HomeMy WebLinkAbout1958.08.18_City Council Minutesr ~ ~' Co~~nc_1 inet _,'_~, rr., zl~r ~;ec~; ~n u, 'I~o-..~1 Cle, ~' 0.`_'f.ce ., _, ~~'-:=ent: r. 1ne~cion. '-reg. of f?oar~? ~t~J qtr r.e ~e -:.~,."e ~_i~r'.1 ~-~.- (. P ('-~_ern ;~`.:•ibs ~rUSi;ee ~~_~se~t: n1o?~F ~r; c1tC>rS' ''''r . ?`'• ?" r: >~_~ 1_ ,, 11`. :i (?Otr , ^,tl'^n'. ..- ? "~ ,_~ . -1 _ ~ ?_Ol, .. ~ Z-^ T:°'~.C?'?~ V~r~1On '!'~}%lor, ~n~ ;'.i~'~1e~ ~ Tl. ~). 1~,.nCra?1~ ~O~ '!T:(?GrfiOn. -t r..~ !`'~i7_n?,te~^ Of ~}SP, l_,'1.-t; _rc~r?','1.ar ~ 6C'eC1c~l "reet7_n~' re :d ::'" ~ ~.^,?~~"'OtiF d ~ 7 E .. , . `T'reasurer' :^re ~o.r. t !' ~ _,,,^ra1 fund 1?5~ . 25 ~. . :. i,rkine fund 11~:%r'~ '',~`uter fund 4~;'j1.~~3 n~'eter Derosit f,znd ~;4-5.0'~ e~:~er fund 114.> Cemetery fund 10 ~l . j2 :Park fund. ~` }~.'?' ~~'he follo~.i~inE~ clam. ~~;e.re ~.re~-ente~ ; :=~r.~~ sllol~red: Bell `~'ele;>hcr,e Co. 1.c~0 Bob Vaughan 10.00 Har. old Ch~zrr.ey 50.00 Josephine bar~nejr ~4.~? ~~. C, Br~.~11.ey 11.~.t~1 !~alt~h ~dobertson .51 ~ichard_ ?~:rnissee 50.00 '.,:r. ~~. T~L1t~tirYiOre ~. 1`~C7.U1 ~)o~,~le Carter 3!::x.00 Co1.1_insville c iectrical 1.3.0 ~..i:~.C.O G. ~c Jar;!es ';;`ebb 1.0.00 Li~~'ett ~~ord Co. ?%.52 J. B. I"~_C V 5. OU ., . E . Preys n ~ ~ .~o .:?.s.i r Ty-ne'lJrlter ~ o . ~~ 0.50 Owasso LLrr~ber Co . 51 .00 John ~~~cGill ~~ .l~_ :~, . ,' `Dore - .00 George. F'ree~le .00 0~~-~~en, Mansur ~< Steele sui~mitted inal_ `.':`ester lines esti1i~ate cn ~>t:'liti?vie~v ~ddi.tion. 'i'he total cost ',gas ',~1?,9~?.31 to the ;i_ty of Or~rasso and itemized. and inelucieia ! ' r, n: ir~eeri_--. fee. Lett;r ~:~aritterl ov ~ 0. Sur:rier. ~~ary 'vO;Ilbti. G_SxLS t'ti.%.t :Strciy i~OL~ '~~e ~1CYieC~ t7.Y~ ~a.~ 11er ~)i_~tCE'. Claude Clifton corr,;lains :bout ?reeds east of ~ hi s Mace . Hess coi.~ ;lamed to tiLe ovrner of said _~ro~e~t~,~, out ,eed :^_re .ti1_i t'rrerc:. TP,esne reyLleStS triat z:~ ?J2r ~.breE E'7Lt c,it i;~ GV1OL7. v:iLtliC~1_ 1:'iC'e tlfi"'~ ~.tlerY'111 lcaVP, One street O~)en tO tie ',ie t 1. Y1 r1S lerr~'JOOd `I~Crri;.Ce _.~iC11t1On. ~~.ugust l~, ~_~5r~, Cont. ~iarold Charney re~;uet~ts that so~:.etnin~; 'oe done .bout tale jo_ii~t incinerator at re<:-_r of ilis of.Ci ce . r fret are too lr~tr e and contair: obnoxious odor. fieane opens discussion ~_s to ahai_~..n c,ebt. To ,z.~.te _otrlir~~ ha~~ been _,aia. ';harney r;"greed tG Cc li I~'ir. rJf1~11:::n. ._:AttJt i. ;o~1;'l~ i .^.=1(~ii1F .~__ ,.zcr ~rv.,: ~~1c: ilE:~~ Sle1_don o:~er~ed c?iscuss~i_on rf~~_t~ :.i_n~, cc,.ool r~aar.: ~robleri~. Co:r_-,~ ~u~;e;t that it plight be possible to ~~ut _~o7_icer:l:n ::tna scrool uard. :~a.lctri6s ' or:ether ~.nd afford ~t~~o -' _ _ • - o1lce~i ~~~Y.. .,o__b~, ~_~CZ ~ lovrnoy ,~ro;~o.