HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966.07.05_City Council Minutes,_,.,.
July 5, ]_966
The Board of Trustees of the Town of_ Ow~sse met in regular session at the Town ;Hall
at 7:00 p.m. on July 5, 1966.
Present: John troth
Ernie Foster
Joe Ross
Dean Large
V. D. Duncan
Inez Odom
Josephine Downey
Martha Boyd
h'i. S. Sawyer
President of the Board
Town Clerk
Deputy Clerk
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read.
P•~r. Foster reported that the unsightly grass on the Sanborn lot had been checked and
needed cutting but that Nir. Sanborn was out of town and nothing had been done ,yet.
Mx. ~IanAlstine said he had checked the dog pin owned by the NlcChesneys and that it had
been cleaned.
Mr. Foster said 'the ditch at 308 North Ash which needs cleaning could not be reached by
equipment. Mr. troth agreed to check about cleaning it by man power.
There was some discussion about the drainage ditch east of Elm. and west of the CAtholic
Church which is causing a problem. NIr. Crroth suggested we check to see if the ditch
is private property before we try to correct the problem.
Gary Sherrill and wife a~peared in behalf of the zoning of the Sherrill property:
Part of the N- of the N1 of the NTr11 of the NG,T1 of the SE4 S30 T21 North
Range 1L~, East Tulsa County
Mr. troth asked for discussion. Mx. Paul Barnes presented a petition containing
36 names and addresses of neighbors protesting the zoning.
Gary presented a sketch of the property showing commerical and proposed commercial near
by and stated that the nursery would be clean, nice and a service to Owasso.
There was much discussion from the many people present but. the main protest seemed to
be the lack of parking around the adjoining apartments where Ins. Sherrill had promised
to build a court yard for off--street parking.
Mx. troth said he was opposed to the zoning and suggested that Mr. Sherrill continue with
the apartments and parking as he had planned and as had been approved by the City
Mr. Large moved and P~"lr. Foster seconded that the zoning be rejected. Ayes: troth,
Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan.
Mr. Kornegay appeared for Commercial zoning of his property:
Gdl>, 5;1, S?~T1r, SE1, of Sec. 30, T 21N, Range ]J.~.E, Tulsa County
consisting~of 21 acres directly east of the School playground.
There were no protests. fir. Foster moved and Mr. Duncan seconded that the zoning be
approved. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan.
Page 2 T•Iinutes continured July 5, 1966
Per. Vernon Lewis appeared for J. Ray Smith presenting a plan for Parkview Addition
South of the new Catholic Church. Again the drainage ditch was discussed and it was
found that a 15T easement had been given west of Parkview and the easement runs north
behind the Catholic Church where it is 25' wide.
T7r. Foster moved and T~~r. Large seconded that the plans be accepted. Ayes: troth,
Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan.
T~7r. Lloyd Smith came before the Board again asking what had been done about the
drainage and trash discussed last meeting. P~.r. troth and Mr. Foster agreed to
check the problem at 8:00 a.m. on ?~Jednesday, July 6.
The police car bids we~se discussed again. Dodge City would charge X56. more for a
265 h.p. motor than for a 230 h.p. After discussion, I~,r. Large moved and I~1r. Foster
seconded we accept Dodge City bid for the 230 h.p. motor in the Dodge for a net of
$900, Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan.
Tarr. Ross moved and T~7r. Foster seconded that we reinstall parallel parking signs
w~iich have been removed at Sherrill apartments and also mark the entire east side
of I~?ain Street from 2nd Street to 4th Street. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large,
M~. Sawyer and T•~x. Crowe, attorneys, presented the Declaration of Trust of Owasso
Utilities Authority which they had drawn. Mr. Crowe explained the Declaration to
the Board.
Iv"~. Sawyer presented Ordinance No. 78 drawn up to adopt Owasso Utilities Authority.
1•~. rr^oster moved and r~r. Duncan seconded the Ordinance be accepted ~ Ayes: troth,
Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. and passed and made a part of the minutes by attaching
same hereto.
