HomeMy WebLinkAbout1964.09.01_City Council Minutes~~~~- Sertember 1, 1961+ The regular meeting of Au`us± 17, i96~ ~~aas again called to order at 7:00 O'clock p.m. following recess called and extended to this date. Present: W. J. Bryson V. D. Duncan Floyd Flourno~r Inez Odom Jo:~ephine Dcwney R~ . S . Sa~,~-er President of the Board Trustee Trustee Town Clerk Deputy Clerk Attorney The minutes of the l~:.st meeting of August 17, tirere reed and approved faith the e„ceptior.~ tYiat only part of S~_~ithview Add.tion hard beer, zoned com-nerciall_y. P~Zr. L'ailey presented a pl~:t of ten acres P•IE Corn~_r Tti'6d~, S :ci.;ion 30, Township 21, NortY:, pan~:e 14 East., Tulsa County, Ok1_ahoma, for annexa.ticn. The plat was agreeable with the Board after ;•~r. Bailey agreed tc give an easement far a. Street even vaitr. Inds ana Street cn the Soutri. r. Sryson presorted the application. for comr~ercia.l zeniri~; for Gene Combs, Lot Thnee (>) ir, ~~~cck T.°aenty Six (26), Original ToUan of Owasso, Tulsa County, Ok1..a.homa. .."~c objections were he~,xd. Pr. Dur;c<n moved. tine zone t::e prapF•rty. :``:r. Flcurr~c;;~ sccond~~d the motion. A;,r~s: F1ol_~rnoy, Durc_r:, I:sryson. I~Ir. '~~ry°~on ~:ked fen discussion, of ce._mercial zoning of Ed Gdell's property, Lots 1 ar:d 2, Block 26, Ori~•,inul To~an of Owasso, Tuba CoL:nt~ , Okluhcma. There ~~aere no objections ~:nd Trr. Dunc~~.n moved ~~*e zone tho property. Flou.rrcy seconded the motion. A;,~es: Dunc:.n, FI_curr~oy, Bryson. Dr. ~,v~ns' property, Lots 7 and 8, Block ?, Ori~,i.nal tcUan of 0~•aass® was brought before thv Bo<~~rd for discu4sion cr: com-^erci.al zoning. I~de ob~ectior.s. Mr. Duncan mc-.ed we zone. Flournoy seconded tho ~:otion. Ares. Duncan., Flournoy, Bryson. I?ev. Fred ti•lilli~m_ app~~.red and. asked for ~nr~exatior: of L<ethel Churc.:~ property, A parcel of land situated in the Southwest corner of t'r~e Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter (SE4 SE4) of Section Ivineteer. (19), Tow;:ship Twenty One (21) P1ortl: pan€•~ Fourt.een (14) East, Tulsa. County, Ok1_arcma. P~"_ore: particularly decribed as a tr~:.ct of land 2n rods F.,:;.St aril ~^~ eCt by 20 i?OdC: ?'TOr t.h ?.nd JCUt::, CCntal.n] r'~ a.p- proxir?.holy 2.; acres in the. said. Southwest corner. After some discussion, r•?r. Dunc.~:n moved 4'ao t::bl~~ the c_nrexatier. until next meeting laher anew plat and description would be furnished by NIr. 41i lliams. A'r. 3ryson seconded the motion. Ayes: ~3ryson, Flournoy, Dunc~..r.. ?sir. ~~~edel ,_...rked for some c._~:t be ; ut over the wa.t.er lines in the T•Iaz?rene Church p-..rking lot•. Dav; Don~•a~:rth cc_m~,,laired that the pelice;.~ar~ w~;s unfair in giving tickets and t:iat he had caused hi.:;, to bw fired from his job. isr. Bryson. promised to invsti&<.te. ?~~r. ~uncar, prose~t~od ar ~L.r:li c-~.tior:~ and a x;25. check nor the cemf:-iercial zoning; for Lot: 3 arid. 4, Block ti0, Original 'own of Oti~ja,ssc, Tul ~a County, Ok1.aI-ioma. A L~wsxing tr<?.s set for Se;temb:;r 21 rt 7:30 p.~-~. after f~rcof of publication. "~ (~ ~ A_ September 1, 1964 ATr. Austin c<~.me a.nd moved ~~~e ask the Tul~~~ I~1~~tropol~ ton Ares:: Flarnsng Corrrnission to subrr:~it to t:e Lo~:::.rd their contract fora ;lar;r,.ing program for the Tow~i of Cw_~sse for their apr:roval c:-• disapproval. ?sir. Br~r-son seconded the motion. Ayes: Bryson, Austin, Dur,ca.r.. Nay: Flcurroy. The der..d end street on Gv'est Fir t Avenue w~,s discussed and tabled for the t1lTie being. Street work being cone or: niorth T'~ain Street was disc~:s.sed. Mrs. D_.~rid Don:aerth c~s:e be "ere the Bo~.rd tfrith a complaint or. Policeman Clay. She wows told that the matter would b~ looked into. The following clams were approved: Tra.n for from Metsr Dop,osit 20.00 W. L. Sherrill. 15.00 Eli Cook 10.00 Ric:..:-rd Lcti,~ry 15.00 John Kcrnegay 15.00 J. N. Sanders 15.00 Tu1sr TrUctor & Implement Co. 28.00 E. L. Isreal 583.34 H . C . Br,~ dl ey 151.2;: Public Service Co. 13.77 Roto Rooter Sewer ~c Drain 80.50 J. ii. Tyler 170.80 Bucdy David Hilburn 135.33 Josephine Do~ti~ney 120.53 Inez H. Odom 61.28 Dorothy Allsup 75.50 Public ~~~ervice Co. 47.62 Ray Skinner Ins. 11.00 Garrett ~°.uricipal St1es 9.50 cooper supply ~ ~ . 403.44 Ger~~1d D. Swanson: 12.50 Sherman P~achine ~ Iron. Works 137.00 McKesson ~ Robbins, Inc. 40.50 ~. W. Vetter & Co. 350.00 Utility Sur.,ply Co. 146.92 Alderson Surply Co. 192.34 Phillips Petroleum. Co. 38.5C Sherrill & Sherrill 60.00 C . B. Shar..nor, 16?_.00 Anchor Stone Co. x;'.70 Fred R. H~:rrnor. 140.96 Gordon 0. Clay 160.19 Public Service Co. 58.24 Public ;,'ervice Co. `.41 P~,rri.sh ~ Clark 29.75 Fields-Downs Randolph Co. 1.10 J~..ck ~'_crgan b.00 Phillips Petroleum Co. 98.30 First• R:. tior:al. Bank of Owasso 49,698.13 First N,aional ~3ank of Owasso 49,557.00 _~ ~7 September 1, 19b4. The following tre~;sury report was presera ed; ~~eneral Fund 3,193.68 Refuse 233.46 street and Alle;,- 4,760.63 Sinking Fund 12,154.77 ~rTater Fund 15,102.50 T,vaterwcrks 36,573.21 Sewer 503.22 Sewer Improvement 410.5 ?~`eter Deposit Fund 2,825.05 P ~.rk Fund lOl, . 06 Cemetery Fund 1,47?.44 Total 77, ~L33.61 A motion to adjourn was mG.de by Flournoy and seconded by Austin. A11 in favor. The meeting adjourned. Inez H. Odom, Tcwn Clerk ~, ~, `~l. J . Sryso ., President of the BoG rd