HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961.11.27_City Council MinutesNovember 27, 19-�1 The meeting of November 20, 1961 was reconvened at 7:'10 P. M. November 27 �961 b7 the President of the Board — A ' ?, , �". J. Di-,•c-on, -at Tmm, Hall., OKahom-e. Prosent: W. J. Bryson J. s up Don Davidson Harold Charncy Richard Elmissee Margi,rarite M. Reed H. !,,,T• Wr4. ,.. �Eht, Jr. Absent: None President of the Board Trustee Trustee m .L r1, s 4- U Ce Treasurer ry Clc- rk 1 4. � � 4- �.Orney 4. The fcllow-*l-nl;- action is t:' -en in connection vn' �i the sewer system of the Tm Of Owasso: "The Board of Trustees of the 01{-lalhr-,na-., met in adjourned se°-ion in the t—T. or th e 2r7t'-, da7- cf ljoireml—r, la l P-,�7ent: J. Dry con J, 7 1 T - d . Harold Charnc- Don Davilson I ,,,Targa-7rit-- Flees! Absent: rcwn of 01-,,asso, T,,,L-.a County, State of office of --.he T--7,.m Cleyir in said 7:?o o'clock_ P. M. i - President, Bo--3rd of m - - I n,,,' t --e Tr,,,.ctee m I ra s t e C To-,,,- Clerk Amono othcr nroceedi-,r-:7, thc �,:cre h�-�.d: Tru�7'ce Ch,,-rney introdii ed !on ,,�h4 r i tee resolii4 --ch i,.,as re�d -in IN-1-1 b7 the c�erlk =ld ,.i,-on mot on cocnn vot:?: , (lc,� !:�y Tr-mtee -10-rtcd hy the !i - r �- �7 : vidsr� , Ch-rney, :A-11S,.Tr) ---scn ,f - Da -1 -n I —d r. N-ne and said rece)2iaticn therl�-,.,por, 7i-n,-?! by th-- Prcsidcnt of s,,).l-d --r-,---�rd "--y the To-,-m Clerk, th.. 41 thcrelof and 47 7 '-OTTr TT' 1 - TPI�7,: rY - 7L---" � -1 - �--J-11-1 FCR TP ET TP' Nn Mr- 7, i TP T = m,, � T -r T E" --pr)r).,, v ,r '-,AVTT-,T- �pc ()T7 A T�l M,'-)7,7T�T 7 --"r'rPIOT -,T TC -U AT I- C F 20 -F T Tl- STTT,,- P !? -TTR'17-7 T H, TT -r) neo.co) TTrC Fr"R TH 1� TDT"r-TD")rC-r4 -T- Tm 1 IV- ;1 7) TT,'pROjT-rT-,T' 7 "T _�T T, !�' �—TTAFY V "T 71 T T i CZ 17 T L-Ly T� v- �7� AT. m T "M T "VPT 0--P7, T 1, �,T !��TT�U T M T: T T T 7T7 T'� 7 T T i , i I T-() 1, 7 T-) q TH E IT. 'TD_ "A Minutes 1961 - P. 2 be TY- n� it i deemed�il ^1� 1C b.> th T.,'.m Cy n, T, �G n 11, ;� S+'-+- Ji :i C ws_ i_11,a 'oL . Or .lh•^ '' to c:itend, an(a irrrove the s nit ^r _ _ .'�?r - ,stem -nd sewa "" dis?`O�al , J J U r,l-'nt; and ';:H✓R'_h_S t? °ti??3.tGd amount necec.Sar;` for sr--h _uirros: ^ ^: is thirty five thous-1-d (�t35,000.00) dollars; .- TEREAS there are no Dunds on th° +reR.s,,T-y for s' ch rurnose and ')ewer is ,,r?nted Fal- to'r by Section_ 27, :article 10 f th^ Constitution and la,v,s of the St.,.te Of Ok ah,77.a, to issue bonds to - rov1_de f'zndS for such - ur'_:ose rovided the same be authorized by the ~uallfied Lro:nert-.- tax p-iyl thereof, vot;.n tit __n election hc1d for th_ pu�:ose; Noy:, e r e, '�s ' es 1 bTr � r t Th r _or �� r o ved the '-o:�_ d of Trusteew _;f the TO,,; -ri of 0,I :asso, M­; - Col'ntj C7 }'lte Of Ckla.hora. n -fin rnrr TF.''_T t•he Pre _ id ent of the Bos.rd of Trustees be and he is hereb-; uutho rized end dlrect, °d. to Call ? s^eci.al eiecti. ^.,_'` to b °o, h1ell In said t ^-va'i. of tho loth d .fir of ecember, 1961 for the earn o e of sub ; tLZng to the rcgist Bred ^ua.lifi.ed -r: ^erty tax naying voters therecf the following rropositi.on: 11Sha1.l the Tom_, of Cwa.sso, State of Oklahoma, incur an i.ndeI:tedress by issuing its negotiable coupon. bonds in the sum of thirty five thousand 035,000.m; dollars to provide funds for the purpose of extending and ir-rro ping the sanitary sewer system and sewage disposal ; ^l =,.nt, to be oTS ,ed exclusively by said town, and levy and collect ,n arnusl t x, in addition to all other taxes, upon all the tau:able roperty In said t0:']n suff ., sent to pay th o interest or said bonds as it fails due anid also to constitute a sinkin fund _ ^r the payment of the principal thereof when dI)c, said bonds t-, bear interest at not to exceed who rate of six per centum per annum., payable semiannually and to bec ^me due serially within twenty— fi.',re yc-rs frtim their date ?" SH_CTTCN 2, TH?T such call for said election shall be bar proclamation, signed by the President of the Board of Trustees and attested by the Toy -r^ Clerk, setting forth tho rrcposition to be voted uncn, the number and location of the pollin7 places, the hours of opening and closi. ng the polls and the n^.mes of the officers who shall c ^nduct said electi 'n; that the ballots shall sot forth the proposition to be voted upon substa.nt Tally as set cut in Section 1 hereof and that the returns of said election shall be m=ade to and c nvassed by the County Election Board. SECTION 3, THAT by reason of said tern being without ade7uate sanitary sewer and sewage disposal facilities, it is deemed and hereby declared necessary for the pr. eservrition of the public health, peace and safety, that this resolution shall become operative immedi �.tely; wherefore an emergency is hereby declared Minutes - November 27, 1.961 - Page 3 to exist and this resolution shall be in full force and effect immediately from and after its passage and approval. PASSED this 27th day of November, 1961. APPROVED ti-is 27th day of November, 1961. (SEAL) ATTEST: (SIMD) Marguerite M. Reed ToVn Clerk (SIuI , D) W. J. Bryson President, Board of Trustees ELECTION PROCLAMATION Under and by virtue of Section. 