HomeMy WebLinkAbout1960.04.18_City Council Minutes18. 1960 Meeting; called to order at 7 :30 P.-. 1.8, 1960 rat City Hrxll b- ,- I: ; /or ' yne Beane. 'resent: ayne Beane Rayr,ond P;ay Dor. Davidson .sob ,' tnderson Tom McGuire Dick ^rnissee Absent: "lone The follo-:^;in,g claims read and aoproved: S:)uth7rrestern Bell Tele. Co. ^nderson '_,richard Oil Cora;. Ray Bailey Laura H. Buchanan Chit tom E,-ui went Co. Vaugn Chemical 'o. TTti1_ities ".cct. De;t. Bill Rowe The Col'.insville Ne•,7o Floyd Fisher 7ymond 1,lay a,yne ? ane Don Davidson `'ichard Crnissee Tom Y.,cGuire Bob Anderson J .'':'�r . P_11sup TT.0 . Bradley Josephine Downey Ralph Robertson '1`a.rgueri to Sheldon Jack Carter Doyle Carter Richard Ernissee Troy ":'lilson Sinclair Refining Co. Fund Balances as of A ori.7_ 18,, 0 1 c � '„ rzeneral Fund Street and r'_11ey Fund Sinking Fund J'ater Fund ei�,er Fund i;eter De �)osit Fund Cemetery Fund Park Fund P,iotion by Pray to accept miriutes as read. Beane, Davidson, r =1cGuire . of Board ?ru tee Trus�,ee To�:,n Clerk Trustee Treasurer 2.0.68 8.54 15.00 10.00 1°4.20 36.55 733.95 10.00 19.20 92.15 10.00 I: .:DO 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 154.04 118.57 97.87 72.75 70.90 114.42 30.00 43.8° 123.50 996.88 843.10 5414.10 5770.3= 1770.28 1780.05 207.20 Seconded by Davidson. Ave: Nay, otion by 7,a.v to a.cce._,t Ordinance 12 annexing the pro .erty of to-^:i t: The North Half (N'-% } of the Forth Half (I,r ) of the �.°rest Half (':v z) of the ": orth��es ;, �- uarter ('11` 14) of the 7ortheast - uarter of Section Thirty (30), To:^rnshi; venty -One Meeting of ^.oril 18, 1960 Continued i (21) north, Range Fourteen (14) East, Tulsa County, Oklahom contai -n -ng Five (5) acres more or less. Seconded by McGuire. Ave: May, Beane, McGuire, Davidson. Mr. Chester Barrett fr;m the Americ:a.n Tank C'(%. was before t:I.e board to discuss improving our water tank by adciin *� more volume %,ith the = kddition of two courses of steel, also to clean and r)aint tr!e tank_. He stated that h-is company would like to io the work and would ad!I the two (2) courses of steel, clean �- oaint the tank, with the city furnishing the ste 1 for a fee of '5,400.G" or would furnish material, clean, and ,paint for 36400.00. The C -iambr r of Commerce Jas before the board .protesting the zoning of tide mhornton roperty, Lot 3, Flock 2.9, NNichols Heights Addition, to the town of Owasso, for a commercial use. There was an application to set aide the zoning nresented to the board silT;ned by most of the members of the Chamber of Commerce. Motion by Davidson to set a rehearing on the zoning of the V.V. Thornton property, Lot 3, Block 29, Nichols Heights Addition, to the Town of Owasso, Tulsa County, Oklahoma ,:according to the recorded plat thereof. This rehearin(r . will be set for May 9, 1960 at City ?call 8:00 P.M. May 9, 1960. econded by May. ^.ye : May, Beane, Davidson, McGuire. This is due to a legal technicality in that the proof of :ublication �,,as not in before ' pril 4, 1960. Tn the general discussion it was .;ointf -d out to t. :.e Chamber of Commerce as a body, the .iay that the pro ;erty Plorth of t e P1r_ir business district is ing , for commercial use this property is not in the City Limits at this t -lnie. Motion to adjourn by McGuire. :Seconded b, Davidson. ",ve: May, Beane, i- icCuire, Davidson. A nnroved_: Wires. of Board Tod^.n Clerk