HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958.04.07_City Council Minutesn, - f<; ,~ri-1 7, l:. Council Bret in regular session at the '1'o••~n Clerk's Office at 7:C;~'J;=.i°i. Present: C. a'~. Sheldon r?res. of Board ;~ayr7e Beane 'rustee Glenn Combs 'i'r~.._~tee Floyd Flournoy Cr:rStee ~~_bsent : None Visitors: i)r. perry _E~vans, Jirr:y _~:o;,ro.~on, ~3ob ~ , ci~,o_ls, an« ~.. V . Crates. r~~inutes of the ~.ast re uiax~ n!eetirig re~x ana a_;~rovez as rea~7. Trea.surer'~ re~~ort: C-eneral Wand 212 7 . St. & ~',lley 1117.~?7 ~~ inki ng ?Fund 14502 . i5 ~_ ',pater Funs 3c__2.; :Teter Deposit ~~'uncl_ 3~1_:~.05 Se,~~er Fund 323.1 '~ he fo~io~~~ir~g clairi~s ~~;ere ;?x•erented: federal Reserve ~'~:{ank 123.70 State Contribution -~unu '--4,00 I'u_blic Service Co. 1.00 ~~ ~~ ~~ ^2 .> ,~ ~~ ~~ i o _, .~0 Federal Reserve =ia.nk v~.~0 ~~ n it i lu3.oo ,:Mate Contribution r and >7.U9 tale Contributi onr'und 3 ~ ,~'9 ". ?. Bell `~e1e:~!~one 14,55 J . ~ . Clifton 4.5'~ F. L. Bert~~~ell 10.00 :~~aul Boles 25.25 C~.;la. iat' 1 Gas 2 i+~ ''ublic Service Co, .Ua E . ;Moore 0i , 21 (`kl.a. ~'?a_t'L Gas ; ,~~a '!_rnerican Exchange Bank ceC .Gy 0?rrasso ?,~.z.,rber ~;)o. 30.00 Liggett ~ ord y.1.1_ )i_nc1-.ir <<ef in;i :" 12.1'~- F. .,. Bradley 11~.~0J_ . E. rielsey 45.00 G::;asso Lbr . Co . X6.20 ~~ose,~hine DoL~~ney 3.0 J. ,;~~;. :=~~l~:u~~ 155.~n Joseor,ine Doi^rney 94.57 kichard Ernissee 37.50 Emmett >tormes S.OG Kennelii -enefee 5.00 ~; ~ r ~ r) ~ C)onneil 5 .00 - James ~`:'illiaris .00 RR V ;, ,,ril ~, i;'jCi, Cor,'t. 1'' George r array ~~ ~~.0 rred ~o:,~s 30,70 ~~."eldon S.eldon o5 .00 Dr. Ferry Lvar_s revorted on ~~rogress ofr~ar~k committee. ue ` reformed L3oard that committee had enlisted the aid of Tulsa Park 1=oard executive Zeigler, ^;ho ha_s ~romise:_ to aid if he shall be given a. topo :nap of mask site . ~~iscussion on t:~erits of tractor taken out for trial . r'lournot~ !~~tants ti!r.e to look over said machine and did not sii~n claim. C,c!nbs also, did not si:~n claim. t~~, V'. Cates registered a co!;°.plaint that ~:ater gushes out r~la~^.?~iole _.,~c? filly, hi_s ,yard. H. C. Bradley inforrr•ed :~oard that leair ::rill be ]_ocated ~.nd repair :d. "enera.l drainage probler!s continued. `~hea_cton sugests better c7_earance for '.~;ater after it cr. os>es high~alay 75. ~F'lournoy advises bottlenec~ ~_t ~'~kelly .station be corrected. ~~iotion made by Combs to in.stal_1 se.^:~er b~:y, ~~'.°:. Seconded b,y r lourn.o~y, motion ~~ carried. ~~ompiaint r_'er,istered by I~':illenzer to re;t:ove trash on iQ. issov.ri ~~t. r""'lo?lrnoy has offer to remove same and agrees to attend to tlae !natter. 'fob ''-icl,ols asks zonin~~ of Lots 8 and ~ in Bloch 1, of 1''ichols i-ei~ht ~ !.Ad'n. for bu=mess. Flo~..arr_oy a_greet . ;,or^bs a_~^rees "~i t'n, reservati :~r_s as to class cf business. Beane agrees ~_n same manner. t~heidor~ proposes zoning, for b'ar in~~s sUb:leCt t0 ap'?rOVa~_ a:? t0 C ~ `.'