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1958.06.16_City Council Minutes
June 15, 158 Counci:>_ met in regular session at T'o~n~n ';lerk's Office ~:t ?: jO .._. ~'~resent: ,. A. She~dor~ E'res. of Board .';ayne L;eane Trustee Floyd Flournoy `T'rustee i7lenn Combs `='rustee "~.bsent: -on.e •iinutes of the last regular meetin_; ro~.d and ap.;roved as read. 'T'reasurer's re:~ort: General rand p 3131 .lc'- ~t. 2- ~'_lley 1343,20 Sinking Fund 1135b.i"? .':ester 5'und 5074 , j3 _?eter i-e~~osit I'ur~d ?05,05 ..e~:~rer Fund 2_J.o ='ark Fund g30.>-'- Ce!?:eterv Lot i,un ~ ;c-? '0 . ~~ i:~e follo~.°~ing clai?rs presented-: Collinsville i~e~~°rs `'.~~0 1~mer. icar. Exchange Bank °~~ .29 Belt Leie ~~hone ~'o . i-> .~:~Ci Skelly i)il Co. 25.C? Scott-Rice Co. 4,20 Sinclair Refinery 11.05 T,uther ~~~cGill '- , <c ' _ ~y -•~ _,rnie _.. :~!cGill 1`.00 O~rfasso Lbr. ~.o. _l_'; .59 Josey~hinP L%ov:~ney ~~+.:~? J , ~.. ~ llsu.p 155 . ~'.6 `tT. C. T~rad:Le,r 119.0. Federal Reserve Bann 15'x'.45 State Contribution F'un:i ~ "~ 3 ; . 0 ~: ~~ ~~ 1~ .;.~F ~' Federal Reserve ~=~n-t 11~.,,c>;; i~iarguerite S:.e.-idon 5,00 Gravely , !'sk-':'o,ra 4.21 Coo,oer Sup_~1y Co, 2C;.5 =arold C'_~arney SJ.Ou Owasso Lurlber Co . 5`75 ,OJ l~,ounger Harr_~,rrare 1 ,10 Jas_es :tone 10.00 J1171. L. Jai?JSOn 5,C)O R. H. Robertson ?j.?1 R. S. Sandak,e 10.00 Do;Jle Carter 50.00 arses L. Callahan 1 .?? ':First Flat' 1 :Bank ~- 'Trust Co , ~~~? .41 _~~'. rioore ? .00 I), I~. ~r;i_tr~ers, Sta. 11.44 0~.=ra_sso Lu:ii'oer Co. 3:x,00 ~. Q ~, June 16, 1'~c, Con't. Uti]_ities .4cc't. De:~t. 42.35 Cooper Supply Co. u.o4 =~a~zl Boles 1r~ . ~) ?ic?~ar:t L'.rnissee ~:~.:0 -'edez~.a_ i~ese~•ve Bank ~~.0 State Contribution Fund X1.92 Lester Alcorn 700.00 Court Clerk, Tulsa County 22~.U0 ''~~~ . R. Lattii°.~ore ]_14.>1 iJpon :notion duly ruade , seconded aild carried, t:c above cl;i Ills v;ere alio~Je~~ . C. B. Sherrill submitted t~_e se~~Jer ;>lar_s for t'~~.e proposed Sherrwou~ Terrace. Czlenn "~mbs made ~,~.otion the+.t the thirt;r do:Llars co_~ lected for server irr.;rove- rtie;.;t be s~tU 1n ti C Ci~~ra~(' "CCOU.rit, ~tY1C~. t0 ~e s :lent for sE"TE2' e?:"i~lriul.On 01:.1'T . s~~otion seconded by E~eane, a.n,7. carried by 3 a;r es , nr-~ys, none . 'a.t Floyd F".ourncys reru.est, C. ".. ash: =1.~~.on instructed De Duty Clem; to turn over a note for ~p85.0o and the contract for se~~Jer assessment in favor cf' l.'rl° '~.'O~Vn of OtPJ'::'SO, from ~']_O~Td a_nd Iva `r'lournc~,".r.~i)i).traCt covered SE".".'er aSSeSSY.~1eT].t On IVa F1.OL'.rnOY rOY;le 1i1 IVad.el.!. before ^nnexatl0n t0 tt'.C Z'O:'in. Floyd and Iva F'lourr.oy a~°e herebvrele i_-red f'rcr': pay~^ent of same as cf minutes of (;'ourcil ~~Pet~ r,-. o;' ')ec . ~'~'-, to ~ , :l~_gCL?:3H1Q_"1 '.'?2,5 O "`~e'.1E~. Y.F c`1r.1,1 .~; '.~O~s'.b1.1.1t1e~ Of 10`^'n Of ~!".'!'.SSO ~ ';~2r1nE? ~_nto ~}1e ne',"J `fla.lsa d~.s '-0 ,__] ~ ant . C~'Y?1~' <aS~~G ±" «t .'11Sf' ~o';JrC~ C'] l i°r . i .~1nS?ZC . I~~-~n~> zr ~ nd Steele, ~o,, ,. , t ,,~ e :c,ine^r;7, •~~~o~~t r~.s ~ri~et~ n~-~ ,~;ith the Co~:~n.ci_1. for a ~iscussi~n_ of ,~a°~e. r ~f'1r. nom`,. O~ ±he .Try.^c ~. ! ~C~'':1Ca1ae ~. ~o.'^_F.3S ~._~T.','_"02.C~ti1.eCi t^_P. ~:nUnC1].. rC~3~c`.?°t~1_:',' r~ossible location. of ~.~ read.~T-prix concrF to slant -~.t C~'a~ sso . V•:~ri_c;us sites ':Here SU'?'~`eSted b`T mer;oer`;, drip `"~;;.~ Y102'ti7 Of !'i;".~',Ja~T ~;), =~.nd 'r:'e^t Of ra1.1rG`j.d tracks at :rest enn of To-:^Jn. Cembs ~rc.!o yes ,e '°~.~:c?zss .3ite ~,rittl ":r. ,'~~:^. ~~!otion to ~d.'~ourn ~'!ade by- Beare, sFcon~ed by Fiourncy and r.~eetin~, .in~iourne~i. "~:~oroved: ~~res, of Bo„cr.i e ___ 4 `~'o Cler. k ~~'