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1958.09.02_City Council Minutes
($ G~~uncil ~~et i r? re~:ular :session <- t %:.: -'.i .. ~_t :~n : r_ ,1_;::^k' :< <.;~ 'i ~;e . 'r -gent: C. ~he~_rion _~r~ _ . ~,f na._. d ~~.yr..e ~?e-wna _._. ~ ::tee ~, :',L:i. ~'ourilnti ~r.,''~r~e }~ PY1~1 ,i0'iii~K`S ~ ~'J_~.~l.ce ~~ _;=1.t0?"S: ~l. D. _JLZnCczn, ~.:. i t: iOn='..LU, ~1E, ~ , Ji7 fz'. .. ~ .", i.. . ~l;E) ?"'~., it_i~ ~ .~:.~t.~:e, ~. '.oi=i_o:a_y, -~zti _ .:1icr, '~. r~~:c.. r~•_~r~, ,t.-.. ~i ~ ., ?iCO~~t~r laES~-?per. c)cC:ti rru.:~E'r, i„ ~• ,c;,t"'.1ri..~ J:.°• ~V`'.:i`a~ v,.. iiiGY'r1 _~., i,l~! ~Oethln~ ._~ t._dY~~'1ri~"i,On, br(:~'11Gn .ior1P,Y~ .`1_~..L end :)~rut~~;jr l~~Ui). ..~_n1it2S of t'fle ~o.St re~'ui<zr 1;P.e~iii re=.., aii~ .J)rO~iela c'.~~ re~z~:.i. `~Y e~:sure.r's re ~~ort General Fund >t . 8- Al:iey i~inking r and ;ester _!'t,_nd -eter ~~e~osit 5e,.;er ;~'u.na ;'e.~ieter,ye Fund _'3.i'_~ .'~un;~. c ~, 1_ ~v.c'S ~'`'~•i3 4 ;: . iJ c; ~~_ ~:h), "_'he ~0"10~~-~ein~ clair,:s ;;ere orE::~ei.ted ~ :a ~~llo,ec~: John C . ~Yli"tee .2.5 .. ~;; . ihoiapson 1C~ .00 0~.^ra;~o ~~u.rber Co . 30 .00 r':~a;;Tne ~:oberts 1, ,<.~0 D-:<: ~ ~anr. ~„ Oil Co . 1~=~5 .1~ ~~ . ... 'lls ,n ~..~~5.~> r~.,i~eri~an H7x~'~~t:n~.e ~a~~ir: ?~ ... ~. I,a.t ti_ore 3i.cl ~~a_rguerite c;i~el~~on :~. Jenson Tractor :10. 1.'~ ,b5 -ublic ~ervi ce .;o . , .5 4, t'lAb:~_1C NcrV1C2 CO. Z'--~._~~ ~. it. Site-don l ':,t~ J. 'd'i. ~.l'su,~ l~,co :herri 11 _, ~;nerrill 1~+, CO / John ~-:c,'';_11 ,_4 ,, `i:?ic'r:~:rd Lrni ;see ~J.JO vCOTJC'Y ~ll,t~;i l~0 . 1 .1i _ ; e~vrc<>_n~ ~_].E) -:xa~.atl :,v~;G. ~ 1Y1-,0.1 r~_gor~~ E;Ci t<< ~t _. ~~ ~ F.!~ .i; '-_.,,'L z~ - _ ;~;aahan ~~-1as _n ai;ount of ;1C~,,O.vO _:~uriitive c,an~a~es i_~. audition l,o t.e ,.~: .,.:nt of the e nbo:ziec~eiit ;~,r rec~,r~e,A else ~.erc- l;c ,ort u'.~~:1U bruu'ht iii bar ^~ ttnrnev -- -- =°„P', . ~'^`;rn@Y rf'COr1'.nd t~: ~t ~Cr!iC 3Ct10n n~.;'=. bC'C. _~'_C' t0"~Y"7 :'7_T,~ ~,r:' .,~r_Vt.i.l. Of tY1P !~1t-/ ~ f rr1~1S:9 for 111C ~-Ll 7_P" n,.3SS0 i r; ,,:e_r ;LLr'„rlti_ iP _ _ ~ "'P 't- )0,..~.. ~~_L ant . Trf3}l',~~„~'Y'f ^;?rJ ~;. CO`t:') .~1i1t tii%~t E'd.rD': 1..~; D!'1 C:!_'. Qir' i_Yt c, _r~c117;::~E' c:t Loizi_san<~ ~~n~' ~ n<~ron -~'tr. E:ets , - - _. , ilr, Vans E'}'_ )37_ne;3. b1~_~ of ~;1c~~ ':" ' ~=?"''.~..._ .,_ r ~ r... i.:)`- ..''~"' ?~_; _ i 1 Or °rrV-'''J-r.' A:,~~ t ~, _ ~ - `_;..`:~.~'. 