HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962.02.26_City Council MinutesFebruary 26, 1962
Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. M. by the President of the
Board, W. J. Bryson, at Town Hall, Owasso, Oklahoma, February 26, 1962.
Present: W. J. Bryce
Harold Charney
Ed Hayes
Marguerite M. Reed
Josephine Downey
H. W. Wright, Jr.
Absent: Richard Ernissee
President of the Board
Deputy Clerk
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There being
no additions or corrections, the minutes stood approved as read.
The treasurers re ort as of February 25, 1962 was presented
as follows:
General Fund $ 1,822.20
Street & Alley Fund 2,946.85
Sinking Fund 10,134.67
Water Fund - Regular 4,190.21
Water Fund - Special 2,278.00
Sewer Fund 1,115.52
Sewer Improvement Fund 1,398.76
Meter Deposit 1,190.05
Park Fund 446.10
Cemetery Fund 1,315.59
Mr. Jack R. Givens, attorney, on behalf of his client, Dr. G~..y D.
Reed, requested (by letter) commercial zoning of Lots Four (4) and Five (5),
Block Twenty-Four (24), Town of Owassa, Tulsa County, Oklahoma. Dr. Reed was
requested to make public notice of such request and to present a formal, legal
application to the Board. Dr. Reeds check in the amount of $25.00 was
acknowledged and handed to Miss Downey for safe keeping. Charney moved that
the application by Guy D. Reed for zoning of Lots Four and Five, Block Twenty-
Four, Town of Ow sso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, to permanent commercial be set
for hearing March 19, 1962 at 7:30 P. M. Second, Hayes. Ayes, Bryson,
Ch~.rney, Hayes.
Charney moved that 13.31 acresof land be purchased from J. R. Smith
for sewer expansion purposes for a sum of $2,910.00, subject to approval of
title, the acreage being described as follows:
The South 283 feet of tae East 570 feet of the SE/4 SW/4 NE/4 and the
North 24 feet of the South 307 feet of the East it feet of the SE/4 SW/4 NE/4
and the East 570 feet of the NE/4 NW/4 SE/4 and the East 40 feet of the
NE/4 SW/4 NE/4 and the East 40 feet of the SE/4 SW/4 NE/4 less the South 307
feet thereof, all in Section 31, Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the
Indian Basae and Meridian, Tulsa County, Oklahoma, containing 13.31 acres.
Second, Hayes. Ayes, Bryson, Charney, Hayes.
Minutes - February 26, 1962
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Charney moved that 9.58 acres of land be purchased from L. G. Villines
for sewer expansion purposes for a sum of $2,700.36, subject to approval of
title, the acreage being described as follows;
The North 711 feet of the West 531 feet of the W/2 NE/4 SE/4 and the
North 70 feet of the East 570 feet of the SE/4 NW/4 SE/4, all in Section 31,
Township 21 North, Range 14 East of the Indian Base and Meridian, Tulsa County,
Oklahoma, containing 9.58 acres.
Second, Hayes. Ayes, Bryson, Charney, Hayes.
Dr. Guy D. Reed was asked to report on the availability of the 3.47
acres for sewer expansion, which land is owned by Mr. Roy L. Henry with an
option contract to Dr. Reed. Dr. Reed reported that Mr. Henry was willing to
release the land from the option contract but was not willing to reduce the
per acre price of $660.00 per acre. Dr. Reed stated he wasnot financially
able to contribute this land to the sewer expans ion program for less than gis
cost per acre. Mr. H. W. Wright, Jr. was requested to attempt to resolve this
problem with Mr. Henry. Dr. Reed repeated his willingness to cooperate to the
fullest in this regard.
Mr. Wright st=:ted Mr. Charney had requested his resignation and that
he had refused to resign. He st:~ted if his services were not satisfactory, he
preferred to be dismissed by the Board of Trustees. Charney stated he wished
to dismiss Mr. Wright. Mr. Bryson and Mr, Hayes made no comment and the matter
was passed until a future date.
The following claims were read and appr oved;
L. G. Villines $500.00
Sherrill & Sherrill 14.00
Commercial Lumber Company 74.00
Wm. K. Kellam & David 0. Cordell 104.00
H. C. Bradley 141.37
James M. Gott 137.96
Pat Sullivan 25.00
H. W. Wright, Jr. 75.00
Dorothy Allsup 59.93
Richard Ernissee 55.00
J. H. Tyler 146.63
Josephine Downey 106.02
Floyd Fisher 143.81
Co~rimercial Lumber Company 30.00
Ed Hayes 10.00
Marguerite Reed 10.0
Harold Charney 10.00
W . J . Brys.nn 10.00
'Bankers Life & Casualty Company 20.67
Bankers Life & Casualty Company 11.72
Bankers Life & Casualty Company 12.00
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company 7.62
Cooper Supply Company 163.07
Cooper Supply Company 25.17
City Utility Service 546.80
R. L. Sam 10.00
Myrtle Macy 10.00
La Dema Marie Smith 10.00
Flora Keim 10.00
Minutes - February 26, 1962
Sue Eastin 10.00
J. A. Wilson 10.00
Kittie Mae Eslinger 10.00
W. F. Gabel 10.00
Stanley Browning 10.00
I. Dallas Adkins 10.00
Anchor Stone Company 44.96
Oklahoma Natural Gas Company 14.63
Oklahott~,a Natural Gas Company 20.50
Phillips Petroleum Company 42.18
Kerr McGee 31.1'7
Apco Oil Coraoration 4.00
Glenda Sunday 10.00
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Charney moved the meeting be adjourned. Second, Hayes. Ayes,
Bryson, Charney, Hayes.
p si ent o the Board
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