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July 18, 1961
The meeting, regularly scheduled for July 17, 1961, was held
July 18, 1961 by the consent of all members of the Board of Trustees.
The meeting was called to order by the President of the Board, 'N. J.
Bryson, at 7 :30 P. M. at Town Hall, Owasso, Oklahoma, July 18th.
Present: : "J. J. Bryson President of the Board
J. : "J. Allsup Trustee
Don Davidson Trustee
Harold Charney Trustee
Marguerite M. Reed Town Clerk
:absent: Richard Ernissee
Minutes of the previous meeting were read. The minutes were
corrected to read as follows:
"Charney moved that the Board accept the bid of Rush
Implement Company, Skiatook, Oklahoma, for a Massey- Ferguson
202 Mork Bull with 102 loader and 185 backhoe at a price
of 64,680.76, said bid being the lowest and best bid, and
provided Rush Implement Company allows the Town of Owasso
to pay X2,000.00 down, one -half of the balance in 60 days
and the remaining balance in an additional 50 days Vii th
c rrying charges and interest to the town not to exceed
237,.2 1 .
The minutes were approved as corrected.
Let the minutes reflect that the meeting of July 17, 1961
was postponed to July 18, 1961 inasmuch as 71. J. Bryson and Harold
Charney were attending a meeting in McAlester, Oklahoma for the y)urpose
of obtaining information regarding federal funds for water and sewer
development. Mr. Bryson and Mr. Charney were accompanied by Dr. James
L. Prince, Superintendent of the Owasso Public Schools, and Mr. J. Ray
Smith, Owasso builder.
The meeting was opened to business to be presented from the
The sewer survey made by Owen, Mansur & Steele, June, 1;61, w'As
again presented. Mr. Mansur was present at the meeting for discussion and
the re)ort was covered point by point with the council. After discussion,
the chair entertained a motion to instruct Mr. M, -Jnsur to ::old his plan in
abeyance and allow the Town of Owasso to make :arrangements for the finances
to meet the needs of the proposed _>lan. Chas.rne, so mover.. Second, Allsup.
"ye, Bryson, A�.11sup, Davidson, Charney.
Charney wished to go on record as favoring a trust authority
to handle the water and sewer problems of the town. He further di, cussed
his reasons for sJch opinion.
July 18, 1961 - Page 2
Don Austin came before the council and discussed the insurance
program of the town. Allsup moved that the insurance program. suggested by
Mr. Austin be approved and accepted. Second, Charney. Aye, Bryson, Allsup,
Davidson, Charney.
Mr. `r9illiam L. Day, Box 711, Owasso, presented a group hos:)italization
And medical- surgery pro; -ram of Bankers Life and Casualty Company. Bankers
Life maintains a home office in C:!icago, Illinois and state and city offices
in Tulsa. The group plan requires at least five members. The council cave
Mr. Day permission to c_.ntact the town employees to ascertain whether or
not they would like to participate in the plan. If the town employees desire
such a plan, the Town of Owasso will make the necessary payroll deductions
from their salary checks.
Treasurer's Re)ort as of Julv 16, 10,61:
General Fund
Street and Alley Fund
Sinking Fund
',Na.ter Fund
Sewer Fund
Sewer Improvement
Meter Deposit Fund
Cemetery Fund
Park Fund
Charney moved that Chapter 3, Section 2, Title 14, of the Revised
Ordinances of the Town of Owasso, 1,x57, be amended to read as fo lows:
"Section 2. Rates
providing funds for the
operation of the water
there is hereby imposed
service charge or fees:
One Dollar 01.00)
each ,mater meter in use
Town of Owasso."
of Charge. For the purpose of
ma-a.ntenance,nepair, extension and
system of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma,
and established the followinir water
per month to be charged against
within the city li;rits of the
911 other provisic:ns of said Cha,)ter 3, Title 14, of the Revised Ordinances
of the Town of Owa,cso, 1957, shall remain unchanged. Charney further moved
that the emergency clause be attached to -;aid amended ordinance and that
said amended ordinance become effective immediately. Second, Davidson.
