HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966.07.18_City Council Minutes'~~
Ju~.y 18 , 1.9~i
-, .
7Lle i30urd Of• '1''rUStef~ Of the TO!Nn 0I '~`'JJ~3S30 Cr.et Iii rf'~.iiiY• e.,El10n. at tie i•'~wri
.'a]_1 at 'J; 0 .n.. oti July i.~;, 1;+~~.
Present: ;John ':rot!.
Er. r.ie roster
Jae Ross
Dean La.rE-e
V. ;. Duncan
Jose ~;t:ine i~o,vney
,ti:artha :r;ovd
,~ . ~avayer
^bsent: Inez vdorn
:Jresident of the rioa.rd
Deputy ~1erk
,''Nte tr,in?zt°S Of the 1aSt :t;eftln`' 'J'Jer° read a:id ~iJ )I.OVP_.~ ixs re?%id.
i"r. ~rf>th b.routht to the at .F:ntior of the tscar: that ~•ix ~,~;~F ,-j ~l' the
rli.nt_ztesbook, meeting of A~>.ril l~;l 1.9~>5, thc• 'i'owrt :;lerk stnr. te~zsin~; tnE~ ~>.~~~cs
from the Frrong side of the blank -xr,d the sheets 'Tort. t'_!tat ,.; x ,e r.re numbered
back'sJard, ti ,arti.n~ from ~ -'~ ~~'r, .
~! di:CU.S 10n tJ,i~ place bet'vVeen I`ir ~irOtCl d..:[.1~1tOr~ 1`~1 ::~' .zn, 1'•ir. r~,artlrl,
~;.nd ~~r. :, .rtPr, re:,r~.rdzn: the n~ FJ pater ~,ru~ fhc=. gentlerixen o ~n I~r•c•i>erty in
the :teed and i~cker additions. '.;r•. ~r:,th ex:;lained th~rt tit~~ t:rerrendous
grn:AJtri factor of the area ita:i necec itated the f ~rrnation of tr!~st ~~ut.r~ority
as the rt~ti;t e~„ible rr~?nner o=' n~#r-~inin~ financi.n~ r•c~r f ~e fir t ~_~ arid sE>wer
=,~lotP;.7S, ~~ler2 <xre a,~y)rJX~r71~itE'Jy c_'~~1 GUS°C'Pnt ~1Or11C'U.:ner:~Ln tY,C, ~:iYEc.'. tii 'Qe
SerVed• `1'O tap ~ n n0'Jv ,CC)u1i7. COSt tllF user ~.!, ~.'•Jli, t%U t of t2:C' ti'e 11t`ie 1S C~~tr:-
pleted it tivil.l cost those •srr~o did r.ot sign up ;~~-')O.C~O to tai; in. :here are
r:ofr~ nir.~ety percentof' the affected homeowners >igred. u_}. Mans r.r.e for con-
struction to start in two Ufeeks anti ~®nstruction tirneavill be r~>!~• e>airr,ately
;0 days. ~'~4'ater and sewer charges tvi-L1 be double the city rs~.te.
., !?,roth re:iorted c~~ncernin~~ the dra~_nage at north ,'~Iirin, h~ r:-xd talked with
Fr-)nk '?'Drien and. <zrl end-;ineer ~f,~i:il be in O;~rt:sso ~i:L~ 1~=stn to c~ech the
t~ituation. V
i~;r. Groth stated that there is r:o necec; ity for applications for. the ne~.v ,•yr~ter
trust. to be signed by people ~_~r~ Fxi~~tin~; Hater syN•tefTls ~-~.,t'r ~~ ~~ai~:l -_,utof~r.atic~~ily
be inc:i.uded in the ne•Ur trust.
ilr. ~?roth read letters from Joe steed, O~.~vasso ~suilders au~,~:_.Jr :-.-. Y: ,x i•r. ~i'ucker
i ndic~tinr~• that in the future a combinec~tot~l of ~i3j ho:r~:es are ,ro~~osed to be
built in the area covered~by trxe nenJ ,rJater' trt.zst.
i',rs. Jeanne >;herrill presented a letter to the board rec~;rzestin~ rezoning for
.~r. ~~en C;~~._ ~~s of Lot 3 ?zlock 31, Cld 'iown Owasso. ire ~:roperty i~; y~l•ouosed
to be used :Por a da; nursery 5i~ d~=:ys a ~~Jeek. A check for ~~ti.OCi was enclosed
for. z,^nirt,; fee. r.r. :troth stated that ~i.nc~ thi -area is :.~r•F:;~dy cor;~tr~ercial
in nature, the rec,uest ~.+vill be presented. to the plannin : c-~: i.~:ion, an:; their
decision re;,orted~at the next board meetin,' ~u~rust lst at 7;3u l~.m.
