HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965.08.16_City Council MinutesAugust 16, 1965
The Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso met in regular session at the
Town Hall on I~°onday evening, Aug. 16, 1965 at 7;10 F'.I`i.
Present: John troth
V. D. Duncan
Gary Sherrill
Ernie Foster
Dean Large
Glenn Rosecrars
Robbie Fickle
Josephine Downe3T
N~. S. Sawyer
President of Board
Trustee ( arrived at g; 21 P:uM. )
Town Treasurer
Town Clerk
Deputy- Clerk
City Attorney
The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as read.
Mr. Rosecrans presented the treasurer's report as of Aug. 1, 1965.
Old business discussed bar the Board: Mr. C-roth reported that the
TMAPC had been contacted. I~ir. good, who is in charge of small town
planning, was on vacation. Just as soon as he returns, he will be
contacted again.
Nir. Sherrill moved that the n~:xt meeting of the Board of Trustees be
postl>oned until Tuesda;, Sept. 7th, due to the Labor Day Holiday. Mr.
Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes, r roth, Duncan, Sherrill and Foster.
Bob Campbell, Public Service Co., presented a new contract from his
company to f urnish electrical services to the city for pumping and
street lighting. This contract is in 1 ieu of any previous contract
and will be retroactive to July 1, 1965 meter readings and will be
effective until new contract is superseded by another contract. Mr.
Sherrill moved that the new contract be accepted. Mr. Foster seconded
the motion. Ayes, C:roth, Duncan, Sherrill, Fost:;r.
Mr. troth read Mr. C>reeley Ni.ounger's bid forhis property (old Mounger
Hardward site) which quoted a price of $6,750. Air. Sokolosky, who
owns adjoining; pror.,erty, was resent and quoted a price of X4,500, for
his property. The Board discussed the possibility of acquiring these
two pieces of property. D1o decision was reached and the item was
postponed to a later meeting.
Nr. troth reported that the refuse man for ti°tells Food Market had re-
signed. Mr. ~~Iells was present and recuested he be permitted to install
a commercial. fire incerrator. A motion was made by N"r. p+.~.'h~~a>cthat Ord.
27 pertaining to burning of refuse, be amended and that the ~r,~el.l incener-
ator be approved and that City At~.orney be directed to make revision. Mr.
Sherrill seconded the motion. Ayes, Crath, `herr~ll, Dunca.r., Fo~rter.
Mr. Foster moved that 4-way stop signs be installed at 3rd and Atlanta, 4th
and Atlanta (north and south entrances to Sta.rlane Addition). Mr. Duncan
seconded the motion. Ayes, Grcth, Duncan, Sherr~lJ., Foster.
Mr. Sawyer reported that he had begun work on zoning ordinances revisions
but due to difficulties encountered, this revision wculd nct be completed
for some time.
MINLIT~'S COTI?T?TaU?J'D, AUG. 16, 1965 ~ `'A
Mr. Sawyer presented Crd. 63 pertaining to zoning classifications which
would require petitioners to state type, kind and nature of use intended
for property he wished zoned commercially. This Ordinance will serve as
an interm measure until. the complet revision of zoning laws is completed.
A:r. Duncan moved that Ord. 63 be adopted. A':r. Faster seconded the r.:otion.
Ayes, Croth, Sherrill, Foster, Large, Duncan. A,r. Duncan furtY:er moved
that the emergency clause be invoked. Ar. Foster seconded the motion.
Ayes, troth, Sherrill.., Foster, Large, Duncan.
Mr. Lunge moved that new Ord. 64 ~.ertai.ning tc t he annexation of the tow7n
ball. park be ado:;ted. Air. Dunc~:.n seconded the motion. Ayes, Crcth, Large,
Duncan, Sherrill. and Foster.
A"r. troth reported reported that a complete revision of}1z-_. g or~~.~.es
will. ±ake City Attorney Sawyer about one year tc complete. T~"r. Sawyer can
do this for X600.00. P~Ir. Grcth suggested that ~~50.00 per marth be added to
Mr. Sawyer's salary for a perio8 of one year to cover this cost. Due to the
exl;ense involved in publishing all these new ordiances whey. comL:leted, it
was agreed that stencils be cut and run for posting and for person interest-
ed in them. The issue was tabled until next meeting.
