HomeMy WebLinkAbout1965.10.18_City Council Minutes`::~ ~_
Ifonda;T, October ?_8, 1965
The Board of Trustees of the Tp~,~rn of O~~r<sso met in regular se::sior. at the Town Hall on
r;'ondaV evening, Oct. l~?, 165 at 7:05 P.1`_.
John Croth
Ernie Porter
Pear. Large
V. D. Duncan
Robbie Fickle
Dorothy A7_]_su^~
T. S. Saw~,~er
Cline ~' an suer
Preside:^t of Board
To`•rn Clerk_
Assistant Clerk
City Ata;-?rney
City =~rgineer
n!r. ShPrr~ 11 was absent.
The minutes of the last meeting; were read and a:proved wits. +.,he e~;rel.tion that Pr•~ra.grah
1.7 pertaini.n~ to notification of property owners adjoiring the Totirr. for velunt~::ry arn:::;;-
~+=ion should read "Southeastern Edge" instead of southUrest.°rn edge and that the nar.:e of
Ralrh '?oos should be included in this list of property o~•:mers.
'•~Tr. "rotr reported that no acta.or_ ha.d been rey orted tre TTY''"APC.
It was red anted that Ntr. Ha-_' e sti.1 J. ha.d not cut the' weeds er. the ~?.ailro~,d nro ert~:~ and it
;.rao a very defi-Hite fire hazard. The Board agreed. th:~.t the ?ail.roa.d wc;uld be notified of
the situation and that the city ;aculd cut the weeds.
The Board decided i_t wculd not be feasible to bur a roto-r:ac'r_i.ne at t is t~~ne and t~°ouble
sr"ots would be corrected. by re"1<ci.n,~ seti•rer lines.
T"r. Duncan °res~nted Trice lip is or. 'trest,ns-house unit he wte~•s for the fire station ar~d
the police statio^,° ?.f+.°r discurysion, ~'r. '~,~_incan moved that a 75,000 BT?1 heater be
r-urc,hased for the poli.r.e station ord. that a lO0,O00 ?~T?? heater be urchased for tre
y I` Foster seconded the moti:;n. ~,v:-es, G-reth, Lar~,e, Dun~.~.n, Fcst.er.
fire station. r.
r`r. Croth re~;orted that he had rot hid a chance to ecr~tact the people a. bout vclunt•~:er
~.r_r.~xaticn but would do so befrn•e tt^e next Council meeting.
^Tr. Saayer presented Crdi n~~.nce 6'?, :-;ert airing tc tho setting up of the ~'iremsr.' s Pens=i cn
Flan arc. tho setting ul. of t~.- ~?oard of 'T'rustees for this plan, for t~:e; L'o_~rd' U con~ider-
atien. "'.r. F~'oster mo:red thatlCrdinance 67 be ado-ted. I~`r. Duncan. seconded the motion.
Ayes, Crotl~i, Large, Foster ^uncan. ~`r.`'~xncan r^~oved that the er:~~erLenc~:- clause be invo~ed..
?`r. FOSter SeCOn'%8d t?.P. mOt~On. AZ"es, (V.rpth, ?,~.r~e, ;~CSt22"", ~~.:ncan.
, ,.
T'r. ??o-secrans p~~esented tIE CituJ finarci.al t atemont as of Oct. 1 1Q~,`
<~ds on the ~?ird Creep rater sine Crcesng ?.1ere o,:.~ened at 7°30 ..P". b;,T ?~r. Croth. `'
"an suer read the bids. The bids ~•rore as fellows:
C ase~r '?'ur r.c:r and d npr e
, ` 1C~~ ~,~~') I '~, 5rQ l l ~ 5~rn ~_~?,
.1f~ g,~>bl.l~
l'~, `"?.u5
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'~'o~.~l ne Cor.stru~t ior_ Come any <,~^nn .~~O E:,6rn.nn 7~s~ ~;~.',O ~,~ ~ "i0
1 n nn
~'an ;t On ~'':> b1d O t~"~E'.
_ 17it c:;.:;t a~nn , .•L y.;e 'v~~c:: ~;~ ~`~~',
9 ll~.