Aye, Bryson, Allsup, Davidson, Charney.
The Chairman, `.'l. J. Bryson, requested a motion fro.,,_ the fl.,or
that Chapter 2, Title 14, of the Rf'vised Ordinances for the Town of
Owasso, 1;�7, be repealed and the following ordinance be _.,dopted for
the Town of Owasso:
Jla erl�ervice
Section 1. Applications. Any person desiring to have premises
connected vith the water supply system of the Town of Owasso, Oklahoma,
shall present to the Commissioner of :°later a written: applic -tion containing
the name, a description of the lot and block on which the water is desired.
Said applic,tion shall be signed by the owner of the premises to be served
or his dul-;: authorized agent.
July 18, 1961 - Page 3
Section 2. Delinquents. If any consumer becomes in arrears on his
account for a period of ten (10) days after the account should have been
paid, the Commissioner of ''later or the Board of Trustees shall have the
right to order the water shut off from the house or premises until such
account is paid in full.
Section 3. Deposit required. AThen any person who desires the use
of water from the water supply system of said town shall make application
and sign contracts for said service and, if said applicant is not the owner
of the property to be served, he shall be required to make a reasonable de,)osit
to guarantee payment of all water bills, the amount to be fixed by the
Board of Trustees upon the basis of an amount equal to the estimated water bill
for sixty days service for the particular a ace rented, but in no event shall
said deposit be less than T:n ($10. 00) Dollars, and said water shall not be
connected until the said deposit is made. The said deposit, so required,
shall be refunded to the applicant whenever the water service is disconnected
and all water bills are paid to date.
Section 4. Notice When House Vacated. Uhenever any house or premises
connected with the water supply system of said town shall become vacant, a
notice of vacancy and request that the water be shut off from such house or
premises, shall be filed with the Town Clerk. Upon the filing of such
notice of request, the water .hall be shut off from such house or premises.
Section 5. plater Service Charged to Premises. All charges for water
service will be charged against the yreaiises for which the service was
installed and shall be charged to the owner thereof. All charges for water,
when the same becomes delinquent and unpaid, shall be a lien against the
premises and property to which same has been furnished.
Section 6. "dater Accounts Kept In Name of Owner. All accounts for
water shall be kept in the name of the o; =,,,ner of the premisesor property for
which the service was installed and not in thenameof the tenant, provided,
however, that persons holding an unrecorded lease may be supplied on their own
account, but in such cases, if service is on meter, the Board of Trustees
shall require such deposit of mone as, in its judgment, shall be necess. >ry
to protect the town a,= i_nst any and all delinquent nd unpaid charges for water.
Section 7. Town's Right To Shut Off ''o', ^ter. The town reserves the rif ht
to shut off the water supply at all times and .vithout notice, for repairs,
extensions, non - payment of rates, or any other reas.in or cause, and the town
shall not be responsible for any damage resulting from the interruption of
the water supply or resulting from the .;hutting off of water.
Section 8. Turning On and Off Of 'Hater. 'k'dhenever the Board of
Trustees has shut off, or caused to be shut off, the . vater from any premises
or property for any violation of the ,provisions of tris chapter, or for the
non - payment of any water bills, the same shall not be turned on again until
all delinquent ;,nd unpaid charges -tgainst such premises .end property,
together with the charge for turning off and turning on the water shall have
been paid.. A charge of shutting off the water shall be One Dollar and Fifty
Cents ($1.50), and the charge for turning the same on agl-in, shall be One
Dollar and Fifty Cents (11.,�0). Except where otherwise provided in this
July 18, 1,1,61 - Page 4
chapter, the Board of Trustees shall not shut off, or cause to be shut off,
the water from any premisesor pproperty until after at least t,venty -four ( -_4)
hours notice of its intention so to do, which notice may be served on either
the owner of such preEi.ses or propert or the occupant thereof.
