HomeMy WebLinkAbout1962.10.08_City Council MinutesOCtOber ~, ~ `j b2 P~eetin`~ w,, s called tc cyder :t 7:30 P. PF. bV, the President of tt:e 3o~.rd, ~f;. J. ~r~~scn, •wt Town. HG.1.1, O~rr::a,~_..:,, Okl~i.hor:~a, Octcber £3, 196<. Present: '~~~`. J. Bryson President of the Bo~.rd .~~ Hr..~~ s ~~ irus ee Harold Ch.rre~ "'rustee Z'`_ . S . ,`.~ =+,h;T ET' "~ t t C rTlE~" Jose,~:~ine D~;~~r.ey Dej~;utJ' C1 r'_t )`ar gueri ec t e __. R.e Toh • l rk n C y 7 ' ~ .r.'~lic, l.l.J e:d: Ftl'%hC~rd. Lr.~1 4 ~.ee [~ ~ 1 ri re<i.Jllrel The m;.rute~ of the previous meeting were regd. ;'here being; nc additions cr correct~_ons, t.e .^.:;_nutes stood ~ ~:,~ rovsd ~,,~ re,.~~-. The tr:, _~urer~ s re~:cr•t as of Octo?~~er. 1, 1962 wa.s k~reserted ~~., I Ol ~ OWS: Ge.;eral Fund •a> 2,557.54 Street and ~,1ie„- Fund 4,307.00 Sink~r_~ Fur~a. Gr,56r.S;' ':eater. Fur~d 7,07=+.`>~ ;Ewer Ft<rd 573.07 Sc=:~:.~c~r ?.:~~scvemer_t I~'und 2j,017.61 P~^__aer I)er.-alit F`:nd 1,330.05 C:,^,c:t~_~ Fund 2,2.?2.73 Pork F~~.rsd 14.31 :``:~rlUtes-. - OCtCb::r' ~, _%~Ci Page ti Sawyr sub.: fitted. proa;osed ordin~ar,ces concerning refuse di: r;csa.l , ccL.ectior. ~.rl~. fceU fc;r t he T^rin of C~~ti~a~sc. Di sct:ss ion followed. Rulir;~; will. be rl~~ce at a ls.ter d~~te. ~'lr. POSti S7.ilthorS ap:tieared before t:::. ~~C~'.T'd concerning .,is rec:u.est of Duly 2, 19 b2 for ~.. r•<duced ~.ru.ter rate ivrich would allc~r hirr; y. ~ ~ ~' t,0 ::er'r1Ce ne1•r propUrt;~' O'vJnerS YJlth iRratGr tai 5 ~ (~racel`3rid .~~Cr@S• Nr. Sr.,ithers stated it Trr,~.s not eccrerr:icai~y feu.sible for hin~ to service additional y;ropert~~ oti,ncrs in this area <t the present double water rate cti?arged. Ch.rne~ :sated he wt~,s fir' fa.vo' of sollirl as Il:uch tirater as poi ibl_e in order to brir;g rc-venue tc the torn but vrished to anr:ex the proz::ert;~ serviced in order to s:read the t~:.v burden of tare town. the Beard stated the crdinar•ce will. not allc~,~r decre«se in rats to Srrlitriers. The ;.~o<:.r•d .'v~ll continue to search for sor.^e solution. 8~.:~+hers furtrter st<>t~d tl~iat C. J. S.rlith .,fished to build ar;roxirnately jl nets; housev in the area but would need '~~~ater service from the SrlitY:~srs line. P'r. Sr.,ither•s also r. ey orted there -:;.as a discrepancy of 71+,1~0 gallons of tirat_~r betwc;en ri.s ta7_ley <.nd the cite >water rrlc.ter t alley. He hc:.s found n0 lewks In tills P%:tE,'r lln~.' :rtG C2nnOt aCCOllnt fOr CuC~.' .