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1958.08.04_City Council Minutes
r V7 '- l j 5 ~. COU71C1.L iiiet J_n regular Sr.3S1.On r t iOl'n ~_iler~i'S ~'ff1Ce 3.t ~?:~%~) _ ,1'i. 'rC'.SeYlt: ~. ~ ~:te I_Cl.Ort rB ~. ~ ~O'rd Czle7~r. ~o•_ bs 'ruUtee ~U,..~t: Flo~.;d .,~ ourno~- ~_'r~zstee iinutes of t~~e last rc~_ular ,aee~:in~ r~ _d a ,~ ~~ero~;e - .-, ~,-:-~l. ~'re•::surer's .re port: ~nerai fund 2-t00.2~_ ~-'~r'~ fund r ~~ ,:~. '".e ~et~ry fun~~ ^~.1 ~f he I ol]_O?7i nG2' C1~.1YY" 'r'Jer<' ')Y'E? =G2it~"'(7 ,,1~7 ?3. .. i'~ ,'%!Y: ~ J ~ ~ ,-, incl~ir ~efin~in~ Co. 28.'- ',r~erican ?"'.Ych~~n~e i3a_i11~ c-~ ,?~ Colla nsvi_lle ve!ws 57. ~~") Scott-~Riee Co , ? ~ „'~? G'ield St~aior~ar,r moo, , ~ 5 '.iF~st~~'n . Ito ;tore O~re~a.~~=o Lumber Co. ,:0.00 ~'~zblic service vo . _ , 7 ~. C. ?r~a'le~~ i_1~~.51 JoseF~r~in.e Lo•~rrney -+.c>'; ~zicha.rd Err~issee 50.00 Ov~~?sso Lumber Co. ~ - , Tl"l.C~e.r~^dOOd l~Ori~Or._t? OY1 ~'c'. '3ia_1'~~ r~pco Service l0,vC ` ~ :- ~, . ,~J . ~:o~e , . CC ~at'1 ~)isinfectant Co. %21_.55 ,ub1.i_c Service Go. , .4 ~i1as, ti. Svatb~ 1C .00 D. L', Slithers >,51 ?-ub1_ic Service Co. 11,44 ~~P~~~oorar;~ po1_ice protection during vac~~tion of .R. r~attii~xcre, ~~~as left to Police Co:ri_nissioner Combs to ~~~et r,~~o~i i_e ~ule~ses to serve. ... ~?. T„1_tti~iore 1_ec~.Ves On v~iC~t1On O? i1:i_Y12 c~;t(~ O'e -!c~1_~' ~-~~?; be'1nTiing i'°iOi1'~ciV~ ~=iLi~'U;:t ~_1~ 1.`~~~J. ^_~z~u~.~t ~+, 158, Cont. :. r i',r. Chas. ~ii.~:~ons brour='t.t ;street .::~r',~~er ;i,,,:n ~a;__es. ;.;rice .,-a:: ,.. ~J fv,, one :darker covering both north-south a ~ ~: ~~ ~t-:c .;t ,:streets. :~~ ~r:> _re of rugged desi~:n. ~e~ular letteri.nr;, paint not b-z=.ed o_:. ;Material is of al??:i.n~?m cast. ,^;our.cil decided to stud~r tine :~.:otter. ~i~he Corip~:ny is the Creek Indian Foundry, J11 ~o. Katy, ~~uskogee, 01~ia. 1 gone, 1`:iu-~_4~4a. Notion J~~.s ~ilade 'oy Beane, seconded by Combs, to pay full cii:?e _~olice:.sin a s«1«ry of `p150.00 _;er °nonth, and `;;5.00 er day sub_~istance not to ey:ceed t~•,rentjr five days in any given _,onth. a~otion c=.cried 2-0. `;Ot,ilJS i?;=ode i;Ot10r1 t0 aG.~0Ur17, sEC011~Gd i~`; 3eGine rind iii8etln~; ;_id;',OUrned. ",naroved: aL2~y res.~of Board ~ % o~:~~n ~" ~ erk I