A?r. Foster moved and I~r. Duncan seconded that an emergency be declared and the Ordinance
be affective immediately. Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan..
Mr. Pate discussed his final feasibility study on the Trust which was very promising.
The many complaints on the police department were discussed and it was decided that
T~ir. Duncan study the situation and bring his recommendations to next council meeting.
I~-~. troth read a letter from the Federal Aviation Agency in answer to our letter of
complaint. The letter promised relief from the low flying planes. T~~r. Ross said the
situation is much better alreadzr.
The following claims were approved:
June 30, 1966
General Fund:
Federal Reserve Bank 243.50
Dept. Public ?~~relfare 224.76
State Tax Comm 12.77
U. S. Enameling Sign Co. 5.90
Apco Oil 4.75
Phillips Petroleiun 10.55
Okla. Natural Gas 3.70
Public Service Co. 78.59
John Bradley O.D. 1.0.00
E. J. ~TanAlstine 20.00
Tillie Bryan 21.00
Collinsville News 1.02.80
Fage 3 T"inutes continued
Street ~ Alley Fund:
Tulsa Tractor & Impl.
Anchor Stone
Flat Iron Faving Co.
~~Jater Fund:
Federal Reserve Bank
Dept. Public ti^lelfare
State Tax Comm.
Farmers Ins. Group
Collinsville PJews
Josephine Downey
Ray Clark ?~c Assoc.
P~?h7_ir, "ervice Co.
S~tiT Bell Telephone Co.
City Utility Service
Okla. Natural. Gas
Kerr McGee Corp.
,$inclair Refining
LTtility Supply
Schaefer Tire Shop
Tulsa Tractor & Impl.
T~fcKesson ~~f Robbins
rleptune Meter Co.
Sewer Fund:
Roto Rooter Sewer Serv.
Collinsville P1ews
H. C. Bradley
State TaX Comm.
Dept. Public ti~delfare
Federal Reserve Bank
Cemetery Fund:
Arnold Chandler Supply
Meter Deposit Fund:
Nadine Goodorin
Lyle Smithers
Harold D. Hudson
Jimmy St. John
Richard Grizzle
Bill Stilwell
ti°+alter Lt~.nsford
Don A. Farris
P?. s~i. Favme
r,°lelton Rowton
General Fund:
Tulsa Battery & Elec.
?dells Food l4arket
Victor E. Koenning
ti°loodrow L~laters
Glenn Rosecrans
Edw. VanAlsti ne, Jr.
July 5, 1966
320.00 603.86
317.20 3,939.98
116.90 365.29
44.40 44.40
15.00 130.00
July 11, 1966
151.05 329.32
Page 4 Minutes Continued July 5, 1966
dater Fund
Birtie Beeler 177.80
F. J. Ennis 16!+.08
First Idat'1 Bank of Owasso 2,979.16
J. H. Tyler 220.27
Buddy D. Hilburn 24.91
Buddy D. Hilburn 11,.9.60
Leonard Thompson 24.91
Dean Buckles 5.00
Gene Hardin 27.00
Dorothy Allsup 28.00
Garrett Municipal Sales 41-. 55
ti•T. A. Shanks Agency 17.50
Henricks Office 1'~iach. 3.55
Sunray DX Oil 1+5.89
Sherrill & Sherrill 1L,.(?.00
Utility Supply Co. 91.20
Dorothy Allsup 85.81
Josephine Downey 134.42
Gene A. Hardin 58.17
J. H. Tyler 220.27
Buddy D. Hilburn 149.60
Leonard Thompson 11Y9.60
Sewer Fund:
H. C. Bradley 134.57
Refuse Fund:
Preston Pavne 734.62
Teeter Deposit Fund
Rick P~tonroe 10.00
T~~fr. Foster moved we adiourn at 10:40 p.m. Pir. Ross seconded the motion.
Ayes: troth, Foster, Ross, Large, Duncan. _
troth, President of the Board
Inez A. Odom, Town Clerk