HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958.06.02_City Council Minutes( _
CourLcil met in regular sessio~~ ,.t To~,rrn Clerk's ofl'i_ce at 7:~~0 _',~~1.
'resent: .,. :'?_. ;'r_eldon ;'res. of Board
h';av~:e ~~eane 'Trustee
Glenn Combs Tru:-tee
Floyd Flournoy Trustee
Absent: "gone
_'UTinutes of the last reg.=tar meeting read and. a1o~~roved a.~ read.
Treasurer's report:
General Fund :~ 226.,3
Sinking F~~znd 111%'! .60
St. & Alley ~32~.46
Sewer Fund 154,33
','dater Fund 4208.38
i~~eter Deposit Fund 35;'S,C5
''ark Fund 97'0.5%
Cemetery ?ot ~+'UriCA ~__~.5~
The follo~.ving claims presented:
Vaughn Chemical Co. 34.50
Owasso Lbr. Co. 30.00
Otirasso Lbr. Co, o50.OC%
R, fi. Robertson ~y.5
?ici:ard Ernissee ~ ~ .50
Chas, ;~. Dunn 36.15
H. C . Bradley- 11~? .61
~~. Lattir.~ore 11's , l
-~;_,~l 301es 16 ,50
~'_merican t.~chang:e rank ~.>
o~ .29
211yn's ServicE Spa. 4,2g
J. W. Davis 10.00
i~. it. riuinp_irey r
James ~ F"-ournoy 25.00
D . C . _Iarlow ~ .00
,~ . :i. Allsup 155.86
Glenn I-_arvey 1x.00
., , A. ^ ueen 25 .00
',extern _,uto i ,g5
Ehrle's ~=art;;r Su~~ply 1`x.'73
i?ublic Service Co . r, , 2u
James ~, . Crurr,~ton 10.00
John 0' Jell ~; .00
S.. .C. °~. 0.00
i~ub1_ic :service Co . iL, .44
n ~r n ~, ,
Scott-:?ice Co . .26
:Ray Bailey 45.00
ri. Dorsey Dougl~.s 2.55
~~ . E . P-~oore c.i .00
Skelly Oil Co . it , t)2
J.O.Clifton , ,OC:
Jo~eamine Do~•<<ney ;4,67
?Tpon motion duly made and seconed, rnotior_ carried and claims .~rere y~~aid.
~~,,".r. 'cherrill .net .4?itt: Board and introduced sir. 3oethin, Engineer on
r n t .
'~une ~. 1'~~0, ~•on'
~herrwood 'T'errace ~ a subdivision being ~.~larned by ;~Ylerrill. '_~o_~o _r.a_;
`;r,T?.E submitted Of ~alne and dlscusslon ':'T~.~: ?:eld :J~'? "~rO~~OY' C:f'a11'lar~e tO
co-ordinate ~,^Tit~~ other faci=Li_tie.~. ~he.rril agrees to install adecuate
fire hydrants to ~ro~~erly protect all y~ror,erties. 1~'ive r~ydrants to be
con~;idered for Addition.
"" e}
The contract of nvrchase of the vTater lines in ~Ticr;ols ~{eiThts "~i'i.tion
from ~?obert ?~', ?ichols for the sung of 1]_,%51.30 ;~ayab]_e iro-~~~ ogle tr~ird
of consumers ~ar_;ter receipts in said ^~.ddi.tion ~~:~'~.;er :~~ayner'' bar :Kob't ~.
''?ichols of the sum of ;;1350.00 for se_^rer irn:~rove?;°,r~r.t fee n~a been maid
by the `~'o~r!n retaining one half of the consumers ~~rrater recF~i~Jts u~~tii paid,
steal]. be deemed to be final.l,y a;~r_:roved ~a:~hen 2ob't F'. "_~ici~ois has subriitted
to the ~hoti~rn an ite?;~ized statement verif~:-irig t't-~e r_tctual cost of said _i-:fines
to be 15h58,a3.
i`rr. V. ;~. .Duncan asks that ditch be o:~ene r o:>'.~osite 0~+~a~~•o ;u,ber Co.
a.fford.ing better drainage to ~:is ;~ro;~erty. He~also .registered a cor:~~la~_nt
that sreedirg on Oklahoma :~t. at i.~ ~ro_;ert-r ~s er ~~~~p;ering life and
~ro'?erty. in.e]_'.On "OrO;?OSeS tO :zB~S Tatt~.!''OrE' t0 C_"!E'C'M t'_^_c. ii~ztt2r.
i Ot10n made Cj'T Deane t0 adjourn, ~=`COridP,CL Dv ~~.J_OUY'nO`J and 17ieetll'1(' a'~i~OUY't~E':1.
A. p.~raved:
~- /~./
"'res . of Board
To:4rn Jerk