HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961.02.08_City Council MinutesTHE BOA RD OF TRUWS of the TT OF OWASSO$ TULSA CO CONTYj STATE OF OKLARON 1A# met in j1diou =-d session at the Town Hall in said Town on the 8th day of at ejgtt o'clock P. M. PRESENT WAYNE BEANES T. R. 140GUIRFj, RAY114011D VMYS DOTI DA YIDS 011,10 ROBERT Tf. AN=ON, ABSENT: Vi-)NE President,t Board of Trustees Trustee Trustee Trustee Town Clerk Among other proceedings# the following were hadt Trustee , V4AY intro- duced a resolution which was read in full by the clerk and '569 won Bf Trustee my seconded by Trustee ug"Ma- was adopted by the following-, votet AYES: DAVJD ..)tj 4t,,Y ',4aGUIR'!0, BEANE NAYS: NOTE and said resolution was thereupon signed by the President of said Board„ attested by the Town Clorkv sealed with the seal of said town and is as follows A RESOLUTIOq AUTHORIZING THE CALLING AND HOLDINGI OF AN ELECTIOTI IN THE TOWN OF (BASSO, STATE OF OKLAHOMA FOR THE PURPO,9E OF SUBMITTING TO THE QUALIFIED. PROPERTY TAX PAYING VOTERS OF SAID TWN THE QUES- TION OF TqE ISSUANCE OF THE BONDS OF SA ID TO0 (1) IN THE SUM OF ONE HUMPX-D FIFTY 'nVLEE THOUSAND (6153000*00) DOLLARS to PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE pMposE & WENDING AWD IMPROVING THE WATERWORKS SYSTEM AND (2) IN THE SUM OF THIRTY THREE THOUSAND ($33#000•00) DOLLARS TO PROVIDE FUNDS FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXTENDING AND IMPROVING THE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM AND (3) rN THE S*UJK OF FORTY FIVE THOUSAND ($45000*00) DOLLARS To pRoVnE FUNDS FOR CONSTRUCTING A FIRE STA TION AND PURCHASING FIRE FIGHTING APPARATUS AND ErUIPMENTI ALL TO BE OWNED EXCLUSIVE1Y BY SAID TOWN; LEVYING AND COLLECTING AN ANNUAL TAX IN SAII) TOWN F(yr{ Tff,; PAY",r4E1fr OF THE IlTrBREST ON 1,Tlj-j PRINCIPAL OF SAID BONDS. WHEREAS,, it is deemed advisable by the Town of Owassoi, Tulsa Countyg State of Oklahoma to (1) "tend and improve the waterworks system; (2) extend and im- prove the sanitary sever system and (3) construct a dim station and purchr fire fighting apparatus and equipment; and Aft wHsna thp. estimated movats necessary for such prurposesp respect!' (1) Fj5j.o00•Wj (2) $33#60600D and (31 $45060-WI ant is -he state WMO I $he", n% so tumdo in the f6r such p-M97000 .,ad th- a 4W "JA tom by Stiction 277 Artitle 10 V*ot'4 at Oklshcm# to issue bonds to provide funds for such purpo, an be autborized by the qualified property tax paying, vO+ election hold for that pvrposes Nows Therefore# W, IT RESOLVED BY THE E6RD OF TRUSTS T(JWN OF OWASSOt TULSA COUNTY, STATE 0 MO"ITION hT"). 1 "Shall the Town of Owasgov State of Oklahoma* incur an indebtedness by issuing its negotiable coupon bonds in the SUM Of ONE HUNDRED F1'-','TY THREE THOUSAtM M53000.00) DOLLARS to provide funds for the Purpose of extending and improving the waterworks system to be owned exclusively by said towns, and levy and collect an annual tax in addition to all other taxes # upon all the taxable property in # said town sufficient to pay the interest on said b nds as it falls due and also to constitute a sinking fund for the pryment of the Principal thereof when due, said bonds to bear interest not to lly ex- teed the rate of six per centum per annun, payable semi -annua and to become chase serially within twenty-five years from their date," MOR)SITION No. 2 "Shall the Town of ()wasso, State of Oklahomas, incur an indebtedness by issuing its negotiable coupon bonds in the s of rljftTy TH E, RE THOUSAID ($33#000.00) DOLTARS to Provide funds for the Purpose of extending and improving the sanitary sewer system to be owned ex- clusively by said term, and levy and collect an annual tax addition to all other taxes. uxaupon all the table property tax, n said town sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds as it falls due and also to constitute a sinking fund for the payment of the principal thereof when duep said bonds to bear interest not to ex- ceed the rate of six per oentum per annump payable semi-annually and to become due serially within twenty -five year from their date." PROIWITI(? ,%` 240. 3 "Shall the Town of Owasso,, State of Oklahoma* incur an indebtedness by issuing its negotiable coupon bonds in the BUM Of FORTY FIVE THOUSAND U45#000,00) DOLLARS to provide funds for the purpose of constructing, a fire station and purchasing fire fighting apparatus and equilmnt to be owned exclusively by emid town, and levy and 001100t On annual tax, in addition to all other taxes upon all the taxable property in said town sufficient to pay the interest on said bonds as it falls due and also to coratAtu" & sinking fund for the PAYMOUt Of the principal thereckf when due, said bonds to bear jnfer�est not to ex"Od the rate of mix per contm per #MV4 poyab4o 90Wi-WM=23,v and to beoona due nOriallY within twentyfive 76&" fray their