HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965.09.20_City Council MinutesSep-tember ~?0, 1965 The Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso met in regular session at the Tot•an Hall on Monday evening, Sept. 1? at 7: r;5 p.m. Present: John Grcth r' ar~T Sherrill Dean Large Erne Foster ~1. D . Duncan Robbie Fickle Joscp};ine Downey Dorothy A~ lsup, Glenn ~4osecrans P'. ~. Sa.:yer President of Board Trustee T:'l2Stee Trustee Trustee Town Clerk Deputy Clerk Assistant Clerk Town Treas,zrer City Attorne„~ e~~ The minutes of the prev~.ous meeting were read and aL,proved with the exception that paragraph 2.6 ~~f the minutes should read motor scooters instead of motor cycles. Richard Helm appeared in regard to the letter written about P`r. Brad.ley's be-ny deg bi-tten. h'r. Grcth ex lamed the rroblems involved before the accident occured. Per. Foster mo-red th~~t N`r. Helm should not assurr~liability for doctor's bill for the accident. P~'r. Large seconded the motion. Ayes, Grot h, Duncan, Large, Sherrill, Foster. I~r. U1~od with TT'~APC was at the meeting and discussed frith the ioard the acquiring of their services for the town. After disnussion, I`r. poster moved that P-_r. ',cod be instructed to draw an agreement and submit it to the Board ar_d City Attorney for review and modification before final approval. t%?r. :Large sec~~n~ied the ~rotion. Ayes, (xroth, Large, P,uncan, Foster, Sherrill. Nir. b^,~od is tc notif~• the T?oard when agreement has been prepared so that another meeting :~.ay be set up. Mr. troth reported that stop-signs for fain and Broadwa~~ had been ordered and would be insta=fled as soon as they :~ wive. N"r•. T~•~ler presented the following specifications for a new pick-u; track in lieu of the old ene: 6 c~~lirder, 7_/2 ton cicku truck, equi ped vaith oi.l filter, lone wheel base, stet; side 'ced, 23o cubic in~.h or e:,uivalent eng-_re, 3 speed trans?°~.issi.on, heaver duty rear springs and shooks, or. and off hieh~-va`, ear tires or equivalent, standard h::ae.er, color, white, 'r~eati`- duty clutch and rad~.ator. `~ew 1905 ^;ode1 preferred. Trade-i_n, 1949 model 1/2 ton Chevrolet pickur, truck, 15 da;= de.livery requested. Mr. Large moved that we ~',«.^Nt;se for bids on a truck with the before mentioned specification°•, r~;r. Foster seconded the motion. Ayes, troth, Large, Duncan, Sherrill, Foster. Bids will be received until 7:30 p.m., Oct. 4, 1965 ir. the office of the Town Clerk. ?A".rP. Tyler reported that he had asked for estimate on pumping station building but had not received them yet. .~ Aiinutes Continued-Sett. 20,1965 Mr. Sherrill moved that the city sell the one-ton, 1948 i'odel Chevrolet, flat bed truck and that sealed bids be taken. N~'r. Foster seconded the motion. Ayes, troth, Urge, Duncan, Foster and Sherrill. The pro:;lem of out-of-town plumbers using local plumber's licenses to work here was discussed. Pnr. troth reported that he would see what could be done about this. E. A. Bryson, ti^J. Second (next to ra-ilroad righ-of--way) submitted a letter requesting that the property adjoining his was a fire haz:+rd and requested that the beard do something about it. hir. Large moved that Hale ~onst. Co., who lases the property from the ra`_.lroad, be notified of t he hazard and asked to clean it u:. ;~r. Foster seconded the motion. Ayes, troth, Large, Duncan, Sherrill, Foster. The Board discussed the few things still