HomeMy WebLinkAbout1966.08.04_City Council Minutest `~.~ August 1, 1966 The Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso met in regular session at the ToVm Hall at 7:00 p.m. on August 1, 1..966. Present: John Groth Joe Ross Dean Large V. D. Duncar. Inez Odom Josephine Dovmey Absent: Ernie Foster President of the Board Trustee Trustee Trustee Clerk Deputy Clerk The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read. The 1965-66 Audit Report Vras presented to the Board and a letter was read from T~Tr. Powers, Auditor, stating that f~znds had been expended in excess of appropriations, and that future expenditures should be held within appropriations. He also sug- gested tF3~,t any individuals giving 'Thot checks" should be required to paz~ cash in the future. T~~'r. Powers had suggested before and strongltT emphasized that deposits should be made dai_lzr instead of. weeklz~. Nr. Groth said the Count, r~ngineers were stud„vi_ng our drain problem in the north part of to,~m and had suggested that a storm. sewer west of B6th Street Plorth for approximately three quarters of a mile might be feasible, and would probabl~r carry off 5O~ of the ~~rater. A question was voiced about an occupation license for the laundry i_n Hale apartments. The Council_ agreed that, the laundr?r was for tennants onl;~T and needed no license. The Council discussed and agreed that T~s. Richardson, Plumber at 105 west 2nd Street should have an occupation license since he sells supplies from his home. I~Trs. Gary Sherrill. appeared for a hearing on commercial. zoning of Lot 3, Block 31, O.T., wYrich is 140 feet long and 75 feet wide for a Danz Tvursery, but she failed to bring proof of publication so no decision cou7_d be made, hoVrever i°r. troth read a letter from A. B. Roop, Actirg Chairman of Owasso City Planning Commission recommending the approval of the zonira. TTr. Konrad Koch, policeman appeared concerning complaints and a letter written by ~~r. BanAlstine, Chief of Police, asking for his di.smiSSal. Ar. Koch voiced some complaints of his o.~rn then said he wished to resign. He handed ir, his badges, card, keys and placed his gun in a raper. bag. His claim eras approved and a warrant made to date and given him. Mr. barge moved the resignation be accepted. 'fir. Duncan seconded the mction. Ayes: troth, Ross, Large, Duncan. T"r. J. J. Smith asked about water lines at 96th and i2>th Street northeast of Town. There are no immediate plans for water there but possibly will be in twelve to eighteen months, according to growth of building in that direction, r. troth tcld him. Tr. ~`uiggins appeared again complaining; about roving dogs. I~r. Csroth said Tulsa and Owasso were working together with the Coi.znty Health Department to eliminate the dog pr ob iem. .. c ~ yA, .,nA.. -. 22._ Fa~;e 2 August 1, 1966 Pinutes continued---- ~"r. troth said a X300,000. bond issue was in the process of being approved, then he asked N`r. Hay Clark to explain and show the Board the sketch of present p1_ans for Vrater and sevrer lines. After some discussion, the Board agreed that 1``r. Clark's plans ~,~~ere generally acceptable. Iir. Clark asked to be employed as acting City Engineer at a fee of x150. per month. I`r. Ross and Ivlr. troth agreed that the City probably could not employee a City Engineer by the month but suggested that we discuss sewer and water line engineering work which needs doing within the City at a future date and come to an agreement of work and pay with. I'ir. Clark. l~s. troth read a 1_etter from the State Department of Health enclosing a permit for the construction of a water main to serve Farkview Addition. A 1_etter was read from Ro'oert J. Hartsfield, Com~rnunity Planning Associates, statint, that our application for Planning Grant had not been acted upon as ,yet and we can only wait for action in .~tashington. Pr. Grath read a letter from Clyde '~~dinterringer Inviting County Cities and Towns to hear a discussion on the millage split an July 21, 1966. I~s. troth had attended the meeting and said the Towns had benefitted by representation at the meeting. A letter was received from Herold Charney asking for the re~~,oval of "Parallel Parking Signs'" at Sherrill Apartments located at 31£3 North I~ia,in Street. However the signs had already been removed by someone and 1`~Tr. Tyler had measured and found that the signs had definitely been erected on City property. It was also noted that I~fr. Sherrill. had not prcvided off-Street parking as was designated in his permit for the apartments. Tor. troth suggested we send a letter