date." SECTION 2. THAT Buell call for Said election Shall b of the Board of Trustees and attested by SitiOnS to be 'voted upon# the number and Of Opening and closing the polls and the 84AW Olectionj that the ballots Shall se, substantially as Bet out in Section 1 he: shall be MO& to and Caurassed by the Col .1 QWZ4 by Proclamation signed by the president the ?bwn 17Urk setting forth the propo. location of the polling places, the hours name of the Off Icers vho shall conduct forth the WopogjUOM to be "OAd Upon eof and that the returns of sp .id ele<. my Election Board. tion V2.2412 THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the MIN OF OVIAsSOP "'TK'SA C,)UVrf$ STATE OF OKL AHOMA# met in 444mmd session at the Town Hall in said town on the 8th dny of February 1961 at -82QQ o0clock P, M, PRESERrt lar"TE, Wim'. Presidents Board of Trustees T. R. WGUME0 Trustee RA-rVi,TD MAY, Trustee. Dr)N DAVIDSON,, Trustee P,)WRT "I. ANIERSon Town Clerk ABSE??r: MME Among, other proceedings., the following were had: Trustee WUIRE introduced a resolution which was read in full by the Clerk and upon xoEjcfi'UF-fr—Uste MaGUME seconded by Trustee 1.%y was adopted by the following vote: AYES: DAVADS0j, e%y -,fCGUME :3 .;A1 NAYS: NONE and said resolution was thereupon signed by the President of said Boards attested by the Town Clerk., sealed with the sea thereof and j_3 ",q foll()ws: A RESOLUTION DECTAR11' T�W, WATFRWORKS SYSTEM, OP" TH--', TOINM OF OTHASSO OF OK ' - s STA TE - LAHOM TO BE A PUBTJC UTILITTI AUTHORIZTM, V6 DIRECTIM, THE CALLING OF AN ELECTIoN IN SAID TOWN TO ESTABLISH A WATER CHARTMI PROVIDIMG FOR THE DISPaSr-PION OF "mr, FM3 DETRWYM TIMMEMMI AND D;,.CLARIV.G AN FTSRGEtjCy. WHEREAS the Board of Trustees of the Town of (hmsso, State of Oklahoma, has authorized the calling of an election in said T(nm on the 28th day of February 1961 for the purpose of issuing the bonds of said town in -T% SUM of M37W.W—to extend and improve the waterworks :item of said town; and WHEREAS,. if such be be authorized and such water extensions and improvements be made., it shall be a public utility of said town and as such a proper Rouree of revenue for said towns and WHMM It in deemed advisable to establish a water service charge Of 11.00 per month per vat6r 6onnettion and if one cormetion serree more, than one I dwelling,, business esUblisbment or public buildings such charge shall be t1.00 permonth for each such dwellift-p business establisbment or public buildirg so served end to transfer and set 0v*V into the sink:UW rued monthly such water earrice charge of - $1.00 per month, to meet lu whQ1* Or In part the principal and intuvat requirements on Said waterworks bondep such' OhArso tie ,be maintained and such revenue to be so pledged until all of said bonds have been paid in fullo, NCIW,# VEREFWE BE IT RESOLVED By TM BokID 0.v TRUST =, O,f the MIN OF (►ASSOx STA'M' OF 0KTAH0jjAt 'ELTION I TRAT the resident Of tM Board of Trustees Of said town,,.. be and he Is he authorized and directed te,*sU as gpeciel election to be bold In said town on the 2 t day of MRt=M 1%2 for the M'Wpose Of svbdttlng tO'the registered qI'sMied electors or said tdwn #die following, propositions OP2 SECTION 3. THAT such call for said election shall be by proclamation signed by the President Of the Board of Trustees and attested by the Town Clerk setting forth the proposition to be voted upon, the number and location of the polling places, the hours of opening and closing the polls and the names of the officers who shall conduct siad election; that the ballots used at said election shall set forth the proposition to be voted upon substantially as set out in Section I hereof and that the returns of said election shall be made to and canvassed by the County Election Board. SECTION 4. adqqua.te THAT by mason of said toim being without/water facilities, it is deemed and Hereby declared necessary for the preservation of the public health., peace and safety, that such facilities shall be provided without delay and to that end, that this resolution shall become operative immediately; whereform, an emergency is hereby declared to exist and this resolution shali be in full force an- effect innediately from and after its passage and approval. PASSED this day of APFRt VFD -this day of (seal) Attest: Town Te rk kEb 8- 'y61 pr;es aefiE. 3o�a--rT—of— Trustees ­ . 0 . . 0 . o 0 o . . . . . . STATE OF JKLAROMA SS COUIN'TY OF TULSA I, the undersigned... the duly qualified and acting Town Glerk of the Tahn of C)wasso in said County and State, hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of a certain resolution passed by the Board w,' Trustees of said Town, including the proceedings had in its adoption, calling a special election in said Town on the date and for the purpose aj th,-x-ein set out. IiITNESS my hwid and seal this day of Tdwn Uerk (Seal)