HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965.09.07_City Council Minutes~- Se~umber 7, 196 The Board of Trustees of the Town; of Gwasso met at Cit~Ha11 in regular session on Tu,-~sday evening, Sept. 7th at ?:_15 p.m. P~ ~SE"`T: John Groth Dean Large V. D. Duncan Robbie Fickle Glenn Rosecrans Josephine Downey Dorothy Allsup ABSEi ~!' Gary Sherrill Ernie Foster President of Board Trustee Trustee Town Clerk Town Treasurer Deputy Clerk Assistant Clerk Trustee Trustee The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved with the exceptions Nor Duncan's name was added as the person making the motion that Ord. 27 which per tams to refuse burning be amended (paragraph g) and that paragraph 13 s:~~ould read "revision of all city ordinances" rather than zoning ordinances. P~1r. Rosecrans gave the financial report as of September 1, 1965. T~?r. Groth reported that the X5,000 water bond time deposit had expired. The bond will be re-invested for a nine (9) month peroid and will exi;ire about the time the first payment on the new fire truck is due and will be used to retard that indebtedness. Qld business discussed by the Board: T•[r. Groth reported that a tentative meeting with Tr~=APC has been set for the next scheduled ':oard meeting. Mr. Groth retorted that T'r. Sawyer said it would be illegal for the toh~n to secure property at this time without building on '_t. Don Brown, minister of the church of Christ, presented a proposal to the Board which rec;uested that a door-to-door cairpaign be instituted to assist the y~Yilliam King family. The Board agreed that~t'~~e canvass would be per- mitted. Dorothy Allsup, Assistant Clerk, requ:sted a raise of X25.00 per month. P~1r. Large moved that T rs. :~llsup be given the raise requ~:sted. ~r. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes, froth, Large, Duncan. fir. troth reported that it was now possible to _ive each city emloyee a :10.00 per month -raise. NIr. Duncan moved that Fred Harmon be given a °:;25.00 per mo~th salar„T increase instead of the x;;10.00 ra__se. The motion died for lack of a second. ~..`r. Duncan moved that all city employees, oxcept Doroth~r Allsup;, Jose:~.hine Downey and Izen `dom, be given a blanket raise of ~>10.00 per month salary in- crease. ^"r. Large second-~:d the motion. Ages, troth, Large, Duncan. T~r. (=froth re orted that a letter had been wri.tter. to }:yrd C nstruction Co. about the lack of comr;letion of water works system. '~'o answer had been re- ceived. Piss Downey was instructed to notify ,~yrd C~.nstruction Ce. by registered mail, that the city will now take action ~n this matter. A two- week~ s legal waiting peroid will lapse before cit~~ beg~,ns the project. I~ftr. Tyler reaucsted tha::somethinf- be d ne about th~_~ 16-,.r~~:r ol~.~ ick-up truck. ~~e retorted that water lines on First Street needed to be reT~l:ced bzT a larger line from Birch east. Aiinutes Continued, September, 7th, 1965 Jim Germany with Yardley Plastic Pipe Cc. presented prices on ,:elastic pipe of various sizes. The Board discz~ssed the Trice differences r tween pipe now used and the plastic *.i~%e. ~~r. Tyler was asked to check rrices and if Yardley is in comparable price rage it could be used for this line. i~~`r. Tyler reported that improrer water line had been laid in Starlane addit- ion and to c~~rrect it approximately ?70 ft. of 6 inch pil.~e would be needed to extend water rr:ai n to 3rd end t"~tlanta. IIe ti=as advised to do this work wren he could find time. I~~r. Tyler resorted that Shorty Bradley, city employee, had been dog bitten while on duty. IIe was advised to get a copy of doct•or's bill_ so a letter could be sent to Richard Helm, dog oti~rrer, to try tc secure payment of the bill.. ~°r. Tyler asked ab,^ut the possibility of em,loying Faul Hi71 who is now part- time, as a full time employee. The Board discu.ss~~d the matter and decided tc wait to a later date to see how many employees will be needed during the winter months. The possibility of constructing a house for the new booster pump station at 56th Street was discussed. p"r. 'T'yler was asked to check_ on eonstructinn cost of such a building and report tc t he Board. A!:r. T,:~ler reported th4t the. city tractor needs sr_me Vrr>rk d~:ne on the back- hoe. IIe reported that he would like to have a nets batik t:oe with :none ;,odern facilities. ;;e was instructed tc find cost of overl:,al~l <and also the cost cf a new back hoe. Carl I'etchum, president of the local_ Cla.ssrc.om Teachers s Association, spoke tc the Board about State Question 430 asking the L~oard's endorsement of the question. I'Tr. L~-.rge mo~.~ed that t?^:c cit;* heartily endorse State ~uc:stion 130. r"r. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes, ~rcth, Duncan, I,rLrge. "`r. Sokclosk~~ appeared <.t tre meeting ir~re.gards to property sold tc °1_chard R^thgeb, reciuesting permission. to move a house from rural C`was:so t the City site at• Lot 6, mock 6 of the Or.9g-inal `1"own. TIe was advised th~.t Cs_ty Ord~_n- ance !