inviting I?r. Sherrill_ to next meeting to discuss the matter. i'~s. Hale came before the Board to discuss water billing of his apartments. After much discussion, Iti`r. troth said he thought I'"r. Hale was justified to some extend, in his complaint, since he is paying more than outside City users who pay double rates. It was finally decided to charge all apartments of six units or more .50¢ per 1,000 gallons of water used and add `1..00 for each unit whether occupied or not. All apartments of less than six units must have a meter for each apartment. P~tr. Large so moved and I~r. Ross seconded the motion. Ayes: troth, Doss, Large, Duncan. P-'~r. Hale asked the City to install "No Parking" Signs on the west side of North Atlanta in front of his apartment building. I~ir. troth asked T;r. Hale to hard- surface his off-street parking 1_ot and access road to cut down the many complaints received b~~ the City. I~.r. Hale said he had planned to do the work as soon as he could afford it. P~1r. Duncan moved and. Irr. Large seconded that the "No Fzrkingf' signs be installed. Ayes: troth, Ross, Large, Duncan. I~r. Large moved and I~~r. Duncan seconded that the City donate grave space for Johnny Tagman, a war casualty. Ayes: troth, Ross, Large, Duncan. T~`r. Hale stated that vandalism and distruction is getting worse in Owasso. I~"r. troth said we would try to police the north end of Town a little closer. r'r. troth said I~ir. Tyler had stated a need of our tractor and back hoe replacement or overhaul. Anew one would cost az~r~roximately `6,000. I~x. Tyler is cl;ecking on costs both waT,~s. ~~ __ ~~~ Page 3 August 1, 1966 I~unutes contirn_ied--- l~~r. Jerre ~^tilliam Harrod appeared with an application for policeman. P~?r. Groth asked P%r. Duncan to consider his application along with any others he might receive and bring his decision to the next Board meeting. t~?r. Large said he would be absent for approximately four h~eeks due to business out of town but he would resign from the Board if I~ir. Rosecrans was hired for full time as policeman. The following claims were approved: General Fund: Edw. ~ianAlstine, Jr. 151.05 Kerr-~~IcGee Corp. 2.00 Tillie Bryan 7.50 Victor Koennin~ 15.00 4~;oodrow ~~^daters 99.75 Glen iZoseerars 84.89 Konrad Koch 108 .10 465.29 Street & A:iiey Fund U. S. Fname~_ing Sign Do. 26.60 26.60 'water Fund: Buddy Hilburn 7.1i Leonard Thompson "7.1.1 H. C. Bradley 7.11 Fred J. Lnnis 151.11 Kelly Tractor 14.42 S~v iFeter & Supplyy* 146.1;+ Cooper Supply 1.3;'.35 Rav Clark ~?~ lssoc. E,0.00 h'cKesson Rc Robbins 65.25 '3. ~~J. getter 8~ Co. 450.00 Sunray D« Oil 51.30 Utility S~_~pply 272.11,, Sherrill & Sherrill I1~0.00 Gerald Swanson 37.50 Dorothy Allsup 5$.-84 Josephine Doumey 134.42 Gene A. Hardin 58.17 J. H. Tyler 220.2`' Buddy David Hilburn 149.60 Leonard Thompson 1.!+9.60 2,344.52 Sevier Fund Tu15 a Tractor Co. 96.34 H. C. Bradley 155.24 <^.51.55 Refuse Fund: Preston Payne 742.13 742.13 Cemetery Fund: James Johnson 160.71 'buddy Hilburn 3.53 Leonard Thompson 3.53 168.37 Fage 4 August 1, 1966 P-iintztes continued--- Pieter Deposit Fund: James Fotts x.5.00 Bill Parker 10.00 Dixie Cafe 1.5.00 40.00 °daterworks Bond Fund ~~',mpl. Group. Ins. 771.25 771.25 4,13.04 P~ir. Iarge moved and Pis. Ross seconded we adjourn at 10:35. p.m. r ~ ~~ ~. john Groth, President of the Board ,~ Inez H. Odom, Town Clerk -- ~~ August 1+, 1966 Special meeting called by the President of the Board of Trustees, John R. troth, August 4, 1966, 6:30 P.M.at City Hall. Present: John R. troth V. D. Duncan Dean Large Joseph Ross Ernie Foster Josephine Downey Absent: Inez Odom President of the Board Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Deputy Clerk Clerk Purpose of meeting is for Board to discuss the matter of hiring a new Police Officer. Motion by Duncan to dispense with the reading of the minutes of the last regular meeting. Seconded by Ross. Ayes: Duncan, Foster, troth, Ross, Large. Ayes: None, After some discussion a motion was made by Duncan to hire Jerre William Harrod as night police officer. Seconded by Ross. Ayes: troth, Duncan, Ross, Large, Foster. Ayes: none. Starting salary to be $325.00 per month with a $12.50 raise at the end of first three months and another $12.50 raise at the end of the sixth month. Motion to the above was made by Large, seconded by Foster. Ayes: Duncan, Large, troth, Foster, Ross. Ayes: none. All agreed that Mr. Rosecrans is to work as relief man when necessary. Notion to adjourn made by Large, seconded by Ross,xtisgc ~ Ayes: All,and meeting adjourned. Acting Clerk sident of the Board