Section 9. `-`later Rates. The rates _:er month for -,,rater supplied through
meters to all ??lacipd within the town limits, shall be as follows:
On the first one thousand gallons or less, Two Doll��rs and Twenty -
five Cents ( "„2.25) per thousand;
On the second one thousand gallons or less, Seventy -five Cents
per thousand;
On the third one thousand zalluns, Fifty Cents (;,.50) per thousand.
MINIMM ?A,TES: The minimum monthly charge for all water service shall
be as follows: Vhere one €zmily uses grater, a minimum charge of Two Dollars
and Twenty -five Cents (;2.25) per month; There two or more :Families use water
t1hrough the same meter, a minimum charge of Two Dollars and Twenty-five Cents
(+3,2.25) per famil;j , per month.
Section 10. Unlawful To Disconnect ':'Dater. It shall be unlawful for any
owner or occup�-;.nt of any premises or property, connected �.ith the town's
water supply system, to disconnect the water on said premisesor property, unless
he shall first file, in the office of the Town Clerk, a written request that
the service of water to the said premises or propert;, be disc -nnected and
discontinued and shall pay all arrearages on water charges for said premises
and property after water has been shut off from any premisesor propert„ upon
the application of the o,,iner or occupant thereof, or for the non - payment of
water charges, or for any other cause, it shall be unlawful for any person to
turn the , vater on again, exce)t ,,rherl authorized to do so � the Be_ rd of
Section 11. Acts Unlawful. It _ }gall be unlawful for any person, except
a member of the Fire Department of said town or a person authorized by the
Board of Trustees, to make any connecti:ns with any service or brunch pipe,
to open, operate, dlose down or turn off, interfere ;ith, attach any pine
o-, �_ose to or connect anything with any gate v.lve, stop cock, or fire hydrant,
belonging^ to the :eater systen, whether the same be on nriv_.te premises or not..
Section 12. Acts Unlawful. It ,sh�.11 be unlawful for any person,
unless duly autiori,.ed by the Board of Trustees, to disturb, displace, interfere
with, cover up, damage, or destroy any water mains, -rater pi:e, meter, meter box,
machinery, tools, .fire hydrants, curb cocks, curb box, or any other property
belonging to, connected ith or under the control of the water supply system.
It shall be unlawful for any person, other than authorized personnel, to climb
upon, cling to, the water tower or anythin connected there ^ith.
Section 13, The Town Clerk shall have full charge of and keep all
books, records and papers appertaining to and connected with the water system
of said town, and it shall be his duty to send out monthly- st�tten- ,.ents to the
water consumers of the amounts due for :cater c-,ns umed, and all bills for . vater
service shall be paid to the Town Clerk on or• before the tenth day of each
calendar mont',, and in the event of failure of any consumer to make payment
of the charge assessed against him on or before thetenth day of eachcalend -rr
P2 5141
July 18, 1;? 61 - Page 5
month, ten per cent (10;5) of the amount due shall be added. The failure of
any consumer to receive a statement of the amount of charge due from him shall
not constitute an excuse for the neglect, failure or refusal to pa„- the charges
assessed against him when the same is due.
Section 14. Penalty. Any person who shall violate any of the provisions
of t1is chapter shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, � nd upon
conviction thereof, shall be fined not more than Twer_t; Dollars (",20.00).
Section 15. Applice.tions for Outside :rater Users. Any person desiring
to have premisesor property, located outside the town lima ts, connected
ith the water supply system of t -e Town of Owasso, Oklahoma, shall enter
into a A.rritten agrF ement with the To •!n of 0,:,a so. Said agree::ent shall
remain on file with the Town Clerk as a permanent record.
Secti :,n lo. Charges Outside Town Li.its. The rates to consumers of
Water outside the Town limits of said Town of Owa so, Oklahoma, shall oe rxs
For each tap and connection, including the setting of meter
Seventy Dollars (370.u0);
For the first one thousand gallons of water used, Four Dollars
and Fifty Cents ($4.50) per thousand;
For the second one thousand :Gallons of ,v:ter used, One Dollar and
Fifty Cents ($1.0) per thousand;
For the third one thousand gallons of water used, One Dollar and
Twenty Cents ($1.20) per thousand;
For all amounts over three thousand gallons, One Dollar ($1.00)
per thousand.
