HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966.06.06_City Council Minutes~~.~~~ ,.~ ~:~; ~ ~ p June 6, 1966 The Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso met in regular session at the Town Hall on Monday June 6, 1966, at 7:00 p.m. Present: John troth Ernie Foster Joe Ross V. D. Duncan Inez H. Odom Josephine Downey Absent : Dean Ia.rge President of the Board Trustee Trustee Trustee Town Clerk Deputy Clerk The minutes of the last regular and the special meeting of May 23 were read and approved as read with the exception of the approval of two motions which have been corrected. Mr. Foster recommended a light be installed near the Church of Christ on second street and another one at the East end of second Street near Mrs. Tumleson's home. Mr. Ross moved and Mr. Duncan seconded the lights be installed. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Duncan. Mr. troth reported that the gravel has been removed from the street at 7th and Atlanta and the remainder of Atlanta has been blacktopped, also the remainder of 6th. Street to the ball park has been blacktopped. Mr. troth read a letter which had been written to F.A.A. complaining about the low- flying planes over Owasso. It was agreed to mail the letter. Mr. troth stated that he would be on vacation for three weeks beginning 6-10-66 and he appointed Mr. Foster to preside at the next meeting in his place. P~x. Foster moved that the first meeting in July which falls on the 4th, be postponed to Tuesday the 5th. Mir. Ross seconded the motion. Ayes: Csroth, Foster, Ross, Duncan. An application for zoning on Soc's property at 1st Street and Main Street for a post office was submitted. Mr. Duncan moved the zoning be granted. Mr. Foster seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Duncan. P?r. Preston Payne, Refuse Collector appeared before the Board. Mr. troth said we had been receiving too many complaints from customers which greatly disrupted the work of the girls in the office. He read a letter from Percy Hert which stated that some auto parts and a box of clothing had been picked up from his home. P~7r. Payne said he had talked with N~. Hert and would get his auto Harts back to him which were picked up by error. P~,'r. troth asked Mr. Payne to make every effort to stop complaints and we would review again in thirty days. The trash is still in the Evans yard on the Sherrill property. Bob ~uiggins, 1006 North Elm, complained about too many stray dogs. Mr. troth sug- gested that Mr. Duncan might find a man to work or S~.turdays to pick-up dogs and that a tranqulizer gun might be used. Bid;7 were opened on a police car from: duality Chevrolet in Collinsv_'~lle on a Biscayne, 275 h•p• $2,147.75 Less trade in 800.00 Balance 1,347.75 ~~ .~ ~ ~ ~ . ~.: ~ Page 2 Minutes, June 6, 1966 Buzzard Chevrolet in Skiatook on a Biscayne, 275 h.p. ~1,59~.00 Net Mfr. troth favored rejecting all bids as too high. Mr. Foster so moved. Per. Duncan seconded. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Duncan. June N'r. Foster moved we re-submit for bids at next meeting on ~3tz~y 20, at 7:30 p.m. N1r. Duncan seconded. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Duncan. Bill Richardson, Plumber for Hale ~!lpartments said he had been receiving bills for plumbing inspection but that Hale had promised to pay the bill. It was decided to wait until. Hale returns from vacation for further discussion. Ray Clark appeared on the water project. The Tulsa Utility Board had rejected suggested joint control on a splinter trust but gave permission for us to run lines including Graceland Acres to the East, Jonesville to the South, Tucker-Steed Additions to the 1V'orth, the Sewer Lagoon to the ?rJest, 165' premiter around the present city Limits except an additional 30 acres to the North and 1651 either side of highway ?5 North to Tucker-Steed Additions °TAll1t. Flus Hale Acres. Bids were opened for ;asoline for city equipment: Cooper Apco offered a 3¢ discount on pump price extent during gas wars when pump price falls below 23.9 regular and 26.9 Ethyl, then he would give 2¢ discount. He would also discount oils and services. A bid was received from Vickers for 2.