HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962.04.16_City Council MinutesApril 16, 1962
Meeting was called
President of the Board W. J.
Oklahoma, April 16, 192.
Present: W. J. Bryson
Harold Charney
Ed Hayes
Richard Ernissee
Marguerite M. Reed
Josephine Downey
Excused: H. W. Wright, Jr.
to order at 7:30 P. M. by the
Bryson, at Town Hall, Owasso,
President of the Board
Deputy Clerk
The minutes of the previous meeting were read. There
being no additions or corrections, the mir..utes stood approved
as read.
The treasurers report as of April 15, 1962 was
presented as follows:
General Fund ~ 2,705.73
Street & Alley Fund 4,933.19
Sinking Fund 5,312.95
Water Fund - General 5,57$•30
G,'ater Fund - Special 1,77$.GO
Sewer Fund 1,030.25
Sewer Improvement Fund 36,45$•76
Meter Deposit Fund 1,1}5.05
Cemetery Fund 1,35.59
Park Fund 476.34
The treasurer will prepare an analysis of the condition of the
general fund to be presented at the next meeting.
The board agreed to accept the agreement (quoted below)
presented by the Owasso Cemetery Association in good faith and
with t re assurance that it will be mutually advantageous to both
~We, the undersigned, members of the Owasso Cemetery
association, do hereby agree to permit the Town of Owasso,
Oklahoma., to use the Associa.tion's equipment to mow the cemetery
ONLY, with the understanding of both parties that the city will
deep said equipment in good repair, with the exception of normal
wear and tear. Said equipment must be operated by a competent
Minutes - April 16, 1962
Page 2
Signed this 9th day of April, 1962, Owasso, Oklahoma.
Mrs. E. M. Clifton
Mrs. Iva Flournoy
Mrs. Opal Foster
Jose~Mhine Downey
Mrs. Claude Cliftan
Mrs. R. B. Jones
Mrs. Harry Ransom
Mrs. Tom Johnson
Accepted on above terms and conditions by the Owasso
Board of Trustees.
W. J. Bryson
President of the Board
Josephine Downey
Deputy Town Clerk"
Harold Charney
Ed Hayes
Bryson read and acknowledged letter dated April 3, 1962
from the Tulsa City-County Lihrary Commission concerning a
proposed library system.
Bryson read and acknowledged letter dated April 6, 1962
from Badger Meter Manufacturing Company extending water meter
prices as presently charged to October 7, 1962.
Bryson read and acknowledged letter from the State
Department of Heal~h listing 100 locations in Oklahoma where waste
stabilization lagoons are operated. The letter will be kept on
file at Town Hall for reference purposes.
Bryson moved the commercial zoning application for
property located at_Second Avenue and Birch owned by Dr. Guy D.
Reed be approved. Second, Hayes. AYES, Charney, Hayes, Bryson.
Mr. 4'ern Taylor, President of Owassons, Inc., stated his
organization has made plans for an Owasso clean-up day on May 5,
1952. He requested the support of the board in this venture and
asked that tra board proclaim May 5, 1962 Owasso Clean Up Day.
Charney moved the board proclaim May 5, 1962 Owasso Clean Up Day
and urge all citizens of the town to participate to make Owasso
one of the cleanest towns in Oklahoma. Second, Hayes. Aye,
Bryson, Wipes, Charney.
Minutes - April 16, 1962 Page 3
Bryson presented a discussion of street drainage
problams i.n certain sectors of the town. An attempt will be
made t o clear present drainage ditches to rel ire this problem.
W!-ien this work is done, culverts which are not up to standard
will be removed. The board pointed out it is the property
owner's responsibility to replace any improper culverts.
Mr. Bill Doughty of Midwest Tank and Reservoir Service,
206 North Broadway, Pittsburg, Kansas, presented the qualifications
and credentials of his company for the consideration of the board.
Mr. Doughty desired to contract for the repair work on the
water tower. It was pointed out that ur_der ordinance it is not
necessary for the board to take nu'olic bids for such work;
however, the board desires to take bids for such work. This
matter will be taken up at the next t~eetin~ May 7, 1962.
Charney moved the town contact the consulting engineering
firm, Owen, Mansur & Steele, to make an estimate as to its fee
for a survey of Owasso's street and sidew alk needs and make
recommendations to the town for the construction thereof.
Second, Hayes. Aye, Bryson, Hayes, Charney.
Charney stated he would cont®ct water tank companies
about cost of a water tank for the north side of town.
Charney moved the board contact the Tulsa Metropolitan
Planning Commission and invite a representative to the next
council meeting for the purpose of negotiating toward entering
a contract with the commission for its planning services.
Second, Hayes. Ayes, Charney, Hayes, Bryson.
Hayes pointed
hazardous debris on the
which should be cleaned
such cost . M~. ~ s Downey
if it wishes to clean u
out that Standard Industries had left
road south of Second Avenue and Birch
up and Standard Industries billed for
will contact the company to ascertain
~ thm debris or be billed for such
Discussion was held about the board's choice of
appraiser for the condemnation hearing April 1$, 1962 on the
Roy L. Henry property. The board\agreed to use C. B. Sherrill.
Charney will contact Mr. Sherrill.
Charney expressed his desire t o start annexing property
to protect zoninn of town. He stated he wished to annex the
park and all property south of town.
Iiayes moved that a.ll outhouses riot in use be properly
filled and covered within sixty days to ground level. Those in
use will have ninety days to comply with town ordinances. At
the end of these periods all violators will be prosecuted
according to ordinance. Second, Bryson. Ayes, Charney, Hayes,
Minutes - April 16, 1962
The following claims were read and approved:
Bankers Life & Casualty Company ~ 20.67
Bankr_rs Life & Casualty Company 12.00
Ed Hayes 10.00
Marguerite Reed 10.00
Harold Charney 10.00
W. J. Bryson 10.00
Wm. K. Kellam & David 0. Cordell 107.00
Commercial Lumber Company 7$.00
Sherrill & Sherrill 16.00
Clyde B. Shannon 127.46
Dorothy Allsup 73.11
H . C . ?3radley 141. $1
Floyd Fisher 143.$1
Josephine Downey 106.62
J. H. Tyler 155.6$
Richard Ernissee 43.00
Pat Sullivan 25.00
H. W. Wright, Jr. 75.00
Anchor Stone Company 19.25
Scott Ri ~e Company 3.53
Scott Rice Company 1.91
Maus Hydraulic Jack Service 9.b0
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company 15.4b
Oklahoma Natural Gas Company 10.15
Oklahoma Natural Gas Company 2.$5
Calvin Holloway 5.00
Utilities Services Division 606.65
L. F. Simeroth 5.00
Elna V. Palmer 10.00
Owasso Lumber Company 5.00
Charles Meeks 10.00
M. J. Lee Construction Company 17.34
H. Dorsey Douglas Inc. 17.00
H. Dorsey Douglas Inc. 12.20
Page 4
Hayes moved the meeting be adjourned. Second, Bryson.
Ayes, Bryson, Hayes, Charney.
res e t o t o Board
own C ark '