HomeMy WebLinkAbout1970 18_Aquiring grant for land_1970.02.16RESCIVICE NUMER INS WEREAS, under Title VII of the Housing Act of 1961: as amended2 the United States of iaerica (herein called the "GovernmennQ has tendered to The Town of Owasso, Qlahcma, (herein called the "Public Body") a proposed Contrast for Grant to acquire and/or Develop Land for Open-Space Purposes under which the GcRarnment agrees to make a Grant to the Public Body to aid in financing a project, designated Project No. Okla. M-25; ann.dw 1WITS the Public Body has given due consideration to sail proposed Contrast; and the Pifolic Body is May authorized, under and pursuant to the Constitution and laws of the State of Oklahoma5 to undertake and carry out said Project and to e,,­,ecute such 'zproposed Contaract; 2 0, n -i BE 1T THEREFORE RESC17ED BY I'VS."62' 3' 01T TIcISTEES Q THE TOM C" 3. HO_,a IS KILWS: Section 1� The Proposed Contract, designated "Contract For Grant to Acquire and/0-0001-Land for Open-Space 1�xposes. Contract No. Cala. 00-25G/ consisting of Parts 1 and 11, under and subject to the provisions, zemMs and conditions of which the Government will make arCyen-S dace. Land Acquisition and/0 Development Grant undea- Title VII of the Hou5ing Act of 1961, as amended, to the Public Body to aid in financ- ing the cost Of a PrOAK2 designated Project No. Okla. 00-25, situated Q the Town of "Avasso, is hereby in all respects approved. Section 2. The President of the Board of Trustees of The Town of Wasso, is hereGTETTMed and directed to execute said proposed Contract in Qn, counterparts on behalf of the 0blic Body, and the Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to iumpress a:C'16. attest the official sea! of the Public Body on, each such counterpart and- to fcvward such counterparts to the Department of Housing and brban Development., together .-eLth such other documents relative to the approval and execution thereof as may be required by the Government. Section The President cT this iub1ic Body is hereby authorized to file requ'Isr7TF,Fs, 7ogether with necessary supporting documentsv with the Government, fron, time to tine as Grant funds are required; requesting payments to be made to it olD. account of the Grant provided for in the Contract, and to do and perform ail other things and acts req,-uired to be done or performed in order to obtain such payments. Sect sue? _10 The Public Body aETees to abide by all of the provisions, terms and conditions of said Contract. Section T. - - 11 1 1: WZS Resolution, sball take ef- eA th s I th d,y of Fab wary, 1970. President I R. Grothl I the B 57oi Trustees Cklahona, /T _Vfsfif Odom Town Clerk. Bv Teputy Clerk Board. IPeIember, Board Memben B card Wber rd