~¢ discount. Air. Duncan moved we accept the Apco bid as of July 1, 1966. Mr. Foster seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, rr^oster, Ross, Duncan. ~?rs. Barnes and daughter questioned a nursery being advertised beside Sherrill Apartments on Main Street. r~r. Gro~th said he was unaware of the nursery and would write Mr. Sherrill a letter informing him of violation of ordinance in installing a nursery without zoning. Mr. Kornegay asked the feeling of the Council. about Progress Day this ,year and asked if the City would be responsible for roping off streets and cleaning streets afterward. Mr. Foster moved we cooperate in the celebration as usual. Mr. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Duncan. Ms. Kornepay asked if it would be possible to lift the ordinance and let fireworks prevail in the park area for two weeks before the 4th of July. N1r. troth said he would be op- posed unless a family goes together to the park with special permission from the City and the policeman. A's'. Duncan moved we allow the Chamber of Commerce to sponsor a 1-night fireworks display as they did last year. ~~. Foster seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Ross, Foster, Duncan. Back to ~-1r. Clark: lax. Foster moved we submit the final plans for rural water lines, with legal description to the Tulsa Utility Board for final approval. at their next muting on Wednesday, June S. Ms. Ross seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Duncan. Mr. Duncan moved to authorize attorneys to formulate plans for trust authori.t~* to incorporate service areas only outside the City limits. 1~~. Foster seconder the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Duncan. Mr. troth said he would check on attorneys to do the work. Joe Steed needs a letter from the City saz-ing they will service his 4th addition by water and sewer lines by a contract with trust authority. Pte. Foster so moved. ~~ir. Ross seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Duncan. Page 3 Minutes, June 6, 1966 I4r. troth suggested we x~atT I~~r. Sawyer $25. per month. court expense since he attends court monthly in Owasso. 2~7r. Foster moved we do so beginning next meeting in June. Imo. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Ihzncan. I~Zr. Duncan moved we reappoint I~ir. Sawyer City Attorney for next ,year. IN[r. Ross seconded the motion. Ayes:; troth, Foster, Ross, Duncan. Pfir.Groth said the Planning Board did not recommend the proposed trailer court. He asked the Council if then ~;d_shed to go on record in favor of. the Court outside the City limits and that ire service the sewer and water system which they will. install. Mr. Foster so moved. Mx. Ross seconded. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Duncan. Mr. troth said a double payment would be made on the fire truck from the C.D. water certificate which expires on June 18. Mayor Hewgley of Tulsa visited Owasso City Hall on ?