~e ~~, ,,_eciti ~,~~r1th Co.1r11ss1oner O'~r1erY to ~,ce if ~~~)~ailty coal_d __l~o 1Yi ~ i,~ ~;r~ _.attr ~:a~a.; tai_,led '>ena ~ -.~:• rc,.~ul.te o ~' .,o~.:',. n.~ c lourr~loti co:~~fc.r e_~ce ,;; , _, 'v''' ~1 _t:r:. heldon d ,.~., trlat COUnG._1 ~-. '.._ ~_C~i,_LOY1 O:. :'.citcir :a.E 1it ~ ';i_)l0 jr22 1.'ll:'iC,Qi~ '_~E'.i_V . ~.:@ .7:1 111tE" of i-,.r1P. ~a 't`5't lltli ;~'sP..C~.`il S~'`S:1on. cf i;h COU?'iC11 ul_d rlot COnt~1n 'tire naY11e of t"le r Sr _rOSO a1 .r:17 ~ c%.1 ~n ~1Ce .:~_.~ VC :.. L, ~ . '~~.i1P_ r~ -e voted :3i?,~ _.l,,;u, .~. -~,.~ :~e,_~ ~:ien.t ~. '_l_o~ree. ort~T Br~.~~ley __ a.vs..~e ? t'l.ar, there. ~s :n open. ..e ,~r ± ~ ' n ,- t ,ate .:c~~oul,:ouse . F_' o~arno;:' ::`i n?'?OSES t0 C''~.V1SejU'?t . r"nniltaS . ~~111 !~l1SUi GUeSt10nS tY?.° COUnC1.l'S c.Ct10i1 on :'.115 d1c°:i1Sz~al, St?_t1r1`' t.:+.t it eras unjust to d ismi.ss hi:n and stated that he .Jas dismissed durin~~ iii^ vacation. Bob Anderson as?~_,a reasons °:~~!hy A~llsup ~'raS dismissed. Attorney ':,harney exy~7_a.ined various re:,~oi~s '`:;ic}i ;;ere riot attestioned by Council. 'a~iOb ~Unde_La:L50 ~~~sked fOr reJ.SOnS an:7 •.~`ikE'd 1f tS1e 1'~lOjrC~. i~lOt:rr:.0}' ::iP_.1'JE'r contract fee ::~iicl~i eras sub.~equeYitly paaztly checked off tiie boo,.s, ~,aas re5.~onsible for his dis°nissal. It ~~:~as a.rg;ue~3 botY~ ~ -~- nci_ no cane iu~i on ~~^a,~ .reac_~ed.. ~i nee ~,"il -oroblens 'sere not conclu:ied, ;~,e1.7or: asz.cd trat .;:eetinJ be con':;inued on Tuesd~..y eveniTY~- ~,_t Cit;;r ?I~_11. "1u~~lz=,~ 1, la5c, ^.. continuance of trie ~u~;ust loth se.~Ui_on ~~~~~ Yield at '4o,~r-n C1e:r.'s Office. resent: Sheldon, Combs, r5ea_ne 'absent: rlournoy 1~ir. Lock~~~rood Grigo of tree iii~hhray departr:.erit i.et d:titli ti~.~e council reg~irdinrr the .`,1~,'r?t Of a'ay, _'ub17C 1it11.1t1e6 an'z nCrO Ci.liieYlt AL:reeiirent. He 1.Ylforr:ie~i~ the Council that -ie rn~st ~"lso have section 5 affirmed. T~iis sect=ion. referring to the To~:vn's res°~o?l i~;ility to remove '~a«ter , se'~,er, or utility lines eras not affirtited by t;he Council ~wi~en tr.e of i;.in«1 ~;-_~•ee~lent :a~a ?:re5ented t0 COiziiCl_L. 1~..S .IaS YriO'~Nn %iS ~rOJeCt ~r-521 ~~~ by tide Y1~h1.'<.:V I)e_at. ,h%~e S~,ecific lines ~~'~aniclY the ~~tate irrill require the Town of O~~JasUo to remove ~^aere not kno+rn. i•4otion made by Combs to affir::r the ~„reelrent in full us or is,~;ir~ally presented seconaed by i3ear~e, and carrie-.~ by 3-0. the follo~~'~ring; clair:~,-:~ ~~rere ~~re::entedund a1.lo~~~ed: Rot,T ~? . Davis l~J .00 Utilities -1cc't a~e~,t. 7~ij.t~0 !'aul Boles _~ .00