7Y'r'~_F;;, t, :,'?,:~ij ,.., ~'. i~.L~°, F;, t~Jt~-zl. O:i 5i_~/.~; v."~liJci!~ rPfUB~?l.e.'-- cE+rti~: ie ~? check. }~P ane st-:~ted that tie t~~ou~;r..t t__ t ,'i c' c~' s >r o ii- rP '-~ ' 7_r o;ie ar. o.en valve , and reset one ur3ic~? r~~ .: ~,:ot ,=la.;e-3 at orc~~er Ioc~~tion, befcrP `l'o!!rn of r '% ~"C:n pP '1.Y? )~`, v ~;°,E'T1t np `I~.Cf;O ~ = iiel€?'i7tS ° ry'77-t10?7 _'P. t;t . ;Yl~tri"ieV rr ->;0 ~t" - - to contact ~':>-enois oY? ;~,.'.~ ect o? ~et~ ~-~ ~~~attei• of rr~~ 'o~l:~ir ~ L_~_t~r <~_~i~% re~a.ir . ~cotty Gl'zs~o~~! requests Citi- to vvrc..~~f~ l . '~:) :feet of ~,~~~ inch ire i!ot>e t0 E-,0 .']_tl'1 t1° f7_re i,rUC': rE~CE': 1; y)l7Y'C~~~. ,~ '^., ~ 1rF.: JE"?t. :~~.=0C1~:t1G[1. FOP --=~1 o -n~:ortred council ti~r,t a ur~s.~ ~•.:w,~ter i~ r.ee;:iea to adapt ~>:.,:_; to ~t11. i1jrC'1r'ntS =>_i'1 tOvdn, ~`].1Ct1 art prTCeS CiUOtE':~ Jii s?v:~e ..ere .~1.uj ;ier fGOt for !-Dacron hose. ;1.~3 .per foot for cotton :lose. ~or::bs ~r.a:ze _iioti.on ;o pUrCar`iSe O!~~ feet Of .?.O_~8 fOY' '7.rG d:SOClcitl0n. L'l_p~J.r?10i" ScC,Oii,7cU ;iiOtlozi. i~7_~tter '•~az tabled until furt~ier dig cussion. y -4 ~olin ..111_er .;:ctinr a~~ spckr ...~,1 ~o_ ;rOU~ of ~;ort.___~:~e re~Ld~._its, ,..:k" '~~o.',r drainage is to be ::andled f~,r .~i ~ ~~~~dition in r:::~ard to the near S.~err•i:Lt `, .ditior~. Sherrill stated t_::.t ~.o ._.oz . ~te~ _,u_d `r.ove iYT that irectio!1 t~ ~ ~~ o ' "tJ_ii oel Ore . ~_..err11 !_ i ~.G' :.l cl _~ _"eF'i" t'_` i Y "Jr': "t::~ ~r~Ul~ c.i..a ?:z i7~~','reY' ? _ lC` ,~,. ~ bons . !~~n~ sneer - - -- .~ti ~ ~"iGet _~':? i1S0 COiltet:.«C ~:;1`.t d~ L _e ~~~5'O..ire;!1 •.~u~U ~~t be ~~~orsened. ~~;.r. ;`.11.i_er coYtE='.._e_i r,h .t ;~nzc~i :core .: )L_:r~ .; ._.11 ~;e . 1~„t~_~r~ u. .. tiielr C11reCL10n. _~1e ~;OLi11C~1 - F':,t _ ~~i'_t~ t__. ~J_.) ~~CUrE G=~e ~:idV~Ci; Cr0)_i :r_ri 'aZ'if~1a JE;%~ '-"11~°!-?r. _L2 ! „~tC t _ t~:G '_B(Y. ~^e _ouncil voted _.~.!.~:.~ ~~,,-° -., t:~ r~. ~e _: _.-__ __L~a ~, '",o~:_N.~ ,~_. ~ ~;rc7_on to ;~~rc._U.,e ~ r.~~tor~,i~. :ay ~ ;, ~ ,~ ~' ., . ~o Lice a._trcl cezr. t' 1: arro- ~ c c~, t! _ ; pion. -.~ r~LC ..aa, „~t~et.. 1 L .I. ~, , '_LCCft1-''_"1, 12~,~ su ,r,; eri ~ _ '''~' - P~.. ~1~ rC._ _On - - - ~n : . ,~ r~07!1JS ~7~ti!E; -: ;n';1C?,_ -0 Cis-re -.7.C. ? ',<' `.~t ,-- ~ 9r: ~~,r ~r_,r ~ .. ~ . . . ',n '~UY'Y1 ;:.~!:; ~'.' E _. .,,F, t-r'C n .. .. ~ .!_.?7rYi..„ , lt!;i. "~~ _ -- .1~~on ..;, r ~~~_ 'urn , ~.~rovec'.;