HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964.08.17_City Council Minutes August 17, 1964 The Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso met in regular session at the Town Hall on the 17th day of August, 196., at 7:00 p.m. Present: W. J. Bryson Dorl Austin Trustee V. D. lluncan Floyd Flournoy Inez Odcm Josephine Downey M . S . S a.wyer President of the Board Trustee Trustee Trustee Town. Clerk Deputy Clerk Attorney The minutes of the last meeting of August 3, were read and approved. Gail Harris, Jc:mes T. Clark ;and Monroe W. Meyer, representing approximaaely forty families living 12 miles north of the new water tower and one mile East asked if the City would sell them water if they built their own line. The board expressed interest but said the situation must be studied before a definite decision could be made. During the discussion, Bryson said the rates would be double the same as other rural areas, and suggested that the Tow:: would probably prefer to own the line by repaying them 75~ of the cost on monthly basis, the same ? s w e do on building projects. Mr. Bailey asked about annexing and comn.ercially zoning 10 acres directly west of the Catholic church property. Mr. Sahyer explained the procedure to him. Mr. Ed Wells presented application and a X25.00 check for the commercial zoning of Lots _l and 2, clock 26, Original Town of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma., East of the S1nC~.alr Station and now being used for a trailer court. Ger_e D. Combs presented an application with his :25.00 check for commercial zoning of Lot Three (3) in block rl'wenty Six (26), Ori~,inal `d'own of Owasso, Tulsa Ccunty, Oklahoma... Perry W. Evans, D. 0. presented an application with a X25.00 check for the commercial zoning of Lot 7 and Lot 8, "lock 7, Original town of Owasso. Hearing was set on all three ~t.plications for September 1, at 7:30 p.m., following proof of publication. J. Ray Smith presera ed final plans of Smithview Addition whicr has already been annexed and zoned. Austin moved we accept Mr. Smith's plat. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayes: Bryson, rlournoy, Austin, Luncan. There was some discussion of the trade of land between Mr. Smith and the City. No decision was made. The proof of publication for comrr,ercial zoning of the former Catholic Church property: The North 330 feet of the ~°dest half of the P~orthwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 30, township 21, Plorth, itange 14, East, lying s•E:st of the right-of-way of the paved highway in Tuba County, State of Cklahoma, according to the United States Government survey thereof. ~7 August 17, 1961} was presented for discussion. No objections<<rere heard. Duncan moved we zone the property commerciall~T. Flournoy seconded the motion. Ayes: Bryson, Flournoy, Au^tin, Duncan. Mr. Bryson motred we call from the table Dr. Reeds motion to zone commerciallSr the remainirr part of the follotiain~ described property which was not zoned April 6, 1964: The South Half (S/2) of the Southti,est Quarter (St~T/4) of the Southwest Quarter (SW~4) of Section Twenty-nine (29), and the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) oft~h~~ Southeast Quarter (SE/4) of the Southeast Quarter (SE/4) and''~he East Half (E/2) of the East calf (E/2) of the East Half (E/2) of the Southwest Quarter (SW~4) of the Southeas± Quarter (SE/4) of the Southeast Qu-~rter (Sy/4) of Section Thirty (30), and the North Half (l~'/2) of the North- ea~t Qu~_rter (I:~E/4) of the Northeast Quarter (NE/4) and the ^1o.rth Eighty Feet (g0 ft.) of the South Half (S~Z) of the North- east Quarter (PJE/4 of the Northeast Quarter (NE~4) of Section Thirty-one (31), and the Northwest Quarter (NW/4) of the PJorth- west Quarter (NW,~4) of the A?orthwest Qu<~rter (NW/4) of Section Thirty-two (32) all in Township Twenty-one (21) P!orth, hange Fourteen (14) East of the Indian Base and Meridian, in the County of Tulsa:., Stag of Oklahoma.. Per. Austin seconded the motion. Ayes; Bryson, Flournoy, Austin, Duncan. Bethel Church sent an application for annexation of their property: A parcel of land situated in the southtn~est corner of the Southeast f~uarter of the Southeest Quarter (SEw SEy,) of Section Nineteen (19) Township Twenty One (21) North Range Fourteen (14) East, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. More particularly doscribcd as a tract of land 20 rods East and ?^1.;st by 20 Rods North and South, cont.:ining approximately 2.5 acre.". in the said south~ti~est corner. The hearing wa.s set for Sept. 21st at 7;30 p.m. Mr. Flournoy mo~red Vre rive Pers. Odom a X10. per month raise. Mr. Bryson sec^nded the "notion, brin;~ing her salary up to $130.00 per month. Ayes: Bryson, Flournoy, Duncan. Mr. Flo~arno;;r moved we hold Mr. Israelis check until he brings in the promised performance bond. Duncan seconded the motion. Ayres: Bryson, Flournoy, Luncan. Mrs. Odom r,:.d a copy of a letter from. H~`~le Bros. Construction Co. to Chicago Bra dge °~ Iron Co.; a lett~~~r from the City of Collinsville recommending the Metropolitan Area Planning Commission; a letter from John M. Rogers, C.P.A. State Examiner & Inspector; a letter. from Tulsa Chamber of Commerce; a letter from Anthony Ku'ailos and a letter from the Department of Health Education, and Welfare Dept, Par. Charles W. M axton, Jr., Engineer enclosing, six copies of Project Progress Report and paynnent Request forma covering our final pay:..ent on WPC--0kla. 146. C ? a7 August 17, 1964 The following claims were <.pp.roved: Jir~~mie Fitcock 15.00 Lee Battenfie.ld 15.00 Bob Sligar 15.00 J. H. Tyler 10.00 Ban:Kers Life ~ Casualty 20.67 H. C. Bradley 130.56 W. J. Bryson 10.00 McKe:.~son & Robbins, Inc. 159.50 McK?sson ~ Robbins, Inc. 14.76 Ntional Bank of Tulsa 495.09 E. L. Isreal 534.80 Transfer Refuse to titi'ater Dept. 029.41 Chicagc Bridge and Iron Co. 2,1.,12.00 Mansur, Steele & Associates 2,730.63 Bankers Life and Casualty 31.37 Buddy David Hilburn 125.06 J. H. Tyler 15:+.65 Josephine llo~^Zey 112.55 Inez H. Odom 56.98 llorothy Allsup 75.55 V. D. Duncar. 10.00 Flcyd Flournoy 10.00 W.K.Kell«m and D.O.Cordell 143.25 Commercial Lumber Co. 112.71 J. B. Largent 73.02 Peerless-Tulsa Co. 45.20 Cooper Supply Co. 65.27 yields-Downs pandolph Co. 10.40 Sh«mrock Oil and C'as Corp. 5.60 Owasso Ltunber Co. 15.27 Tulsa Utilities 850.45 Utility Supply Co. 51.00 Apcc Cil Corp. 62.35 C. B. Shannon 210.00 Madison Chemical Ccrp. 230.35 Ar_nhor Stone Co. 13.20 Bankers Life & Casualty ~+.93 Fred R. Harmon 136.03 ~=ordon O. Clay 160.19 M. S. Sati~ryer 75.00 Raymon R. Thomas 25.00 ~.alph Carr 10.00 Don "ustin 10.00 Herb Battenfield 150.00 Co-operative Publishing Co. 9.56 The Collinsville News 55.80 Jima s ti^lheel Aligning 9.50 ~cuthwest=~_,n Bell Telephone Co. 35,55 Apco Oil. Corp. 67.52 Duncan moved. we recess the meeting until September 1, 1964 at 7:00 p.m. Bryson seconded the motion. Ayes: Bryson, Flou rnoy, Cancan. ~~ ~ Inez H. 0 ~., Town Clerk W. J. :3ryson,~ President f the Board t