. Mr. Large moved a permit be granted. Mr. Ross seconded. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. Mrs. George Tumleson wrote asking for a street light at the East end of 2nd Street. Mr. Foster agreed to check and advise the Board of the necessity at the next meeting. A letter was read from Martin M. Arterburn, 603 North Atlanta, asking for the removal of dirt and gravel at that corner and asking for the hard surfa~~~g of the street Just north ofthat address and also the driveway and parking lot behind Hale Apartments. Page 2 NLinutes continued r~~ay 16, 19b6 This was the second complaint by Nr. Arterburn and Mr. troth said it was justified and promised to take care of the street and hoped rte. Hale would take care of his driveway and parking lot. I~x. troth had a letter given him by i~7r. Kornegay regarding ~Jater District runnier to East but decided to bypass it until he had time to study it further. Ids. troth said we had a second complaint about trash around the Darrell Evans home at 408 North Birch. One letter had been written and part of the trash had been removed but he said part of it was needed in his business of cement contractor. Now, other things have been added to the pile such as an old refrigerator, sewing machine etc. The Board asked Mr. Sawyer to write a letter to him asking for removal of the junk and to send a copy of the letter to C. B. Sherrill who owns the property. Mx. Lloyd Tucker, partner of Steed, Developer, Mr. Crowe, and r~r. Glenn Michials from the Tulsa Utility Board came before the Council. to discuss joint authority of new water lines. They explained their interest and r•~. Gro th summed it up by saying they were naturally interested because first, it is their water and second, they donut want us to expand into their future area. Mr. Foster feels that we must work completely together or completely seperatel~r. rx~. Crowe laughingly replied that in case we work seperately, Owasso gets no water, and in case we are afraid of a '~hammer't over us, they already hold the "hammer" because they own the water. Nx. troth asked for a motion to formulate a joint authority with Tulsa if the feasibility reports prove x~ractical. Mr. Large moved and r?x. Duncan seconded. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. Nx. Clark reported that the feasibility report would be available next 1~?onday evening, May 23. Mr. Foster moved we have a special meeting to hear the report at 7:00 p.m. r^x. Ross seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. A~~r. John. Harlin, representing a group of citizens from Sherrill Estate voiced a complaint about the small sub-standard houses being built by Hale on eleventh Street. They had been discussing the complaint with Mr. Hale in front of City Hall during the meeting and had come to some agreements, but were still somewhat unhappy. Mr. Hale had agreed to some improvements including the addition of some brick or stone to the fronts to make them more attractive. Mr. Harlin said there should be some means of protection from this sort of thing, and asked why the granting of the permits were not in the minutes. rnx. troth replied that rte. Hale had complied with all ordinances and requirements of the City and there was nothing we could do. The houses contain 880 sq. ft. instead of the required 850. ti^de now have a planning board which will help to control the zoning in Owasso. N~. Harlin thanked r4r. Hale and the Board, then Mr. Hale stated that he had fired the contractor who was doing sub-standard work and had hired another who would bring, the house=; iip to standard. A complaint was voiced about the odor from the Tulsa Sewer Plant. Mr. troth said the Health Dept. had checked the plant and the City of Tulsa is spraying to combat the odor. Rm Sawyer read a new contract for Ray Bailey water lines which was accepted and signed. He then passed out copies of Ordinance No. 76 whic}~ taa~ an amendment of Ordinance No. 50 pertaining to changing building permits to valuation charges. Mr. Foster moved and Mr. Duncan seconded the Ordinance be passed. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. ~~ -~., . ;; Page 3 P~Tinutes continued M~a,,y 16, 1966 Nir. Duncan moved and Mr. Foster seconded that an emergency be declared and the Ordinance go into affect immediately. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. Ordinance No. 77 was presented which was an amendment of No. 71a. and of 29, raising water tap fees. Mr. Large moved and Mr. Foster seconded the Ordinance be passed. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. I~'Er. Large moved and lx. Ross seconded that an emergency exists and the Ordinance go into affect immediately. A,q~s: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. Dr. Evans asked permission to move the old Methodist parsonage to the lot next to it where a former house of his had burned. He was given permission, provided the mover is bonded. He then asked permission to burn the remainder of the trash from the burned house. He was given permission to do so provided he burn in very small piles in order to burn quickly and between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. Ethel Thompson wishes to resel_1 a cemetery lot to the city for which she has no further use, for $25. Mr. Duncan moved and Mx. Ross seconded we buy the lot. Ayes: troth, Ross, Large, Duncan. Mr. troth said we need a new police car and could possibly trade for around $900. according to an estimate by Dodge City. Mr. Foster moved we ask for bids, to be opened June 6, at 5:00 p.m. Mr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, barge, Dunca. MLr. troth suggested we could trade our old 1946 tractor used for cemetery mowing, for a ne~ one for approximately .j350. Mr. Duncan moved and Mr. Large seconded we make the trade. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. Mr. Duncan reported that Deep Rock had offered to sill us gasoline for 27.9 if we do all. our City trading there, then he moved we ask for bids on gasoh ne, oil, grease jobs, flats, wash jobs, oil filters and changes. Imo. Foster seconded. the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. Per. Ross asked that we suggest the r A move the air traffic either north or south of Owasso. Mr. Ross said the parking on the East side of Plain street, on the private commercial property was full of holes. It was agreed that the City had no authority to repair it. The following claims were approved: General Fund: Okla.. Natural Gas Co . 11,..50 6~lells Food Market 13.10 Public Service Co. 131.04 Sinclair Refining Co. 3.56 Phillips Petroleum Co. 65.55 Tillie Bryan 15.00 A. S. Mozingo 43.11 Ra,,ymon Thomas 25.00 V. D. Duncan 10.00 Inez Odom 10.00 John R. troth 10.00 M. S. Sawyer 63.45 Edw. Van Alstine, Jr. 133.93 i / C ~ i ~ ~ i n ~ ~' ....< - Page 4 Minutes continued Maude Johnson Konrad Koch Street & Alley Fund Floyd Fisher Anchor Stone Co. Joe Ross ERnie Foster ^later Fund ti~Testern .Auto Okla. Army Surplus Gerald D. Swanson Commercial Lumber Co. J. B. Largent Garrett riunicipal Sales Star Electric Supply Partek. Corp. Okla. Natural Gas City Utilities Service Public Service Co. Public Service Co. S/?~~l Bell.- Telephone Refinery Supply Co. Vickers Refining Co. Harold D. Large Martha L. Boyd Josephine Downey Dorothy Allsup Gene A. Hardin J. H. Tyler Leonard Thompson Buddy D. Hilburn Sewer Fund H. C. Bradley Cemetery Fund Ethel Thompson NSeter Deposit Fund Glenn Chambers Richard Rathgeh Lee '~dayne Morgans Bill Farley R. 3{T. N~a.rtin 25.00 136.47 703.01 40.00 27.90 10.00 1.0.00 87.90 3.51 15.98 12.50 107.20 154.88 87.96 22.00 168.40 24.55 867.95 126.55 ~-32.98 50.61 66.10 7.74 10.00 10.00 126.47 85.84 5~.1-r 160.67 ~+9.bo 149.60 2,599.26 1'4.57 134.57 25.00 25.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.00 15.OC 75.00 3,624.94 P~1r. Duncan moved and N1r. Foster seconded we ad,journ,~at 10:20 p.m. . Groth, Pre Inez om, Town Clerk May 16, 1966 ent of the Board