HomeMy WebLinkAbout1961.09.25_City Council MinutesSeptember 25, 1961
A special meeting was called to order at 7:30 P.M. by the President of the Board
W. J. Bryson, at Town Hall, Owasso, Oklahoma, September 25, 1961,
Present: W. J. Bryson President of the Board
J. W. Allsup Trustee
Harold Charney Trustee
Don Davidson Trustee
Richard Ernissee Treasurer
Marguerite M. Reed Town Clerk
H. W. Wright Attorney
This being a special meeting, no minutes were read.
The special meeting was called for the purpose of discussing salaries, duties,
efficiency, etc. of the employees of the Town of Owasso with the employees present.
Charney expalined his position and the general position of the Board in regard
to the employees ofthe town. He stated again that all problems concerning the
town employees would be discussed and solved before the council and that gossiping
and verbal sniping behind the backs of the Board of Trustees would not be tolerated.
Any legitimate complaint or problem was welcomed before the Board and would be given
sincere consideration. In this manner problems and complaints would be handled
based only on available facts.
Mr. Tom McGuire stated he felt all employees were earning their salaries.
Bryson expalined his position on the resignation of Ralph Robertson. He stated
that, regardless of Mr. Robertson behavior toward him personally, he was still
willing to consider Mr. Robertson for his position in connection with the
cemetery. The Board stated Mr. Robertson was to be commended for the caliber of
work he had performed but felt he had resigned because of hearsay and gossip and
uninformed of the facts. Mr. Robertson will work until October 1, 1961 and will
reconsider his resignation in the meantime.
Mrs. Marguerite Sheldon stated it was necessary for her to work 32 hours a week
to accomplish her duties. She will continue to work 32 hous a week from Monday
through Friday at the same salary for the present time.,
Mr. Floyd Fisher's duties were reviewed. Allsup stated there was a possible
question concerning to much deduction from Mr. Fisher's salary during the
illness of his child. This question was satisfied and he will be reimbursed
for a portion of this deduction.
The duties of Mr. J. H. Tyler and Mr. H. C. Bradley were reviewed. Mr. Tyler
stated there was need for proper hand tools in order to turn out proper work.
Davidson requested the record reflect his suggestion that the hand tools needed
be )urchased out of the Street Department fund in order to keep other funds in
tact for emergency purposes.
Due to the critical financial condition of the Town of Owasso, ChAbey announced
the reduction of the police force to one man. Kenneth Rutledge, night policeman,
resigned as of September 25, 1961. Charney moved that officer James Gott be placed
on 24 -hour duty at a salary of $350.00 per month with the understanding that his
salary will revert to not less than $300.00 per month in the event a second
policeman is hired. Second, Davidson. Ernissee stated that even with the
Meeting of September 25, 1961 continued:
reduction to one policeman, the financial condition of the town would not stand
such a salary increase. Discussion followed. The chair entertained a motion
to table the previous motion until the following meeting. So moved by Davidson.
Second, Allsup. Aye, Bryson, Allsup, Davidson Charney.
Miss Josephine Downey and Mr. Richard Ernissee reviewed their duties with the
Board. Both stated their willingness to work along with the Board in anyway
possible for the efficient handling of the town's business.
The Board stated that, if any action is taken by the Board in regard to employees,
the employee or employees involved would be called before the Board and so informed.
Treasurer's Report as of September 24, 1961:
General Fund
$ 493.04
Street & Alley �'und
Sinking Fund
Sewer Fund
Sewer Improvement
Water Fund (General)
Special Assessment
Park Fund
Meter Deposit Fund
Cemetery Fund
The chair entertained a motion that Warrant #77 in the amount of $72.75 in favor
of Floyd Fisher for his vacation pay be voided and replaced by Warrant #77 in
the amount of $132.56. So moved by Allsup. Second, Charney. Aye, Bryson, Allsup
Davidson, Charney.
Mr. Sokolosky, on behalf of the Chamber of Commerce, thanked the Board and the
town employees for their help and cooperation in connection with Progress Day.
Allsup stated that the town employees had been forced to dispose of the carcas
of the dead cow belonging to Trujgan T. Donaho inasmuch as Mr. Donaho had not
taken care of the matter as he promised. The chair entertained a motion that
the Board of Trustees will bill Mr. Truman T. Donaho for the cost of burying
the dead cow which was creating a nuisance and health problem to the town of
Owasso, at the rate of $10.00 per hour, or a total of $30.00, and ive Mr. Donaho
ten days in which to pay this charge after which time legal action will be taken
to collectsuch fee. So moved by Allsup. Second, Davidson. Aye, Bryson, Allsup,
Davidson, Charney.
Bryson stated that he wished the annexation of the Hale property to be completed
by October 2, 1961 or he would be in favor of cutting off all services to this
property. He further stated he felt the Board had been more than cooperative
with Mr. Hale in this matter and that the matter had been prolonged for too long
because of Mr. Hale's dilatory attitude. The Board voiced its approval of Bryson's
Mr. H. W. Wright inquired as to the progress of the Board in connection with his
proposed draft of a new town charter. The Board advised Mr. Wright of their
action to date. Further discussion will be taken at the next meeting.
Meeting of September 25, 1961:
Charney presented suggested park improvements which had been given to him.
The Board found, with one or two minor exceptions, that these suggestions had
already been performed. The Board stated its desire to call the Park Committee
together with the Board of TRustees and attempt�orreform the Park Board due to
its lack of a chairman.
The following claims were read and approved:
Floyd Fisher
Public Service Co.
$ 132.56
Charney moved that the meeting be adjourned. Second, Davidson. Aye, Bryson,
Allsup, Davidson, Charney.
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President of the Board"
To n Clerk