T~,~e a•j.:~.rort lo~•. bid ..as sub:~:~_tted :'o~•,rl.,r.e Cor.~tra ction Com-~ ry. "'':e bids wll1. be
~ccr '
c: `'
1 t^ rec~ r
r t• Ci
a ~cn of
ty E^~ineer.
t..v ate _.
., _
~ .. _
i ::..note: Ccrtir:ued-!`;;tobor 18, 196;
F ~+ oved th ?t r."r. Grote be giver, the : oard' s ^ermi lion tc accent the 12" ~:t~~el
o~,:er m ~U ~.
lire continent to recur^^~endation of City Er>~inoor Cline :_a.~^~uer. P_r. nur;:an sEC~ ._c_od
the Notion. A~~es, Crate:, Large, Sur:c~~r, Fostsr.
'T"°. _auth ~. Cooper ap,;ca.red requesting perrr~_ssian to move .. house er. ':lock 11, ~ct 5,
;1.01 ~d. itla.nta) . ::>hs sa._ d that one of the existing buildings would. be removed tc ma.'_~ce
~~-~~~e far ti:is ore. She ti~;as ad:prised tha+., she would have to have a hcu: e moving j:;er::;it;
last year's tax valuation or. the house she plains to move in to make sure it i~ of equal
valuatior_ of other properties in the area. t.fter discussion, it was t:ie ger,era.l con-
rensus of tY:e Baord that there ti.auld be ne ~~roblem involv:d.
The folloti•rin~; claims were ap~~~roved:
Tankers Life & Casu.a.lty ..'_0.67
~~. C.sra.dley 134.?2
State Cort•rib~.:.tior Fur_d 44.59
Rotc Rooter Cewar and Drain 21.50
Lloyd P-'i.11_er 5.00
(i4Ta `~~ ~. r'. LOUng e 15 . ~0
Frank `iichardsan 15.00
Everett 'arris 5.00
Barkers Life ~ CasualtJ~ =3.78
~.o,~:dy David _'i ?burn 132.2! -
Leor_ard Thcmr: =;on 139.51
J. H. T;,~ler 167.06
Josephine Doti:-r~.ey 128.92
lns z ??. Odam 61.28
Dorothy rillsup 85.75
Glenn Rosecrars 10.00
?~arold D. Lary-.e 10.00
:.'fate Cortributior: Fund 186.89
J. B. La.rger..t 115.02
W, h, nell~m and D. 0. Carden 14;.91
Ca~rmereial Lumber Ca. 103.32
Sincalir Refining Co. 10.4;
The Collinsville News 52.8G
Tulsa Utilities Service 1,11.0 .65
,Couthwest^.rn :ei1 Tele. 57.97
Utility Supply Co. 196.6;
>~estern Atuc Store 94.16
Peerless-Tulsa Co. 91.52
Ernie E. Foster 10.00
Gary Sherrill 5.00
_ argent-So~,yel.l, lnc. 95.27
Anchor State Ca. 8.£38
Paul Hill. X43.42
Fred R. Harn.on 149.25
Gordon C. Clay 170.45
Ra~-~nar. i. Thcmas 25.OC
M. S. Sa~;rer 61.36
Robbie Fickle 10.00
iT. D. Duncan 1C.00
Join R. froth 10.00
A. 4 . I='`ozingc 69.00
J. H. Tyler 175.00
N.aude JaY:nsor. 25. ~,0
Donna Duncan 5.50
S~.rdra. Clay 10.00
~~ ~~
Claims Continued--October 7.8, 1.9b5
GordcTl Clay l 5, Sn
State Contribution Furd X3.28
Phillits Petroleum Co. 117.3
DaVenj;Ort ''ipe ~~ Sil'~i'1y
~ l~..C~~
The Ji;r~-.ie Jonc-s Co. 1~~.2G.
Ray Ski.nn~:;r Ins. 20.!:10
Texas Iron ~w~ SuPply 1+6.11+
Radio Inc. 17.63
Bi_11 Story Fire :'c Safety Co. 292.2.0
N~r. Large moved we adjourn at 9:10 P.P~. P`r. Foster secs:>nded the motions. Ayes, Croth,
Large, Duncan. Foster
,~ GXc.c.ci ~ ~~'~iC'~;
?ob fie fickle, .own Clerk
~ ~~ ~
Jo> n R. troth, President of Doa.rd