MINIMUM RATES. The minimum charge in all cases shall be the sum of
Four Dollars and Fifty Cents ($4.50) and the rates fixed above for amounts
of one thousand gallons shall apply to fractional portions thereof, even
though the full one thousand gallons,in each instance, may not be consumed.
Section 17. In cases vVhere the main water line from the Spavinaw conduit,
from which said town takes its watF -r supply, and running to the south town
limits of said town to the pump station, crosseslands outside the town limits of
said town and the owners of suc :. lands, parcels or tracts, are permitting such
water line to be maintained on such property, the charges for both installing
and setting meters or taps and also for water consumed, shall be at the same
rate and charges as now fixed, or hereafter fixed, for consumers within the
town limits of said town.
Section 18. In all cases where any c <,nsumer outside the town limits
of said town fails or refuses to pay his water bill within the time fixed by
ordinance for consumers within said town, the town shall have the ri ;ht to
discontinue service in the same manner and under the same pen: -,lty as in the
town itself, and the same charges shall be made against the consumer for
cutting off and turning on water service as now exists or hereafter fixed by
ordinance applicable to consumers in town.
July 18, 1961 - Page 6
Section 19. The President of the Board of 'Trustees and the clerk of
said town are hereby authorized to enter into written agreements with land
owners, where the water line aforesaid, crosses such owners' land, agreeing to
furnish 'water at the rates fixd in Section Nine (9) hereof, provided such
land owners consent to the maintenance of said water line across their
property so long as said town procures its water supply from the City of
Tulsa and its Spavinaw conduit."
AND, FURTHER, the chair entertained a motion that the emergency clause be
attached to said ordinance and that the ordinance become effective Au, -ust 1,
1961. 4llsup so ^roved. Second, Davidson. Aye, Br. son, Allsu:., Davidson,
The following claims were read and .- approved;
Jack Carter
Pat Sullivan
Kenneth Rutledge
H. C. Bradley
Marguerite Reed
Harold Ch=;rney
J. N. Alls up
Don Davidson
N. J. Bryson
Sherrill P, Sherrill
Commercial Lumber Company
"dm. K. Kellam F. David 0. Cordell
Ralph Robertson
J. H. Tyler
Richard Ernissee
Scott Rice Company
Cooper Supply Com,-) an�;
First National Bank and Trust Co.,
Southwestern Bell Telephone Company
Sinclair :Refining Company
Josephine Downey
Charles F. Deller
Dean Franiis
National Chemsearch Corporation
Jimmie R. Dill
Lock Joint Pipe Company
0•asso Motor Company
Josephine Downey
Owasso Motor Company
Floyd Fisher
Marguerite Sheldon
Owasso Motor Com )any
H. , " :. fright, Jr.
The Collinsville News
Davidson moved that Floyd Fisher's salary be r. :_ised to ia300.00
per month effective August 1, l"',61. Second, Charney. Aye, Bryson,
�llsup, Davidson, Charney.
The clerk was directed to write Mr. Glenn Combs concerning
cleaning up his property and cu_.ting the weeds and grass at the corner of
:South Atlanta and 'est Broadway.
July 18, 1961 - Page 7
The street easement problem on the Herbert Hale propert, to be
annexed (agreed to May 1, 1911) ,as discussed. Mr. Hale was not present
but the majority of the council concluded that a fifty -foot _.a em('nt should
be rerlA red. Mr. Hale will be called before the next rneetinE :.
The bud<,ets and financial .statements of the Town of Oriasso were
read, executed and approved for sub -ittal to the Tulsa County Excise Bojrd.
Davidson moved the meeting be adjourned. Second, ^llsup. ,?.-e,
Bryson, nllsup, Davidson, Cha_rney.
reside of the B a.rd