Mrs. t5oyd read a letter frotr tree statE auditor ~n~t. ~_ch tr~zrxstr:itted tdJO checks
in. a:~ount of ;;:1139,04 as first u1=Locations to the c~.tJ .'r:,.. ti; c- :~iremen's
?E_~iief ,J_nd :'en ~_on rund.
?~':~•. Durtcan _,^eysorted on diss~~tisfaction witf: the ~oiice De_:~artrc.ent. ~.r. Lrar~;e
-ind :~ir. foster agreed that the Police ~r.ief stoui_d have ,u`~ror~ity to di:~ciirxr~•e
his e r.:?loyee., if he felt it necessar~r.
rage 2 I~iinutes,cortinued Ju:Ly 1~~, i96o
1•?r. :~roth resorted that tr,e director ttze ;ounty round resorted t; trey c~~u1d r.ot
obtain tranr,uilli zer suns for use inr.a!dlin~ vicious dogs bec<.,u.e trre Sr,yA
,~;r. Sawyer headed a disc~zssion of police bond moneys.
N.r. Foster moved. to table discussion of the ?olice Department situation. i~r.
Duncan seccrtded. 4ye: Grotri, Foster, F?oss, L=arge Duncan.
4ir. Sid Lindsey of Sid's S~~eed ~'Jash appeared before tree Board to c~zestiori
w'rreti~er ~~r. Hae sriould not be payinc occupation tax an :His coin-operated
laundry m~~c'~;ines atr,is anart;;~en.t House. 1~7r. =a~;:ryex s_~id t ;.c coin o~~eration
did not. aLore rr,ake an occupation ta.x ca]_led r'or i.~ he ~,va.ti, ..Asir.- trern only
fOr ti1P, ten.antS. 1!r. '.rx'OtYl adV ~,ae.a ~;Tictt iE 'aU0U1(~ v["1eC~ t [t F' C~r•- 1it~inCe ~:ln(~
t ~ e ~.a.undry .
1°'.r. ~rrOtn x'eoOrted Un trle cxUC11t. i`'ir. ~;eC11 r'oWex'S COUld nOt be ~)r2~5er!t ~.i, tr!e
meeting. Since there is s~>..e difficulty with. the ci t,, rece vir ba~~l checks,
>PCi.:1 .cc.;nt i~. being c=:et u~, to t~ar.dle them; on te.e book:-. '1~E'. atreet &
~:iey F';.tnE~ .gas overtient f'or t._e last fi.,c-Zi ye-a.r. 'I'rte bud~,et ;~f.: a, proved by
tlr? bo;z_rd ~w ~.t~~out discus~iort and sir:ned by :.r . r:;th, l~lr~ . ~ %yd and rii.,;S
Do~vney. °i.rs. ~dom %ail~ sigh it ~+.~nen file returns to the cz.t~;~ ~'u -y 19th.
i~;~r~ iZoss voiced the de,irab~.~ ity of a .;:~:;~ :,!:;iri„ -0:1 f'~~x tae toiJrl .
.:c~. r;t.h .read :~ 1.ette.r irorr~ ii:;i~+ard.
to i nin;= 7-, cor.~, . i a nts zV _~.in;t of z~i
iter.. n~ t~~bi~ ~.~ until ti_e ,;e:eti.~! ~?~•
bF~ .~re~ent to i.vf_ t~i.s :, r, ;rv. ::cve
_ .. =:te:r, os~;, Lar~•e, Duncan.
