HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962.08.20_City Council MinutesAugust 20, 1952 Meeting was called to order at 7:30 P. Ni. by the President of the Board, ;°~. J. Bryson, at Toj~rn H~~11, OT~~asso, Oklahoma, August 20, 1952. Present; W. J. Bryson President of t he Board Ed Hayes Trustee Harold Ch=,.rney Trustee Josephine Do~~rney Deputy Clerk T`. S. Sawyer Attorney i~iarguerite N:. Reed Town Clerk Absent; Rich~wrd Ernissee Treasurer (On vacation) The mirutc;s of the previour~ meeting were read. There being no correct ions o.r additions, the minutes stood a~~proved as re~:d. Bids ~~ere received and opened for materials to lower certain water lines on Mair. Street as follows; Sherman Machine & Iron ti~~~orlcs Oklahoma City, Oklahoma ~a3,125.65 Normar. Flumbin.g Company T:~1sa, 0_Klahoma ~~3,09~+.93 Utility Supply Company Tulsa, Oklahoma ;3,107.23 Cooper Supply Company Tulsa, Cklahoma ~~3,0~0.00 lifter considerwtion, the Board rejected the bid of Norman Plumbing Company as not meeting speciations. Charney moved the bid of Cooper Supply Company for water Li ne materials in the a.~:ount cf ~3,GS0.00 be accepted ~~rd the bid of PJorman Plumbing Company be r. e jected inasmuch ~, s it Vras not based cn specificati.ons requested by the Town of Owasso. Second, Hayes, Ayes, Bryson, Hayes, Chr_sney. 1`~.inutes -August 20, 1962 Page 2 The treasurers report as of August 19, 1952 was presented as fellows: General Fund `~ 3,724.96 Street and Alley Fund 5,205.03 Sinking Fund 5,614.22 Water Fund 7,845.73 Sewer Fund 1,048.24 Searer Improvement Fund 31,831.58 Meter Deposit Fund 1,295.05 Perk Fund 30.74 Cemet:~r~- Fund 2,249.90 Let t he record reflect that the sewer expansion contract with Southwest Construction Company waa signed August 9, 1962. The work order was issuod August 13, 1962 by Owen, Mansur ~c Steele and actual work commenced August 16, 1962. Hayes request::d letters be sent to Pub7_ic :iervice Company of Oklahoma and Southwest F+ell Telephone Company proposing and,/or re~~uesting the removal of poles frori gain Street frontage to t he alle~~>s. Ths clerk will prepare sucri letters for ;ryson~s signature. Let t he record reflect the Board of Trustees sincere alpreciation to County Co--,missioner Frank U~Brier. for materials and labor don~~ted for the resurfacing of C~r~asso stre:~~ts. Chan.^y announced that an outside water fixture woul,a be placed ~.t the p~4rk building as score as possible. Ch,:~rney moved the Hoard enter into a contr~.ct with N~idwest Tank & Reservoir Service for maintenance of the water to~•rsr at X185.00 per year. Second, Hayes. Ayes, Lryson, Chr:rney, Hayes. Minuts - Au~u.st 20, 1962 Page 3 The Board discussed the need for jail facilities in the To,an of Owasso. An investigation will be made. T.~e Board <~greed to meet irformal_?y an Monday, August 27, 1962 to initiate the draftir_g of anew chG.rter for the Town of Owasso. The Board agreed tc allow Bcyd Spencer to trade his e~-uity in Lot 32 of Block E, Fairview Cemetery, for full pa5:ment of the South Fifteen Feet of Lot 4 of Block H, Fairview Cemetery. The monies paid by Mr. Spencer for Lot 32 of Block E,1ess inte:•est, is ecru:al to the sales price in full of the South Fifteen Feet of Lot 4 of Block H. The following c~_aims were read and apprcved: ~,arl Hedgpath ~ 64.56 L:;e Mo.rgans .10.00 J. H. Tyler :.0.00 Floyd Fisher 143.81_ H. C. Br~~dley 141.37 Josephine Do-+~mey 106.62 Richard Ernissee 56.00 J. 'r. Tyler 155.68 Dorothy Allsup 81,50 -earl Hedgpath 119.85 I~. S . Sawyer 75.00 Clyde B. ::~harnon 122.46 Oharles Pope 25.00 Harold Charney 10.00 M<_~rguerite Reed 10.00 ~•~~. J. Bryson 10.00 Ed Hayes 10.00 Tvlirutes -August 29 162 Bankers Life & Casualty Company w 15.37 ?anl:srs Life & Casualty Company 20.67 Barkers Life r~ Casualty Company 17.05 W. E. Rice 10.00 Mfrs. Floyd Scroggins 10.00 Sylvester Cason 10.00 Cit;~ Utility Service 635.75 J.~m:_ s T. Green , 0.00 N~:.tional Chemsearch Corpor~:.tion 150.97 Sam. dillsey 10.00 Crager Ford irU.ctor Company 14..31 Chr,rles T. Cl~~rf; Corr.,;any 4.51 Southwestern Bell Telephone Company 25.71+ lu =:lt rr G . Pryor 10.00 Kerr rcG~e Oil Industries Inc. X6.45 Public aervs.ce Company of Oklahoma 100.05 Pat Harrington X5.23 Owasso Body Shop 3C.>`0 Charney moved the meeting be <;djourned. Second, Hayes. tly ~;s>, '~~ry sor., Ch~~.rne~~, H~.,ye~. »..l -- , Page 4 f ;, ,~,, i' t