HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962.01.08_City Council MinutesJanuary 8, 1962
A special meeting -~aas called to order at 7:30 P. M. by the
President of the Board, ~~~. J. Bryson, at Town Hall., Owasso, Oklahoma,
January ~, 1962.
?resent: W. J. Bryson
Harold Charney
Don Davidson
Richard Errissee
Marguerite M. Reed
Josephine Do ~,mey
H . sv'. ?r.Iright, Jr.
President of the Board
Deputy Clerk
Atto me y
Absent : None
The miru.tes of the previous meeting were read. There being
no additions or corrections, the minutes stood approved as read.
The treasurers report as of December 31, 1961 was presented
as follows:
General Fund 369.04
Street and Alley Fund. 2,615.33
Sinking Fund 1~,7~g.54
?~rlater Fund 2, 572.01
Special. Assessment 2,220.00
Sewer Fund 1,014.9b
Sewer I:~provement 1,39.76
Park Fund ?,.4 5.10
Meter Deposit Furd 1,195.05
Cemetery- Fund 1,163.x'9
The board desired that the record reflect the consistent and
faithful attendance of Miss Josephine Dokne~T at al_1 meetings of the board.
The board expressed its gratitude to hiss De~ar.e~' for her sincere interest
ar,d helpfulness.
Let the record reflect that the :1.00 water assessment was
dropped from December ti~rater billings as proTMised by the Board of Trustees
with the passage of the sewer bond issue. Mr. Wright is to dratir the
proper ordinance to remove t, is assessr.:ent from the ordinance book.
The follo~ng cls,ims were read and approved:
State Contribution. Fund. 54.00
State Cent ributi on Fund 60.30
State Corr~ribution Fund ?13.95
Minutes -January 8, 1962 -Page 2
Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City ~ 39.0
Federal Reserve Bank of Ksns::.s City 119.40
Federal P~esercre Bark of Kansas City 231.70
Oklahoma Tax Commission 6.00
Oklahoma 'T~.x Co-nmi.ssion 2.23
Oklahoma Tax Commission ?6.~6
Oklahoma Dzpartment of Publ~c Schools 2.00
Josephine Downey 98.67
Richard Frnissee `%0•~
James M . Gott 12 ~: 24
Floyd Fisher 143•~l
H. C. Brsdley 120.70
J. H. Tyl°r 142.58
Josephine Doerney 1Q • +6
J~.m~ s M. Cott 60.72
Dor_ Davidson C.00
Co~mcrcial Luni~^er Co• 30.00
Sherrill 8~ Sherrill 11+• OO
Commercial Lumber Company 76.00
ti^~m. K. Kellam & David O. Cordell 104.00
Charles T. Clark Co. 1!L.13
Richard Dixon 40.76
Helen 1~?. Carr 10.00
Okla homy Natural G~:.s Co?Y:pany ~ 0'
~• o
Oklahoma Natural Gas Company 14.<?6
Public Service Company of 01cl.ahomc, 19.60
Public Service CcmpanJ- of Oklahoma 3.39
Fublic Service Corr;pan~yr of O'_.lahomz x'6.56
Oti~rasso Lumber Co:rpany 33.92
D~.vid Hirer 10.00
Dr. Guy D. Reed 6.C0
Dr. Guar D. Peed 18.00
The Col1.i_r_s~rille I`letrrs 38.15
A~:ct~odist Church 10. C0
Bett~• acv :ire 21.36
T??.:•Ci ne S;r._th err 7 •00
P•~ar~~ L. Robertson ?•~,~'
L,~,., n~o,°g<;.ns ~ 0.00
La Tr^ ~ ,~ e :`•ior s e 10.00
John Diricks~m 10.00
O~rasso RRotor Co~any 28.00
~:~i"O Oll t'iO%`~OratiOTl 4.~0
Co::per Sun:~ly Co-^r~,ny 155.30
Cocpor Supply Co-~:~.pary try • 3
Cooper Supply Company 22.63
Cooper Su~~ply Co~7pary 9°0.40
Minutes - Januar~,r 8, 1962 -Pace 3
The rreeti ~ ::as opened to new business to be presented from
the floor.
Air. Jacks^n and Mr. Davis, Jr. representint; Evan. L. Davis,
bond salesman, presented a resolution for the stale of the new
sewer bonds k~hich received approval of the citizens of Otirasso on
Docembor 19, 1901. Charnel- moved the board adopt the resolution as
fol? o4"rs:
"The Board of Tr<stees of the Town of Owass~~, State of O'.~clah;;ma,
met ir, special session at the Town Hall in 0~"rasso, O'aahema on the F3th
day of Januar~yT, 1;?r2 at 7:30 P. NI.
Present: ~~i. J. Bryson
Harold Chart~ey
Don Davidson
MMaarbuerite M. Reed
President, Board of -~ru°ees
True t ee
Town Clerk
Absent: Nor_e
Thereupon Trustee Cha.rn,=.,y- introduced a resolution titi~ich was read i. r. full
by the Clerk and upon motion by Trustee Davidson, s_:conded by Trustee
Ch ~rney was adopted bsr the follo~a~! r.~ vote:
Ayes: Davidson, Ch~T^1e;', Bryson Nays: None
and said resolution was thereupon sib=;ned by the President, Board of Trustees,
attested by the Tcwr_ Clerk, sealed vrith the seal of said To~,n and is a.s fellows:
r ~ ?
A R S, Lt?TIOr, T G
F?~~I~ THL' :~.OLNT
OF ~) tiD" TC, P ~ TURD;
"T ~ ~ i ~
~: y~,
~~ ?.C:' ~ AR, FIXIn?G THE TINE lND
SAIn c~1j~~, ~1S R.,'`~?JIRsD B`' L_~.~~r.
i~~F.Er~S the issuance of X35,000.00 of Sanit.-ars~r Seti"nor bonds b;,T the To~r.~ of OVrasso,
State of Oklahoma, has been duly authorized at an election held for that purpose,
ST."tTE OF OKLt'~'OA~'~!?
