HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958.04.21_City Council Minutes Counci7_ ~r~et in regular t>esr~i.~n at t.zF 'o :ri ~ i .;_:~' ; :'lice :~i, ~: ;C; F'. .. ?r~ sent: ~ . _, . c~Iie-dor. ~'res . of Board Floyd Flournoy i'ru: tee ;'a~,Tne ~e~..ne '~'rustee ?.bsent: i?1_enn Co!ribs Visitors: Jim %athco~.t, ,,~~~:__ P,ay ,,~..:i1ey i:inutes of the cast regul~~r raeF~tin': ~~•ea ~ t~,i:; ~,.~ro~., ). ~~.s re:~c~. '~'re~~.surer's re,)ort: eneral fund t . ~ ~' liey T~'u:z7 Sinking=.~ Fund 'aa.ter Fund. i~el;er De oo_,it 'und `e~^.~er Fund Folloing claims ~aresented: ,~ 1oc~~:.~ .1~, G~~ ,8,5 7_'Y'~OG.. !7 ~~-3.85 34~5.~~r; -;~`~ .50 Ray Bailey ;> 120.00 Tula ;;atei Dept. !+3a.1c 0~~.^asso Lumber :,o . 30 .00 Okla . .vat' 1. Gas ~~ . ^3 ' ~'.merican Exchange Ban'-; ~::.2G Okla. Nat' 1 ~Fas 1 . i2 Harold Charney ~G.00 Bill Haro~.d , .v:; Ric:r.ard ~'rni_ssee 3`i , _ Josepr.ine Downey g4 . ~'7 J . ''.ilstzp 17 .8~~ Nat'l Disinfectant i~?7. TV8_t' i '~1S1rifE'Ctarit .L-`C . ~) .:. R. Latti^ore 114.61 Liggett Ford Co. 4.34- , -~ Pau Lv-rge L~~ .OJ H. C. Bradley i1~.:.~1 Dole Caster 30,00 Barry :~orle~.r !=:_ra~e - .00 Coo~~~ei ~)uppl., vo . 112 . ~6 Skelly '_~il i7o . 44 . ;?3 Shib7_ey it;'ngizieerin~r Co. ~26.~=>? pa.u1 Roles 1~~::. C) _fete: ~~e,^, ..:_«ri-f2rs 2~~.vO to ,.`;;er land. Jim Hathcoat contacted Council_ ~~,o s:_orr insecticide s gray rlade by Ns.tional !)isinf.'ecia.~t ~o. ~!'he com»a.ny furni-:T~es the riiac~iine to >>rati~ free if sor.~,.~r cr.er,ical is nurch-r_a;_a. Lrotn them. T~~achine is to ~.e n:~in- r - i t~:~i. ned b}r '~'owrn of O'rasso . - - "!Ot10n ?"P.'''".e ~, '°"_;`1e ±'~ :1UrCTlase cry ~(~~.. d.rla~ OI ~~ "'P,d-I?aC1''e~~ `:eCO 'C~.ed b r ?~'.lo~_?rno~r. :~':'otion carried b~ : "_yes-~, T1avs: none. r n~•~r~_1 21, 1958, Cor.'t. ?~"oti_on made by F7_o~arno-- to te-;tr ~?o:~~n b~_~ _! rtin in re~:.r of ~~~ater. ~,,,~, 'o,aGe, ,;e,,ord~» bsT '?F~.r~e 'ctio°~ ..~r-rigid b~' foLlo,r-n~~ vo+e. zl en:i ~.:r?Y.':bS .;,='kS +i,.at 1t be i']r~.ttP,.^. ~..2~tC' t'~r '"~iilUteS trl.at r?U 1S nOt in favor oE' ~urc'hasir~~ tractor ar:d b.~_ck'°;~,e T:n~.t Cit. received fror,, ,~~_tr1-i n `'ales ~' o . '•'iOt10n made by RcB.ne 1;0 arineX '~?.VO~ ? 'ark _~'_tE' t0 ".'O''n Of ni;'~JSSO. Olc1.a. `?.ecanded by FI_ourrio~; , ~:~otion carried b~,r follo~,vin>r vote:: 'Ares: 3, '~T<av5: '~ Board de~~i`rnates ail lots in alecks .- :~ndr1 in Fairvie~,v Cemetery, to be soldfor ~>ir.~~;le grave s~aaces . :'r.erril_1 and ~~herrill <:xsks 'or• Geri; .f ication stati n~ ti~ere are no S ,P.C1al aSSeSSi~lE ntS 1,~ '_`~1Ci'01.s liel"iits .~_dd1t10n. LiOard a,reeS ~ ~ ,<"tf~_e , in r~=~ra.rd to the ~T3:~.;_:;i se :er assessrne~~t on each lot. i`Ot10n Lade by L~lOUrnUV ~ll~.it .,U i. ~ v aYid 9 1n ~1CnOlS N!'__;il{;S '~, _J1t10Xi ., - ~ Block 1, be ZOned fUr COm:riErC18J_ JU_Y'~~USP,S. a X1;7_ ~Ur~O~P,S TiOt t0 1_1C11t::E' o.n~' nOX1Ui.~S Or Offe'P_~~>1Ve trade Or` b1,1S1neSS. "~E'tE'r'?ilnat'_~-n OI ii.UYiUUS Or OfIP,nS1Ve ~.x'ade' tU ;;e .'"i~' '.' ;~'~t~" (;OU",Cif ;)tiOn "FCi`n~ ~ f)v jiF?-_::nC, nd carr red oy ';re io ~ n~-r~n~ vo,,~: ,. ~ r,- ~; ,. ,. ~'ttOrne,y Chernny 1S OrdF r+' A t0 d.r.a:"/ tl , COntr Ct ',:~1t:'. ,'O~tiEr ~; ._ • ~~v''.~. ^,101` reT.~rding pa~rment of ~~' Ater lines in ;'aicnol.s i~eimhts ^_ddi tior.. Council. ~:,~~)s ~~ dvised t'r.at the ne:~.: ~ae~.? Clinic Bui i i.inr or, Kansas .',t . ~•~~ill not sev.~er from lateral_ in R_! nok l~%, but ~tJill have to sewer ~fro_n Bloc_~ 23. ?~i.~ cussion r;as heron by sill ,11 _u,~ rezi~~c:~i n~ ~;rou.nd to ~e a<.ed for ~~all ?ark. Said ground adjoini n~ 'payola nark. Be stater th~.t by chan~T•in` the dra.ina.G:e ditch, dirt .gill be available fcr proper l~veiin~ of field., Board recuests Cnarney to contact ~~~r. r:~i_th about drain~.~e cna.i~;~;es. i~~otior. made by Flournoy to ad. journ, seconded by _3eane, and rieeting a.d;ourned . 1p ~~ro~„ved_ / ~ I ~: „ ~ ~ f '?rF;.. of B Ord `~~'' ~__ o.°~n '., erk n 1 _: - ~