.ES Of :'~7,91r~P,SB by ('i tj' ('OtinC-i.l. ~~"1.,r'7n•v' aF"f ~ E~ to ^heck anc? r~resent to Eoa.rd, classifications a:~ ued '.n ~~~.lsa ~ nc! ~;atter vra.s ta.bl ed , ''amcs ~ek~, r~, chols 7 or the an~ol,:nt oared hir^: ~ ~Ti r~ol ~.; by the To~.nrn of 0:^~~-_sso . i~~ichols si.,bmits same to t_~e amo~znt of ": 17.~88.~a3. ^lso. ~iicnols ub!;~_i.ts r~otostst of certification by '',edera: l ousin~ ?utherity of all streets, sa.ni.t-°x~T a.n~ storm se!^rers, a.nd crater lines 7_ocated in 'dic',ols' ?lei,~~hts. Beane brings ur. question of leaky valve in T~ichols Heil-hts. I~iatte.r discussed and tabled, Dr. 'vans presents pro=mess of Parr. ?'ia~t_in,:, a.,-~~°reed Ra~~ola Citti Para;_. '!eig er of T'alsa. has been contacted. a.nd ha.s agreed to aid ~,M1~i tr_ develop rent of same . '` ading~ pool ~a;as vetoed by %ei ~ _i er `C'o ~o r ~,_~ ,= ill be neede:i after <~rad ~ rte. Cost of such map estimated t~.~ be in vicinity oP '!~ 50.00. `"-~ei~ler sug~•ests pond be taken out. There is avai7_able 775.x;0 in Cha^ber of Co~r~n.erce f'ur~d for an.y part of Park devel.o~n:ert. ";Ot10i1 rn a.de b,y F]._OUrn 0,~ t0 '3_CCF. ~t ~'er1'V ~':VanS re ^'~':'. Y?"ie lid at7.On t0 Change ria;,~,e of 'ark to Rayola Nark. ~~econde_i b "~~ne, riotior_ carried. .'!;.yes-a1.7 l•1.~1~~-nor!e,( ;::el _on. oroaoses d_ra~ t i n~..~r~7~.^ :.~.ce: ta~i~^ _i_n lard co ,~ri~.in ;'ark ..~ to . Charney ~~~rees to draft sane. z>'neldon proposes locating tr~is'r~ barrel.l ne;~r 1:'ost Office, and t:at all City barrels be prepared acid e,;.;tied by Fields . ?~' , _ ~::ith revue,:>ts that Batt'ield be ap;~oir.ted asr.~is per!iianent cons'~~~.,le . Co~r.bs riiakes .notion to re:uest ~! o:.~e~~hiilF Do ~ rey to.,rite letter to -3o~~.rd of County Co-nn~ission.ers in care of r rar.'r 0' ~<rien . ~ ccn ted by Flourno~i , i:otiorl c~~rried . ''pril '7, 195u, Cont. a~ .; Attorney Charney pre.~ented ~~rooosition made by ',`:~ayne ti;%iahan tYiat Toy.;n of ~~ Owasso accept a contract ~n~rith ;~harian, whereby Chahan is to repay 'I'o~~;n ~ d r30._L3 plus all leg~.l cots incurrec? by ~.I'o~Arn in t~~eir cour.~so of action a~_;ainst hirn plus punitive darr:ages. 'unitive dama~:;es to be et at 1000.60, Flournoy makes r?:otion that `i'o~.Frn settle on .~ figure of 11,560.:-0 in total E. ~, u.~on advice fror_n -ttorne~r Cr~.arney ti:~at a.ccua.lly t~~e 1o~;;n rias no le„al rec~~urse in t>.e:natter. ~~ec::n_ded bar 'tombs, r:~.otion carried by tYe fo~.io~,~in~ vote: ''.,yes : a 1~_ - =DTs • ~,"one . . ,9. COmiQ1~,1.Ylt ':`!caS regiti:terea }_l~' ''~OrOtPy ~=,r1~~~.01 :erO~i1 COlZ1nSV11~2 L:'_ctl: f.:~iE ';'?~1~; stopped b~>~ an Otrtasso officer, <~.nd that said officer ha.d been drinking. ;~'~_e refu=ed payment of fine, -olead~ n;~~ not e~uilt~; ~ ~'~e co~,l~lairt letter dated Ierc~~ 2z, 1 5~., ~^.~as ~~resented r,.r C-~r}:er (~u'.~e) to Council. ~ua~•e C«r ter pro. ose+= to bri nm i~'iicti "ri,r.:son into Co~~rt =ttu.rda~r. '~'.oti on to ad.,iourn made b,- Come. s . :>~ con,=d 1~~ .'l;Z.,.rno~ zr:,3 ,,eot; n ° rid ;o~;reed . ,r^-red . z " ~_~7~~~ ,~ r° ~ . o ~ ~oa_rd ~"o ~n :_erk