. '~ cili lu L1T1E' , u r' . , LJ"i.~- ic;E' C;T11E'f , COri-
~er ':onrr.+d Kccti . ,~~r. ,~a_x~e_~ioved that the
a ust 1c,t, at .J:;iCri ti_re :_r, :ocr~ co,t..d
econded 'try :r•. cs:;. ;,~~e: froth,
~1Y'. ,.~~r,7`,•Pr 51._1.V1`?FQ- tYlt' JUbilC~i'' _0~. f C~rdl<"!an.cE° ~~r_. +.;~.. -1ue, d..,~ ;urSU~nt t0
the ordinance the L'card of ~~'rustees •acce:~ted t!~~ebenefz_cial inter.e.;t in tkte
trust, I'~_~e0wasso i7ti.lities i~ut~ority, and t'r.e tru~:t ~.as created.
The fo11o'wine: clairr!s ~r~ere a:~z}roved:
~Ttt1y 19, 196
General r'und:
B~nkars ~:ife l7.]_2
E . J . ~~ an :' is tine , Jr . 133.93
Marry rl'or~ey 25.;::0
Maude <Tornson 25.00
J ohn R. troth 10.00
?~aymon B, ir:omas 25.00
~% ~ . DunO arr LCi . i.;1
Inez Vdo,Ai 1v.•.~:
... S. .:.~,~yer 75.~~0
Glen ,=~o.~PCrns 1~5.~+1
inclair refining Co. 88.k9
('Terse Tate Insurance 3.jc~; F>58,~:5
i3i_r,ki.n°~ Fund:
r'ir~:st~ati orra]_ Barr of `'u.7.sa 23~ .77 236.7']
z_'t,reet ~- h11_ey Fund:
public Service Oo. i z+l'~.18
Joe doss ~
Arnie Foster ]_0.00 1,434.1
~=a~~e 5 :"~_intitea Continued J!i-;-~' 1~,, a~~o
%,~ t P, r Ti la CI i,~ :
~'ankers '~~_fe ~ .;z0
Leonard '~'r-,naoson 1=~~.6~~
~~uddy '?. ilburn i4'~.~r
gene ~_. ~'.~rdir-~ j~ •1.7
~Tose,:,hine Lozr:~ney 1<'6.47
Dorothy .1! .sup ~'~ ~4
Fred J. 'r.~nnis 1>5.4~~
ri<iroL; D. Large lO.UC
J. 5. r,,~r~ent 205.91
1nCnrnr?rC. =.,~_ LuI'1~er 102 ~F
'?tilitie. SPrv. .Div. 1,`~4.~5
~U1)i_l_C tier V~_CP. ~:O • -1~~" .~~%
'~~ester;, ;.to 2.14
~r-+-~~er _,._~ yU.09
atan~ard ._zto Su~>?__y ;i_<,,~;a
~'! 7. ~-.! 1 iJS "e. tr0_~P_uCr +`,~ .18
~'E'nt'an.e .,e ter .,0. ,_L'%.G'
TTti.1-ity .>~.a,~~l,y ;a `:, >o
First 1:ational Bank of Owasso r'., t)2 .; ~ 5,561..2
Sever .'Fund:
T?ankers T,ife ~i;.r'.,7
H . ~ . Brr:.d?_ey 134 •5?
alat~l, c;nPc,;se3rch .., - ,.
r_1.r .~~-J
2 ~='.°4
;ernete~y Fund:
Dames ., ,,_ rson ~5, c, 45•yc~S
^~ater>~aorks Bond F?and:
'~OSJn of .. 'J1-3_cSO ,_'L~, %~~ ~c_C • (5
;titer De,;os.i t Fu.n•i:
hick t-io nr oe 10 .:.)0
ich-~rd :•_-done i5.C;0
?ev. I?en Jones I. ~~
5 ...
Joe L. .:civally 15.:;C•
J . ~. ,.o:Li n`er 1.5.00
A1.vin Parkma.n 'i5...0
Lloyd G-arri:on lj.~:~) 1C0•Ci0 ~,j1~.~3
"if'. ~'OStP.,r ii;0~+'E.'C~ Cr dd~jOUrnTClent :7-t '~a:l.-~ ~.CCL. _ i~fCiSS uF'CU:2i.~4,C~ GYie C:iOt1UCi,
"+a~Q: ~roth,Foste.r, ~{oss, large Duncan.
Inez ki. o~it, To~.vn C1F:rk
J R. troth, _ ~ i-:aer.~.tof the Board