HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962.07.16_City Council MinutesJuly 16, 1962
The Board of Trustees of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma met in regular
session at Town i~all July 16, 1962, at 7:30 F'.A?. P°ieeting was called to order by
the President of the Boar. d, ~"J. J. Br~~Tson.
Present: T~; . J. F~r~rson
Harold Charney
Ed Hayes
Josephine DotiJney
Richard Ernissee
P°:. S. Sawyer
Absent: Marguerite i~`. Reed ( excised)
Fresident of the Board
Deputy Clerk
Town Clerk
A~iinutes of the previous meeting were read and approved as read.
The treasurer's report was presented as follows:
General Fund ~ 3,832.50
Street ~~ Alley Fund 5,927.77
Sinking Fund 5,576.42
tilater and 8,004.13
Sewer Fund 94y.86
Sewer Improvement Fund 32,854.40
:~-Teter Deposit Fund 1 215.05
Park Fund 30.74
Cemetery Fund 1,869.90
Sealed bids in connection with the sewer expansion were received, opened and read
as follows:
The Dewitt Ccmpany ~ 46,277.78
2651 E. 2.1 Street
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Casey-Turner & Moore 45,474.50
21+10 Pv . Lewis
Tulsa 10, Oklahoma
+B. &. w. Construction Co. 44,805.75
10621 E. 1st St.
:'ulsa, Oklahoma
Sylvester Construction Co.,Inc. 44,611.10
P. G. Box 66
fioldenville, Oklahoma
hiid-State Utility Construction Co. 43,188.09
70o s. w. 46th st.
Oklahoma City, Oklahcma
Southwest Construction Gorp. 42,482.45
2144 E. 26th Pl.
Tulsa, Oklahoma
July 16, 1962, Minutes, Cont' d.
Mr. Mansur will make an official tabulation of all bids received and return
them to the Clerk for the record.
Hayes moved the commercial zoning application for lots 4 and 5, Block 22,
Original Town of Owasso, owned by C. B. Sherrill, be approved. Second, Charney.
Ayes: Bryson, Charney, Hayes.
Mr. Glenn Rosecrans, local Realtor, appeared in favor of zoning the above mentioned
property. Dr. Guy D. Reed present, was also in favor of the zoning.
The proposed Ordinance 1"0. 36, pertaining to temporary permits for non-
conforming uses in zoned areas, was introduced and read and upon motion by Charney,
seconded by Hayes, was duly passed by the following vote: Ayes: Bryson, Charney, Hayes.
The emergency clause was voted upon separately and passed by unanimous vote by the
Board of Trustees.
P~aterials needed for the relocating of water lines relating to the refurbishing
of the three block of Fain Street are to be advertized for bids in the Collinsville
News. Bids will be received in the Clerk's Office of the Town of Owasso by 7:30 P.Ni.
July 30, 1962.
Upon recommendation by Herb 'T'yler, the Board was asked to consider the purchase
of a Grave Digger's Bucket for the Town's Back-Hoe. After some discussion, Charney moved
that a Grave Digger's Bucket be purchased. Second, Bryson. Ayes, Charney, Hayes, Bryson.
Charney moved that Ed Hayes, Police Commissioner, be given permission to hire
a second policeman subject to the approval of the Board. Second, Bryson. Ayes, Charney,
Hayes, Bryson.
A. B. Fields came before the in regard to the renewing of his refuse contract
with the town. After discussion Charney moved that the 't'own renew Fields refuse contract
for one year. Motion died for lack of a second. It was decided to table the matter
until Monday, July 23, 1962, 7;30 P.R~. so that the Board could check further into the
possibility of the Town taking over and operating the refuse service.
Herb Tyler is to be notified to check out the possibility for installing a
water faucet at Rayola Park site.
The following claims were presented and allowed:
M. S. Sawyer ~ 37.>`0
Raymond I~~eel 5.00
M. S. Sawyer 2232
Bankers Life & Casualty Co. 18.37
Bankers Life & Casualty Co. 12.50
Skelly Oil Co. 33.71
Bankers Life ~ Casualty Co. 20.67
W. J. Bryson 10.00
Harold Charney 10.00
Ed Hayes 10.00
Clyde B. Shannon 122.46
Josephine Downey 106.62
Floyd Fisher 143.81
J. H. Tyler 155.68
Richard Ernissee $6.00
Dorothy A11sup 79.10
Phillip Petroleum Co. 34.18
So. Western Bell Telephone Co. 16.83
First PJat'1 Bank & Trust Co. 372.27
H. C. Bradley 141.37
July 16, 1962, Minutes contd.
Vaughn Chemical Company ~ 39.50
N1. S. Sawyer 75.00
Public Service Co. of Oklahoma 1,155.87
The Collinsville News 22.74
Everett K.eiffer 10.00
Paul E. Collins 10.00
Cooper Supply Co. 27.99
Tulsa Utility Service 630.45
J. H. Tyler 10.00
Motion by Charney that the meeting be recessed to July 23, 1962 at 7:30 P.P~~.
Second, Hayes.
Ayes, Bryson, Hayes, Ch«rney.
~' "° ; own lerk
President o the Board