A~'r. Sawyer reported that tre remainder of the ti•rater bonds car b e used tc
replace the line at Hied Greek. Air. Cli.nc Psansuer submitted an estimate of
cost for replacing this Bird. Creek line, whicr included material, eo~uip:ment,
l~~bcr, overhead, profit and engir_eeri.ng. A`r. Sherrill.. mo~~ed th~:.t the city
take bids on both the S inch and 12, inch lints tc be used for this reT:air.
Mr. Foster seconded th:: motion. Ayes, Cxoth, Sherrill, Foster, Large, and
h°r. Herb Hale preser..ted a proposal tc the Board for ann~uxa.tion of ~0 acres af'
land in Section 7 (S. 1~2 of Tyr. E. Quarter) of Hale Acres, 2-1~2 miles north
of tc~,-n. Mr. Hale re~.orted. trat hcmes would h~~ve a minimum of 12,':;00 s~ . ft.
of floor space and would. cost from ~17,5~;0 and up. He stated that normal
restrictive covenaras, ea~~~E;nts and covenant dedications would be included in
deeds and would be subject to approval by the _oa.rd. Hale, asked th~.t, if
acce_ ted, Sarre considerst.ion be gi~ren this :>ub-division as ary within the
town's limits at thi< time.
Mr. Hale reported that he and his associates, if property is brought into the
cit;;r, will submit plans for wat:~r system both on and off site, for the Board's
approval. Mr. I-Tale said he and his associates would furnish capitol for in-
stallation ~f lines and requested thatcity re; ay 1~C0~ of cost of material and
constructior.~ plus intere t. The ~soa.rd discussed the issue including: annexation,
water and s:~:~;er services fot this addition.
A1r. Hale was asked tc preser_t water, seti,~er (lagcon) systems for serious con-
sider<aion. N:r. Hale is to make a rough draft and submit to Board. a plat of
property including water, sewer (la.goon) systems and the methnl of dividing
the lots. A~r. Hale said he would chock with the city of ~~.by to find out
the procedure they used in annexing lands that are not direclt~r adjacent to
city limits. Air. Hale said he would try to submit these items at the next
Board meeting. AZT. Sawyer suggested that A'ir. Hale employ an attorne~T to
both prepare cortra.ct anti to check legal aspects.
T~Ir. Foster• brought up the sidewalk problem again. The Board discussed the
problem but ne decision was reached.
C laims Approved, Aug. 16, 1965
The following claims were approved:
F. W. Wheeler 10.00
G. F. Zigler 15.00
Cozy Corner Cafe 15.00
Eddie Dennison 15.00
Jack Ford 15.00
Jimmie Bond 15.00
F. A. nightingale 5.00
Cecil ~~ . Griffin 5.00
Bankers Life & Casualty 20.67
Ii. C. Bradley 130.56
H. C. Bradley 25.00
Tational.~~ark of Tulsa 426.16
I:ationa.l Bank. of Tulsa 3,333.31
Bankers Life & Casualt;,r Co. 23.78
Buddy David Hilburn 128.06
Leonard Thompson 135.32
J. H. Tyler 162.24.
Josephine Downey 128.92
Inez H. Odom 61.28
Dorothy Allsu 75.50
Glenn Rosecrars 10.00
Harold D. Large 10.00
J. B. Larger<t 103.03
~i.~:.Kellam r': D. 0. Cordell 137.87
Commercial Lumber Co. 92.08
Cooper Su, ply Co. 6.08
B. W. Vette_~ Co. 350.00
Utility Su~:~ply Co. 246.36
Standard Auto Su~;ply 101.76
Utilities Sef~vice Division 1,672.55
W. _~. Shanks Agency 17.50
Sinclair Refining Co. 46.90
Southwestern i;ell Telephone Co. 47.77
Public Service Co. of Oklahoma 115.80
Ernie E. Foster 10.00
Gary Sherrill 10,00
Paul Hill 138.00
Owasso Lumber Company 18.27
Anchor Stone Co. 25.80
Anna~s Cafe 18.89
Fred R. Harmon 14.5.06
Gordon 0. Clay 160.19
Tai. S. Sawyer 61.36
Don F. Klahr 37.50
V. D. Duncan 10.00
Robbie Fickle 10.00
John R. troth 10.00
Raymon B. Thomas 25.00
Owasso Tag t~gency 3.25
The Collinsville l~?ews 57.60
Public Service Co. 87.78
Vickers Refining Co. 66.91
DX SUrray Oil Co. 28.58
.-~ tL ~:
Nr. Large moved we adjourn at 10:30 P.T. N:r. Foster seconded the motion.
A es, troth, ~ err~ll, Foster, Large and Duncan.