S~~~CTIOT? 1. TH'?T the ;35,000.00 of Sanit~.ry Sewer Bonds of said town, voted
on the 19th da;~ cf December, 1961 shall be offered for sale at the To~s,m Hall
in Oorasso, Oklahoma on the 26th day of J:s,ma~~.ry, 1962 at 7:30 P. M., said bonds to
become due ~~,000.00 in 3 years from their date and. a like amount annually
°ac1? yep:r thereafter ,.~ti 1 paid.
Minutes - Janu~~ ry S, 1962 -Page L;.
SECTION 2. TN ~T the Town Clerk of said Town is hereby ordered and directed to
cause notice of the sale cf said bonds to be given ~~s required by law.
PA".SED 'AND ~'L''PP.OVED T~~ S $th day of January, 1962.
Attest: Marguerite M. Reed /s/ W. J. Bryson
Toim Clerk President, Board of Trustees
The Board, folleh^rag passage of the shove resolution, unanimously
approved the publishing of a NOTICE OF SALE OF BONDS as follows:
In accordance ~rrith Title 62, Oklahoma Statutes, 1951, Sections 353
arld 351y, as amended, notice is hereby given that the T o~m of Owasso, Oklahoma
h211 receive bids on the 2bth day of Janu ~r~r, 1962 at 7:30 O'clock P. M. at
the `rOYTn Hall in Ow.:sso, Cklahoma for the sale of ;??S,000.00 of Sanitar-y~ Sewer
bends of said tcV:n which bonds wi_~1 mA,ture yp5,0O0.00 in 3 years from.. their
date and a li ke amount annually e:~.ch year thereafter until :,aid,
Said bonds shall be sold to the bidder bidding the lowest rate of
interest the bonds shall bear and s~-r•eing to pay par an~~ accrued interest
for the bonds. E~~ch bidder shall sub~it with his bid a sum: in cash or its
e auival~~r: t e aual t o two ne r cent of the amount of his bid. The ri ~ht i s
reserved tc reject all ~ic?s.
T,~TTp~.{.;^S m~ official h~i.d ,r.d sea.l this Sth day of J~.nua.ry, 192.
~s/ Marguerite Ar. Reed
To~>z Clerk
In a discussion f~llov~i_ng the passage of the :? cve instruments,
there appeared ,~. diverg=nce of cpi_nion b°ttizee~~ the Board and P-7essrs. Jackson
and Davis, Jr. cor.cerni_ng ~•.h~n the evp~nse of tho bonds ,•~culd yr:~e..r upon
tl~e t_:x rolls. Ths '~o~rd directed Messrs. Tacks.^:: a.rd. Davis, Jr. to take no
a,~,t.i pr O;. t~'?E' ~?le J'_' the bond- ?znt~.l tC;7_S matter 'v:r7.S reSO VF'd•
. ~. ~. ,~ ^e~e c •ren, ns r Stoole r_rus~..~~~. a ^^n*. .~
~. , ~ i r a _r, t o y~
coverint; the eng_n ..,r~n~ end s~,.p: rv_s o o_. th r,~,, i ry su r ~ ;,c ~.
Ch,~rn~,,- »avod th^ co^±r ct }° a;ce~t°d .,rd approv.°d. Second, D~vi~son.
;~-e,`3rU~son, Chi rney, Daa,~* i ?son.
A?r. Gl:nn RGSeCr;~n~ rCommerided tha ralSlr,g Of ',dat3r depOSitS
t0 ^,,VOi d iOs v on PTater ~:ii ~_~ S l = °t ~titi'.'_n~' by C~.ti2G'i7S l`.' aV~n~;n, Ca:' UC. Ml`3
ri r7i ~ c n"pr ~n~
n;,,., ~ , ,..; ~ , .~ ~ , r r,,,, ., r d r r+ + ^ the '~,o and o h r _ :1 ~.. na s o r...
~~. _ _ _
~ ~. sge
+~~'Ch ~rr_e~r ~-o~.=~~i th~~.t M_r. ~~ N~;r= s he anno.nted b,,~ the board to
fl.l~ the I.^:C1,T:C,~jr li. ?~'.,r~ ~TO. ~; rl;'retOfOrE' ~',rc:?L~d ~"i~Y trle r~Sl~T21?t10'.1 Of
J. :'T. .~111.S1?~'. Second, ~aV1.dSCi1• j"'.'-~ L'''.rj'SOYl~ v}1'NrTlc~r~ P:l.Vl~S'~2?
D?.t '' ~ S^Tl ;,1J~.`°"1~t ed tr1 ' f'O ~' iGt^.^ n~ 't:^."1.tte:; r Slt;il3,t1 Cn
1 ~,~.7
"J~ r~u., r Jr ~, ~ <. .
I hereby resin: mfr elec~ed o=fice a .~. ~!em;~er of the ?n~r~'
of `T'T'17.~te„3~ for th P. TnT ,. C`fl C 'a^,.~ ;.T: .'.~~,.+~ T`y^. '~ Trr~ r~.~S^?"; ~!~?" +.rl
G~:~ _~~.,'!?~. .. ,. ~': _,~._~.~5 per>a..~.t
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Tl-,. rl ^1^ r n r .. .mod nl c r ~ ~}~ { t+ t L Z
_:_. .:,a. ~Y~,.t_,~., .,~., a :nr..c on u^ tr _ ,rut~e~ _nr cic1r c ner~.~7on
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re:~ iUr. A.tiorl.