needed f^r the fire department according to a letter from the state fire inspector It was agreed that R~r. Resrnolds with Bill S~rey Fire Company, be asked to come to a Board meeting and quote exact prices on the things sti11_ needed. ~`r. C. B. Sherrill appeared and asked permission to bring a house trailer into town and place it on the property at the back of the former Owasso Barber and Beauty Shop bu'_iding for rental puri~o:aes, After discussion by the F3oard, T`r. Sherrill withdrew his reouest. After discussion, ?L7r. Foster moved that the 3~,~~'3.~ti~ structure^located at a-t 34 S. Pain be rented for use as a police department and jail at the combined rate of .~~140 per morth f or the present city hall and the joining structure. ~"_r. Duncan seconded the mot:~on. Ayas, ' roth, Lame, Duncan, Sherrill <..nd Foster. 1`:r. Sherrill reported that he had contacted and electri.dal contractor to put additional electircal rece~,ticals in City Hall. Fred Harmon appreared aslcirg for a X25 per month raise. in salary. T:r. Sherril_1 commended the police department. A`r. Duncan moved that Harmon's salar;;= be increased. to X350 per month. fir. Sherrill seconded the motion. Ayes, Duncan, Large, Foster, Sherrill. 1V'ays, Croth. T~'.x. Duncan rei~orted that St,awdy r~icCarty said he would grade side of the streets if the cit~;T would furnish F-ravel for surfacing. Tyr. Duncan moved that the county be contacted and asked to resurface 12th St. from. Dogwood to ti•.estern edge of city lir.~its, ti•Jith the understanding that the city pay for materials. Tr. Sherrill seconded the lotion. Ayes, troth, Large, Duncan, Sherrill, Foster. The folloTaing claims were approved: SeTt. 20, 1965 Cary Sherrill 5.00 Ernie E. Foster 5.00 A. S. N"ozingo 20.25 Anna's Cafe 8.07 Anchor Stc;ne Co. 20.57 George ?~auf 1+6. 00 Paul Hill 132.00 Gordon 0. Clay 161+.38 Fred P. Harmon 149.25 Claims Approved-Sept. 20, 1965 N1. S. Sawyer 61.36 V. D. Duncan 10.00 Robbie Fickle 10.00 John R. troth 10.00 Ra~rmon B. Thomas 25.00 A. S. T~`ozingo 40.50 Oklahoma Tax Commission Q.06 Federal Reserve dank 151.20' State Contribution Fund 84.03 Bill Story Fire~~ Safety 21.80 Co-Operative Publishing C:. 7.31 Sargent-Sowell, Inc. 73.56 Youngs s Cafe 5.35 Tulsa 2 ~~:Tay Radio Service 10.50 The Collinsville Pews 74.35 Southti~estern Bell Tele. Co. 46.55 Charles R. Caeser 5.00 Kenneth r~enefee 10.00 Inez H. Odom 61.25 Buddy David Hilburn 132.24 Leonard Thompson 139.51 Josephine Downey 125.92. J. H. Tyler 167.06 Bankers Life 8c Casualty 23.75 Owa~=so Lumber Co. 265.64 Josephine Downey 107.06 Gerald D. Swanson 12.50 Commercial Lumber Co. State Contribution Fund Federal_ reserve Rank Okla. Tax Commission Harold D. 4large Glenn Rosecrans Dorothy Allsur, Tulsa Utilities Service Chas. T. Cla rk Cc. Tulsa Paper Co. Coops Suz;-ply Co. t"_cF;esson ~x Robbins Co., Utility Su~;ply Co. Elliott ;~~usiness Aachin W. K. Kellam ;~ D. C. Co J. R. Largent State Contribution Fund ~i. C. Rradl_ey Barkers Life & Casualty Okla. Tax Commiission Federal Reserve Bank 'r'ational Ghemsearch 115.56. 176.26 510.00 25.51 10.00 10.00 55.75 511.50 19.00 10.14 155.53 Inc.160.25 11.20 es, 60.00 rde11156.23 15.09 44.54 134.22 ~~0.67 5.57 117.30 32~ . 64 P~Tr. Foster moved we adjourn at 10:27 p.m. A":r. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes, troth, Large, Duncan, Sherrill, Potter. Robbie.Pickle, Tcwn Clerk ~~ e n R. troth, President of Board