HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963.06.17_City Council Minutes~~ June 17, 1963 The B®ard of Trustees met in regular sessi®n at City Hall, June 17, 1963 at 7:40 P.Ni. The meeting was called to order by the President of the B®ard, 4~r. J. Brjrson. Present; W. J. Bryson President of the Board Floyd Flournoy Trustee Den Austin Trustee V. D. Duncan Trustee Inez Odom T®wn Clerk R~~. S. Sawyer Attorney Joserhine Doi-:ray Deputy Clerk Ralph Carr Treasurer The minutes wars read ~.nd l~rs. Reed asked for a correction to be made stating thst N.r. Givens, their attorney, was net protesting the annexation and zoring of the property offered by J. R~.y Smith and the Commercial Lumber Company but the manner in :a'.:ich it was bring done. Otherwise the minutes we»e appr©ved as read. N:r. Smith stated that part of the description of the land presented at the last Bo-s.rd meeting had been omitted when it was published in the paper. Mr. Bryson made u r-iotion we annex the description that had been published. Nir. Austin seconded the motion. Ayes: Eryson, Flournoy, Austin, Duncan. (Note) Page 24 Mr. Bryson stated that an emergency exists and moved that the annexation go into effect i.~ru~nediately because of existing emergency. Flournoy seconded the motion. All voted ir. favor and passed unanimously. Mr. Smith presented an ~..~~;~^+~~ for the annexation of the following described property: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of Let One (1) Block 7, Smithview Addition to the Town of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. According to the recorded plat thereof, Thence N®rth 1108 feet, thence East 184.8 feet to a point, thence Southeasterly 14~*.8 feet along the highway right of tr.~ay to a point, thence South 1006 feet thence `^dest 413 feet to point of beginning. Which lard has beer. platted as P~rkview. Mr. Smith also presented an applicatior. for the zoning cf the following described Property: Beginning at the Southeast Corner of L®t ane (1), Block 7, Smithview Addition to the To+~~n of Oyrasso, Thence South 200 feet, thence East 292 feet, thence North 200 feet, thence ~~r7est 292 feet to point of beginning, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. He presented a check for the X25.00 fee. Mr. Bryson suggested we set a hearing for the zoning~u~t gthe ne:~t regular meeting on July 1, 19b3. _`, Mr. Charney suggested we cr. nge ordnance No. 6 pertaining to zoning to a $20.00 fee for any violations instead of ~h25.00. A~:r. Bryson opened the following bids on trucks: Quality Chevrolet, Collinsville $2,583.05 (with options) R a~nsey Chevrolet, Bixby 2,840.00 Bill Doenges Ford, Tulsa 2,592.03 Cra~;er G?~?C, Tulsa 2,750.63 ~~ Bryson :- moved to adopt ordinance No. I+0 pertaining to accepting, adding and annexing to the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, a portion of the Northeast Quarter (NE~;) of the Southeast Quarter (SE~) of the Northeast quarter (NE4) of section thirty f30), township twenty- one (21) North, range fourteen (ll~) East, in the county of Tulsa, State of Oklahoma, all being more particularly thereinafter described; declaring the effective date of such annexation to be June 17, 1963, providing that from and after the effective date of this ordinance, all of said real estate shall be a part of the town of Owasso, Oklahoma, and all persons residing therein and all property situated thereon shall be subject to the jurisdiction, control and