}3, Secticr. 4 would h~-::ve to be adrered tc and that are assessor's valuatioS~ of ?;r~pert~~- to be moved, and a l~_st of valuation of properties in the tot~m area a.nd arproval. of propert;~r owners in said block must be obtained. The application of Austus Lee Fredrick was presented to the Board. T_:t was de- cided t_ keep application on file in case of future Hoed. A prof osel was presented b;;T P'r. C?rcth in behalf of ,desle;: ~ ustice wh.o is con- templatinG going into the street sw~epinr; business. According t,_, the prop oral r. Justicewould aweep the streets any in return the city would receive only lm' of the mor.~ies rece~_ved from refuse users ir_ste~.d cf the ~`~' Jae ;~cw rece_~_ve I!r. Justice would receive 15~ of refuse monies as payr:~ent for sw~eping the streets. After discussion., the 1sourd decided they- did not ,.art this '~Cervice at t__".i.s tune. r`r. C'rotr brought up the roble:n of the old ,.at,er tower which is not in use ar: is of no :clue to the town. It wa.s reco°:I~:ended that the tol~rn. either sell. or give the tower away. Per. i~~ ;r c~_.n moved that th : toti~rer be d~sl~osed of ir, the ~,~ , p~.s .: t II'O t pra :'tical Wa~J. I'`r. Large CeCc:n:lcd the motion. .1y~'s, Crotri, Lar ge .~iur1C~:.r: r'inutes Continued, ~,ei~t ember 7th, 1965 r~Tr. Large moved that at least <p15.00 p„r month be set aside to be used for training and drill me:etinrs of C~racs Volunteer Fire Dent. iir. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes, G roth, Large, Duncan. P:r. Clay asked the Board tc sar,cticr. the im ouridi.ng ~~f bic~Tcles ridden cn the streets after da.r~;. The ~~eard will check the legality of the matter =ith City Attorney ah~%er. Tyr. Clay further requested that the Ordir.2.nce ertaining to mufflers be modified. It was agreed to use a similar ore such as Tuba uses in this matter. I~Sr. Clay also suggested that the motorcycle erdinarce be revised t_~ prevent passengers from rid'_ng or. motorcycles while the vehicl:~ is bein} driven by person:- under 16 years of a~~e. i`s. Clay suggested tria.t the stogy light at Brcadt;=ay and T"azn be taken out and 4-way r top signs installed. After dis- cussior., :r. Large movTed that mtet.er for light be tarter out, light left sus- pended and 4-way stop signs installed. T~"r. Dur;ca.n seconded t':e motior_. Ayes, Froth, Large, Dur.c%r.. A motior. wa.s made by ;fir. Duncan that the claim dated 4-29-65 frcrn Owass Auto :service ~'cr brake re:airs be disaL_:~:ed because installatior. wa im- pr~perly accom~;lished causing further brake and wheel difficulties which said com-ar~y refused to rectify. rlr. Large seccnde : the motior.. Ayes, troth, Large, Duncan. The Board a~;proved the usage of the ne-ti fire truck tc z•~ash doom streets in preparation for Progress Day. The following claims were ar;prov<:d: September 7, 1965 Edward Terry T=artin 15.00 Kenneth Lamar 15.OU Arnie R. .cGil.l 15.00 FredtI. Hampton. 10.00 I~'i}; e C; elbhar 15.00 Leroy Sanders 5.00 L. .~. Sappington 5.00 H. C. Bradley 151.23 Okla.. State Health Dept. 40.00 National Chemsearch Corr. 162.32 East:>ide R~°owers 20.30 J. H. Tyler 30.00 V~Tells Fcod Market 60.00 ti~:lesley Justice 649.05 Leonard Thompson 135.?2 Buddy David Hi__burn (vacatior~l 135.33 BuddJT David Hilburn 135.33 J . ~-? . Tyler 170.90 Jose-hine Do~mey 136. g7 Inez ?~. Od.om 61.28 Dorothy All.sup 75.5G Buckles Drug 12.gG Clint tidat.ts Glass Co. 37.70 Vickers Refining Co. 3.95 Okla. State Healt'r_ Dept. 30.00 OWaSSO Auto Service 16.75 P~=rs. ~ chn Dean Studio 39.00 Garrett T"unicipal Sales 127.75 Utility Supply Co. 309.88 ~' `~ ~.~ '.c> R.:, ~ .~ t ~0 "` Claims Continued-Sept. 7, 1965 Southwest I~"eter FY_ Supply Co. 209.38 Cooper Supply Co. 703.54 Sherrill &. Sher. rill 75.00 Pulbic Service Co. 103.23 Paul C. Hill. 158.00 Central Foundry Co., Inc. 25.00 Farm Electric Co. 24.78 R. W. Dixon Concrete Co. 65.60 Anchor Stone Company 17.04 Gordon 0. Clay 160.19 Fred R. Harmon 145.06 Harry I`1. Robinsor: 37.50 Barry T~lorl ey 100.00 Public Service Co. 91.61 Bee Line Safety Service 50.30 Holl~ryrcod Overhead Door Co. 175.00 Tillie Bryan 16.50 Apco Oi.l Corp. 2.78 Kerr 1YcGee Oil Industries, Inc. 2.23 DY Sunra.y Oil Company 158.05 Treasurer's Report, September 1, 1965 Fund Cash in Bank Certificate of Dei~osit H Bond Cerera.l Fund 5,123.58 Refuse Fund 1,261.72 Street ,,x Alley Fund 4,842.91 Sinking Fund 1,181.18 20,000.OU S,000.CC ~~later Fund 7, 317.40 5, 000.00 PJaterworks Fund 1,184.72 8,500.00 Sewer Fund 1,330.07 1,000.00 Sewer Improvement Fund 3,748.58 ?`Teter Deposit Fund 1,250.05 2,5')0.00 4,000.00 P u.rl: Fund "374.89 Cemetery Fund _1 662.41 '_,000,00 TCTALS ;;29,277.51 u; 37,000.00 _ _ ~10,000.OC I~".r. Large moved Re adjourn at 9;58 p.m. Mr. Duncan seconded the motion, Ayes, troth, Large, Duncan. Rcb ie Fickle, own Clerk hn R. troth, President of Board rf