-Wednesday, June 1st then wrote a nice letter expressing hope that we can solve our mutual problems in a friendly way. A letter ti~ras received from Intr. ?degner in regard to Federal Aid for a community Building. T`r. ^1_ark asked about working for OU,rasso as City Engineer. Ms. troth suggested we table a dec,~:sion for tonight as the time is 1_ate. The Board agreed that City employees may work on streets '=extra time" on Saturdays if they wish until streets are in better condition. Ms. Foster moved we set dog vacination day for Saturday, June 25, in the City Jail. Mr. Ross seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Duncan. ,~ The foll.a•:ing claims were approved: for I~F~,y 17, 1966 ~` General Fund: /~^~' ~Olc~a. Natural Gas Co. 14.50 ~' ?niel2~ Food Market 13.10 r`~ Public ervice Co. 131..04 ,,~`~ Sinclair fining Co. 3.56 I~hillips Pe oleum Co. 6~~.85 Tillie Bryan ~ ~~ 15.00 _ A. S. P-iozingo ~,~~ - 43.11 ' Raymon Thomas ~J ~~' °" /° 25.00 ~ ~ ~ . V. D. Duncan 10 ~" ~~ Inez Odom .00 John R. troth 10.00 M. S. Sawyer 63.45 Few. Van Alstine, Jr. 133.93 Maude Johnson 25.00 Konrad Koch 6.47 703.01 Street & Alley Fun Floyd Fisher 40.00 Anchor Stone 27.90 Joe Ross 10.00 Ernie F er 10.00 87.90 T^d er Fund Western Auto 3.51 Okla. Army Surplus 15.98 Gerald D. Swanson 12.50 ,~ Page 3 I~'~inutes, June 6, 1966 The following claims were approved: General Fund: Harry ~~dorley 25.00 Raymon B. Thomas 25.00 P~1a.ude Johnson 25.00 Bankers Life & Casualty 17.12 Inez Cdom 1.0.00 John R. GrotYi 10.00 Konrad Koch 136.47 F~dw. Van Alstine, Jr. 133 .93 M. S. Sawyer 33.45 V. 0. Duncan 10.00 Konrad Koch 136.47 FJdw. Van Alstine, Jr. 151.05 DX Sunrasr Oil 4.38 Public Service Co. 11.52 Victor Koenning 1.5.00 A. S. Ttozingo 43.11 ^doodrow '1;aters 103.4- 946.41 Street & Alley Func: Ernie Foster 10.00 Joe Ross 10.00 26.00 Sinking Fund: First National Bank & Trust -OC 546.36 546.3b ?'dater Fund Bankers Life & Casualty 27.90 Leonard Thompson 149.60 Buddy Hilburn 11x.9.60 J. H. Tyler 200.32 Cxene A. Hardin 53.1.7 Josephine DoUrney 126.47 Dorothy A11sup 35.34 T~fa,rtha A. Boyd 10.00 Harold D. Large 5.00 J. B. Largent 187.39 Commercial Lumber 93.40 H. C. Bradley 25.00 J. H. Tyler 25.00 Leonard Thompson 25.00 Buddy Hilburn 25.00 Leonard Thompson ].1x.9.60 Buddy Hilburn 149.60 J. H. Tyler 220.27 Gene A. Hardin 53.17 Josephine Do~mey 134.42 Dorothy A11sup 35.84 Sherrill & Sherrill 140.00 Okla. State Dept. Helth 1,.0.00 Ray Clark & Assoc. 72.00 Public Service Co. 30.16 Jimmie Jones Co. 4.26 Kerr-t~?cGee Corp 142.63 Southwest Deter & Suppl.,y lO.Li.O ~--~ ,_. `~ ~ Page 4 l~iinutes, June b, 1966 `~i. S. Darley 7.07 Socfs Drug 3.51 Utility Supply Co. 52.73 Harold Charney 6.00 Owasso Lumber Co. 33.80 Arnold Chandler Supply 800.00 Neptune Meter 317.20 Texas Iron & Supply 12.98 Okla. Tice & Supply 4.50 3,674.38 Sewer Fund: Bankers Life & Cas. 20.67 H. C. Bradley 134.57 H. C. Bradley 155.24 H. C. Bradley 155.24 465.75 Refuse Fund Collinsville Nei~rs 6.30 Preston Fayne 587.84 r,;resley Justice 121.02 715.16 Cemetery Fund: Buddtj Hilburn 16.00 Leonard Thompson 16.00 Hap~s Salvage 10.00 42.00 Meter Deposit Fund: Keith 'Marren 15.00 Thurman A. Helton 15.00 R. L. Doddridge 1.0.00 James Neal 10.00 Donald I~ieredith 1.5.00 E. J. Hunt 5.00 Morris Robertson 15.00 Bettie ~°Tyatt 15.00 100.00 Treasurerfs Report June 1, 1966 FUND CASH IN BANK CF~RT.DEPOSIT MATURITY DATE SAVINGS A/C H BONDS General Fund 540.23 Refuse Fund 3,286.87 Street & A7_ley Fund 5,027.59 Sinking Fund 464.75 4,000.00 June 1.8,1966 5,000.00 10,000.00 Aug. 2, 1966 10,000.00 Feb. 2, 1967 5,000.00 Feb.lS, 1967 5,000.00 Apr.25, 1967 T~later Fund 8,929.55 5,000.00 June 13,1966 >~aterworks Fund 1,000.00 Sewer fund 2,464.48 1,000.00 Sewer Improv.Fund 4,528.58 N'eter Deposit Fund 1,0£?0.^~ 2,500.00 Aut. 2, 1.966 1,000.00 4,000.00 Park Fund 38;~.~~" Cemetery Fund 2,L100.02 __ 2.000.00 29,"09.51 41,500,00 3,000.00 10,000.00 i a r .. ."~ Page 5 i~4inutes, June 6, 1966 Mr. Foster moved and i~1r. Duncan seconded we adjourn. Ayes: Groth, Foster, Ross, Duncan. Inez H. Odom, Town Clerk J R. Gro~, esident of the Board ~~