ordinances of the town of Owasso, Oklahoma, in all respects and particulars, and declaring an emergency. Austin seconded motion. Ayes: Bryson, Flournoy, Austin, Duncan. ,. ~5 I~'_inutes June 17, 1963 Arid West Chevrclet, Tulsa $2,763.60 Nelson Ford, Broken Arrow 2,232.10 (Incomplete) Buzzard Chevrolet, Skiatook 2,786.98 Jack Marshall Chevrolet, Claremore 2,419.11 (One hoist) Parrish & Clark, Tulsa 2,612.05 International Harvester, Tulsa 2,716.33 Mr. Evan L. Davis was present for a discussion. of a praposed 'pond issue for a water storage tank. He estimated that a $90,000. bond would add approximately X1.25 to each water bill or $9.00 per thousand to Ad Valorem taxes. A contract was approved to retain I~°:r. Davis for bondsman when and if the bonds are approved. Mr. Flournoy moved ~-~e transfer Mr. Fisher to the Refuse collection department. Austin seconded the motion. Ayes: Bryson, Flournoy, Austin, Duncan. Austin moved we increase Fishers pay X12.00 per month as of July 1, 1963. Duncan seconded. Ayes: Bryson, Flournoy, Austin, Duncan. P~~r. Bryson submitted an application from, Lee Barnes to replace Floyd Fisher. A;r. Br~-son :.,cued we hire Mr. Barnes. Flournoy seconded the motion. A salary of <~325.00 por month was agreed upon. Ayes: Bryson, Flournoy, Austin, Duncan. Mr. Flournoy moved we buy the Chevrolet truck from the Quality Chevrclet Co., Collinsville, ~Jaith options at X2,712.80. Austin seconded the motion. Ayes: Br;,vsor., Flournoy, Austin, Duncan. Mr. Austin moved Mr. Bryson contact our Engineers to come out for a special meeting en r~1on~'ay night, June 24, for the purpose of discussing the location of a water storage t-.nk. Flournoy seccnded the motion. Ayes; Bryson, Flournoy, Austin, Duncan. Austin suggested ~•Te should work on a charter and reapporti'nment for the city. ?~1r. Bryson su~-"ested Mr. Sawyer get some charter samples from other cities for consideration. Mr. Flournoy moved we adjourn at 10:30 p.m. Austin seconded the motion. Ayes; Bryson, Flournoy, Austin, Duncan. The following clai.=ns were approved; Phillips Petroleum Co. $40.53 Shamrock Oil & Oas Co. 20.19 Kerr ?~~cGee Oil Industries 1.75 Sinclair Refining Co. 54.65 Skel1~- Oil Co. 4.59 Southwestern Bell Telephone Co. 16.48 J. F. Cooke Co. 6.17 ~. State Motor Parts 2.18 :~° . S . Sa~~ryer 75.00 Charles Pope 25.00 Ralph Carr 10.00 Don Austin. 10.00 Fred R . H~:zrrncn l~=' S0 ~,. ~:ordon 0. Clay 162.50 Josephine Do~,aney, Expense 11?.26 Sherrill ~ ;herrili Estates 28.73 Commercial Lamber Co. 98.11 ,~Jilliam K. Kellam R. David 0. Cordell 116.87 ~7 Minutes Juno 17, 1.963 Owasso Lumber Co. 31.50 H. Dorsey Douglas, Inc. 30.26 IvicK,ssson ~ Robbins, Inc. 20.25 Dorothy Allsup 73.75 Josephine Downey 130.00 J. II. Tyler 180.00 Floyd Fisher 150.00 Floyd Fisher (`~Jac.tion p~i~•') 150.00 Inez H. Odom 56.00 `J. D. Duncan 10.00 Floyd Flourno;~ 10.00 gill Irons 10.00 John Cr~;:er 5.00 Floyd Flournoy ('eter Deposit) 10.00 C,a,~sso Church of the Tazarene 10.00 Glen Stewart 15.00 Larry E. Green 10.0 Bi11 Sweet 10.00 Roto Rooter Sewer ~ Drain Service 21.50 Ii. C. Bradley 167.50 LS'. J. Bryscn 10.00 SArgent SE~,~ell, Inc. 36.76 Jim Crumptor. 8.90 The following treasur;,• report ~.as submitted: '~eneral Fund Street & Alley Fund Sinking Fund L~T~ter Fund Setirer Fund Sewer Improvement 2~"eter Deposit Fund Park Fund Cemetery Fund Total Totim erk 2,419.81 5,734.61 10,478.82 6,051.35 523.22 1,131.63 1,970.05 160.98 1,354.03 29,83.51 1 Presi~' nt of th Board