HomeMy WebLinkAbout1963.11.18_City Council MinutesC_7 e
November 16, 1963
The Owasso Board of Trustees met in regular session at 7:00 p.m. on November 18,
1963 at City Hall.
Present: W. J. Bryson
Floyd Flournoy
Don Austin
V. D. Duncan
Inez Odom
Josephine Downey
M. S. Sawyer
President of the Board
Town Clerk
Deputy Clerk
The minutes of the last regular meeting of November 3, were read and approved as
One 1s~Yon a pick-up truck from Bill White Chevrolet was read for $1,869.75• It
was agreed to buy a new one instead of a used one but more bids should be asked
for by publication on the following specifications:
ton pick-up
6-cylinder with oil filter
Heavy duty rear springs
Over load springs
Mud and Snow tires on rear
Heater and defroster
Turn signals
8-ft. bed.
Bob Barrett presented a report from the reapportionment committee together with
a map showing the city divided into five wards. (Report enclosed).
Mr. Flournoy moved we accept the recommendations. Mr. xustin seconded the motion.
Ayes: Bryson, Flournoy, Austin, Duncan.
Miss Downey was asked to make a list of the amount paid by all businesses for
trash hauling, then the refuse men be asked to the next meeting to discuss fair
charges for amount of services.
It was agreed that the Western Auto business should buy a separate permit for the
service st.tion across the street o-~rned by them. Also the Tag Agent should have
a separate permit from the garage.
Mr. Flournoy left the meeting early because of his illness.
The following claims were approved:
E. 0. Wilhite 15.00
Ursula Macauley 15.00
Jack Stout 5.00
Robert Thompson 10.00
Buddy David Hilburn 131.02
L. G. Hale 1+2.50
Edward Hilburn 25.00
Phillips Petroleum Co. 19.74
H. C. Bradley 140.53
W. J. Bryson 10.00
Bankers Life & Casualty 7.27
Dorothy Allsup 77.;0
J. H. Tyler 169.75
The first meeting of the Committee was held at City Hall, 10:00 AM, '
Saturday, 2 November 1963. The Committee was appointed by the Town Board
to submit recommendations for the re-alignment of voting wards in the
Town of Owasso to assure more equal representation.
Those in attendance were the following: Messrs. Fred White, Ed Hayes,
Paul Barnes, Elmer Cooper, Earl Stokes, Paul Ford and Bob Barrett. Mrs: John
Groth was also in attendance in the absence of her husband.
The Committee elected to select a Chairman and after due deliberation
Mr. Bob Barrett was named to serve in this capacity. Plans for the Com-
mittee were discussed and the following decisions were agreed upon before
a,d ~ ournme nt .
1. Committee would operate as informal as possible with open
discussion of all problems concerning reapportionment.
2. Due to the problems involved in getting a sufficient number
of Committee Members in attendance at each meeting, the members present
would conduct the business at hand regardless of absentees, including the
3. The possibility of setting up five (5) wards in lieu of the
present four (4) ward system was discussed. This system would mean a more
effective administration for the Town.
~+. Each Committeeman was then furnished a small map of the town
and assigned an area for the purpose of conducting a census of the homes
within each block to be presented at the next meeting.
5. The next meeting was scheduled for 2:00 PM, Saturday,
9 November 1963.
The second meeting of the Committee was called to order by the Chairman,
2:00 PM, Saturday, 9 November 1963, at the City Hall.
Those in attendance were the following: Messrs. Bob Barrett, John Groth,
Fred White, Elmer Cooper, Earl Stokes and Jim McGill.
1. The maps reflecting the homes in each area were presented and it
was noted the area West of Main and North of 2nd Street had not been completed.
The members present decided to conduct the census of this area at this time and
return to the meeting in order to discuss possible recommendations at the
earliest date.
November 18, 1963
Josephine Downey
Inez H. Odom
Floyd Flournoy
V . D . I-'unc an
Gerald D. Swanson
Scott-Rice Co.
Peerless Tulsa Co.
Owasso Builders
The Jimmie Jones Co.
Commercial Lumber Co.
W.K.Kellam & D.O. Cordel
J. B. Largent
Sunray DX Oil Co.
Owasso Lumber Co.
Dorothy Allsup
Howard Davis
Peerless-Tulsa Co.
L. G. Hale
The Shamrock Oil Co.
Anchor Stone ~o.
Gordon 0. Clay
Fred R. Harmon
Don Austin
Ralph Carr
Raymon B. Thomas
M. S. Sawyer
Southwestern Bell
Josephine Downey
Sinclair Refining Co.
1 128.50
Mr. Austin moved we adjourn. Mr. E'uncan seconded the motion. Ayes: Bryson,
Austin, Duncan.
Inez H. dom, own Clerk
W. J. B son, Pres' ent of the Board
2. The residences presently in the Town, as counted in the census
were totaled as 615 for an average of ]~3 for each of the five (5) wards as
proposed by the committee. Each home, apartment, house trailer and combination
business-residence was counted as a residence. Business houses, Churches and-
vacant lots were omitted from the count.
3. The Committee agreed that the most equitable basis was to re-
apportion the Town considering each residence as one potential voter location
and not consider whether the persons in each residence were registered voters.
The right to vote is one's own free choice and should not be considered in
the matter of reapportionment for equal representation.
~+. The Committee then discussed the consideration to be given each
area of potential growth at present and in the future. The Committee agreed to
consider the present planned development areas where possible but that a
recommendation be made to the Town Board to set up a plan to re-study the
possible needs for reapportionment each-three (3) or four (4) years. Arty
unexpected growth of the town would then be recognized and equal representation
rights analyzed to reapportion again if necessary.
5. The final study of the Committee was dividing the Town of Owasso
into five (5) wards, each containing 123 homes, more or less, maintaining a
reasonable grouping of homes within each ward.
Two maps are attached for your information. Exhibit °tA" denotes the
present voting wards in the Town of Owasso. Exhibit '$" reflects the Committee's
recommendation as to WARDS and BOUNDARIES in the Town of Owasso.
As Chairman of the Committee, I wish to thank each of you for your
BOB L. RQ~~'i'1', Chairman of
Reapportionment Committee
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