27, Article 10 of the Constitution of the State of Oklahoma and a certain resolution of the Town of Owasso in said state passed on the 27th day of November, 1961 authorizing the calling of an election for the purpose hereinafter set for% I, the undersigned, President of the Board of Trustees of said t own, hereby call an election to be held in said town on the 19th day of December, 1.961 for the purpose of submitting to the registered, qualified property tax paying electors of said town the following proposition: "Shall the Town of Owasso, State of Oklahoma, incur an indebtedness by issuing its negotiable coupon bonds in the sum of Thirty -Five Thousand ($35,000.00) Dollars to provide funds for the purpose of extending and improving the sanitary sewer system and sewage disposal plant to be owned exclusively by said toiNn, and levy and collect an annual tax, in addition to all other tales, upon all the taxable property in said town sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds as it falls due and also to constitute a sinking fund for the pa;�r_ent of the principal thereof when due, said bonds to bear interest at not to exceed the rate of six per centum per annum, payable semiannually and to become c?ue serially i,,ithin twenty -five years from their date ?" The ballots used at said election shall set out the proposition as above set forth and shall also contain the words FIRST: Q For the above propositi. cn . SECOND: [L. Against the abo%le proposition. (If the Toter desires to vote for the above proposition he shall sta_rrp or mark an "Y" in the first square above; if he desires to vote against the above proposition he shall sta:rp or mark an " X" in the second dquare above). Minutes — November 27, 1961 — Page 4 The polls shall be opened at eight o'clock A. M. and remain open continuously until and be closed at six o'clock P. M. The number and location of the polling places nd the persons who shall conduct said election shall be as follows: POLLING 71AC : FIRST M]ET _ODIST CHURCH, OV,ASSO, OKLAHOMA BETTY McGUIREE Inspe ctor OM 111. LESTER Judge MARINE SMITHERS Clerk Such officers shall also act as counters. ITN= my hand as President of the Board of Trustees of said town, affixed in said town this the 27th day of November, 1961. (Signed) W. J. Bryson President, Board of Trustees (Seal) A mm - 1 L . -�.. T : (Signed) Marguerite M. Reed Town Clerk The following other business was presented tc the Board for action: The annexation of the Hale property was discussed. Ordinance No. 31 was adopted unanimously by the Board to replace Ordinance No. 30 which carried an incorrect description of the Hale property. The Board expressed its desire for the Town of Owasso to lay the water line inasmuch as the Town of Owasso could do so at a lesser cost than Mr. Hale. Mr. Ernissee stated the town would have to delay payment of bills incurred by such work but the town could meet the cost b;r being slightly delinquent in its payment. Allsup presented a complaint from Mr. L. R. Nicholson concernirg- paper del-:ris from the Owasso Cleaners which eras littering his property. Charney will direct a complaint be sent to the Owasso Cleaners. The Board of Trustees agreed to meet December 5, 1961 at 7:00 P. M. t To-,..r- Hall with interested citizens to outline a campaign to infcrm the citizens of Owasso concerning the forthcoming sewer bond issue. The Board further agreed to hold a public meeting concerning the bond issue on December 18, 1961, the time and place to be decided at a later date. Mr. Cline Mansur will be present at both meetings. Charney moved the Board purchase five bundles of 2 —inch galvanized pipe for street and alley purposes. Second, Allsup. Aye, Allsup, Davidson, Charney, Bryson. Minutes - :`November 27, 196! - Page 5 Charney presented a complaint from C. B. Sherrill concerning water charges for the Crest�✓ie w Apartments. The Board stated the charges were according to the ordinance and any deviation from the ordinance would not be proper, Mr. J. W. Allsup presented his resignation to the Board of Trustees. Davidson moved the Board accept Mr. AllsupIs resignation as of November 27, 1961. Second, Bryson, Aye, Bryson, Davidson. Nay, Charney. The Board expressed its deep an preciati on for Mr. Allsup Is work and cooperation: and its regret in the submission of his resignation. Davidson moved the Board emrnlo�T Mrs. J. W. Allsup as assistant to Miss Josephine Downey, Deputy Clerk, at $1.25 per hour, based on a 28-hour work week, effective immediately. Second, Bryson. Aye, Bryson, Davidson. Nay, Charney. Charney moved the meeting be adjourned. Second, Davidson. Aye,, Bryson, Davidson, Charney.