~, dl•:'Cr ep::nCy• The ??oa.rd will re~~u::st Herb Ty ter to c~l~ck a.nd re~.ort. Hvyes ~uest.ed the cierl; tc ~rri_te a letter to Lt. N~ayberry of the C la.ho;~,a Highway Patrol express~r.g the i3oard~ s a:preciation for the cooperation and hwlp the r;atrol hc.s given the C.'ra~ so patrolmen and .fu,+Y.er stating that t1e Board. :welcomes t::eir aid and suggestions a,t a_ll tir:ies. Br~~-sor; re~:orted that Richard Err;i.ssee, Treasurer, h<.s moved to 'T'ulsa. I~;r. ~rni_ssee hu.s agreed to continues s bookkeeping duties but the r;oard will Hoed to appoint a qualified treasurer tc tra.ke over the u.iditicnol duties. "~r5~son re~~uested suggest.^~ns for po::: ibl~ ciurl.ified aj,~;li_car:ts. hii_mates -October ~, 19f~2 The foll.owin{; clay s v~~~re reed any. a~;l;roved: '~car_ Lehman 4~ 10.00 Henry '^. Townley 10.00 F~~_ch~rd -~;rrissee 5.00 Cor:mercial Lumber Cornp~s!y 30.00 O~ti~a.sso Lumber Company 3t~.35 Tul.aa Utility Service 907.65 Ha.rr`v~ `uorley x.1.75 ~cct.t ?dice Come:an~r 17.50 ~~Tallace anc:_ Turman Irc. L~.30 Fub~lic Service Comt:;ar~;;~ of Oklahor.~.a 35.50 Crager Fo.r. d ~I'r~ctor Con-<t,ary 15.00 Coc~~er Su,pl,Y~ Cor pang 3,102.50 L~:~st Si.~e ?~ owers Inc. 7.t+9 Fub_lic Service Car~.?.ar:~~ cf O'.~;lai;e:Yia 25.27 ?. Dorsey Douglas Inc. 12.1:Q J. ._. Tyler 10.00 Fub7_ic ~;ervice Compan;;~ of Oh1a~;orra ~ 9.51 Owasso h`~otor Cor:par,y )_8.50 Sherrill. Sherrill 2~~.00 Corr~ercia.l Lt;.~:ik r Coir,p.:ry 102.oG Trim.. K. Kellam .•>. David 0. Cordell 1::5.00 Owa ~c F ., ~ d w- Supply C on:,r,any 1.27 'rd. D. .~eddin 17.54 Cil Capital Electronics Cerp orat inr, 2.50 'T'ractor Parts ~:._ Ecuipment Inc. 1,90 Gr~:.ger Ford ``rr..ctor. Cor.~pany 31.5' '1'ra.nsfc-r of funds t~~ 1st I~~:ticna.l ;y',ank of Ovaso: ~~eter Detiosit Funds 1~330~05 Sr,~~er Fun:i:: 573.07 ,,~<,.t:r Funds '7 _ ~r4 _ ~ F Pat;,e 3 Tii.::u~.es -October n., 19c2 Street <~n~ i ~~ ~ l ej ~'._nd:> ''m,3arl.OC Park P'und;~ 1L,.8.31 ;'ransfer to ti•;ato~r fund o{' final costs of additional lard for Ohasc Cemetery 1.,250.00 ,~,vtate Cortribution Fund 226.02 State Contribution Fund 83.5 estate Contribution Fund 62.81 ~~<~a~Orfid ~~?Y Col;lrilsss.on ~5.?#(i Cklat~icma ax C o.. ir.i:~s .on 8.80 Ok:la.homa `Ca<c Ccrrr:lisswon 6.J0 Federal Peoe1 .~c park of ~~.nva.. Cit~• 132.00 Federal P~e~~erve 3cnr: of K~.r_sas City 119.40 Federal :?eser•ve =:~an~z of Kansas City 243.00 G~:la.ho~a ~)ep~.rt:n~:rit of Pa'.aL.:i; , ;elfar'e 2.00 Dorothy All._~:c~, 7" ~_1 :.,.~ .Tosei_.rime; Do~~;ne;~- g~,<,7 T. H. ~~1~r 151.13 Richard Lrr.:i.ssee 60.00 h . C . ~3r~,dley ~ 2~ 7n ~. ~ Fio~~d F usher 143.81 F~:.rl Hedgi;at:: 119.85 C_1_yde ~. Sna.: r_on 104.09 Cha.rney r;cved the m:eting be adjourned. Second, H~3.,,~~s. ^nJT, _, ~3r~son, r,a~~~s, Charne~•. <. ~_ °`; ~e 4