HomeMy WebLinkAbout1959.03.02_City Council Minutes;R
March 2, 1959 ~ '~ ~~'`
Council met in regular session at To.vn Clerk's Office at 7:30 P.T.
Present: C. A. Sheldon Pres. of Board
Floyd Flournoy Trustee
ttiayne Beane Trustee
Lyle Smitners Towzi Clerk
Absent: Glenn Combs
Minutes of the last regular rzleeting read and approved as read.
Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Fields, Dr. Perry Evans, i~~r. '~'Jilson,
and I~1r . Banbridge .
Treasurer's re;,~ort:
General fund w 629.42
St. & Alley fund 445.83
Sinking fund 5131.05
iNater fund 1131.52
Meter Deposit fund 96.05
Sewer fund 225.47
Park fund 907.80
Cemetery fund 1840.85
The following claims presented and allotived:
John F. McDaniels ~ 120.00
~~7. E. Moore 51.00
Owasso Lumber Co. 480.00
Viking Supply Corp. 26.79
Skelly Oil Co. 26.61
Okla. Nat'l Gas Co. 12.05
Liggett Ford Co. 16.32
Rob't Nichols 162.00
Okla. Nat'l Gas Co. 10.39
Sherrill & Sherrill 7.50
Boyd Cons't Co. 10.00
E. R. Richardson lOq.l7
H. C. Bradley 119.26
Troy Lee t~lrilson 84.30
Owasso Lumber Co. 30.00
Richard Ernissee 50.00
Josephine Downey 98.46
Rob't Cox 10.00
American Exchange Bank 88.29
J . ~V . Allsup 155.46
Jess 0. I~ZcMichael Co . 15.00
J. M. Boman 10.00
Buel Allsup 10.00
John I~iiller, Jr. 5.00
I%. D. Kirkhart &.OC
Troy Lee Wilson 15.OU
T. R. I~icGuire ~:: Ralph Robinson-: 25.00
Curtis T. `Ward 10.00
March 2, 1959, Cont. "
Dr. Evans representing Park Committee announced progress on Park
project. Immediate projects are, bridge across ditch, tennis Court,
and he also needs five loads of gravel.
An Ordinance annexing adjacent territory to the Town of Owasso, Okla. ,
and increasing and extending the city li!r~its to include the annexed
territory, was read and voted upon:
The Southwest ~~uarter (SW%a) of the Northwest G~uarter (NGJ/4)
of the Northeast Quarter(NE/4) and the South One-Half (S~iz)
of the Northwest quarter (NtiV~/4) of the Northeast 6?uarter(NE%4)
all in section(30), Township Twenty-One North (21N), Range
Fourteen East (14E), Tulsa County, Okla.
Said Ordinance to No. ~. Motion was made by Flournoy to adopt said
Ordinance, seconded by Beane, and motion carried by Ayes 3, Nays 0.
Flournoy made motion that no more Additions be annexed to Town, until
sewer system has been revised to accommodate them. Seconded by Beane,
motion carried.
Floyd Flournoy made motion that fortes be made to show the exp-
enditures & financial status of Town to be presented to Council
at its first monthly meeting. Form to include income and expend-
itures. Motion seconded by Beane, motion carried.
Motion made by Fournoy to amend Ordinance #1, Title g, Chapter 4,
Section 51, of Revised Ordinances of 1957, to permit Pool Halls
and Billiard Rooms to pay $10.00 per year in lieu of $20.00 as
called for in same Ordinance. Attorney Charney requests entry in
minutes that he advised Council that Ordinance cannot be made
retroactive. Motion died for lack of a second.
Flournoy made motion to purchase spare electric motor for sewage
plant. Seconded by Beane, motion carried.
A suggestion was made to enlarge the present drying beds at Disposal
A Motion was made by Beane to mount a red light outside City Hall,
connected to telephone so that a call is registered by lamp.
Motion seconded by Flournoy, and carried.
P•4r. ':~~. Barbridge, representing met with
Council regarding a Radar system for Town of Owasso. Charney re-
ported that Chamber of Cor~imerce is in favor of purchasing sane
Radar unit. Barbridge asked a demonstration, stating that other
Towns have accepted a demonstration. Sarre Tovrns were Nowata,
Bartlesville, and Tulsa. Results from Nowata were requested prior
to any commitment as to a delr.o::.~tration.
Motion to adjourn made by Beane, seconded by Flournoy, and meeting
Pr of Board Town' Jerk